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  1. c7a76b0 Also add `@doNotSubmit` to scaffolding.dart. (#2208) by Matan Lurey · 2 weeks ago master test-v1.25.4 test_core-v0.6.2
  2. 14d820f Prepare to publish (#2207) by Nate Bosch · 3 weeks ago test-v1.25.3 test_api-v0.7.1 test_core-v0.6.1
  3. 2b1ed13 Add `@doNotSubmit` to `(test|group) solo:`... (#2206) by Matan Lurey · 3 weeks ago
  4. b1a34a9 support enabling experiments when using the dart2wasm compiler (#2203) by Jacob MacDonald · 3 weeks ago
  5. ce3c8ca Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#2199) by dependabot[bot] · 4 weeks ago

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What's here?

Welcome! package:test is the standard testing library for Dart and Flutter. If you have questions about Dart testing, please see the docs for package:test. package:test_api and package:test_core are implementation details and generally not user-facing.

package:checks is a relatively new library for expressing test expectations. It's a more modern version of package:matcher and features a literate API.


checksA framework for checking values against expectations and building custom package
testA full featured library for writing and running Dart tests across package
test_apipub package
test_corepub package