blob: aa567b116e73480df612013a8300af005bbcf65e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains Mojo system handle-related declarations/definitions.
// Note: This header should be compilable as C.
#include <mojo/macros.h>
#include <mojo/result.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// |MojoHandle|: Handles to Mojo objects.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID| - A value that is never a valid handle.
typedef uint32_t MojoHandle;
#define MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID ((MojoHandle)0)
// |MojoHandleRights|: Rights ("permissions") for handles. Each handle has a
// bitset of rights flags, which subsequently only be reduced. See each function
// for details about the right(s) required (some, like |MojoClose()|, require no
// rights).
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_NONE| - No rights.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_DUPLICATE| - Right to duplicate a handle.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_TRANSFER| - Right to transfer a handle (e.g., include in
// a message).
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_READ| - Right to "read" from the handle (e.g., read a
// message).
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_WRITE| - Right to "write" to the handle (e.g., write a
// message).
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_GET_OPTIONS| - Right to get a handle's options.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_SET_OPTIONS| - Right to set a handle's options.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_READABLE| - Right to "map" a (e.g., buffer) handle
// as readable memory.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_WRITABLE| - Right to "map" a (e.g., buffer) handle
// as writable memory.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_EXECUTABLE| - Right to "map" a (e.g., buffer) handle
// as executable memory.
// TODO(vtl): Add rights support/checking to existing handle types.
typedef uint32_t MojoHandleRights;
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_NONE ((MojoHandleRights)0)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_DUPLICATE ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 0)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_TRANSFER ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 1)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_READ ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 2)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_WRITE ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 3)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_GET_OPTIONS ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 4)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_SET_OPTIONS ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 5)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_READABLE ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 6)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_WRITABLE ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 7)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_MAP_EXECUTABLE ((MojoHandleRights)1 << 8)
// |MojoHandleSignals|: Used to specify signals that can be waited on for a
// handle (and which can be triggered), e.g., the ability to read or write to
// the handle.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_NONE| - No flags. |MojoWait()|, etc. will return
// |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION| if you attempt to wait on this.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READABLE| - Can read (e.g., a message) from the handle.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_WRITABLE| - Can write (e.g., a message) to the handle.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_PEER_CLOSED| - The peer handle is closed.
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READ_THRESHOLD| - Can read a certain amount of data
// from the handle (e.g., a data pipe consumer; see
// |MojoDataPipeConsumerOptions|).
typedef uint32_t MojoHandleSignals;
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_NONE ((MojoHandleSignals)0)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READABLE ((MojoHandleSignals)1 << 0)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_WRITABLE ((MojoHandleSignals)1 << 1)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_PEER_CLOSED ((MojoHandleSignals)1 << 2)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_READ_THRESHOLD ((MojoHandleSignals)1 << 3)
#define MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_WRITE_THRESHOLD ((MojoHandleSignals)1 << 4)
// |MojoHandleSignalsState|: Returned by wait functions to indicate the
// signaling state of handles. Members are as follows:
// - |satisfied signals|: Bitmask of signals that were satisfied at some time
// before the call returned.
// - |satisfiable signals|: These are the signals that are possible to
// satisfy. For example, if the return value was
// |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION|, you can use this field to
// determine which, if any, of the signals can still be satisfied.
// Note: This struct is not extensible (and only has 32-bit quantities), so it's
// 32-bit-aligned.
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(MOJO_ALIGNOF(uint32_t) == 4, "uint32_t has weird alignment");
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(4) MojoHandleSignalsState {
MojoHandleSignals satisfied_signals;
MojoHandleSignals satisfiable_signals;
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct MojoHandleSignalsState) == 8,
"MojoHandleSignalsState has wrong size");
// |MojoClose()|: Closes the given |handle|.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |handle| is currently in use in some transaction
// (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as being sent in
// a message).
// Concurrent operations on |handle| may succeed (or fail as usual) if they
// happen before the close, be cancelled with result |MOJO_RESULT_CANCELLED| if
// they properly overlap (this is likely the case with |MojoWait()|, etc.), or
// fail with |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if they happen after.
MojoResult MojoClose(MojoHandle handle); // In.
// |MojoGetRights()|: Gets the given |handle|'s rights.
// On success, |*rights| (|rights| must be non-null) will be set to |handle|'s
// rights.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |handle| is currently in use in some transaction
// (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as being sent in
// a message).
MojoResult MojoGetRights(MojoHandle handle, MojoHandleRights* rights); // Out.
// |MojoReplaceHandleWithReducedRights()|: Replaces |handle| with an equivalent
// one with reduced rights.
// On success, |*replacement_handle| will be a handle that is equivalent to
// |handle| (before the call), but with:
// replacement handle rights = current rights & ~rights_to_remove.
// |handle| will be invalidated and any ongoing two-phase operations (e.g., for
// data pipes) on |handle| will be aborted.
// On failure, |handle| will remain valid and unchanged (with any ongoing
// two-phase operations undisturbed) and |*replacement_handle| will not be set.
// Note that it is not an error to "remove" rights that the handle does not
// (currently) possess.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle.
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a process/system/quota/etc. limit has
// been reached.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |handle| is currently in use in some transaction
// (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as being sent in
// a message).
MojoResult MojoReplaceHandleWithReducedRights(
MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandleRights rights_to_remove,
MojoHandle* replacement_handle); // Out.
// |MojoDuplicateHandleWithReducedRights()|: Duplicates |handle| to a new handle
// with reduced rights. This requires |handle| to have the
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_DUPLICATE| (note that some handle types may never have
// this right).
// The rights for the new handle are determined as in
// |MojoReplaceHandleWithReducedRights()|. That is, on success:
// new handle rights = original handle rights & ~rights_to_remove.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle.
// |MOJO_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED| if |handle| does not have the
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a process/system/quota/etc. limit has
// been reached.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |handle| is currently in use in some transaction
// (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as being sent in
// a message).
MojoResult MojoDuplicateHandleWithReducedRights(
MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandleRights rights_to_remove,
MojoHandle* new_handle); // Out.
// |MojoDuplicateHandle()|: Duplicates |handle| to a new handle with equivalent
// rights. This requires |handle| to have the |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_DUPLICATE|.
// This is equivalent to |MojoDuplicateHandleWithReducedRights(handle,
// MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_NONE, new_handle)|.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle.
// |MOJO_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED| if |handle| does not have the
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a process/system/quota/etc. limit has
// been reached.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |handle| is currently in use in some transaction
// (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as being sent in
// a message).
MojoResult MojoDuplicateHandle(MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandle* new_handle); // Out.