blob: 726ead68932ec63c508a0415e00653fd6d6dac67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protobuf;
class PbMap<K, V> extends MapBase<K, V> {
final int? keyFieldType;
final int? valueFieldType;
static const int _keyFieldNumber = 1;
static const int _valueFieldNumber = 2;
final Map<K, V> _wrappedMap;
bool _isReadonly = false;
// The provided [info] will be ignored.
PbMap(this.keyFieldType, this.valueFieldType, [BuilderInfo? info])
: _wrappedMap = <K, V>{};
PbMap.unmodifiable(PbMap other)
: keyFieldType = other.keyFieldType,
valueFieldType = other.valueFieldType,
_wrappedMap = Map.unmodifiable(other._wrappedMap),
_isReadonly = other._isReadonly;
V? operator [](Object? key) => _wrappedMap[key];
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
if (_isReadonly) {
throw UnsupportedError('Attempted to change a read-only map field');
_wrappedMap[key] = value;
/// A [PbMap] is equal to another [PbMap] with equal key/value
/// pairs in any order.
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(other, this)) {
return true;
if (other is! PbMap) {
return false;
if (other.length != length) {
return false;
for (final key in keys) {
if (!other.containsKey(key)) {
return false;
for (final key in keys) {
if (other[key] != this[key]) {
return false;
return true;
/// A [PbMap] is equal to another [PbMap] with equal key/value
/// pairs in any order. Then, the `hashCode` is guaranteed to be the same.
int get hashCode {
return _wrappedMap.entries
.fold(0, (h, entry) => h ^ _HashUtils._hash2(entry.key, entry.value));
void clear() {
if (_isReadonly) {
throw UnsupportedError('Attempted to change a read-only map field');
Iterable<K> get keys => _wrappedMap.keys;
V? remove(Object? key) {
if (_isReadonly) {
throw UnsupportedError('Attempted to change a read-only map field');
return _wrappedMap.remove(key);
void _mergeEntry(BuilderInfo mapEntryMeta, CodedBufferReader input,
[ExtensionRegistry? registry]) {
var length = input.readInt32();
var oldLimit = input._currentLimit;
input._currentLimit = input._bufferPos + length;
final entryFieldSet = _FieldSet(null, mapEntryMeta, null);
_mergeFromCodedBufferReader(mapEntryMeta, entryFieldSet, input, registry!);
input._currentLimit = oldLimit;
var key =
entryFieldSet._values[0] ?? mapEntryMeta.byIndex[0].makeDefault!();
var value =
entryFieldSet._values[1] ?? mapEntryMeta.byIndex[1].makeDefault!();
_wrappedMap[key] = value;
void _checkNotNull(Object? val) {
if (val == null) {
throw ArgumentError("Can't add a null to a map field");
PbMap freeze() {
_isReadonly = true;
if (_isGroupOrMessage(valueFieldType!)) {
for (var subMessage in values as Iterable<GeneratedMessage>) {
return this;