blob: 247a7da1b00e3416f7073d3273b096ce2f377413 [file] [log] [blame]
* Quick example of how to pause a request, and in this case, simply
* set a timer to emit the response 10 seconds later.
* This is a good way to long running tasks before responding (thus
* not blocking any other processing).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "../log.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "evhtp/evhtp.h"
struct paused_request_ {
struct event * _timeoutev;
struct timeval _timeout;
evhtp_request_t * _request;
/* once 10 seconds has passed, this function is called, it will
* resume the request, and send the final response back to the
* client.
static void
http_resume__callback_(int sock, short events, void * arg) {
struct paused_request_ * preq;
evhtp_request_t * req;
evhtp_assert(arg != NULL);
preq = (struct paused_request_ *)arg;
req = preq->_request;
evhtp_assert(req != NULL);
/* add the current time to our output buffer to the client */
evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "time end %ld\n", time(NULL));
/* inform the evhtp API to resume this connection request */
/* finally send the response to the client, YAY! */
evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
/* this is our default callback, it is the one who sets up the evtimer
* that triggers the response after 10 seconds.
static void
http_pause__callback_(evhtp_request_t * req, void * arg) {
struct timeval * tv = (struct timeval *)arg;
struct paused_request_ * preq;
/* allocate a little structure that holds our evtimer and the
* pending request, se the timeout to 10 seconds.
preq = malloc(sizeof(*preq));
preq->_request = req;
preq->_timeout.tv_sec = tv->tv_sec;
preq->_timeout.tv_usec = tv->tv_usec;
/* when 10 seconds is up, the function http_resume__callback_ will
* be called, this function will actually send the response.
preq->_timeoutev = evtimer_new(req->htp->evbase, http_resume__callback_, preq);
/* just for debugging, add the time the request was first seen */
evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "time start %ld\n", time(NULL));
/* add the timer to the event loop */
evtimer_add(preq->_timeoutev, &preq->_timeout);
/* notify the evhtp API to "pause" this request (meaning it will no
* longer do any work on this connection until it is "resumed".
main(int argc, char ** argv) {
evhtp_t * htp;
struct event_base * evbase;
struct timeval timeo = { 10, 0 };
evbase = event_base_new();
htp = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL);
/* we just set the default callback for any requests to
* the function that pauses the session, sets a timer,
* and 10 seconds later, sends the response.
evhtp_set_gencb(htp, http_pause__callback_, &timeo);
evhtp_bind_socket(htp, "", 0, 128);
struct sockaddr_in sin;
socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
uint16_t port;
(struct sockaddr *)&sin, &len);
port = ntohs(sin.sin_port);
log_info("request will be delayed for 10 seconds with: curl", port);
event_base_loop(evbase, 0);
return 0;