blob: 9d9deb3d0a5c408ed8d0f1358f4d363cdb4f40a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protobuf;
/// An object representing a protobuf message field.
class FieldInfo<T> {
FrozenPbList<T>? _emptyList;
/// Name of this field as the `json_name` reported by protoc.
/// This will typically be in camel case.
final String name;
/// The name of this field as written in the proto-definition.
/// This will typically consist of words separated with underscores.
final String protoName;
final int tagNumber;
final int? index; // index of the field's value. Null for extensions.
final int type;
// Constructs the default value of a field.
// (Only used for repeated fields where check is null.)
final MakeDefaultFunc? makeDefault;
// Creates an empty message or group when decoding a message.
// Not used for other types.
// see GeneratedMessage._getEmptyMessage
final CreateBuilderFunc? subBuilder;
// List of all enum enumValues.
// (Not used for other types.)
final List<ProtobufEnum>? enumValues;
// Default enum value, if type is a PbList<ProtobufEnum> or a
// PbMap<[anything], ProtobufEnum>.
final ProtobufEnum? defaultEnumValue;
// Looks up the enum value given its integer code.
// (Not used for other types.)
// see GeneratedMessage._getValueOfFunc
final ValueOfFunc? valueOf;
// Verifies an item being added to a repeated field
// (Not used for non-repeated fields.)
final CheckFunc<T>? check;
FieldInfo(, this.tagNumber, this.index, this.type,
{dynamic defaultOrMaker,
String? protoName})
: makeDefault = findMakeDefault(type, defaultOrMaker),
check = null,
protoName = protoName ?? _unCamelCase(name),
assert(type != 0),
assert(!_isGroupOrMessage(type) ||
subBuilder != null ||
assert(!_isEnum(type) || valueOf != null);
// Represents a field that has been removed by a program transformation.
: name = '<removed field>',
protoName = '<removed field>',
tagNumber = 0,
type = 0,
makeDefault = null,
valueOf = null,
check = null,
enumValues = null,
defaultEnumValue = null,
subBuilder = null;
FieldInfo.repeated(, this.tagNumber, this.index, this.type,
this.check, this.subBuilder,
{this.valueOf, this.enumValues, this.defaultEnumValue, String? protoName})
: makeDefault = (() => PbList<T>(check: check!)),
protoName = protoName ?? _unCamelCase(name) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(name, 'name');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(tagNumber, 'tagNumber');
assert(check != null);
assert(!_isEnum(type) || valueOf != null);
static MakeDefaultFunc? findMakeDefault(int type, dynamic defaultOrMaker) {
if (defaultOrMaker == null) return PbFieldType._defaultForType(type);
if (defaultOrMaker is MakeDefaultFunc) return defaultOrMaker;
return () => defaultOrMaker;
/// Returns `true` if this represents a dummy field standing in for a field
/// that has been removed by a program transformation.
bool get _isDummy => tagNumber == 0;
bool get isRequired => _isRequired(type);
bool get isRepeated => _isRepeated(type);
bool get isGroupOrMessage => _isGroupOrMessage(type);
bool get isEnum => _isEnum(type);
bool get isMapField => _isMapField(type);
/// Returns a read-only default value for a field.
/// (Unlike getField, doesn't create a repeated field.)
dynamic get readonlyDefault {
if (isRepeated) {
return _emptyList ??= FrozenPbList._([]);
return makeDefault!();
/// Returns true if the field's value is okay to transmit.
/// That is, it doesn't contain any required fields that aren't initialized.
bool _hasRequiredValues(value) {
if (value == null) return !isRequired; // missing is okay if optional
if (!_isGroupOrMessage(type)) return true; // primitive and present
if (!isRepeated) {
// A required message: recurse.
GeneratedMessage message = value;
return message._fieldSet._hasRequiredValues();
List<GeneratedMessage> list = value;
if (list.isEmpty) return true;
// For message types that (recursively) contain no required fields,
// short-circuit the loop.
if (!list[0]._fieldSet._hasRequiredFields) return true;
// Recurse on each item in the list.
return list.every((GeneratedMessage m) => m._fieldSet._hasRequiredValues());
/// Appends the dotted path to each required field that's missing a value.
void _appendInvalidFields(List<String> problems, value, String prefix) {
if (value == null) {
if (isRequired) problems.add('$prefix$name');
} else if (!_isGroupOrMessage(type)) {
// primitive and present
} else if (!isRepeated) {
// Required message/group: recurse.
GeneratedMessage message = value;
message._fieldSet._appendInvalidFields(problems, '$prefix$name.');
} else {
final list = value as List<GeneratedMessage>;
if (list.isEmpty) return;
// For message types that (recursively) contain no required fields,
// short-circuit the loop.
if (!list[0]._fieldSet._hasRequiredFields) return;
// Recurse on each item in the list.
var position = 0;
for (var message in list) {
._appendInvalidFields(problems, '$prefix$name[$position].');
/// Creates a repeated field to be attached to the given message.
/// Delegates actual list creation to the message, so that it can
/// be overridden by a mixin.
List<T?> _createRepeatedField(GeneratedMessage m) {
return m.createRepeatedField<T>(tagNumber, this);
/// Same as above, but allow a tighter typed List to be created.
List<S> _createRepeatedFieldWithType<S extends T>(GeneratedMessage m) {
return m.createRepeatedField<S>(tagNumber, this as FieldInfo<S>);
/// Convenience method to thread this FieldInfo's reified type parameter to
/// _FieldSet._ensureRepeatedField.
List<T?> _ensureRepeatedField(BuilderInfo meta, _FieldSet fs) {
return fs._ensureRepeatedField<T>(meta, this);
String toString() => name;
final RegExp _upperCase = RegExp('[A-Z]');
String _unCamelCase(String name) {
return name.replaceAllMapped(
_upperCase, (match) => '_${!.toLowerCase()}');
class MapFieldInfo<K, V> extends FieldInfo<PbMap<K, V>?> {
final int? keyFieldType;
final int? valueFieldType;
/// Creates a new empty instance of the value type.
/// `null` if the value type is not a Message type.
final CreateBuilderFunc? valueCreator;
final BuilderInfo mapEntryBuilderInfo;
String name,
int tagNumber,
int index,
int type,
{ProtobufEnum? defaultEnumValue,
String? protoName})
: super(name, tagNumber, index, type,
defaultOrMaker: () =>
PbMap<K, V>(keyFieldType, valueFieldType, mapEntryBuilderInfo),
defaultEnumValue: defaultEnumValue,
protoName: protoName) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(name, 'name');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(tagNumber, 'tagNumber');
assert(!_isEnum(type) || valueOf != null);
FieldInfo get valueFieldInfo =>
Map<K, V> _ensureMapField(BuilderInfo meta, _FieldSet fs) {
return fs._ensureMapField<K, V>(meta, this);
Map<K, V> _createMapField(GeneratedMessage m) {
return m.createMapField<K, V>(tagNumber, this);