blob: dfec203fcc07035a7575db656c2f1757a1a8b6cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library markdown.test.util;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
final _indentPattern = new RegExp(r"^\(indent (\d+)\)\s*");
/// Run tests defined in "*.unit" files inside directory [name].
void testDirectory(String name) {
var dir = p.join(_testDir, name);
var entries =
new Directory(dir).listSync().where((e) => e.path.endsWith('.unit'));
for (var entry in entries) {
testUnitFile(name, entry);
// Locate the "test" directory. Use mirrors so that this works with the test
// package, which loads this suite into an isolate.
String get _testDir =>
void testFile(String file,
{Iterable<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes,
Iterable<InlineSyntax> inlineSyntaxes}) =>
testUnitFile(file, new File(p.join(_testDir, file)),
blockSyntaxes: blockSyntaxes, inlineSyntaxes: inlineSyntaxes);
void testUnitFile(String directory, File entry,
{Iterable<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes,
Iterable<InlineSyntax> inlineSyntaxes}) {
group('$directory ${p.basename(entry.path)}', () {
var lines = entry.readAsLinesSync();
var i = 0;
while (i < lines.length) {
var description = lines[i++].replaceAll(">>>", "").trim();
// Let the test specify a leading indentation. This is handy for
// regression tests which often come from a chunk of nested code.
var indentMatch = _indentPattern.firstMatch(description);
if (indentMatch != null) {
// The test specifies it in spaces, but the formatter expects levels.
description = description.substring(indentMatch.end);
if (description == "") {
description = "line ${i + 1}";
} else {
description = "line ${i + 1}: $description";
var input = "";
while (!lines[i].startsWith("<<<")) {
input += lines[i++] + "\n";
var expectedOutput = "";
while (++i < lines.length && !lines[i].startsWith(">>>")) {
expectedOutput += lines[i] + "\n";
validateCore(description, input, expectedOutput,
blockSyntaxes: blockSyntaxes, inlineSyntaxes: inlineSyntaxes);
void validateCore(String description, String markdown, String html,
{Iterable<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes,
Iterable<InlineSyntax> inlineSyntaxes,
Resolver linkResolver,
Resolver imageLinkResolver,
bool inlineOnly: false}) {
test(description, () {
var result = markdownToHtml(markdown,
blockSyntaxes: blockSyntaxes,
inlineSyntaxes: inlineSyntaxes,
linkResolver: linkResolver,
imageLinkResolver: imageLinkResolver,
inlineOnly: inlineOnly);
expect(result, html);