blob: 1a742bc677ae493e011536d39435e93caf5c53a6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../out/protos/foo.pb.dart';
import '../out/protos/map_field.pb.dart' as map;
Future<T> sendReceive<T>(T object) async {
final rp = ReceivePort();
return (await rp.first) as T;
Future main() async {
test('Normal proto can be transferred via ports', () async {
final object = Outer()
..inner = (Inner()..value = 'pip')
..inners.add(Inner()..value = 'pop');
final clone = await sendReceive(object);
// Ensure the clone is actually containing the same data.
expect(clone, equals(object));
expect(clone.toString(), equals(object.toString()));
expect(clone.toDebugString(), equals(object.toDebugString()));
expect(clone.writeToBuffer(), equals(object.writeToBuffer()));
// Ensure the actual objects got transitively cloned, but the metadata in
// the `_info_` did not get cloned.
expect(!identical(object, clone), true);
expect(!identical(object.inner, clone.inner), true);
expect(identical(object.info_, clone.info_), true);
}, onPlatform: {'js': Skip('dart:isolate only works on Dart VM')});
test('Map-using proto can be transferred via ports', () async {
final object = map.TestMap()
..int32ToMessageField[42] = (map.TestMap_MessageValue()
..value = 1
..secondValue = 2);
final clone = await sendReceive(object);
// Ensure the clone is actually containing the same data.
expect(clone, equals(object));
expect(clone.toString(), equals(object.toString()));
expect(clone.toDebugString(), equals(object.toDebugString()));
expect(clone.writeToBuffer(), equals(object.writeToBuffer()));
// Ensure the actual objects got transitively cloned, but the metadata in
// the `_info_` did not get cloned.
expect(!identical(object, clone), true);
expect(identical(object.info_, clone.info_), true);
}, onPlatform: {'js': Skip('dart:isolate only works on Dart VM')});