blob: eed2e52527a1c12e04a4712f3e147c637feb7d19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains types/constants and functions specific to message pipes.
// Note: This header should be compilable as C.
#include <mojo/macros.h>
#include <mojo/result.h>
#include <mojo/system/handle.h>
// |MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions|: Used to specify creation parameters for a
// message pipe to |MojoCreateMessagePipe()|.
// |uint32_t struct_size|: Set to the size of the
// |MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions| struct. (Used to allow for future
// extensions.)
// |MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags flags|: Reserved for future use.
typedef uint32_t MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags;
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(MOJO_ALIGNOF(int64_t) == 8, "int64_t has weird alignment");
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions {
uint32_t struct_size;
MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags flags;
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions) == 8,
"MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions has wrong size");
// |MojoWriteMessageFlags|: Used to specify different modes to
// |MojoWriteMessage()|.
// |MOJO_WRITE_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE| - No flags; default mode.
typedef uint32_t MojoWriteMessageFlags;
#define MOJO_WRITE_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE ((MojoWriteMessageFlags)0)
// |MojoReadMessageFlags|: Used to specify different modes to
// |MojoReadMessage()|.
// |MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE| - No flags; default mode.
// |MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_MAY_DISCARD| - If the message is unable to be read
// for whatever reason (e.g., the caller-supplied buffer is too small),
// discard the message (i.e., simply dequeue it).
typedef uint32_t MojoReadMessageFlags;
#define MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE ((MojoReadMessageFlags)0)
#define MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_MAY_DISCARD ((MojoReadMessageFlags)1 << 0)
// |MojoCreateMessagePipe()|: Creates a message pipe, which is a bidirectional
// communication channel for framed data (i.e., messages). Messages can contain
// plain data and/or Mojo handles.
// |options| may be set to null for a message pipe with the default options.
// On success, |*message_pipe_handle0| and |*message_pipe_handle1| are set to
// handles for the two endpoints (ports) for the message pipe. Both handles have
// (at least) the following rights: |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_TRANSFER|,
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if some argument was invalid (e.g.,
// |*options| is invalid).
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a process/system/quota/etc. limit has
// been reached.
// |MOJO_RESULT_UNIMPLEMENTED| if an unsupported flag was set in |*options|.
MojoResult MojoCreateMessagePipe(
const struct MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* MOJO_RESTRICT
options, // Optional in.
MojoHandle* MOJO_RESTRICT message_pipe_handle0, // Out.
MojoHandle* MOJO_RESTRICT message_pipe_handle1); // Out.
// |MojoWriteMessage()|: Writes a message to the message pipe endpoint given by
// |message_pipe_handle| (which must have the |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_WRITE| right),
// with message data specified by |bytes| of size |num_bytes| and attached
// handles specified by |handles| of count |num_handles|, and options specified
// by |flags|. If there is no message data, |bytes| may be null, in which case
// |num_bytes| must be zero. If there are no attached handles, |handles| may be
// null, in which case |num_handles| must be zero.
// If handles are attached, on success the handles will no longer be valid (the
// receiver will receive equivalent, but logically different, handles) and any
// ongoing two-phase operations (e.g., for data pipes) on them will be aborted.
// Handles to be sent should not be in simultaneous use (e.g., on another
// thread). On failure, any handles to be attached will remain valid (and
// two-phase operations will not be aborted).
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success (i.e., the message was enqueued).
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if some argument was invalid (e.g., if
// |message_pipe_handle| is not a valid handle, or some of the
// requirements above are not satisfied).
// |MOJO_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED| if |message_pipe_handle| does not have the
// |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_WRITE| right or if one of the handles to be sent
// does not have the |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_TRANSFER| right.
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if some system limit has been reached, or
// the number of handles to send is too large (TODO(vtl): reconsider the
// latter case).
// |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION| if the other endpoint has been closed.
// Note that closing an endpoint is not necessarily synchronous (e.g.,
// across processes), so this function may succeed even if the other
// endpoint has been closed (in which case the message would be dropped).
// |MOJO_RESULT_UNIMPLEMENTED| if an unsupported flag was set in |*options|.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |message_pipe_handle| is currently in use in some
// transaction (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as
// being sent in a message), or if some handle to be sent is currently in
// use.
// Note: |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| is generally "preferred" over
// |MOJO_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED|. E.g., if a handle to be sent both is busy
// and does not have the transfer right, then the result will be "busy".
// TODO(vtl): We'll also report |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if a (data pipe
// producer/consumer) handle to be sent is in a two-phase write/read). But
// should we? (For comparison, there's no such provision in |MojoClose()|.)
// TODO(vtl): Add a notion of capacity for message pipes, and return
// |MOJO_RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT| if the message pipe is full.
MojoResult MojoWriteMessage(MojoHandle message_pipe_handle, // In.
const void* bytes, // Optional in.
uint32_t num_bytes, // In.
const MojoHandle* handles, // Optional in.
uint32_t num_handles, // In.
MojoWriteMessageFlags flags); // In.
// |MojoReadMessage()|: Reads the next message from the message pipe endpoint
// given by |message_pipe_handle| (which must have the |MOJO_HANDLE_RIGHT_READ|
// right) or indicates the size of the message if it cannot fit in the provided
// buffers. The message will be read in its entirety or not at all; if it is
// not, it will remain enqueued unless the |MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_MAY_DISCARD|
// flag was passed. At most one message will be consumed from the queue, and the
// return value will indicate whether a message was successfully read.
// |num_bytes| and |num_handles| are optional in/out parameters that on input
// must be set to the sizes of the |bytes| and |handles| arrays, and on output
// will be set to the actual number of bytes or handles contained in the
// message (even if the message was not retrieved due to being too large).
// Either |num_bytes| or |num_handles| may be null if the message is not
// expected to contain the corresponding type of data, but such a call would
// fail with |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if the message in fact did
// contain that type of data.
// |bytes| and |handles| will receive the contents of the message, if it is
// retrieved. Either or both may be null, in which case the corresponding size
// parameter(s) must also be set to zero or passed as null.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| on success (i.e., a message was actually read).
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if some argument was invalid.
// |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION| if the other endpoint has been closed.
// |MOJO_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED| if |message_pipe_handle| does not have the
// |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if the message was too large to fit in the
// provided buffer(s). The message will have been left in the queue or
// discarded, depending on flags.
// |MOJO_RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT| if no message was available to be read.
// |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY| if |message_pipe_handle| is currently in use in some
// transaction (that, e.g., may result in it being invalidated, such as
// being sent in a message).
// TODO(vtl): Reconsider the |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| error code; should
// distinguish this from the hitting-system-limits case.
MojoResult MojoReadMessage(
MojoHandle message_pipe_handle, // In.
void* MOJO_RESTRICT bytes, // Optional out.
uint32_t* MOJO_RESTRICT num_bytes, // Optional in/out.
MojoHandle* MOJO_RESTRICT handles, // Optional out.
uint32_t* MOJO_RESTRICT num_handles, // Optional in/out.
MojoReadMessageFlags flags); // In.