blob: 5931dae01966571edde60f7c3d86f3e850486660 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library yaml.constructor;
import 'equality.dart';
import 'model.dart';
import 'visitor.dart';
import 'yaml_node.dart';
/// Takes a parsed and composed YAML document (what the spec calls the
/// "representation graph") and creates native Dart objects that represent that
/// document.
class Constructor extends Visitor {
/// The root node of the representation graph.
final Node _root;
/// Map from anchor names to the most recent Dart node with that anchor.
final _anchors = <String, YamlNode>{};
/// Runs the Constructor to produce a Dart object.
YamlNode construct() => _root.visit(this);
/// Returns the value of a scalar.
YamlScalar visitScalar(ScalarNode scalar) =>
new YamlScalar.internal(scalar.value, scalar.span);
/// Converts a sequence into a List of Dart objects.
YamlList visitSequence(SequenceNode seq) {
var anchor = getAnchor(seq);
if (anchor != null) return anchor;
var nodes = [];
var dartSeq = setAnchor(seq, new YamlList.internal(nodes, seq.span));
return dartSeq;
/// Converts a mapping into a [Map] of Dart objects.
YamlMap visitMapping(MappingNode map) {
var anchor = getAnchor(map);
if (anchor != null) return anchor;
var nodes = deepEqualsMap();
var dartMap = setAnchor(map, new YamlMap.internal(nodes, map.span));
super.visitMapping(map).forEach((k, v) => nodes[k] = v);
return dartMap;
/// Returns a new Dart object wrapping the object that already represents
/// [anchored], if such a thing exists.
YamlNode getAnchor(Node anchored) {
if (anchored.anchor == null) return null;
var value = _anchors[anchored.anchor];
if (value == null) return null;
// Re-wrap [value]'s contents so that it's associated with the span of the
// anchor rather than its original definition.
if (value is YamlMap) {
return new YamlMap.internal(value.nodes, anchored.span);
} else if (value is YamlList) {
return new YamlList.internal(value.nodes, anchored.span);
} else {
assert(value is YamlScalar);
return new YamlScalar.internal(value.value, anchored.span);
/// Records that [value] is the Dart object representing [anchored].
YamlNode setAnchor(Node anchored, YamlNode value) {
if (anchored.anchor == null) return value;
_anchors[anchored.anchor] = value;
return value;