blob: 76e81b812aadb0ad6d548f91a890c68b1a837ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This macro provides a common implementation of MojomEncodable
/// for MojomPointer types.
/// Note: it does not implement compute_size();
/// The Rust type system currently lacks the facilities to do this
/// generically (need mutually excludable traits) but this macro
/// should be replaced as soon as this is possible.
macro_rules! impl_encodable_for_pointer {
() => {
fn mojom_alignment() -> usize {
8 // All mojom pointers are 8 bytes in length, and thus are 8-byte aligned
fn mojom_type() -> $crate::bindings::mojom::MojomType {
fn embed_size(_context: &$crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> $crate::bindings::encoding::Bits {
fn encode(self, encoder: &mut $crate::bindings::encoding::Encoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) {
let loc = encoder.size() as u64;
let state = encoder.get_mut(&context);
self.encode_new(encoder, context);
fn decode(decoder: &mut $crate::bindings::decoding::Decoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> Result<Self, ValidationError> {
let ptr = {
let state = decoder.get_mut(&context);
match state.decode_pointer() {
Some(ptr) => ptr,
None => return Err(ValidationError::IllegalPointer),
if ptr == $crate::bindings::mojom::MOJOM_NULL_POINTER {
} else {
Self::decode_new(decoder, context, ptr)
/// This macro provides a common implementation of MojomEncodable
/// for MojomUnion types.
/// Note: it does not implement compute_size();
/// The Rust type system currently lacks the facilities to do this
/// generically (need mutually excludable traits) but this macro
/// should be replaced as soon as this is possible.
macro_rules! impl_encodable_for_union {
() => {
fn mojom_alignment() -> usize {
fn mojom_type() -> $crate::bindings::mojom::MojomType {
fn embed_size(context: &$crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> $crate::bindings::encoding::Bits {
if context.is_union() {
} else {
fn encode(self, encoder: &mut $crate::bindings::encoding::Encoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) {
if context.is_union() {
self.nested_encode(encoder, context);
} else {
self.inline_encode(encoder, context.set_is_union(true));
fn decode(decoder: &mut $crate::bindings::decoding::Decoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> Result<Self, ValidationError> {
if context.is_union() {
Self::nested_decode(decoder, context)
} else {
Self::inline_decode(decoder, context.set_is_union(true))
/// This macro provides a common implementation of MojomEncodable
/// for MojomInterface types.
/// Note: it does not implement compute_size();
/// The Rust type system currently lacks the facilities to do this
/// generically (need mutually excludable traits) but this macro
/// should be replaced as soon as this is possible.
macro_rules! impl_encodable_for_interface {
() => {
fn mojom_alignment() -> usize {
fn mojom_type() -> $crate::bindings::mojom::MojomType {
fn embed_size(_context: &$crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> $crate::bindings::encoding::Bits {
use std::mem;
$crate::bindings::encoding::Bits(2 * 8 * mem::size_of::<u32>())
fn compute_size(&self, _context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> usize {
0 // Indicates that this type is inlined and it adds nothing external to the size
fn encode(self, encoder: &mut $crate::bindings::encoding::Encoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) {
let version = self.version();
let pos = encoder.add_handle(self.as_untyped());
let mut state = encoder.get_mut(&context);
state.encode(pos as i32);
state.encode(version as u32);
fn decode(decoder: &mut $crate::bindings::decoding::Decoder, context: $crate::bindings::encoding::Context) -> Result<Self, ValidationError> {
let (handle_index, version) = {
let mut state = decoder.get_mut(&context);
(state.decode::<i32>(), state.decode::<u32>())
let handle = try!(decoder.claim_handle::<$crate::system::message_pipe::MessageEndpoint>(handle_index));
Ok(Self::with_version(handle, version))