blob: f137aad508c21359cdf3e242514a206c62df1cba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protobuf;
typedef FrozenMessageErrorHandler = void Function(String messageName,
[String? methodName]);
void defaultFrozenMessageModificationHandler(String messageName,
[String? methodName]) {
if (methodName != null) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'Attempted to call $methodName on a read-only message ($messageName)');
throw UnsupportedError(
'Attempted to change a read-only message ($messageName)');
/// Invoked when an attempt is made to modify a frozen message.
/// This handler can log the attempt, throw an exception, or ignore the attempt
/// altogether.
/// If the handler returns normally, the modification is allowed, and execution
/// proceeds as if the message was writable.
FrozenMessageErrorHandler _frozenMessageModificationHandler =
FrozenMessageErrorHandler get frozenMessageModificationHandler =>
set frozenMessageModificationHandler(FrozenMessageErrorHandler value) {
_hashCodesCanBeMemoized = false;
_frozenMessageModificationHandler = value;
/// Indicator for whether the FieldSet hashCodes can be memoized.
/// HashCode memoization relies on the [defaultFrozenMessageModificationHandler]
/// behavior--that is, after freezing, field set values can't ever be changed.
/// This keeps track of whether an application has ever modified the
/// [FrozenMessageErrorHandler] used, not allowing hashCodes to be memoized if
/// it ever changed.
bool _hashCodesCanBeMemoized = true;
/// All the data in a GeneratedMessage.
/// These fields and methods are in a separate class to avoid
/// polymorphic access due to inheritance. This turns out to
/// be faster when compiled to JavaScript.
class _FieldSet {
final GeneratedMessage? _message;
final EventPlugin? _eventPlugin;
/// The value of each non-extension field in a fixed-length array.
/// The index of a field can be found in [FieldInfo.index].
/// A null entry indicates that the field has no value.
final List _values;
/// Contains all the extension fields, or null if there aren't any.
_ExtensionFieldSet? _extensions;
/// Contains all the unknown fields, or null if there aren't any.
UnknownFieldSet? _unknownFields;
/// Encodes whether `this` has been frozen, and if so, also memoizes the
/// hash code.
/// Will always be a `bool` or `int`.
/// If the message is mutable: `false`
/// If the message is frozen and no hash code has been computed: `true`
/// If the message is frozen and a hash code has been computed: the hash
/// code as an `int`.
Object _frozenState = false;
/// The [BuilderInfo] for the [GeneratedMessage] this [_FieldSet] belongs to.
/// WARNING: Avoid calling this for any performance critical code, instead
/// obtain the [BuilderInfo] on the call site.
BuilderInfo get _meta => _message!.info_;
/// Returns the value of [_frozenState] as if it were a boolean indicator
/// for whether `this` is read-only (has been frozen).
/// If the value is not a `bool`, then it must contain the memoized hash code
/// value, in which case the proto must be read-only.
bool get _isReadOnly => _frozenState is bool ? _frozenState as bool : true;
/// Returns the value of [_frozenState] if it contains the pre-computed value
/// of the hashCode for the frozen field sets.
/// Computing the hashCode of a proto object can be very expensive for large
/// protos. Frozen protos don't allow any mutations, which means the contents
/// of the field set should be stable.
/// If [_frozenState] contains a boolean, the hashCode hasn't been memoized,
/// so it will return null.
int? get _memoizedHashCode =>
_frozenState is int ? _frozenState as int : null;
// Maps a oneof decl index to the tag number which is currently set. If the
// index is not present, the oneof field is unset.
final Map<int, int>? _oneofCases;
_FieldSet(this._message, BuilderInfo meta, this._eventPlugin)
: _values = _makeValueList(meta.byIndex.length),
_oneofCases = meta.oneofs.isEmpty ? null : <int, int>{};
static List _makeValueList(int length) {
if (length == 0) return _zeroList;
return List.filled(length, null, growable: false);
// Use a fixed length list and not a constant list to ensure that _values
// always has the same implementation type.
static final List _zeroList = [];
// Metadata about multiple fields
String get _messageName => _meta.qualifiedMessageName;
bool get _hasRequiredFields => _meta.hasRequiredFields;
/// The FieldInfo for each non-extension field.
Iterable<FieldInfo> get _infos => _meta.fieldInfo.values;
/// The FieldInfo for each non-extension field in tag order.
Iterable<FieldInfo> get _infosSortedByTag => _meta.sortedByTag;
/// Returns true if we should send events to the plugin.
bool get _hasObservers => _eventPlugin != null && _eventPlugin!.hasObservers;
bool get _hasExtensions => _extensions != null;
bool get _hasUnknownFields => _unknownFields != null;
_ExtensionFieldSet _ensureExtensions() {
if (!_hasExtensions) _extensions = _ExtensionFieldSet(this);
return _extensions!;
UnknownFieldSet _ensureUnknownFields() {
if (_unknownFields == null) {
if (_isReadOnly) return UnknownFieldSet.emptyUnknownFieldSet;
_unknownFields = UnknownFieldSet();
return _unknownFields!;
// Metadata about single fields
/// Returns FieldInfo for a non-extension field, or null if not found.
FieldInfo? _nonExtensionInfo(BuilderInfo meta, int? tagNumber) =>
/// Returns FieldInfo for a non-extension field.
FieldInfo _nonExtensionInfoByIndex(int index) => _meta.byIndex[index];
/// Returns the FieldInfo for a regular or extension field.
/// throws ArgumentException if no info is found.
FieldInfo _ensureInfo(int tagNumber) {
var fi = _getFieldInfoOrNull(tagNumber);
if (fi != null) return fi;
throw ArgumentError('tag $tagNumber not defined in $_messageName');
/// Returns the FieldInfo for a regular or extension field.
FieldInfo? _getFieldInfoOrNull(int tagNumber) {
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(_meta, tagNumber);
if (fi != null) return fi;
if (!_hasExtensions) return null;
return _extensions!._getInfoOrNull(tagNumber);
void _markReadOnly() {
if (_isReadOnly) return;
_frozenState = true;
for (var field in _meta.sortedByTag) {
if (field.isRepeated) {
final entries = _values[field.index!];
if (entries == null) continue;
if (field.isGroupOrMessage) {
for (var subMessage in entries as List<GeneratedMessage>) {
_values[field.index!] = entries.toFrozenPbList();
} else if (field.isMapField) {
PbMap? map = _values[field.index!];
if (map == null) continue;
_values[field.index!] = map.freeze();
} else if (field.isGroupOrMessage) {
final entry = _values[field.index!];
if (entry != null) {
(entry as GeneratedMessage).freeze();
if (_hasExtensions) {
if (_hasUnknownFields) {
void _ensureWritable() {
if (_isReadOnly) frozenMessageModificationHandler(_messageName);
// Single-field operations
/// Gets a field with full error-checking.
/// Works for both extended and non-extended fields.
/// Creates repeated fields (unless read-only).
/// Suitable for public API.
dynamic _getField(int tagNumber) {
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(_meta, tagNumber);
if (fi != null) {
var value = _values[fi.index!];
if (value != null) return value;
return _getDefault(fi);
if (_hasExtensions) {
var fi = _extensions!._getInfoOrNull(tagNumber);
if (fi != null) {
return _extensions!._getFieldOrDefault(fi);
throw ArgumentError('tag $tagNumber not defined in $_messageName');
dynamic _getDefault(FieldInfo fi) {
if (!fi.isRepeated) return fi.makeDefault!();
if (_isReadOnly) return fi.readonlyDefault;
// TODO(skybrian) we could avoid this by generating another
// method for repeated fields:
// msg.mutableFoo().add(123);
var value = fi._createRepeatedField(_message!);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(_meta, fi, value);
return value;
List<T> _getDefaultList<T>(FieldInfo<T> fi) {
if (_isReadOnly) return FrozenPbList._(const []);
// TODO(skybrian) we could avoid this by generating another
// method for repeated fields:
// msg.mutableFoo().add(123);
var value = fi._createRepeatedFieldWithType<T>(_message!);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(_meta, fi, value);
return value;
Map<K, V> _getDefaultMap<K, V>(MapFieldInfo<K, V> fi) {
if (_isReadOnly) {
return PbMap<K, V>.unmodifiable(
PbMap<K, V>(fi.keyFieldType, fi.valueFieldType));
var value = fi._createMapField(_message!);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(_meta, fi, value);
return value;
dynamic _getFieldOrNullByTag(int tagNumber) {
var fi = _getFieldInfoOrNull(tagNumber);
if (fi == null) return null;
return _getFieldOrNull(fi);
/// Returns the field's value or null if not set.
/// Works for both extended and non-extend fields.
/// Works for both repeated and non-repeated fields.
dynamic _getFieldOrNull(FieldInfo fi) {
if (fi.index != null) return _values[fi.index!];
if (!_hasExtensions) return null;
return _extensions!._getFieldOrNull(fi as Extension<dynamic>);
bool _hasField(int tagNumber) {
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(_meta, tagNumber);
if (fi != null) return _$has(fi.index!);
if (!_hasExtensions) return false;
return _extensions!._hasField(tagNumber);
void _clearField(int? tagNumber) {
final meta = _meta;
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(meta, tagNumber);
if (fi != null) {
// clear a non-extension field
if (_hasObservers) _eventPlugin!.beforeClearField(fi);
_values[fi.index!] = null;
if (meta.oneofs.containsKey(fi.tagNumber)) {
var oneofIndex = meta.oneofs[fi.tagNumber];
if (oneofIndex != null) _oneofCases![oneofIndex] = 0;
if (_hasExtensions) {
var fi = _extensions!._getInfoOrNull(tagNumber);
if (fi != null) {
// neither a regular field nor an extension.
// TODO(skybrian) throw?
/// Sets a non-repeated field with error-checking.
/// Works for both extended and non-extended fields.
/// Suitable for public API.
void _setField(int tagNumber, Object value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(value, 'value');
final meta = _meta;
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(meta, tagNumber);
if (fi == null) {
if (!_hasExtensions) {
throw ArgumentError('tag $tagNumber not defined in $_messageName');
_extensions!._setField(tagNumber, value);
if (fi.isRepeated) {
throw ArgumentError(_setFieldFailedMessage(
fi, value, 'repeating field (use get + .add())'));
_validateField(fi, value);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(meta, fi, value);
/// Sets a non-repeated field without validating it.
/// Works for both extended and non-extended fields.
/// Suitable for decoders that do their own validation.
void _setFieldUnchecked(BuilderInfo meta, FieldInfo fi, value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(fi, 'fi');
if (fi.index == null) {
.._addInfoUnchecked(fi as Extension<dynamic>)
.._setFieldUnchecked(fi, value);
} else {
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(meta, fi, value);
/// Returns the list to use for adding to a repeated field.
/// Works for both extended and non-extended fields.
/// Creates and stores the repeated field if it doesn't exist.
/// If it's an extension and the list doesn't exist, validates and stores it.
/// Suitable for decoders.
List<T?> _ensureRepeatedField<T>(BuilderInfo meta, FieldInfo<T> fi) {
if (fi.index == null) {
return _ensureExtensions()._ensureRepeatedField(fi as Extension<T>);
var value = _getFieldOrNull(fi);
if (value != null) return value as List<T>;
var newValue = fi._createRepeatedField(_message!);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(meta, fi, newValue);
return newValue;
PbMap<K, V> _ensureMapField<K, V>(BuilderInfo meta, MapFieldInfo<K, V> fi) {
assert(fi.index != null); // Map fields are not allowed to be extensions.
var value = _getFieldOrNull(fi);
if (value != null) return (value as Map<K, V>) as PbMap<K, V>;
var newValue = fi._createMapField(_message!);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(meta, fi, newValue);
return newValue as PbMap<K, V>;
/// Sets a non-extended field and fires events.
void _setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(BuilderInfo meta, FieldInfo fi, value) {
var tag = fi.tagNumber;
var oneofIndex = meta.oneofs[tag];
if (oneofIndex != null) {
_oneofCases![oneofIndex] = tag;
// It is important that the callback to the observers is not moved to the
// beginning of this method but happens just before the value is set.
// Otherwise the observers will be notified about 'clearField' and
// 'setField' events in an incorrect order.
if (_hasObservers) {
_eventPlugin!.beforeSetField(fi, value);
_values[fi.index!] = value;
// Generated method implementations
/// The implementation of a generated getter.
T _$get<T>(int index, T? defaultValue) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value != null) return value as T;
if (defaultValue != null) return defaultValue;
return _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index)) as T;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for a default value determined by
/// the field definition value. Common case for submessages. dynamic type
/// pushes the type check to the caller.
dynamic _$getND(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value != null) return value;
return _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index));
T _$ensure<T>(int index) {
if (!_$has(index)) {
dynamic value = _nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index).subBuilder!();
_$set(index, value);
return value;
// The implicit downcast at the return is always correct by construction
// from the protoc generator. See `GeneratedMessage.$_getN` for details.
return _$getND(index);
/// The implementation of a generated getter for repeated fields.
List<T> _$getList<T>(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value != null) return value as List<T>;
return _getDefaultList<T>(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index) as FieldInfo<T>);
/// The implementation of a generated getter for map fields.
Map<K, V> _$getMap<K, V>(GeneratedMessage parentMessage, int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value != null) return value as Map<K, V>;
return _getDefaultMap<K, V>(
_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index) as MapFieldInfo<K, V>);
/// The implementation of a generated getter for `bool` fields.
bool _$getB(int index, bool? defaultValue) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) {
if (defaultValue != null) return defaultValue;
value = _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index));
bool result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for `bool` fields that default to
/// `false`.
bool _$getBF(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) return false;
bool result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for int fields.
int _$getI(int index, int? defaultValue) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) {
if (defaultValue != null) return defaultValue;
value = _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index));
int result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for `int` fields (int32, uint32,
/// fixed32, sfixed32) that default to `0`.
int _$getIZ(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) return 0;
int result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for String fields.
String _$getS(int index, String? defaultValue) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) {
if (defaultValue != null) return defaultValue;
value = _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index));
String result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for String fields that default to
/// the empty string.
String _$getSZ(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) return '';
String result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated getter for Int64 fields.
Int64 _$getI64(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
value ??= _getDefault(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index));
Int64 result = value;
return result;
/// The implementation of a generated 'has' method.
bool _$has(int index) {
var value = _values[index];
if (value == null) return false;
if (value is List) return value.isNotEmpty;
return true;
/// The implementation of a generated setter.
/// In production, does no validation other than a null check.
/// Only handles non-repeated, non-extension fields.
/// Also, doesn't handle enums or messages which need per-type validation.
void _$set(int index, Object? value) {
assert(_$check(index, value));
if (value == null) {
_$check(index, value); // throw exception for null value
if (_hasObservers) {
_eventPlugin!.beforeSetField(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index), value);
final meta = _meta;
var tag = meta.byIndex[index].tagNumber;
var oneofIndex = meta.oneofs[tag];
if (oneofIndex != null) {
_oneofCases![oneofIndex] = tag;
_values[index] = value;
bool _$check(int index, var newValue) {
_validateField(_nonExtensionInfoByIndex(index), newValue);
return true; // Allows use in an assertion.
// Bulk operations reading or writing multiple fields
void _clear() {
if (_unknownFields != null) {
if (_hasObservers) {
for (var fi in _infos) {
if (_values[fi.index!] != null) {
if (_hasExtensions) {
for (var key in _extensions!._tagNumbers) {
var fi = _extensions!._getInfoOrNull(key)!;
if (_values.isNotEmpty) _values.fillRange(0, _values.length, null);
if (_hasExtensions) _extensions!._clearValues();
bool _equals(_FieldSet o) {
if (_meta != o._meta) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
if (!_equalFieldValues(_values[i], o._values[i])) return false;
if (!_hasExtensions || !_extensions!._hasValues) {
// Check if other extensions are logically empty.
// (Don't create them unnecessarily.)
if (o._hasExtensions && o._extensions!._hasValues) {
return false;
} else {
if (!_extensions!._equalValues(o._extensions)) return false;
if (_unknownFields == null || _unknownFields!.isEmpty) {
// Check if other unknown fields is logically empty.
// (Don't create them unnecessarily.)
if (o._unknownFields != null && o._unknownFields!.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
} else {
// Check if the other unknown fields has the same fields.
if (_unknownFields != o._unknownFields) return false;
return true;
bool _equalFieldValues(left, right) {
if (left != null && right != null) return _deepEquals(left, right);
var val = left ?? right;
// Two uninitialized fields are equal.
if (val == null) return true;
// One field is null. We are comparing an initialized field
// with its default value.
// An empty repeated field is the same as uninitialized.
// This is because accessing a repeated field automatically creates it.
// We don't want reading a field to change equality comparisons.
if (val is List && val.isEmpty) return true;
// For now, initialized and uninitialized fields are different.
// TODO(skybrian) consider other cases; should we compare with the
// default value or not?
return false;
/// Calculates a hash code based on the contents of the protobuf.
/// The hash may change when any field changes (recursively).
/// Therefore, protobufs used as map keys shouldn't be changed.
/// If the protobuf contents have been frozen, and the
/// [FrozenMessageErrorHandler] has not been changed from the default
/// behavior, the hashCode can be memoized to speed up performance.
int get _hashCode {
if (_hashCodesCanBeMemoized && _memoizedHashCode != null) {
return _memoizedHashCode!;
// Hashes the value of one field (recursively).
int hashField(int hash, FieldInfo fi, value) {
if (value is List && value.isEmpty) {
return hash; // It's either repeated or an empty byte array.
hash = _HashUtils._combine(hash, fi.tagNumber);
if (_isBytes(fi.type)) {
// Bytes are represented as a List<int> (Usually with byte-data).
// We special case that to match our equality semantics.
hash = _HashUtils._combine(hash, _HashUtils._hashObjects(value));
} else if (!_isEnum(fi.type)) {
hash = _HashUtils._combine(hash, value.hashCode);
} else if (fi.isRepeated) {
hash = _HashUtils._hashObjects( => enm.value));
} else {
ProtobufEnum enm = value;
hash = _HashUtils._combine(hash, enm.value);
return hash;
int hashEachField(int hash) {
//non-extension fields
hash = _infosSortedByTag.where((fi) => _values[fi.index!] != null).fold(
hash, (int h, FieldInfo fi) => hashField(h, fi, _values[fi.index!]));
if (!_hasExtensions) return hash;
hash =
_sorted(_extensions!._tagNumbers).fold(hash, (int h, int tagNumber) {
var fi = _extensions!._getInfoOrNull(tagNumber)!;
return hashField(h, fi, _extensions!._getFieldOrNull(fi));
return hash;
// Hash with descriptor.
var hash = _HashUtils._combine(0, _meta.hashCode);
// Hash with fields.
hash = hashEachField(hash);
// Hash with unknown fields.
if (_hasUnknownFields) {
hash = _HashUtils._combine(hash, _unknownFields.hashCode);
if (_isReadOnly && _hashCodesCanBeMemoized) {
_frozenState = hash;
return hash;
void writeString(StringBuffer out, String indent) {
void renderValue(key, value) {
if (value is GeneratedMessage) {
out.write('$indent$key: {\n');
value._fieldSet.writeString(out, '$indent ');
} else if (value is MapEntry) {
out.write('$indent$key: {${value.key} : ${value.value}} \n');
} else {
out.write('$indent$key: $value\n');
void writeFieldValue(fieldValue, String name) {
if (fieldValue == null) return;
if (fieldValue is ByteData) {
// TODO(skybrian): possibly unused. Delete?
final value = fieldValue.getUint64(0, Endian.little);
renderValue(name, value);
} else if (fieldValue is PbListBase) {
for (var value in fieldValue) {
renderValue(name, value);
} else if (fieldValue is PbMap) {
for (var entry in fieldValue.entries) {
renderValue(name, entry);
} else {
renderValue(name, fieldValue);
for (var fi in _infosSortedByTag) {
if (_hasExtensions) {
..forEach((int tagNumber) => writeFieldValue(
if (_hasUnknownFields) {
} else {
/// Merges the contents of the [other] into this message.
/// Singular fields that are set in [other] overwrite the corresponding fields
/// in this message. Repeated fields are appended. Singular sub-messages are
/// recursively merged.
void _mergeFromMessage(_FieldSet other) {
// TODO( Recognize
// when `this` and [other] are the same protobuf (e.g. from cloning). In
// this case, we can merge the non-extension fields without field lookups or
// validation checks.
for (var fi in other._infosSortedByTag) {
var value = other._values[fi.index!];
if (value != null) _mergeField(fi, value, isExtension: false);
if (other._hasExtensions) {
var others = other._extensions!;
for (var tagNumber in others._tagNumbers) {
var extension = others._getInfoOrNull(tagNumber)!;
var value = others._getFieldOrNull(extension);
_mergeField(extension, value, isExtension: true);
if (other._hasUnknownFields) {
void _mergeField(FieldInfo otherFi, fieldValue, {bool? isExtension}) {
final tagNumber = otherFi.tagNumber;
// Determine the FieldInfo to use.
// Don't allow regular fields to be overwritten by extensions.
final meta = _meta;
var fi = _nonExtensionInfo(meta, tagNumber);
if (fi == null && isExtension!) {
// This will overwrite any existing extension field info.
fi = otherFi;
var mustClone = _isGroupOrMessage(otherFi.type);
if (fi!.isMapField) {
var f = fi as MapFieldInfo<dynamic, dynamic>;
mustClone = _isGroupOrMessage(f.valueFieldType!);
var map = f._ensureMapField(meta, this) as PbMap<dynamic, dynamic>;
if (mustClone) {
for (MapEntry entry in fieldValue.entries) {
map[entry.key] = (entry.value as GeneratedMessage).deepCopy();
} else {
if (fi.isRepeated) {
if (mustClone) {
// fieldValue must be a PbListBase of GeneratedMessage.
PbListBase<GeneratedMessage> pbList = fieldValue;
var repeatedFields = fi._ensureRepeatedField(meta, this);
for (var i = 0; i < pbList.length; ++i) {
} else {
// fieldValue must be at least a PbListBase.
PbListBase pbList = fieldValue;
fi._ensureRepeatedField(meta, this).addAll(pbList);
if (otherFi.isGroupOrMessage) {
final currentFi = isExtension!
? _ensureExtensions()._getFieldOrNull(fi as Extension<dynamic>)
: _values[fi.index!];
if (currentFi == null) {
fieldValue = (fieldValue as GeneratedMessage).deepCopy();
} else {
fieldValue = currentFi..mergeFromMessage(fieldValue);
if (isExtension!) {
._setFieldAndInfo(fi as Extension<dynamic>, fieldValue);
} else {
_validateField(fi, fieldValue);
_setNonExtensionFieldUnchecked(meta, fi, fieldValue);
// Error-checking
/// Checks the value for a field that's about to be set.
void _validateField(FieldInfo fi, var newValue) {
var message = _getFieldError(fi.type, newValue);
if (message != null) {
throw ArgumentError(_setFieldFailedMessage(fi, newValue, message));
String _setFieldFailedMessage(FieldInfo fi, var value, String detail) {
return 'Illegal to set field ${} (${fi.tagNumber}) of $_messageName'
' to value ($value): $detail';
bool _hasRequiredValues() {
if (!_hasRequiredFields) return true;
for (var fi in _infos) {
var value = _values[fi.index!];
if (!fi._hasRequiredValues(value)) return false;
return _hasRequiredExtensionValues();
bool _hasRequiredExtensionValues() {
if (!_hasExtensions) return true;
for (var fi in _extensions!._infos) {
var value = _extensions!._getFieldOrNull(fi);
if (!fi._hasRequiredValues(value)) return false;
return true; // No problems found.
/// Adds the path to each uninitialized field to the list.
void _appendInvalidFields(List<String> problems, String prefix) {
if (!_hasRequiredFields) return;
for (var fi in _infos) {
var value = _values[fi.index!];
fi._appendInvalidFields(problems, value, prefix);
// TODO(skybrian): search extensions as well
/// Makes a shallow copy of all values from [original] to this.
/// Map fields and repeated fields are copied.
void _shallowCopyValues(_FieldSet original) {
_values.setRange(0, original._values.length, original._values);
final info = _meta;
for (var index = 0; index < info.byIndex.length; index++) {
var fieldInfo = info.byIndex[index];
if (fieldInfo.isMapField) {
PbMap? map = _values[index];
if (map != null) {
_values[index] = (fieldInfo as MapFieldInfo)
} else if (fieldInfo.isRepeated) {
PbListBase? list = _values[index];
if (list != null) {
_values[index] = fieldInfo._createRepeatedField(_message!)
if (original._hasExtensions) {
if (original._hasUnknownFields) {