blob: cd30bc0dcf226033d4c216fb3eb0d3d4f9f6eeda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(vardhan): Currently, the logic for serializing a mojom type exists in
// two places: the C++ code generator template, and here. However, most types
// are serialized the same way within Arrays or outside, with the exception of
// |bool|. Consider defining serialization/deserialization traits for each
// serializable type and call those traits from here. This should help us
// remove most of the ArraySerializer<> specializations here.
#include <string.h> // For |memcpy()|.
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/array_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/bindings_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/iterator_util.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/map_data_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/map_serialization_forward.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/string_serialization.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/validation_errors.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace internal {
// The ArraySerializer template contains static methods for serializing |Array|s
// of various types. These methods include:
// * size_t GetSerializedSize(..)
// Computes the size of the serialized version of the |Array|.
// * void SerializeElements(..)
// Takes an |Iterator| and a size and serializes it.
// * void DeserializeElements(..)
// Takes a pointer to an |Array_Data| and deserializes it into a given
// |Array|.
// Note: The enable template parameter exists only to allow partial
// specializations to disable instantiation using logic based on E and F.
// By default, assuming that there are no other substitution failures, the
// specialization will instantiate and needs to take no action. A partial
// specialization of the form
// template<E, F> struct ArraySerialzer<E, F>
// may be limited to values of E and F with particular properties by supplying
// an expression for enable which will cause substitution failure if the
// properties of E and F do not satisfy the expression.
template <typename E,
typename F,
bool is_union =
IsUnionDataType<typename std::remove_pointer<F>::type>::value,
typename enable = void>
struct ArraySerializer;
// Handles serialization and deserialization of arrays of pod types.
template <typename E, typename F>
struct ArraySerializer<
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<E, F>::value ||
(std::is_enum<E>::value &&
std::is_same<F, int32_t>::value),
void>::type> {
static_assert(sizeof(E) == sizeof(F), "Incorrect array serializer");
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<E>& input) {
return sizeof(Array_Data<F>) + Align(input.size() * sizeof(E));
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<F>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Primitive type should be non-nullable";
<< "Primitive type should not have array validate params";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it)
output->at(i) = static_cast<F>(*it);
return ValidationError::NONE;
// We can optimize serializing PODs by |memcpy|ing directly.
// Note that this has precedence over its templated sibling defined above.
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
typename Array<E>::Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<F>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Primitive type should be non-nullable";
<< "Primitive type should not have array validate params";
if (num_elements)
memcpy(output->storage(), &(*it), num_elements * sizeof(E));
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<F>* input, Array<E>* output) {
std::vector<E> result(input->size());
if (input->size())
memcpy(&result[0], input->storage(), input->size() * sizeof(E));
// Serializes and deserializes arrays of bools.
template <>
struct ArraySerializer<bool, bool, false> {
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<bool>& input) {
return sizeof(Array_Data<bool>) + Align((input.size() + 7) / 8);
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<bool>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Primitive type should be non-nullable";
<< "Primitive type should not have array validate params";
// TODO(darin): Can this be a memcpy somehow instead of a bit-by-bit copy?
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it)
output->at(i) = *it;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<bool>* input,
Array<bool>* output) {
auto result = Array<bool>::New(input->size());
// TODO(darin): Can this be a memcpy somehow instead of a bit-by-bit copy?
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i) = input->at(i);
// Serializes and deserializes arrays of handles.
template <typename H>
struct ArraySerializer<ScopedHandleBase<H>, H, false> {
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<ScopedHandleBase<H>>& input) {
return sizeof(Array_Data<H>) + Align(input.size() * sizeof(H));
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<H>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Handle type should not have array validate params";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it) {
// Transfer ownership of the handle.
output->at(i) = it->release();
if (!validate_params->element_is_nullable && !output->at(i).is_valid()) {
"invalid handle in array expecting valid handles", num_elements,
return ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<H>* input,
Array<ScopedHandleBase<H>>* output) {
auto result = Array<ScopedHandleBase<H>>::New(input->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i) = MakeScopedHandle(FetchAndReset(&input->at(i)));
// Serializes and deserializes arrays of interface requests.
template <typename I>
struct ArraySerializer<InterfaceRequest<I>, MessagePipeHandle, false> {
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<InterfaceRequest<I>>& input) {
return sizeof(Array_Data<MessagePipeHandle>) +
Align(input.size() * sizeof(MessagePipeHandle));
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<MessagePipeHandle>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Handle type should not have array validate params";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it) {
// Transfer ownership of the MessagePipeHandle.
output->at(i) = it->PassMessagePipe().release();
if (!validate_params->element_is_nullable && !output->at(i).is_valid()) {
"invalid message pipe handle in array expecting valid handles",
num_elements, i));
return ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<MessagePipeHandle>* input,
Array<InterfaceRequest<I>>* output) {
auto result = Array<InterfaceRequest<I>>::New(input->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i) =
// Serializes and deserializes arrays of interfaces (interface handles).
template <typename Interface>
struct ArraySerializer<InterfaceHandle<Interface>, Interface_Data, false> {
static size_t GetSerializedSize(
const Array<InterfaceHandle<Interface>>& input) {
return sizeof(Array_Data<Interface_Data>) +
Align(input.size() * sizeof(Interface_Data));
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<Interface_Data>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Interface type should not have array validate params";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it) {
// Transfer ownership of the handle.
internal::InterfaceHandleToData(it->Pass(), &output->at(i));
if (!validate_params->element_is_nullable &&
!output->at(i).handle.is_valid()) {
"invalid handle in array expecting valid handles", num_elements,
return ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<Interface_Data>* input,
Array<InterfaceHandle<Interface>>* output) {
auto result = Array<InterfaceHandle<Interface>>::New(input->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i)
internal::InterfaceDataToHandle(&input->at(i), &;
// This template must only apply to pointer mojo entity (structs, arrays,
// strings). This is done by ensuring that WrapperTraits<S>::DataType is a
// pointer.
template <typename S>
struct ArraySerializer<
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_pointer<typename WrapperTraits<S>::DataType>::value,
typename WrapperTraits<S>::DataType>::type,
false> {
typename std::remove_pointer<typename WrapperTraits<S>::DataType>::type
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<S>& input) {
size_t size = sizeof(Array_Data<S_Data*>) +
input.size() * sizeof(StructPointer<S_Data>);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
if (!input[i].is_null())
size += GetSerializedSize_(*(UnwrapConstStructPtr<S>::value(input[i])));
return size;
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<S_Data*>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it) {
S_Data* element;
auto retval = SerializeCaller::Run(
&(*it), buf, &element, validate_params->element_validate_params);
if (retval != ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
output->at(i) = element;
if (!validate_params->element_is_nullable && !element) {
MakeMessageWithArrayIndex("null in array expecting valid pointers",
num_elements, i));
return ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<S_Data*>* input,
Array<S>* output) {
auto result = Array<S>::New(input->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i) {
DeserializeCaller::Run(input->at(i), &result[i]);
// SerializeCaller template is used by |ArraySerializer| to dispatch a
// serialize call on a non-POD type. This template is defined outside
// |ArraySerializer| since you cannot specialize a struct within a class
// definition.
struct SerializeCaller {
// This template needs to be suppressed if |T| is |String|, otherwise it
// takes precedence over the |String|-overloaded Run() below.
template <
typename T,
typename =
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, String>::value, T>::type>
static ValidationError Run(T* input,
Buffer* buf,
typename WrapperTraits<T>::DataType* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
<< "Struct type should not have array validate params";
return Serialize_(UnwrapStructPtr<T>::value(*input), buf, output);
static ValidationError Run(const String* input,
Buffer* buf,
String_Data** output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
MOJO_DCHECK(validate_params &&
!validate_params->element_validate_params &&
!validate_params->element_is_nullable &&
validate_params->expected_num_elements == 0)
<< "String type has unexpected array validate params";
SerializeString_(*input, buf, output);
return ValidationError::NONE;
template <typename T>
static ValidationError Run(Array<T>* input,
Buffer* buf,
typename Array<T>::Data_** output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
return SerializeArray_(input, buf, output, validate_params);
template <typename Key, typename Value>
static ValidationError Run(Map<Key, Value>* input,
Buffer* buf,
typename Map<Key, Value>::Data_** output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
return SerializeMap_(input, buf, output, validate_params);
struct DeserializeCaller {
template <typename T>
static void Run(typename WrapperTraits<T>::DataType input, T* output) {
Deserialize_(input, output);
// Since Deserialize_ takes in a |Struct*| (not |StructPtr|), we need to
// initialize the |StructPtr| here before deserializing into its underlying
// data.
// TODO(vardhan): Either all containers, or just Deserialize_(), should
// support taking in an allocator.
template <typename T>
static void Run(typename WrapperTraits<StructPtr<T>>::DataType input,
StructPtr<T>* output) {
if (input) {
*output = T::New();
Deserialize_(input, output->get());
template <typename T>
static void Run(typename WrapperTraits<InlinedStructPtr<T>>::DataType input,
InlinedStructPtr<T>* output) {
if (input) {
*output = T::New();
Deserialize_(input, output->get());
// Handles serialization and deserialization of arrays of unions.
template <typename U, typename U_Data>
struct ArraySerializer<U, U_Data, true> {
static size_t GetSerializedSize(const Array<U>& input) {
size_t size = sizeof(Array_Data<U_Data>);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
// GetSerializedSize_ will account for both the data in the union and the
// space in the array used to hold the union.
size += GetSerializedSize_(input[i]);
return size;
template <typename Iterator>
static ValidationError SerializeElements(
Iterator it,
size_t num_elements,
Buffer* buf,
Array_Data<U_Data>* output,
const ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i, ++it) {
U_Data* result = output->storage() + i;
auto retval = SerializeUnion_(it->get(), buf, &result);
if (retval != ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
if (!validate_params->element_is_nullable && output->at(i).is_null()) {
MakeMessageWithArrayIndex("null in array expecting valid unions",
num_elements, i));
return ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER;
return ValidationError::NONE;
static void DeserializeElements(Array_Data<U_Data>* input, Array<U>* output) {
auto result = Array<U>::New(input->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < input->size(); ++i) {
auto& elem = input->at(i);
if (!elem.is_null()) {
using UnwrapedUnionType = typename RemoveStructPtr<U>::type;
result[i] = UnwrapedUnionType::New();
Deserialize_(&elem, result[i].get());
} // namespace internal
template <typename E>
inline size_t GetSerializedSize_(const Array<E>& input) {
if (!input)
return 0;
using F = typename internal::WrapperTraits<E>::DataType;
return internal::ArraySerializer<E, F>::GetSerializedSize(input);
// SerializeArray_ will return ValidationError::NONE on success and set
// |output| accordingly. On failure, |input| will be partially serialized into
// |output| up until an error occurs (which is propagated up and returned by
// SerializeArray_), in which case |buf| is also partially consumed.
template <typename E, typename F>
inline internal::ValidationError SerializeArray_(
Array<E>* input,
internal::Buffer* buf,
internal::Array_Data<F>** output,
const internal::ArrayValidateParams* validate_params) {
if (!*input) {
// It is up to the caller to make sure the given |Array| is not null if it
// is not nullable.
*output = nullptr;
return internal::ValidationError::NONE;
if (validate_params->expected_num_elements != 0 &&
input->size() != validate_params->expected_num_elements) {
"fixed-size array has wrong number of elements", input->size(),
return internal::ValidationError::UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_HEADER;
internal::Array_Data<F>* result =
internal::Array_Data<F>::New(input->size(), buf);
auto retval = internal::ArraySerializer<E, F>::SerializeElements(
input->begin(), input->size(), buf, result, validate_params);
if (retval != internal::ValidationError::NONE)
return retval;
*output = result;
return internal::ValidationError::NONE;
template <typename E, typename F>
inline void Deserialize_(internal::Array_Data<F>* input, Array<E>* output) {
if (input) {
internal::ArraySerializer<E, F>::DeserializeElements(input, output);
} else {
} // namespace mojo