blob: a6c100e9b70bdef78323622372b47e792a4a99a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <mojo/system/time.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/wait_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop_handler.h"
namespace mojo {
// Run loop (a.k.a. message loop): watches handles for signals and calls
// handlers when they occur; can also execute posted (delayed) tasks. This class
// is not thread-safe.
class RunLoop {
// Returns the RunLoop for the current thread or null if not yet created.
static RunLoop* current();
// Registers a RunLoopHandler for the specified handle. Returns an |Id|
// The handler's OnHandleReady() method is invoked after one of the signals in
// |handle_signals| occurs. Note that the handler remains registered until
// explicitly removed or an error occurs.
// The handler's OnHandleError() method is invoked if the deadline elapses, an
// error is detected, or the RunLoop is being destroyed (with result
// MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED in this case). The handler is automatically
// unregistered before calling OnHandleError(), so it will not receive any
// further notifications.
// A handler may call AddHandler() again in both OnHandleReady() and
// OnHandleError(). Warning: If OnHandleError() was called due to the RunLoop
// being destroyed, the newly-added handler's OnHandleError() will also be
// called; this may lead to an infinite loop if it again calls AddHandler() ad
// infinitum.
RunLoopHandler::Id AddHandler(RunLoopHandler* handler,
const Handle& handle,
MojoHandleSignals handle_signals,
MojoDeadline deadline);
void RemoveHandler(RunLoopHandler::Id id);
// Adds a task to be performed after delay has elapsed.
void PostDelayedTask(const Closure& task, MojoTimeTicks delay);
// Runs the loop servicing handles and tasks as they become ready. Returns
// when Quit() is invoked, or there are no more handles or tasks.
void Run();
// Runs the loop servicing any handles and tasks that are ready. Does not wait
// for handles or tasks to become ready before returning. Returns early if
// Quit() is invoked.
void RunUntilIdle();
void Quit();
// Returns the number of registered handlers. (This is mostly used for
// testing.)
size_t num_handlers() const { return handlers_.size(); }
static constexpr MojoTimeTicks kInvalidTimeTicks = 0;
// Contains the information that was passed to |AddHandler()|. These are
// stored in |handlers|, which is a map from |RunLoopHandler::Id|s
// (generated/returned by |AddHandler()| to |HandlerInfo|s. Each entry in
// |handlers_| also has a corresponding entry in |wait_set_| (with cookie the
// |RunLoopHandler::Id|).
struct HandlerInfo {
HandlerInfo(RunLoopHandler* handler,
MojoHandleSignals handle_signals,
MojoTimeTicks absolute_deadline)
: handler(handler),
absolute_deadline(absolute_deadline) {}
RunLoopHandler* handler;
MojoHandleSignals handle_signals;
// |kInvalidTimeTicks| means forever/no deadline/indefinite.
MojoTimeTicks absolute_deadline;
using IdToHandlerInfoMap = std::map<RunLoopHandler::Id, HandlerInfo>;
// Contains information about a handler with a deadline. These are stored in
// the |handler_deadlines_| priority queue (with the earliest/lowest
// |RunLoopHandler::Id| at the top). If |id| is not in |handlers_|, then this
// deadline is no longer valid (i.e., is stale).
struct HandlerDeadlineInfo {
HandlerDeadlineInfo(RunLoopHandler::Id id, MojoTimeTicks absolute_deadline)
: id(id), absolute_deadline(absolute_deadline) {}
// Needed to be in a priority queue. Note that |std::priority_queue<>|'s top
// is the "greatest" element, whereas we want the earliest.
bool operator<(const HandlerDeadlineInfo& other) const {
return (absolute_deadline == other.absolute_deadline)
? id <
: absolute_deadline > other.absolute_deadline;
RunLoopHandler::Id id;
MojoTimeTicks absolute_deadline;
using HandlerDeadlineQueue = std::priority_queue<HandlerDeadlineInfo>;
// Contains information about a task posted using |PostDelayedTask()|. (Even
// though tasks are not handlers, we also assign them |RunLoopHandler::Id|s
// from the same namespace.) These are stored in the |delayed_tasks_| priority
// queue (with the earliest/lowest |RunLoopHandler::Id| at the top).
struct DelayedTaskInfo {
DelayedTaskInfo(RunLoopHandler::Id id,
const Closure& task,
MojoTimeTicks absolute_run_time);
bool operator<(const DelayedTaskInfo& other) const {
return (absolute_run_time == other.absolute_run_time)
? id >
: absolute_run_time > other.absolute_run_time;
RunLoopHandler::Id id;
Closure task;
MojoTimeTicks absolute_run_time;
using DelayedTaskQueue = std::priority_queue<DelayedTaskInfo>;
// Inside of |Run()|/|RunUntilIdle()| (i.e., really in |RunInternal()|), we
// have one of these on the stack. |current_run_state_| points to the current
// one. (This is needed to handle nested execution.)
struct RunState;
// Helper for |Run()| and |RunUntilIdle()|, which loops and executes delayed
// tasks and handlers as handles become "ready". It will if:
// - there are no more tasks or registered handlers,
// - |Quit()| is called, or
// - no work is done in a given iteration if |quit_when_idle| is true.
void RunInternal(bool quit_when_idle);
// Executes one iteration of the run loop. Returns true if the run loop should
// continue.
bool DoIteration(bool quit_when_idle);
// Notifies handlers corresponding to the wait results in |results| (which
// should not be empty). Returns true if work was done (i.e., any handler was
// called).
bool NotifyResults(const std::vector<MojoWaitSetResult>& results);
// Notifies any handlers with a deadline up to |absolute_deadline| was that
// their deadline was exceeded. Returns true if work was done (i.e., any
// handler was called).
bool NotifyHandlersDeadlineExceeded(MojoTimeTicks absolute_deadline);
// Calculates the absolute deadline (to be turned into a relative deadline)
// for the wait set wait. This should only be called if |handlers_| is
// nonempty. Returns |kInvalidTimeTicks| for "forever"/indefinite. Sets
// |*is_delayed_task| to true if the deadline is for a delayed task.
MojoTimeTicks CalculateAbsoluteDeadline(bool* is_delayed_task);
RunLoopHandler::Id next_id_ = 1u;
IdToHandlerInfoMap handlers_;
ScopedWaitSetHandle wait_set_;
HandlerDeadlineQueue handler_deadlines_;
DelayedTaskQueue delayed_tasks_;
RunState* current_run_state_ = nullptr;
} // namespace mojo