blob: a874799c1f3845248b49263124e5fc30e65815c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import '../stream_channel.dart';
/// A [StreamChannel] that enforces the stream channel guarantees.
/// This is exposed via [new StreamChannel.withGuarantees].
class GuaranteeChannel<T> extends StreamChannelMixin<T> {
Stream<T> get stream =>;
StreamSink<T> get sink => _sink;
_GuaranteeSink<T> _sink;
/// The controller for [stream].
/// This intermediate controller allows us to continue listening for a done
/// event even after the user has canceled their subscription, and to send our
/// own done event when the sink is closed.
StreamController<T> _streamController;
/// The subscription to the inner stream.
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
/// Whether the sink has closed, causing the underlying channel to disconnect.
bool _disconnected = false;
GuaranteeChannel(Stream<T> innerStream, StreamSink<T> innerSink,
{bool allowSinkErrors: true}) {
_sink = new _GuaranteeSink<T>(innerSink, this,
allowErrors: allowSinkErrors);
// Enforce the single-subscription guarantee by changing a broadcast stream
// to single-subscription.
if (innerStream.isBroadcast) {
innerStream = innerStream.transform(
const SingleSubscriptionTransformer());
_streamController = new StreamController<T>(onListen: () {
// If the sink has disconnected, we've already called
// [_streamController.close].
if (_disconnected) return;
_subscription = innerStream.listen(_streamController.add,
onError: _streamController.addError,
onDone: () {
}, sync: true);
/// Called by [_GuaranteeSink] when the user closes it.
/// The sink closing indicates that the connection is closed, so the stream
/// should stop emitting events.
void _onSinkDisconnected() {
_disconnected = true;
if (_subscription != null) _subscription.cancel();
/// The sink for [GuaranteeChannel].
/// This wraps the inner sink to ignore events and cancel any in-progress
/// [addStream] calls when the underlying channel closes.
class _GuaranteeSink<T> implements StreamSink<T> {
/// The inner sink being wrapped.
final StreamSink<T> _inner;
/// The [GuaranteeChannel] this belongs to.
final GuaranteeChannel<T> _channel;
Future get done => _doneCompleter.future;
final _doneCompleter = new Completer();
/// Whether connection is disconnected.
/// This can happen because the stream has emitted a done event, or because
/// the user added an error when [_allowErrors] is `false`.
bool _disconnected = false;
/// Whether the user has called [close].
bool _closed = false;
/// The subscription to the stream passed to [addStream], if a stream is
/// currently being added.
StreamSubscription<T> _addStreamSubscription;
/// The completer for the future returned by [addStream], if a stream is
/// currently being added.
Completer _addStreamCompleter;
/// Whether we're currently adding a stream with [addStream].
bool get _inAddStream => _addStreamSubscription != null;
/// Whether errors are passed on to the underlying sink.
/// If this is `false`, any error passed to the sink is piped to [done] and
/// the underlying sink is closed.
final bool _allowErrors;
_GuaranteeSink(this._inner, this._channel, {bool allowErrors: true})
: _allowErrors = allowErrors;
void add(T data) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add event after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add event while adding stream.");
if (_disconnected) return;
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add event after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add event while adding stream.");
if (_disconnected) return;
_addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Like [addError], but doesn't check to ensure that an error can be added.
/// This is called from [addStream], so it shouldn't fail if a stream is being
/// added.
void _addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
if (_allowErrors) {
_inner.addError(error, stackTrace);
_doneCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
// Treat an error like both the stream and sink disconnecting.
// Ignore errors from the inner sink. We're already surfacing one error, and
// if the user handles it we don't want them to have another top-level.
_inner.close().catchError((_) {});
Future addStream(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_closed) throw new StateError("Cannot add stream after closing.");
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot add stream while adding stream.");
if (_disconnected) return new Future.value();
_addStreamCompleter = new Completer.sync();
_addStreamSubscription = stream.listen(
onError: _addError,
onDone: _addStreamCompleter.complete);
return _addStreamCompleter.future.then((_) {
_addStreamCompleter = null;
_addStreamSubscription = null;
Future close() {
if (_inAddStream) {
throw new StateError("Cannot close sink while adding stream.");
if (_closed) return done;
_closed = true;
if (!_disconnected) {
return done;
/// Called by [GuaranteeChannel] when the stream emits a done event.
/// The stream being done indicates that the connection is closed, so the
/// sink should stop forwarding events.
void _onStreamDisconnected() {
_disconnected = true;
if (!_doneCompleter.isCompleted) _doneCompleter.complete();
if (!_inAddStream) return;
_addStreamCompleter = null;
_addStreamSubscription = null;