blob: c8aa000b6bf7317e15056e936ab68158eab590bc [file] [log] [blame]
{# TODO(yzshen): Make these templates more readable. #}
{# Computes the serialized size for the specified struct.
|struct| is the struct definition.
|input_field_pattern| should be a pattern that contains one string
placeholder, for example, "input->%s", "p_%s". The placeholder will be
substituted with struct field names to refer to the input fields.
This macro is expanded to compute seriailized size for both:
- user-defined structs: the input is an instance of the corresponding struct
wrapper class.
- method parameters/response parameters: the input is a list of
It declares |size| of type size_t to store the resulting size. #}
{%- macro get_serialized_size(struct, input_field_pattern) -%}
size_t size = sizeof(internal::{{}}_Data);
{%- for pf in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order if pf.field.kind|is_object_kind %}
{%- if pf.field.kind|is_union_kind %}
size += GetSerializedSize_({{input_field_pattern|format(}});
{%- elif pf.field.kind|is_struct_kind %}
size += {{input_field_pattern|format(}}.is_null()
? 0
: GetSerializedSize_(*{{input_field_pattern|format(}});
{%- else %}
size += GetSerializedSize_({{input_field_pattern|format(}});
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# A private macro that prints the C++ log-and-report serialization errors
macro, and conditionally returns if |should_return_errors| #}
{%- macro _validation_check_macro(condition, error_code, error_msg, should_return_errors=false) -%}
if ({{condition}}) {
MOJO_INTERNAL_DLOG_SERIALIZATION_WARNING({{error_code}}, "{{error_msg}}");
{%- if should_return_errors %}
return {{error_code}};
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# The following 4 macros call |SerializeArray_|, |SerializeMap_|,
|SerializeUnion_| and |Serialize_| respectively. If |should_return_error|
is true, these macros do the extra work of propagating non-successful error
codes. #}
{%- macro call_serialize_array(name, kind, input, buffer, output,
should_return_errors, indent_size) -%}
const mojo::internal::ArrayValidateParams {{name}}_validate_params(
{%- if should_return_errors -%}
auto retval =
{%- endif -%}
mojo::SerializeArray_({{input}}, {{buffer}}, {{output}},
{%- if should_return_errors %}
if (retval != mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro call_serialize_map(name, kind, input, buffer, output,
should_return_errors, indent_size) -%}
const mojo::internal::ArrayValidateParams {{name}}_validate_params(
{%- if should_return_errors -%}
auto retval =
{%- endif -%}
{{input}}, {{buffer}}, {{output}},
{%- if should_return_errors %}
if (retval != mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro call_serialize_union(input, buffer, output, should_return_errors) -%}
{%- if should_return_errors %}
auto retval =
{%- endif %}
{%- if should_return_errors %}
if (retval != mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro call_serialize_struct(input, buffer, output, should_return_errors) -%}
{%- if should_return_errors -%}
auto retval =
{%- endif -%}
{%- if should_return_errors %}
if (retval != mojo::internal::ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# Serializes the specified struct.
|struct| is the struct definition.
|struct_display_name| is the display name for the struct that can be showed
in error/log messages, for example, "FooStruct", "FooMethod request".
|input_field_pattern| should be a pattern that contains one string
placeholder, for example, "input->%s", "p_%s". The placeholder will be
substituted with struct field names to refer to the input fields.
|output| is the name of the output struct instance.
|buffer| is the name of the Buffer instance used.
|should_return_errors| is true if validation errors need to be return'd.
This is needed when serializing interface parameters, where you cannot
This macro is expanded to do serialization for both:
- user-defined structs: the input is an instance of the corresponding struct
wrapper class.
- method parameters/response parameters: the input is a list of
This macro is expanded within the C++ struct serialization methods #}
{%- macro serialize(struct, struct_display_name, input_field_pattern,
output, buffer, should_return_errors=false) -%}
internal::{{}}_Data* {{output}} =
{%- for pf in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order %}
{%- set input_field = input_field_pattern|format( %}
{%- set name = %}
{%- set kind = pf.field.kind %}
{%- if kind|is_object_kind %}
{%- if kind|is_array_kind %}
{{call_serialize_array(name = name,
kind = kind,
input = '&' ~ input_field,
buffer = buffer,
output = "&%s->%s.ptr"|format(output,name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors,
indent_size = 10)}}
{%- elif kind|is_map_kind %}
{{call_serialize_map(name = name,
kind = kind,
input = '&' ~ input_field,
buffer = buffer,
output = '&%s->%s.ptr'|format(output,name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors,
indent_size = 10)}}
{%- elif kind|is_union_kind %}
internal::{{}}_Data* {{name}}_ptr = &{{output}}->{{name}};
{{call_serialize_union(input = input_field ~ ".get()",
buffer = buffer,
output = "&%s_ptr"|format(name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors)}}
{%- elif kind|is_string_kind %}
SerializeString_({{input_field}}, {{buffer}}, &{{output}}->{{name}}.ptr);
{%- else %}
{{call_serialize_struct(input = input_field ~ ".get()",
buffer = buffer,
output = "&%s->%s.ptr"|format(output,name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors)}}
{%- endif %}
{%- if not kind|is_nullable_kind %}
{%- if kind|is_union_kind %}
{%- set condition = "%s->%s.is_null()" | format(output, name) %}
{%- else %}
{%- set condition = "!%s->%s.ptr" | format(output,name) %}
{%- endif %}
condition = condition,
error_code = "mojo::internal::ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER",
error_msg = "null %s in %s" | format(name, struct_display_name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors)}}
{%- endif %}
{%- elif kind|is_any_handle_kind or kind|is_interface_kind %}
{%- if kind|is_interface_kind %}
{%- elif kind|is_interface_request_kind %}
{{output}}->{{name}} = {{input_field}}.PassMessagePipe().release();
{%- else %}
{{output}}->{{name}} = {{input_field}}.release();
{%- endif %}
{%- if not kind|is_nullable_kind %}
{%- if kind|is_interface_kind %}
{%- set condition = "!%s->%s.handle.is_valid()" | format(output, name) %}
{%- else %}
{%- set condition = "!%s->%s.is_valid()" | format(output,name) %}
{%- endif %}
condition = condition,
error_code = "mojo::internal::ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE",
error_msg = "invalid %s in %s" | format(name, struct_display_name),
should_return_errors = should_return_errors)}}
{%- endif %}
{%- elif kind|is_enum_kind %}
{{output}}->{{name}} =
{%- else %}
{{output}}->{{name}} = {{input_field}};
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# Deserializes the specified struct.
|struct| is the struct definition.
|input| is the name of the input struct instance.
|output_field_pattern| should be a pattern that contains one string
placeholder, for example, "result->%s", "p_%s". The placeholder will be
substituted with struct field names to refer to the output fields.
This macro is expanded to do deserialization for both:
- user-defined structs: the output is an instance of the corresponding
struct wrapper class.
- method parameters/response parameters: the output is a list of
arguments. #}
{%- macro deserialize(struct, input, output_field_pattern) -%}
do {
// NOTE: The memory backing |{{input}}| may has be smaller than
// |sizeof(*{{input}})| if the message comes from an older version.
{#- Before deserialize fields introduced at a certain version, we need to add
a version check, which makes sure we skip further deserialization if
|input| is from an earlier version. |last_checked_version| records the
last version that we have added such version check. #}
{%- set last_checked_version = 0 %}
{%- for pf in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order %}
{%- set output_field = output_field_pattern|format( %}
{%- set name = %}
{%- set kind = pf.field.kind %}
{%- if pf.min_version > last_checked_version %}
{%- set last_checked_version = pf.min_version %}
if ({{input}}->header_.version < {{pf.min_version}})
{%- endif %}
{%- if kind|is_object_kind %}
{%- if kind|is_union_kind %}
if (!{{input}}->{{name}}.is_null()) {
{{output_field}} = {{kind|get_name_for_kind}}::New();
Deserialize_(&{{input}}->{{name}}, {{output_field}}.get());
{%- elif kind|is_struct_kind %}
if ({{input}}->{{name}}.ptr) {
{{output_field}} = {{kind|get_name_for_kind}}::New();
Deserialize_({{input}}->{{name}}.ptr, {{output_field}}.get());
{%- else %}
{#- Arrays and Maps #}
Deserialize_({{input}}->{{name}}.ptr, &{{output_field}});
{%- endif %}
{%- elif kind|is_interface_kind %}
mojo::internal::InterfaceDataToHandle(&{{input}}->{{name}}, &{{output_field}});
{%- elif kind|is_interface_request_kind %}
{%- elif kind|is_any_handle_kind %}
{%- elif kind|is_enum_kind %}
{{output_field}} = static_cast<{{kind|cpp_wrapper_type}}>({{input}}->{{name}});
{%- else %}
{{output_field}} = {{input}}->{{name}};
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
} while (false);
{%- endmacro %}
{# Forward declares |struct|, and typedefs the appropriate Ptr wrapper
(|mojo::StructPtr| or |mojo::InlinedStructPtr|). This macro is expanded for
all generated structs:
- user-defined mojo structs
- interface method params/response params #}
{%- macro structptr_forward_decl(struct) -%}
class {{}};
{% if struct|should_inline %}
using {{}}Ptr = mojo::InlinedStructPtr<{{}}>;
{% else %}
using {{}}Ptr = mojo::StructPtr<{{}}>;
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}