blob: b1a35ec16bbae473e0be35c1b6fbec8f43090f66 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility classes for serialization"""
import struct
# Format of a header for a struct, array or union.
HEADER_STRUCT = struct.Struct("<II")
# Format for a pointer.
POINTER_STRUCT = struct.Struct("<Q")
def Flatten(value):
"""Flattens nested lists/tuples into an one-level list. If value is not a
list/tuple, it is converted to an one-item list. For example,
(1, 2, [3, 4, ('56', '7')]) is converted to [1, 2, 3, 4, '56', '7'];
1 is converted to [1].
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
result = []
for item in value:
return result
return [value]
class SerializationException(Exception):
"""Error when strying to serialize a struct."""
class DeserializationException(Exception):
"""Error when strying to deserialize a struct."""
class DeserializationContext(object):
def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
raise NotImplementedError()
def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetSubContext(self, offset):
raise NotImplementedError()
def IsInitialContext(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class RootDeserializationContext(DeserializationContext):
def __init__(self, data, handles):
if isinstance(data, buffer): = data
else: = buffer(data)
self._handles = handles
self._next_handle = 0;
self._next_memory = 0;
def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
if handle < self._next_handle:
raise DeserializationException('Accessing handles out of order.')
self._next_handle = handle + 1
return self._handles[handle]
def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
if start < self._next_memory:
raise DeserializationException('Accessing buffer out of order.')
self._next_memory = start + size
def GetSubContext(self, offset):
return _ChildDeserializationContext(self, offset)
def IsInitialContext(self):
return True
class _ChildDeserializationContext(DeserializationContext):
def __init__(self, parent, offset):
self._parent = parent
self._offset = offset = buffer(, offset)
def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
return self._parent.ClaimHandle(handle)
def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
return self._parent.ClaimMemory(self._offset + start, size)
def GetSubContext(self, offset):
return self._parent.GetSubContext(self._offset + offset)
def IsInitialContext(self):
return False
class Serialization(object):
Helper class to serialize/deserialize a struct.
def __init__(self, groups):
self.version = _GetVersion(groups)
self._groups = groups
main_struct = _GetStruct(groups)
self.size = HEADER_STRUCT.size + main_struct.size
self._struct_per_version = {
self.version: main_struct,
self._groups_per_version = {
self.version: groups,
def _GetMainStruct(self):
return self._GetStruct(self.version)
def _GetGroups(self, version):
# If asking for a version greater than the last known.
version = min(version, self.version)
if version not in self._groups_per_version:
self._groups_per_version[version] = _FilterGroups(self._groups, version)
return self._groups_per_version[version]
def _GetStruct(self, version):
# If asking for a version greater than the last known.
version = min(version, self.version)
if version not in self._struct_per_version:
self._struct_per_version[version] = _GetStruct(self._GetGroups(version))
return self._struct_per_version[version]
def Serialize(self, obj, handle_offset):
Serialize the given obj. handle_offset is the the first value to use when
encoding handles.
handles = []
data = bytearray(self.size)
HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(data, 0, self.size, self.version)
position = HEADER_STRUCT.size
to_pack = []
for group in self._groups:
position = position + NeededPaddingForAlignment(position,
(entry, new_handles) = group.Serialize(
len(data) - position,
handle_offset + len(handles))
position = position + group.GetByteSize()
self._GetMainStruct().pack_into(data, HEADER_STRUCT.size, *to_pack)
return (data, handles)
def Deserialize(self, fields, context):
if len( < HEADER_STRUCT.size:
raise DeserializationException(
'Available data too short to contain header.')
(size, version) = HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(
if len( < size or size < HEADER_STRUCT.size:
raise DeserializationException('Header size is incorrect.')
if context.IsInitialContext():
context.ClaimMemory(0, size)
version_struct = self._GetStruct(version)
entities = version_struct.unpack_from(, HEADER_STRUCT.size)
filtered_groups = self._GetGroups(version)
if ((version <= self.version and
size != version_struct.size + HEADER_STRUCT.size) or
size < version_struct.size + HEADER_STRUCT.size):
raise DeserializationException('Struct size in incorrect.')
position = HEADER_STRUCT.size
enties_index = 0
for group in filtered_groups:
position = position + NeededPaddingForAlignment(position,
enties_count = len(group.GetTypeCode())
if enties_count == 1:
value = entities[enties_index]
value = tuple(entities[enties_index:enties_index+enties_count])
fields.update(group.Deserialize(value, context.GetSubContext(position)))
position += group.GetByteSize()
enties_index += enties_count
def NeededPaddingForAlignment(value, alignment=8):
"""Returns the padding necessary to align value with the given alignment."""
if value % alignment:
return alignment - (value % alignment)
return 0
def _GetVersion(groups):
if not len(groups):
return 0
return max([x.GetMaxVersion() for x in groups])
def _FilterGroups(groups, version):
return [group.Filter(version) for
group in groups if group.GetMinVersion() <= version]
def _GetStruct(groups):
index = 0
codes = [ '<' ]
for group in groups:
code = group.GetTypeCode()
needed_padding = NeededPaddingForAlignment(index, group.GetAlignment())
if needed_padding:
codes.append('x' * needed_padding)
index = index + needed_padding
index = index + group.GetByteSize()
alignment_needed = NeededPaddingForAlignment(index)
if alignment_needed:
codes.append('x' * alignment_needed)
return struct.Struct(''.join(codes))
class UnionSerializer(object):
Helper class to serialize/deserialize a union.
def __init__(self, fields):
self._fields = {field.index: field for field in fields}
def SerializeInline(self, union, handle_offset):
data = bytearray()
field = self._fields[union.tag]
# If the union value is a simple type or a nested union, it is returned as
# entry.
# Otherwise, the serialized value is appended to data and the value of entry
# is -1. The caller will need to set entry to the location where the
# caller will append data.
(entry, handles) = field.field_type.Serialize(, -1, data, handle_offset)
# If the value contained in the union is itself a union, we append its
# serialized value to data and set entry to -1. The caller will need to set
# entry to the location where the caller will append data.
if field.field_type.IsUnion():
nested_union = bytearray(16)
HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(nested_union, 0, entry[0], entry[1])
POINTER_STRUCT.pack_into(nested_union, 8, entry[2])
data = nested_union + data
# Since we do not know where the caller will append the nested union,
# we set entry to an invalid value and let the caller figure out the right
# value.
entry = -1
return (16, union.tag, entry, data), handles
def Serialize(self, union, handle_offset):
(size, tag, entry, extra_data), handles = self.SerializeInline(
union, handle_offset)
data = bytearray(16)
if extra_data:
entry = 8
field = self._fields[union.tag]
HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(data, 0, size, tag)
typecode = field.GetTypeCode()
# If the value is a nested union, we store a 64 bits pointer to it.
if field.field_type.IsUnion():
typecode = 'Q'
struct.pack_into('<%s' % typecode, data, 8, entry)
return data, handles
def Deserialize(self, context, union_class):
if len( < HEADER_STRUCT.size:
raise DeserializationException(
'Available data too short to contain header.')
(size, tag) = HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(
if size == 0:
return None
if size != 16:
raise DeserializationException('Invalid union size %s' % size)
union = union_class.__new__(union_class)
if tag not in self._fields:
union.SetInternals(None, None)
return union
field = self._fields[tag]
if field.field_type.IsUnion():
ptr = POINTER_STRUCT.unpack_from(, 8)[0]
value = field.field_type.Deserialize(ptr, context.GetSubContext(ptr+8))
raw_value = struct.unpack_from(
field.GetTypeCode(),, 8)[0]
value = field.field_type.Deserialize(raw_value, context.GetSubContext(8))
union.SetInternals(field, value)
return union