blob: 3192491dd5b1ab0de0127433a35df8d408ab2550 [file] [log] [blame]
if (typeof window === "object" && (typeof ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD === 'undefined' || !ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)) {
function emrun_register_handlers() {
// When C code exit()s, we may still have remaining stdout and stderr messages in flight. In that case, we can't close
// the browser until all those XHRs have finished, so the following state variables track that all communication is done,
// after which we can close.
var emrun_num_post_messages_in_flight = 0;
var emrun_should_close_itself = false;
function postExit(msg) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4 /*DONE*/) {
try {
// Try closing the current browser window, since it exit()ed itself. This can shut down the browser process
// and emrun does not need to kill the whole browser process.
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.close) window.close();
} catch(e) {}
}"POST", "stdio.html", true);
function post(msg) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4 /*DONE*/) {
if (--emrun_num_post_messages_in_flight == 0 && emrun_should_close_itself) postExit('^exit^'+EXITSTATUS);
}"POST", "stdio.html", true);
// If the address contains localhost, or we are running the page from port 6931, we can assume we're running the test runner and should post stdout logs.
if ("localhost") != -1 ||":6931/") != -1) {
var emrun_http_sequence_number = 1;
var prevPrint = Module['print'];
var prevErr = Module['printErr'];
function emrun_exit() { if (emrun_num_post_messages_in_flight == 0) postExit('^exit^'+EXITSTATUS); else emrun_should_close_itself = true; };
Module['print'] = function emrun_print(text) { post('^out^'+(emrun_http_sequence_number++)+'^'+encodeURIComponent(text)); prevPrint(text); }
Module['printErr'] = function emrun_printErr(text) { post('^err^'+(emrun_http_sequence_number++)+'^'+encodeURIComponent(text)); prevErr(text); }
// Notify emrun web server that this browser has successfully launched the page.
// POSTs the given binary data represented as a (typed) array data back to the emrun-based web server.
// To use from C code, call e.g. EM_ASM_({emrun_file_dump("file.dat", HEAPU8.subarray($0, $0 + $1));}, my_data_pointer, my_data_pointer_byte_length);
function emrun_file_dump(filename, data) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
Module['print']('Dumping out file "' + filename + '" with ' + data.length + ' bytes of data.');"POST", "stdio.html?file=" + filename, true);
http.send(data); // XXX this does not work in workers, for some odd reason (issue #2681)
if (typeof Module !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined') emrun_register_handlers();