blob: 8417b7d302f8d0d94cdb0c0f4ebaf6b8308cba33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Tests validation functionality in the bindings package
//! Test failure is defined as the function returning via panicking
//! and the result being caught in the test! macro. If a test function
//! returns without panicking, it is assumed to pass.
extern crate mojo;
use mojo::bindings::decoding::{Decoder, ValidationError};
use mojo::bindings::encoding;
use mojo::bindings::encoding::{Encoder, DataHeaderValue, Context};
use mojo::bindings::mojom::{MojomEncodable, MojomPointer, MojomStruct};
use mojo::system;
use mojo::system::UntypedHandle;
mod util;
const STRUCT_A_VERSIONS: [(u32, u32); 1] = [(0, 16)];
struct StructA<T: MojomEncodable> {
param0: [T; 3],
impl<T: MojomEncodable> MojomPointer for StructA<T> {
fn header_data(&self) -> DataHeaderValue {
fn serialized_size(&self, _context: &Context) -> usize {
fn encode_value(self, encoder: &mut Encoder, context: Context) {
MojomEncodable::encode(self.param0, encoder, context.clone());
fn decode_value(decoder: &mut Decoder, context: Context) -> Result<Self, ValidationError> {
let _version = {
let mut state = decoder.get_mut(&context);
match state.decode_struct_header(&STRUCT_A_VERSIONS) {
Ok(header) =>,
Err(err) => return Err(err),
let param0 = match <[T; 3]>::decode(decoder, context.clone()) {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => return Err(err),
Ok(StructA { param0: param0 })
impl<T: MojomEncodable> MojomEncodable for StructA<T> {
fn compute_size(&self, context: Context) -> usize {
encoding::align_default(self.serialized_size(&context)) +
impl<T: MojomEncodable> MojomStruct for StructA<T> {}
tests! {
// Fixed size arrays have complex and unsafe semantics to ensure
// there are no memory leaks. We test this behavior here to make
// sure memory isn't becoming corrupted.
fn regression_fixed_size_array_error_propagates_safely() {
let handle1 = unsafe { system::acquire(0) };
let handle2 = unsafe { system::acquire(0) };
let handle3 = unsafe { system::acquire(0) };
let val = StructA {
param0: [handle1, handle2, handle3],
let (mut buffer, mut handles) = val.auto_serialize();
let new_val = <StructA<UntypedHandle>>::deserialize(&mut buffer[..], handles);
match new_val {
Ok(_) => panic!("Value should not be okay!"),
Err(err) => assert_eq!(err, ValidationError::IllegalHandle),
// Same as the above test, but verifies that drop() is called.
// For the only handle that should drop, we make the handle some
// random number which is potentially a valid handle. When on
// drop() we try to close it, we should panic.
fn regression_fixed_size_array_verify_drop() {
let handle1 = unsafe { system::acquire(42) };
let handle2 = unsafe { system::acquire(0) };
let handle3 = unsafe { system::acquire(0) };
let val = StructA {
param0: [handle1, handle2, handle3],
let (mut buffer, mut handles) = val.auto_serialize();
let new_val = <StructA<UntypedHandle>>::deserialize(&mut buffer[..], handles);
match new_val {
Ok(_) => panic!("Value should not be okay!"),
Err(err) => assert_eq!(err, ValidationError::IllegalHandle),