blob: beff71dd0e3e766562eb89535ab6e0855b5bc64a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '../stream_channel.dart';
/// Allows the caller to force a channel to disconnect.
/// When [disconnect] is called, the channel (or channels) transformed by this
/// transformer will act as though the remote end had disconnected—the stream
/// will emit a done event, and the sink will ignore future inputs. The inner
/// sink will also be closed to notify the remote end of the disconnection.
/// If a channel is transformed after the [disconnect] has been called, it will
/// be disconnected immediately.
class Disconnector<T> implements StreamChannelTransformer<T, T> {
/// Whether [disconnect] has been called.
bool get isDisconnected => _isDisconnected;
var _isDisconnected = false;
/// The sinks for transformed channels.
/// Note that we assume that transformed channels provide the stream channel
/// guarantees. This allows us to only track sinks, because we know closing
/// the underlying sink will cause the stream to emit a done event.
final _sinks = <_DisconnectorSink<T>>[];
/// Disconnects all channels that have been transformed.
void disconnect() {
_isDisconnected = true;
for (var sink in _sinks) {
StreamChannel<T> bind(StreamChannel<T> channel) {
return channel.changeSink((innerSink) {
var sink = new _DisconnectorSink<T>(innerSink);
if (_isDisconnected) {
} else {
return sink;
/// A sink wrapper that can force a disconnection.
class _DisconnectorSink<T> implements StreamSink<T> {
/// The inner sink.
final StreamSink<T> _inner;
Future get done => _inner.done;
/// Whether [Disconnector.disconnect] has been called.
var _isDisconnected = false;
/// Whether the user has called [close].
var _closed = false;
/// The subscription to the stream passed to [addStream], if a stream is
/// currently being added.
StreamSubscription<T> _addStreamSubscription;
/// The completer for the future returned by [addStream], if a stream is
/// currently being added.
Completer _addStreamCompleter;
/// Whether we're currently adding a stream with [addStream].
bool get _inAddStream => _addStreamSubscription != null;
void add(T data) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add event after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add event while adding stream.");
if (_isDisconnected) return;
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add event after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add event while adding stream.");
if (_isDisconnected) return;
_inner.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future addStream(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add stream after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add stream while adding stream.");
if (_isDisconnected) return new Future.value();
_addStreamCompleter = new Completer.sync();
_addStreamSubscription = stream.listen(
onError: _inner.addError,
onDone: _addStreamCompleter.complete);
return _addStreamCompleter.future.then((_) {
_addStreamCompleter = null;
_addStreamSubscription = null;
Future close() {
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot close sink while adding stream.");
_closed = true;
return _inner.close();
/// Disconnects this sink.
/// This closes the underlying sink and stops forwarding events.
void _disconnect() {
_isDisconnected = true;
if (!_inAddStream) return;
_addStreamCompleter = null;
_addStreamSubscription = null;