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//===--- Refactoring.h - Framework for clang refactoring tools --*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Interfaces supporting refactorings that span multiple translation units.
// While single translation unit refactorings are supported via the Rewriter,
// when refactoring multiple translation units changes must be stored in a
// SourceManager independent form, duplicate changes need to be removed, and
// all changes must be applied at once at the end of the refactoring so that
// the code is always parseable.
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
class Rewriter;
class SourceLocation;
namespace tooling {
/// \brief A source range independent of the \c SourceManager.
class Range {
Range() : Offset(0), Length(0) {}
Range(unsigned Offset, unsigned Length) : Offset(Offset), Length(Length) {}
/// \brief Accessors.
/// @{
unsigned getOffset() const { return Offset; }
unsigned getLength() const { return Length; }
/// @}
/// \name Range Predicates
/// @{
/// \brief Whether this range overlaps with \p RHS or not.
bool overlapsWith(Range RHS) const {
return Offset + Length > RHS.Offset && Offset < RHS.Offset + RHS.Length;
/// \brief Whether this range contains \p RHS or not.
bool contains(Range RHS) const {
return RHS.Offset >= Offset &&
(RHS.Offset + RHS.Length) <= (Offset + Length);
/// @}
unsigned Offset;
unsigned Length;
/// \brief A text replacement.
/// Represents a SourceManager independent replacement of a range of text in a
/// specific file.
class Replacement {
/// \brief Creates an invalid (not applicable) replacement.
/// \brief Creates a replacement of the range [Offset, Offset+Length) in
/// FilePath with ReplacementText.
/// \param FilePath A source file accessible via a SourceManager.
/// \param Offset The byte offset of the start of the range in the file.
/// \param Length The length of the range in bytes.
Replacement(StringRef FilePath, unsigned Offset,
unsigned Length, StringRef ReplacementText);
/// \brief Creates a Replacement of the range [Start, Start+Length) with
/// ReplacementText.
Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources, SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length,
StringRef ReplacementText);
/// \brief Creates a Replacement of the given range with ReplacementText.
Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources, const CharSourceRange &Range,
StringRef ReplacementText);
/// \brief Creates a Replacement of the node with ReplacementText.
template <typename Node>
Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources, const Node &NodeToReplace,
StringRef ReplacementText);
/// \brief Returns whether this replacement can be applied to a file.
/// Only replacements that are in a valid file can be applied.
bool isApplicable() const;
/// \brief Accessors.
/// @{
StringRef getFilePath() const { return FilePath; }
unsigned getOffset() const { return ReplacementRange.getOffset(); }
unsigned getLength() const { return ReplacementRange.getLength(); }
StringRef getReplacementText() const { return ReplacementText; }
/// @}
/// \brief Applies the replacement on the Rewriter.
bool apply(Rewriter &Rewrite) const;
/// \brief Returns a human readable string representation.
std::string toString() const;
void setFromSourceLocation(const SourceManager &Sources, SourceLocation Start,
unsigned Length, StringRef ReplacementText);
void setFromSourceRange(const SourceManager &Sources,
const CharSourceRange &Range,
StringRef ReplacementText);
std::string FilePath;
Range ReplacementRange;
std::string ReplacementText;
/// \brief Less-than operator between two Replacements.
bool operator<(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS);
/// \brief Equal-to operator between two Replacements.
bool operator==(const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS);
/// \brief A set of Replacements.
/// FIXME: Change to a vector and deduplicate in the RefactoringTool.
typedef std::set<Replacement> Replacements;
/// \brief Apply all replacements in \p Replaces to the Rewriter \p Rewrite.
/// Replacement applications happen independently of the success of
/// other applications.
/// \returns true if all replacements apply. false otherwise.
bool applyAllReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces, Rewriter &Rewrite);
/// \brief Apply all replacements in \p Replaces to the Rewriter \p Rewrite.
/// Replacement applications happen independently of the success of
/// other applications.
/// \returns true if all replacements apply. false otherwise.
bool applyAllReplacements(const std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
Rewriter &Rewrite);
/// \brief Applies all replacements in \p Replaces to \p Code.
/// This completely ignores the path stored in each replacement. If one or more
/// replacements cannot be applied, this returns an empty \c string.
std::string applyAllReplacements(StringRef Code, const Replacements &Replaces);
/// \brief Calculates how a code \p Position is shifted when \p Replaces are
/// applied.
unsigned shiftedCodePosition(const Replacements& Replaces, unsigned Position);
/// \brief Calculates how a code \p Position is shifted when \p Replaces are
/// applied.
/// \pre Replaces[i].getOffset() <= Replaces[i+1].getOffset().
unsigned shiftedCodePosition(const std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
unsigned Position);
/// \brief Removes duplicate Replacements and reports if Replacements conflict
/// with one another.
/// \post Replaces[i].getOffset() <= Replaces[i+1].getOffset().
/// This function sorts \p Replaces so that conflicts can be reported simply by
/// offset into \p Replaces and number of elements in the conflict.
void deduplicate(std::vector<Replacement> &Replaces,
std::vector<Range> &Conflicts);
/// \brief Collection of Replacements generated from a single translation unit.
struct TranslationUnitReplacements {
/// Name of the main source for the translation unit.
std::string MainSourceFile;
/// A freeform chunk of text to describe the context of the replacements.
/// Will be printed, for example, when detecting conflicts during replacement
/// deduplication.
std::string Context;
std::vector<Replacement> Replacements;
/// \brief A tool to run refactorings.
/// This is a refactoring specific version of \see ClangTool. FrontendActions
/// passed to run() and runAndSave() should add replacements to
/// getReplacements().
class RefactoringTool : public ClangTool {
/// \see ClangTool::ClangTool.
RefactoringTool(const CompilationDatabase &Compilations,
ArrayRef<std::string> SourcePaths);
/// \brief Returns the set of replacements to which replacements should
/// be added during the run of the tool.
Replacements &getReplacements();
/// \brief Call run(), apply all generated replacements, and immediately save
/// the results to disk.
/// \returns 0 upon success. Non-zero upon failure.
int runAndSave(FrontendActionFactory *ActionFactory);
/// \brief Apply all stored replacements to the given Rewriter.
/// Replacement applications happen independently of the success of other
/// applications.
/// \returns true if all replacements apply. false otherwise.
bool applyAllReplacements(Rewriter &Rewrite);
/// \brief Write all refactored files to disk.
int saveRewrittenFiles(Rewriter &Rewrite);
Replacements Replace;
template <typename Node>
Replacement::Replacement(const SourceManager &Sources,
const Node &NodeToReplace, StringRef ReplacementText) {
const CharSourceRange Range =
setFromSourceRange(Sources, Range, ReplacementText);
} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang
#endif // end namespace LLVM_CLANG_TOOLING_REFACTORING_H