blob: 3686bcfa123056b65295778d4486d65bc0b6300b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.mojo.bindings;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.AsyncWaiter;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.Core;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MessagePipeHandle;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MessagePipeHandle.ReadMessageResult;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MojoException;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MojoResult;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.ResultAnd;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* A {@link Connector} owns a {@link MessagePipeHandle} and will send any received messages to the
* registered {@link MessageReceiver}. It also acts as a {@link MessageReceiver} and will send any
* message through the handle.
* <p>
* The method |start| must be called before the {@link Connector} will start listening to incoming
* messages.
public class Connector implements MessageReceiver, HandleOwner<MessagePipeHandle> {
* The callback that is notified when the state of the owned handle changes.
private final AsyncWaiterCallback mAsyncWaiterCallback = new AsyncWaiterCallback();
* The owned message pipe.
private final MessagePipeHandle mMessagePipeHandle;
* A waiter which is notified when a new message is available on the owned message pipe.
private final AsyncWaiter mAsyncWaiter;
* The {@link MessageReceiver} to which received messages are sent.
private MessageReceiver mIncomingMessageReceiver;
* The Cancellable for the current wait. Is |null| when not currently waiting for new messages.
private AsyncWaiter.Cancellable mCancellable;
* The error handler to notify of errors.
private ConnectionErrorHandler mErrorHandler;
* Create a new connector over a |messagePipeHandle|. The created connector will use the default
* {@link AsyncWaiter} from the {@link Core} implementation of |messagePipeHandle|.
public Connector(MessagePipeHandle messagePipeHandle) {
this(messagePipeHandle, BindingsHelper.getDefaultAsyncWaiterForHandle(messagePipeHandle));
* Create a new connector over a |messagePipeHandle| using the given {@link AsyncWaiter} to get
* notified of changes on the handle.
public Connector(MessagePipeHandle messagePipeHandle, AsyncWaiter asyncWaiter) {
mCancellable = null;
mMessagePipeHandle = messagePipeHandle;
mAsyncWaiter = asyncWaiter;
* Set the {@link MessageReceiver} that will receive message from the owned message pipe.
public void setIncomingMessageReceiver(MessageReceiver incomingMessageReceiver) {
mIncomingMessageReceiver = incomingMessageReceiver;
* Set the {@link ConnectionErrorHandler} that will be notified of errors on the owned message
* pipe.
public void setErrorHandler(ConnectionErrorHandler errorHandler) {
mErrorHandler = errorHandler;
* Start listening for incoming messages.
public void start() {
assert mCancellable == null;
* @see MessageReceiver#accept(Message)
public boolean accept(Message message) {
try {
message.getHandles(), MessagePipeHandle.WriteFlags.NONE);
return true;
} catch (MojoException e) {
return false;
* Pass the owned handle of the connector. After this, the connector is disconnected. It cannot
* accept new message and it isn't listening to the handle anymore.
* @see org.chromium.mojo.bindings.HandleOwner#passHandle()
public MessagePipeHandle passHandle() {
MessagePipeHandle handle = mMessagePipeHandle.pass();
if (mIncomingMessageReceiver != null) {
return handle;
* @see
public void close() {
if (mIncomingMessageReceiver != null) {
MessageReceiver incomingMessageReceiver = mIncomingMessageReceiver;
mIncomingMessageReceiver = null;
private class AsyncWaiterCallback implements AsyncWaiter.Callback {
* @see org.chromium.mojo.system.AsyncWaiter.Callback#onResult(int)
public void onResult(int result) {
* @see org.chromium.mojo.system.AsyncWaiter.Callback#onError(MojoException)
public void onError(MojoException exception) {
mCancellable = null;
* @see org.chromium.mojo.system.AsyncWaiter.Callback#onResult(int)
private void onAsyncWaiterResult(int result) {
mCancellable = null;
if (result == MojoResult.OK) {
} else {
onError(new MojoException(result));
private void onError(MojoException exception) {
assert mCancellable == null;
if (mErrorHandler != null) {
* Register to be called back when a new message is available on the owned message pipe.
private void registerAsyncWaiterForRead() {
assert mCancellable == null;
if (mAsyncWaiter != null) {
mCancellable = mAsyncWaiter.asyncWait(mMessagePipeHandle, Core.HandleSignals.READABLE,
Core.DEADLINE_INFINITE, mAsyncWaiterCallback);
} else {
onError(new MojoException(MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT));
* Read all available messages on the owned message pipe.
private void readOutstandingMessages() {
ResultAnd<Boolean> result;
do {
try {
result = readAndDispatchMessage(mMessagePipeHandle, mIncomingMessageReceiver);
} catch (MojoException e) {
} while (result.getValue());
if (result.getMojoResult() == MojoResult.SHOULD_WAIT) {
} else {
onError(new MojoException(result.getMojoResult()));
private void cancelIfActive() {
if (mCancellable != null) {
mCancellable = null;
* Read a message, and pass it to the given |MessageReceiver| if not null. If the
* |MessageReceiver| is null, the message is lost.
* @param receiver The {@link MessageReceiver} that will receive the read {@link Message}. Can
* be <code>null</code>, in which case the message is discarded.
static ResultAnd<Boolean> readAndDispatchMessage(
MessagePipeHandle handle, MessageReceiver receiver) {
// TODO(qsr) Allow usage of a pool of pre-allocated buffer for performance.
ResultAnd<ReadMessageResult> result =
handle.readMessage(null, 0, MessagePipeHandle.ReadFlags.NONE);
if (result.getMojoResult() != MojoResult.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) {
return new ResultAnd<Boolean>(result.getMojoResult(), false);
ReadMessageResult readResult = result.getValue();
assert readResult != null;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(readResult.getMessageSize());
result = handle.readMessage(
buffer, readResult.getHandlesCount(), MessagePipeHandle.ReadFlags.NONE);
if (receiver != null && result.getMojoResult() == MojoResult.OK) {
boolean accepted = receiver.accept(new Message(buffer, result.getValue().getHandles()));
return new ResultAnd<Boolean>(result.getMojoResult(), accepted);
return new ResultAnd<Boolean>(result.getMojoResult(), false);