blob: dfaa947ea038e4aad14a6fc2c38a42ac03a21410 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file has rules for making Dart packages and Dart-based Mojo applications.
# The entrypoint is the dart_pkg rule.
template("dartx") {
bundle_prefix = target_name
bundle = "$target_gen_dir/${bundle_prefix}.dartx"
snapshot = "$target_gen_dir/${bundle_prefix}_snapshot.bin"
depfile_path = "${snapshot}.d"
if (mojo_use_prebuilt_dart_snapshotter) {
dart_snapshotter_path =
rebase_path("mojo/public/tools:copy_dart_snapshotter", ".", mojo_root)
dart_snapshotter_rule = "$dart_snapshotter_path($host_toolchain)"
} else {
dart_snapshotter_rule = dart_snapshotter_bin
dart_snapshotter_dir =
get_label_info("$dart_snapshotter_rule", "root_out_dir")
dart_snapshotter = "$dart_snapshotter_dir/dart_snapshotter"
action("gen_${bundle_prefix}_snapshot") {
main_dart = invoker.main_dart
depfile = depfile_path
inputs = [
outputs = [
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources = invoker.sources
script =
rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
args = [
rebase_path(snapshot, root_build_dir), # Relative to build directory
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
action("gen_${bundle_prefix}_bundle") {
sources = [
rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root),
outputs = [
script = rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
args = [
deps = [
group(target_name) {
public_deps = [
template("dartx_application") {
dartx_name = "${target_name}_dartx"
dartx(dartx_name) {
main_dart = invoker.main_dart
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources = invoker.sources
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
mojo_output = "$root_out_dir/" + invoker.output_name + ".mojo"
} else {
mojo_output = "$root_out_dir/" + target_name + ".mojo"
action(target_name) {
script = rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
input = "$target_gen_dir/${dartx_name}.dartx"
inputs = [
output = mojo_output
outputs = [
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
line = "#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler"
if (is_debug || (defined(invoker.strict) && invoker.strict == true)) {
line = "#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler?strict=true"
rebase_input = rebase_path(input, root_build_dir)
rebase_output = rebase_path(output, root_build_dir)
args = [
template("dart_pkg_helper") {
package_name = invoker.package_name
pkg_directory = rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/dart-pkg")
package_root = rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/packages")
stamp_file = "$root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/${package_name}.stamp"
entries_file = "$root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/${package_name}.entries"
assert(defined(invoker.sources) || defined(invoker.apps) ||
defined(invoker.libs) || defined(invoker.pkg_dir))
action(target_name) {
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
datadeps = []
if (defined(invoker.datadeps)) {
datadeps += invoker.datadeps
sdk_ext_directory = []
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_directory)) {
sdk_ext_directory += [ invoker.sdk_ext_directory ]
sdk_ext_files = []
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_files)) {
sdk_ext_files += invoker.sdk_ext_files
sdk_ext_mappings = []
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_mappings)) {
sdk_ext_mappings += invoker.sdk_ext_mappings
script = rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
entrypoints = []
if (defined(invoker.apps)) {
foreach(app, invoker.apps) {
entrypoints += [ app[1] ]
if (defined(invoker.libs)) {
entrypoints += invoker.libs
sources = entrypoints
extra_flags = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources += invoker.sources
} else if (defined(invoker.pkg_dir)) {
list_script = rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
extra_flags += [ "--read_only" ]
ls_sources = exec_script(list_script,
"list lines")
sources += ls_sources
# We have to use foreach to set up outputs instead of rebase_path because
# GN doesn't like assignments to outputs that aren't obviously under
# $root_gen_dir somewhere.
outputs = [
inputs = [ script ] + rebase_path(sources)
args = [
] + rebase_path(sources) + [ "--package-entrypoints" ] +
rebase_path(entrypoints) + [ "--sdk-ext-directories" ] +
rebase_path(sdk_ext_directory) + [ "--sdk-ext-files" ] +
rebase_path(sdk_ext_files) + [ "--sdk-ext-mappings" ] +
sdk_ext_mappings + extra_flags
# This is the entrypoint for organizing Dart code for Mojo.
# There should be a one to one mapping between dart_pkg rules and pubspec.yamls.
# This build rule will result in a package under $root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/
# The name of the package is taken from the 'pubspec.yaml' file.
# For each app in |apps|, it makes a .mojo Mojo application using the dartx
# format as well as an assemblage of the app under $root_gen_dir/dart-pkg for
# use in local development.
# For each library in |libs|, it invokes the Dart analyzer on that library. The
# build will fail if the library is not analyzer clean.
# All other sources go in |sources|. This should at least contain the
# 'pubspec.yaml' file.
# Even if a package will not be uploaded to pub, an attempt should be made not
# to conflict with the names of existing pub packages, for example by using the
# prefix 'mojo_dart_'.
# sources
# List of sources to include in the package. This should at least contain
# the pubspec.yaml for the package.
# apps (optional)
# List of pairs. [mojo_app_name, entrypoint.dart]. Each entrypoint
# script must contain a main() function. A .mojo Mojo application will be
# generated for each application.
# libs (optional)
# List of library entrypoints to pass to the analyzer. If none are
# defined, the analyzer is not run.
# strict (optional)
# If |apps| are specified, |strict| can be set to true to
# instruct the content handler to run the apps in Dart VM's strict
# compilation mode (with assertions and type-checks, etc.).
# deps (optional)
# List of other dart_pkg targets for Dart packages imported by this
# dart_pkg, as well as the mojom targets needed by this dart_pkg.
# pkg_dir (optional)
# Directory containing the package sources. This overrides sources and
# entrypoints. The analyzer will not be run.
# datadeps (optional)
# sdk_ext_directory (optional)
# Directory containing sdk-ext .dart sources.
# sdk_ext_files (optional)
# List of sources to include in sdk-ext.
# sdk_ext_mappings (optional)
# Mappings for dart libraries that are part of of sdk_ext.
template("dart_pkg") {
if (defined(invoker.pkg_dir)) {
pubspec_yaml_path = rebase_path("pubspec.yaml", "", invoker.pkg_dir)
} else {
pubspec_yaml_path = rebase_path("pubspec.yaml")
dart_package_name_script =
rebase_path("mojo/public/tools/", ".", mojo_sdk_root)
dart_package_name = exec_script(dart_package_name_script,
"trim string",
[ pubspec_yaml_path ])
dart_pkg_target_name = "${target_name}_pkg_helper"
dart_pkg_helper(dart_pkg_target_name) {
package_name = dart_package_name
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources = invoker.sources
if (defined(invoker.apps)) {
apps = invoker.apps
if (defined(invoker.libs)) {
libs = invoker.libs
if (defined(invoker.pkg_dir)) {
pkg_dir = invoker.pkg_dir
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.datadeps)) {
datadeps = invoker.datadeps
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_directory)) {
sdk_ext_directory = invoker.sdk_ext_directory
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_files)) {
sdk_ext_files = invoker.sdk_ext_files
if (defined(invoker.sdk_ext_mappings)) {
sdk_ext_mappings = invoker.sdk_ext_mappings
if (defined(invoker.apps)) {
pkg_helper_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/${dart_package_name}"
foreach(app, invoker.apps) {
app_name = app[0]
app_entrypoint = app[1]
dartx_output_name = app_name
dartx_application("${app_name}_dart_app") {
output_name = dartx_output_name
main_dart = rebase_path(app_entrypoint, "", pkg_helper_output_dir)
sources = [
deps = [
deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.strict)) {
strict = invoker.strict
group(target_name) {
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.apps)) {
foreach(app, invoker.apps) {
app_name = app[0]
dartx_target_name = "${app_name}_dart_app"
deps += [ ":$dartx_target_name" ]
# Used to create dart_pkgs from a directory populated by
# This build rule will result in a many packages under $root_gen_dir/dart-pkg/.
# base_dir (optional)
# Directory populated by Defaults to
# directory.
template("dart_packages") {
base_dir = "."
if (defined(invoker.base_dir)) {
base_dir = invoker.base_dir
# Determine list of packages.
list_script = rebase_path("mojo/public/dart/tools/",
packages = exec_script(list_script,
"list lines",
# Generate dart_pkg for each package.
foreach(package_dir, packages) {
dart_pkg("$package_dir") {
pkg_dir = rebase_path("$package_dir")
# Generate target group.
group(target_name) {
deps = []
foreach(package_dir, packages) {
deps += [ ":$package_dir" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps