blob: 5c5fe6c8ebc7af8f6041f0a8d102e5f657f8abb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.transformer.aggregate_transform;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import '../asset/asset.dart';
import '../asset/asset_id.dart';
import '../asset/asset_set.dart';
import '../errors.dart';
import '../graph/transform_node.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'base_transform.dart';
/// A transform for [AggregateTransformer]s that provides access to all of their
/// primary inputs.
class AggregateTransform extends BaseTransform {
final TransformNode _node;
/// The set of outputs emitted by the transformer.
final _outputs = new AssetSet();
/// The transform key.
/// This is the key returned by [AggregateTransformer.classifyPrimary] for all
/// the assets in this transform.
String get key => _node.key;
/// The package in which this transform is running.
String get package => _node.phase.cascade.package;
/// The stream of primary inputs that will be processed by this transform.
/// This is exposed as a stream so that the transformer can start working
/// before all its inputs are available. The stream is closed not just when
/// all inputs are provided, but when barback is confident no more inputs will
/// be forthcoming.
/// A transformer may complete its `apply` method before this stream is
/// closed. For example, it may know that each key will only have two inputs
/// associated with it, and so use `transform.primaryInputs.take(2)` to access
/// only those inputs.
Stream<Asset> get primaryInputs =>;
final _inputController = new StreamController<Asset>();
/// The set of all primary inputs that have been emitted by [primaryInputs].
/// This is populated by the transform's controller so that
/// [AggregateTransformController.addedId] synchronously returns the correct
/// result after [AggregateTransformController.addInput] is called.
final _emittedPrimaryInputs = new AssetSet();
AggregateTransform._(TransformNode node)
: _node = node,
/// Gets the asset for an input [id].
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) {
if (_emittedPrimaryInputs.containsId(id)) {
return new Future.sync(() => _emittedPrimaryInputs[id]);
} else {
return _node.getInput(id);
/// A convenience method to the contents of the input with [id] as a string.
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] followed by [Asset.readAsString].
/// If the asset was created from a [String] the original string is always
/// returned and [encoding] is ignored. Otherwise, the binary data of the
/// asset is decoded using [encoding], which defaults to [UTF8].
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<String> readInputAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding}) {
if (encoding == null) encoding = UTF8;
return getInput(id).then<Future<String>>(
(input) => input.readAsString(encoding: encoding));
/// A convenience method to the contents of the input with [id].
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] followed by [].
/// If the asset was created from a [String], this returns its UTF-8 encoding.
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Stream<List<int>> readInput(AssetId id) =>
futureStream(getInput(id).then((input) =>;
/// A convenience method to return whether or not an asset exists.
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] and catching an
/// [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<bool> hasInput(AssetId id) {
return DelegatingFuture
.typed(getInput(id).then((_) => true).catchError((error) {
if (error is AssetNotFoundException && == id) return false;
throw error;
/// Stores [output] as an output created by this transformation.
/// A transformation can output as many assets as it wants.
void addOutput(Asset output) {
// TODO(rnystrom): This should immediately throw if an output with that ID
// has already been created by this transformer.
void consumePrimary(AssetId id) {
if (!_emittedPrimaryInputs.containsId(id)) {
throw new StateError(
"$id can't be consumed because it's not a primary input.");
/// The controller for [AggregateTransform].
class AggregateTransformController extends BaseTransformController {
final AggregateTransform transform;
/// The set of assets that the transformer has emitted.
AssetSet get outputs => transform._outputs;
bool get isDone => transform._inputController.isClosed;
AggregateTransformController(TransformNode node)
: transform = new AggregateTransform._(node);
/// Adds a primary input asset to the [AggregateTransform.primaryInputs]
/// stream.
void addInput(Asset input) {
/// Returns whether an input with the given [id] was added via [addInput].
bool addedId(AssetId id) => transform._emittedPrimaryInputs.containsId(id);
void done() {