blob: a466d87f3eb698d7b7af69ad031907ff043e5417 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../stream_channel.dart';
import 'isolate_channel/send_port_sink.dart';
/// A [StreamChannel] that communicates over a [ReceivePort]/[SendPort] pair,
/// presumably with another isolate.
/// The remote endpoint doesn't necessarily need to be running an
/// [IsolateChannel]. This can be used with any two ports, although the
/// [StreamChannel] semantics mean that this class will treat them as being
/// paired (for example, closing the [sink] will cause the [stream] to stop
/// emitting events).
/// The underlying isolate ports have no notion of closing connections. This
/// means that [stream] won't close unless [sink] is closed, and that closing
/// [sink] won't cause the remote endpoint to close. Users should take care to
/// ensure that they always close the [sink] of every [IsolateChannel] they use
/// to avoid leaving dangling [ReceivePort]s.
class IsolateChannel<T> extends StreamChannelMixin<T> {
final Stream<T> stream;
final StreamSink<T> sink;
/// Connects to a remote channel that was created with
/// [IsolateChannel.connectSend].
/// These constructors establish a connection using only a single
/// [SendPort]/[ReceivePort] pair, as long as each side uses one of the
/// connect constructors.
/// The connection protocol is guaranteed to remain compatible across versions
/// at least until the next major version release. If the protocol is
/// violated, the resulting channel will emit a single value on its stream and
/// then close.
factory IsolateChannel.connectReceive(ReceivePort receivePort) {
// We can't use a [StreamChannelCompleter] here because we need the return
// value to be an [IsolateChannel].
var streamCompleter = new StreamCompleter<T>();
var sinkCompleter = new StreamSinkCompleter<T>();
var channel = new IsolateChannel._(, sinkCompleter.sink);
// The first message across the ReceivePort should be a SendPort pointing to
// the remote end. If it's not, we'll make the stream emit an error
// complaining.
var subscription;
subscription = receivePort.listen((message) {
if (message is SendPort) {
new SubscriptionStream<T>(subscription));
new SendPortSink<T>(receivePort, message));
new StateError('Unexpected Isolate response "$message".'),
new Trace.current());
sinkCompleter.setDestinationSink(new NullStreamSink<T>());
return channel;
/// Connects to a remote channel that was created with
/// [IsolateChannel.connectReceive].
/// These constructors establish a connection using only a single
/// [SendPort]/[ReceivePort] pair, as long as each side uses one of the
/// connect constructors.
/// The connection protocol is guaranteed to remain compatible across versions
/// at least until the next major version release.
factory IsolateChannel.connectSend(SendPort sendPort) {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
return new IsolateChannel(receivePort, sendPort);
/// Creates a stream channel that receives messages from [receivePort] and
/// sends them over [sendPort].
IsolateChannel(ReceivePort receivePort, SendPort sendPort)
: stream = new StreamView<T>(receivePort),
sink = new SendPortSink<T>(receivePort, sendPort);
IsolateChannel._(, this.sink);