blob: bc306db708b1d833ad6f827ec20fa254f7ea0099 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
part of protobuf;
/// Writer used for converting [GeneratedMessage]s into binary
/// representation.
/// Note that it is impossible to serialize protobuf messages using a one pass
/// streaming serialization as some values are serialized using
/// length-delimited representation, which means that they are represented as
/// a varint encoded length followed by specified number of bytes of data.
/// Due to this [CodedBufferWriter] maintains two output buffers:
/// [_outputChunks] which contains all continuously written bytes and
/// [_splices] which describes additional bytes to splice in-between
/// [_outputChunks] bytes.
class CodedBufferWriter {
/// Array of splices representing the data written into the writer.
/// Each element might be one of:
/// * a TypedData object - represents a sequence of bytes that need to be
/// emitted into the result as-is;
/// * a positive integer - a number of bytes to copy from [_outputChunks]
/// into resulting buffer;
/// * a non-positive integer - a positive number that needs to be emitted
/// into result buffer as a varint;
final List<dynamic> _splices = <dynamic>[];
/// Number of bytes written into [_outputChunk] and [_outputChunks] since
/// the last splice was recorded.
int _lastSplicePos = 0;
/// Size of the [_outputChunk].
static const _chunkLength = 512;
/// Current chunk used to write data into. Once it is full it is
/// pushed into [_outputChunks] and a new one is allocated.
Uint8List? _outputChunk;
/// Number of bytes written into the [_outputChunk].
int _bytesInChunk = 0;
/// ByteData pointing to [_outputChunk]. Used to write primitive values
/// more efficiently.
ByteData? _outputChunkAsByteData;
/// Array of pairs <Uint8List chunk, int bytesInChunk> - chunks are
/// pushed into this array once they are full.
final List<dynamic> _outputChunks = <dynamic>[];
/// Total amount of bytes used in all chunks.
int _outputChunksBytes = 0;
/// Total amount of bytes written into this writer.
int _bytesTotal = 0;
int get lengthInBytes => _bytesTotal;
CodedBufferWriter() {
// Initialize [_outputChunk].
void writeField(int fieldNumber, int fieldType, Object? fieldValue) {
final valueType = PbFieldType._baseType(fieldType);
if ((fieldType & PbFieldType._PACKED_BIT) != 0) {
final list = fieldValue as List;
if (list.isNotEmpty) {
_writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED);
final mark = _startLengthDelimited();
for (final value in list) {
_writeValueAs(valueType, value);
if ((fieldType & PbFieldType._MAP_BIT) != 0) {
final map = fieldValue as PbMap;
final keyWireFormat = _wireTypes[_valueTypeIndex(map.keyFieldType)];
final valueWireFormat = _wireTypes[_valueTypeIndex(map.valueFieldType)];
map.forEach((key, value) {
_writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED);
final mark = _startLengthDelimited();
PbMap._keyFieldNumber, map.keyFieldType, key, keyWireFormat);
_writeValue(PbMap._valueFieldNumber, map.valueFieldType, value,
final wireFormat = _wireTypes[_valueTypeIndex(valueType)];
if ((fieldType & PbFieldType._REPEATED_BIT) != 0) {
final list = fieldValue as List;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
_writeValue(fieldNumber, valueType, list[i], wireFormat);
_writeValue(fieldNumber, valueType, fieldValue, wireFormat);
Uint8List toBuffer() {
final result = Uint8List(_bytesTotal);
return result;
/// Serializes everything written to this writer so far to [buffer], starting
/// from [offset] in [buffer]. Returns `true` on success.
bool writeTo(Uint8List buffer, [int offset = 0]) {
if (buffer.length - offset < _bytesTotal) {
return false;
// Move the current output chunk into _outputChunks and commit the current
// splice for uniformity.
var outPos = offset; // Output position in the buffer.
var chunkIndex = 0, chunkPos = 0; // Position within _outputChunks.
for (var i = 0; i < _splices.length; i++) {
final action = _splices[i];
if (action is int) {
if (action <= 0) {
// action is a positive varint to be emitted into the output buffer.
var v = 0 - action; // Note: 0 - action to avoid -0.0 in JS.
while (v >= 0x80) {
buffer[outPos++] = 0x80 | (v & 0x7f);
v >>= 7;
buffer[outPos++] = v;
} else {
// action is an amount of bytes to copy from _outputChunks into the
// buffer.
var bytesToCopy = action;
while (bytesToCopy > 0) {
final Uint8List chunk = _outputChunks[chunkIndex];
final int bytesInChunk = _outputChunks[chunkIndex + 1];
// Copy at most bytesToCopy bytes from the current chunk.
final leftInChunk = bytesInChunk - chunkPos;
final bytesToCopyFromChunk =
leftInChunk > bytesToCopy ? bytesToCopy : leftInChunk;
final endPos = chunkPos + bytesToCopyFromChunk;
while (chunkPos < endPos) {
buffer[outPos++] = chunk[chunkPos++];
bytesToCopy -= bytesToCopyFromChunk;
// Move to the next chunk if the current one is exhausted.
if (chunkPos == bytesInChunk) {
chunkIndex += 2;
chunkPos = 0;
} else {
// action is a TypedData containing bytes to emit into the output
// buffer.
outPos = _copyInto(buffer, outPos, action);
return true;
/// Move the current [_outputChunk] into [_outputChunks].
/// If [allocateNew] is `true` then allocate a new chunk, otherwise
/// set [_outputChunk] to `null`.
void _commitChunk(bool allocateNew) {
if (_bytesInChunk != 0) {
_outputChunksBytes += _bytesInChunk;
if (allocateNew) {
_outputChunk = Uint8List(_chunkLength);
_bytesInChunk = 0;
_outputChunkAsByteData = ByteData.view(_outputChunk!.buffer);
} else {
_outputChunk = _outputChunkAsByteData = null;
_bytesInChunk = 0;
/// Check if [count] bytes would fit into the current chunk. If they will
/// not then allocate a new [_outputChunk].
/// [count] is assumed to be small enough to fit into the newly allocated
/// chunk.
void _ensureBytes(int count) {
if ((_bytesInChunk + count) > _chunkLength) {
/// Record number of bytes written into output chunks since last splice.
/// This is used before reserving space for an unknown varint splice or
/// adding a TypedData array splice.
void _commitSplice() {
final pos = _bytesInChunk + _outputChunksBytes;
final bytes = pos - _lastSplicePos;
if (bytes > 0) {
_lastSplicePos = pos;
/// Add TypedData splice - these bytes would be directly copied into the
/// output buffer by [writeTo].
void writeRawBytes(TypedData value) {
_bytesTotal += value.lengthInBytes;
/// Start writing a length-delimited data.
/// This reserves the space for varint splice in the splices array and
/// return its index. Once the writing is finished [_endLengthDelimited]
/// would be called with this index - which would put the actual amount
/// of bytes written into the reserved slice space.
int _startLengthDelimited() {
final index = _splices.length;
// Reserve a space for a splice and use it to record the current number of
// bytes written so that we can compute the length of data later in
// _endLengthDelimited.
return index;
void _endLengthDelimited(int index) {
final writtenSizeInBytes = _bytesTotal - _splices[index] as int;
// Note: 0 - writtenSizeInBytes to avoid -0.0 in JavaScript.
_splices[index] = 0 - writtenSizeInBytes;
_bytesTotal += _varint32LengthInBytes(writtenSizeInBytes);
int _varint32LengthInBytes(int value) {
value &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (value < 0x80) return 1;
if (value < 0x4000) return 2;
if (value < 0x200000) return 3;
if (value < 0x10000000) return 4;
return 5;
void _writeVarint32(int value) {
var i = _bytesInChunk;
while (value >= 0x80) {
_outputChunk![i++] = 0x80 | (value & 0x7f);
value >>= 7;
_outputChunk![i++] = value;
_bytesTotal += i - _bytesInChunk;
_bytesInChunk = i;
void _writeVarint64(Int64 value) {
var i = _bytesInChunk;
var lo = value.toUnsigned(32).toInt();
var hi = (value >> 32).toUnsigned(32).toInt();
while (hi > 0 || lo >= 0x80) {
_outputChunk![i++] = 0x80 | (lo & 0x7f);
lo = (lo >> 7) | ((hi & 0x7f) << 25);
hi >>= 7;
_outputChunk![i++] = lo;
_bytesTotal += i - _bytesInChunk;
_bytesInChunk = i;
void _writeDouble(double value) {
if (value.isNaN) {
_outputChunkAsByteData!.setFloat64(_bytesInChunk, value, Endian.little);
_bytesInChunk += 8;
_bytesTotal += 8;
void _writeFloat(double value) {
const MIN_FLOAT_DENORM = 1.401298464324817E-45;
const MAX_FLOAT = 3.4028234663852886E38;
if (value.isNaN) {
} else if (value.abs() < MIN_FLOAT_DENORM) {
_writeInt32(value.isNegative ? 0x80000000 : 0x00000000);
} else if (value.isInfinite || value.abs() > MAX_FLOAT) {
_writeInt32(value.isNegative ? 0xff800000 : 0x7f800000);
} else {
const sz = 4;
_outputChunkAsByteData!.setFloat32(_bytesInChunk, value, Endian.little);
_bytesInChunk += sz;
_bytesTotal += sz;
void _writeInt32(int value) {
const sizeInBytes = 4;
.setInt32(_bytesInChunk, value & 0xFFFFFFFF, Endian.little);
_bytesInChunk += sizeInBytes;
_bytesTotal += sizeInBytes;
void _writeInt64(Int64 value) {
_writeInt32((value >> 32).toUnsigned(32).toInt());
void _writeValueAs(int valueType, dynamic value) {
switch (valueType) {
case PbFieldType._BOOL_BIT:
_writeVarint32(value ? 1 : 0);
case PbFieldType._BYTES_BIT:
value is TypedData ? value : Uint8List.fromList(value));
case PbFieldType._STRING_BIT:
case PbFieldType._DOUBLE_BIT:
case PbFieldType._FLOAT_BIT:
case PbFieldType._ENUM_BIT:
final ProtobufEnum enum_ = value;
_writeVarint32(enum_.value & 0xffffffff);
case PbFieldType._GROUP_BIT:
// value is UnknownFieldSet or GeneratedMessage
case PbFieldType._INT32_BIT:
case PbFieldType._INT64_BIT:
case PbFieldType._SINT32_BIT:
case PbFieldType._SINT64_BIT:
case PbFieldType._UINT32_BIT:
case PbFieldType._UINT64_BIT:
case PbFieldType._FIXED32_BIT:
case PbFieldType._FIXED64_BIT:
case PbFieldType._SFIXED32_BIT:
case PbFieldType._SFIXED64_BIT:
case PbFieldType._MESSAGE_BIT:
final mark = _startLengthDelimited();
final GeneratedMessage msg = value;
void _writeBytesNoTag(dynamic value) {
void _writeTag(int fieldNumber, int wireFormat) {
writeInt32NoTag(makeTag(fieldNumber, wireFormat));
void _writeValue(
int fieldNumber, int valueType, dynamic value, int wireFormat) {
_writeTag(fieldNumber, wireFormat);
_writeValueAs(valueType, value);
if (valueType == PbFieldType._GROUP_BIT) {
_writeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_END_GROUP);
void writeInt32NoTag(int value) {
_writeVarint32(value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
/// Copy bytes from the given typed data array into the output buffer.
/// Has a specialization for Uint8List for performance.
int _copyInto(Uint8List buffer, int pos, TypedData value) {
if (value is Uint8List) {
final len = value.length;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
buffer[pos++] = value[j];
return pos;
} else {
final len = value.lengthInBytes;
final u8 = Uint8List.view(
value.buffer, value.offsetInBytes, value.lengthInBytes);
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
buffer[pos++] = u8[j];
return pos;
/// This function maps a power-of-2 value (2^0 .. 2^31) to a unique value
/// in the 0..31 range.
/// For more details see "Using de Bruijn Sequences to Index a 1 in
/// a Computer Word"[1]
/// Note: this is guaranteed to work after compilation to JavaScript
/// where multiplication becomes a floating point multiplication.
/// [1]
static int _valueTypeIndex(int powerOf2) {
assert(powerOf2 & (powerOf2 - 1) == 0, '$powerOf2 is not a power of 2');
return ((0x077CB531 * powerOf2) >> 27) & 31;
/// Precomputed indices for all FbFieldType._XYZ_BIT values:
/// _XYZ_BIT_INDEX = _valueTypeIndex(FbFieldType._XYZ_BIT)
static const _BOOL_BIT_INDEX = 14;
static const _BYTES_BIT_INDEX = 29;
static const _STRING_BIT_INDEX = 27;
static const _DOUBLE_BIT_INDEX = 23;
static const _FLOAT_BIT_INDEX = 15;
static const _ENUM_BIT_INDEX = 31;
static const _GROUP_BIT_INDEX = 30;
static const _INT32_BIT_INDEX = 28;
static const _INT64_BIT_INDEX = 25;
static const _SINT32_BIT_INDEX = 18;
static const _SINT64_BIT_INDEX = 5;
static const _UINT32_BIT_INDEX = 11;
static const _UINT64_BIT_INDEX = 22;
static const _FIXED32_BIT_INDEX = 13;
static const _FIXED64_BIT_INDEX = 26;
static const _SFIXED32_BIT_INDEX = 21;
static const _SFIXED64_BIT_INDEX = 10;
static const _MESSAGE_BIT_INDEX = 20;
/// Mapping from value types to wire-types indexed by _valueTypeIndex(...).
static final Uint8List _wireTypes = Uint8List(32)
int _encodeZigZag32(int value) => (value << 1) ^ (value >> 31);
Int64 _encodeZigZag64(Int64 value) => (value << 1) ^ (value >> 63);