bump version to 0.4: "100%" test coverage

There's still a few places where we don't actually see the test
coverage. This is mostly due to three reasons:
- in the 'main' test path, we need to figure out how to get the
  output tests to work w/ trapped output; these code paths are
  actually covered under the CLI paths
- the 'main' test path doesn't cover running under coverage or
  the debugger
- there are some uncovered branches in host_fake and unittest_fakes.

There are a couple of other places as well.
6 files changed
tree: 0f2228987fb5ad5b2dbbf0422dc3f7c374284ad0
  1. typ/
  2. .gitignore
  4. pylintrc
  5. README.md
  6. setup.cfg
  7. setup.py

typ (Test Your Program)

typ is a simple program for testing Python code and standalone binaries.

For testing Python code, it supports test discovery, parallel test execution, clean logging of progress and results in the style of the Ninja build tool, integrated code coverage, and debugging (pdb) support.

This is still a work in progress. The Python functionality should work fine. I need to add in the command-line testing functionality (ported over from the scaffolding in pyn), and add tests.