blob: 1be7fd37d854c899e7105ff1d64ab2ea00a10056 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
* Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
* University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* GL support. See
* for current status.
var LibraryGL = {
// For functions such as glDrawBuffers, glInvalidateFramebuffer and glInvalidateSubFramebuffer that need to pass a short array to the WebGL API,
// create a set of short fixed-length arrays to avoid having to generate any garbage when calling those functions.
_tempFixedLengthArray__postset: 'for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) __tempFixedLengthArray.push(new Array(i));',
_tempFixedLengthArray: [],
$GL__postset: 'var GLctx; GL.init()',
$GL: {
debug: true,
counter: 1, // 0 is reserved as 'null' in gl
lastError: 0,
buffers: [],
mappedBuffers: {},
programs: [],
framebuffers: [],
renderbuffers: [],
textures: [],
uniforms: [],
shaders: [],
vaos: [],
contexts: {},
currentContext: null,
offscreenCanvases: {}, // DOM ID -> OffscreenCanvas mappings of <canvas> elements that have their rendering control transferred to offscreen.
timerQueriesEXT: [],
queries: [],
samplers: [],
transformFeedbacks: [],
syncs: [],
currArrayBuffer: 0,
currElementArrayBuffer: 0,
byteSizeByTypeRoot: 0x1400, // GL_BYTE
byteSizeByType: [
1, // GL_BYTE
2, // GL_SHORT
4, // GL_INT
4, // GL_FLOAT
2, // GL_2_BYTES
3, // GL_3_BYTES
4, // GL_4_BYTES
programInfos: {}, // Stores additional information needed for each shader program. Each entry is of form:
/* { uniforms: {}, // Maps ints back to the opaque WebGLUniformLocation objects.
maxUniformLength: int, // Cached in order to implement glGetProgramiv(GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)
maxAttributeLength: int // Cached in order to implement glGetProgramiv(GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH)
maxUniformBlockNameLength: int // Cached in order to implement glGetProgramiv(GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
} */
stringCache: {},
stringiCache: {},
unpackAlignment: 4, // default alignment is 4 bytes
init: function() {
GL.miniTempBuffer = new Float32Array(GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (var i = 0; i < GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
GL.miniTempBufferViews[i] = GL.miniTempBuffer.subarray(0, i+1);
// Records a GL error condition that occurred, stored until user calls glGetError() to fetch it. As per GLES2 spec, only the first error
// is remembered, and subsequent errors are discarded until the user has cleared the stored error by a call to glGetError().
recordError: function recordError(errorCode) {
if (!GL.lastError) {
GL.lastError = errorCode;
// Get a new ID for a texture/buffer/etc., while keeping the table dense and fast. Creation is fairly rare so it is worth optimizing lookups later.
getNewId: function(table) {
var ret = GL.counter++;
for (var i = table.length; i < ret; i++) {
table[i] = null;
return ret;
// Mini temp buffer
miniTempBuffer: null,
miniTempBufferViews: [0], // index i has the view of size i+1
// When user GL code wants to render from client-side memory, we need to upload the vertex data to a temp VBO
// for rendering. Maintain a set of temp VBOs that are created-on-demand to appropriate sizes, and never destroyed.
// Also, for best performance the VBOs are double-buffered, i.e. every second frame we switch the set of VBOs we
// upload to, so that rendering from the previous frame is not disturbed by uploading from new data to it, which
// could cause a GPU-CPU pipeline stall.
// Note that index buffers are not double-buffered (at the moment) in this manner.
// Maximum number of temp VBOs of one size to maintain, after that we start reusing old ones, which is safe but can give
// a performance impact. If CPU-GPU stalls are a problem, increasing this might help.
numTempVertexBuffersPerSize: 64, // (const)
// Precompute a lookup table for the function ceil(log2(x)), i.e. how many bits are needed to represent x, or,
// if x was rounded up to next pow2, which index is the single '1' bit at?
// Then log2ceilLookup[x] returns ceil(log2(x)).
log2ceilLookup: null,
createLog2ceilLookup: function(maxValue) {
GL.log2ceilLookup = new Uint8Array(maxValue+1);
var log2 = 0;
var pow2 = 1;
GL.log2ceilLookup[0] = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= maxValue; ++i) {
if (i > pow2) {
pow2 <<= 1;
GL.log2ceilLookup[i] = log2;
generateTempBuffers: function(quads, context) {
var largestIndex = GL.log2ceilLookup[GL.MAX_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE];
context.tempVertexBufferCounters1 = [];
context.tempVertexBufferCounters2 = [];
context.tempVertexBufferCounters1.length = context.tempVertexBufferCounters2.length = largestIndex+1;
context.tempVertexBuffers1 = [];
context.tempVertexBuffers2 = [];
context.tempVertexBuffers1.length = context.tempVertexBuffers2.length = largestIndex+1;
context.tempIndexBuffers = [];
context.tempIndexBuffers.length = largestIndex+1;
for (var i = 0; i <= largestIndex; ++i) {
context.tempIndexBuffers[i] = null; // Created on-demand
context.tempVertexBufferCounters1[i] = context.tempVertexBufferCounters2[i] = 0;
var ringbufferLength = GL.numTempVertexBuffersPerSize;
context.tempVertexBuffers1[i] = [];
context.tempVertexBuffers2[i] = [];
var ringbuffer1 = context.tempVertexBuffers1[i];
var ringbuffer2 = context.tempVertexBuffers2[i];
ringbuffer1.length = ringbuffer2.length = ringbufferLength;
for (var j = 0; j < ringbufferLength; ++j) {
ringbuffer1[j] = ringbuffer2[j] = null; // Created on-demand
if (quads) {
// GL_QUAD indexes can be precalculated
context.tempQuadIndexBuffer = GLctx.createBuffer();
context.GLctx.bindBuffer(context.GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, context.tempQuadIndexBuffer);
var numIndexes = GL.MAX_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE >> 1;
var quadIndexes = new Uint16Array(numIndexes);
var i = 0, v = 0;
while (1) {
quadIndexes[i++] = v;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
quadIndexes[i++] = v+1;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
quadIndexes[i++] = v+2;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
quadIndexes[i++] = v;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
quadIndexes[i++] = v+2;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
quadIndexes[i++] = v+3;
if (i >= numIndexes) break;
v += 4;
context.GLctx.bufferData(context.GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadIndexes, context.GLctx.STATIC_DRAW);
context.GLctx.bindBuffer(context.GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
getTempVertexBuffer: function getTempVertexBuffer(sizeBytes) {
var idx = GL.log2ceilLookup[sizeBytes];
var ringbuffer = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBuffers1[idx];
var nextFreeBufferIndex = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1[idx];
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1[idx] = (GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1[idx]+1) & (GL.numTempVertexBuffersPerSize-1);
var vbo = ringbuffer[nextFreeBufferIndex];
if (vbo) {
return vbo;
var prevVBO = GLctx.getParameter(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
ringbuffer[nextFreeBufferIndex] = GLctx.createBuffer();
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, ringbuffer[nextFreeBufferIndex]);
GLctx.bufferData(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 1 << idx, GLctx.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, prevVBO);
return ringbuffer[nextFreeBufferIndex];
getTempIndexBuffer: function getTempIndexBuffer(sizeBytes) {
var idx = GL.log2ceilLookup[sizeBytes];
var ibo = GL.currentContext.tempIndexBuffers[idx];
if (ibo) {
return ibo;
var prevIBO = GLctx.getParameter(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
GL.currentContext.tempIndexBuffers[idx] = GLctx.createBuffer();
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL.currentContext.tempIndexBuffers[idx]);
GLctx.bufferData(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 1 << idx, GLctx.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, prevIBO);
return GL.currentContext.tempIndexBuffers[idx];
// Called at start of each new WebGL rendering frame. This swaps the doublebuffered temp VB memory pointers,
// so that every second frame utilizes different set of temp buffers. The aim is to keep the set of buffers
// being rendered, and the set of buffers being updated disjoint.
newRenderingFrameStarted: function newRenderingFrameStarted() {
if (!GL.currentContext) {
var vb = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBuffers1;
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBuffers1 = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBuffers2;
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBuffers2 = vb;
vb = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1;
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1 = GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters2;
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters2 = vb;
var largestIndex = GL.log2ceilLookup[GL.MAX_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE];
for (var i = 0; i <= largestIndex; ++i) {
GL.currentContext.tempVertexBufferCounters1[i] = 0;
getSource: function(shader, count, string, length) {
var source = '';
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var len = length ? {{{ makeGetValue('length', 'i*4', 'i32') }}} : undefined;
source += Pointer_stringify({{{ makeGetValue('string', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}, len >= 0 ? len : undefined);
// Let's see if we need to enable the standard derivatives extension
var type = GLctx.getShaderParameter(GL.shaders[shader], 0x8B4F /* GL_SHADER_TYPE */);
if (type == 0x8B30 /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER */) {
if (GLEmulation.findToken(source, "dFdx") ||
GLEmulation.findToken(source, "dFdy") ||
GLEmulation.findToken(source, "fwidth")) {
source = "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n" + source;
var extension = GLctx.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives");
if (!extension) {
err("Shader attempts to use the standard derivatives extension which is not available.");
return source;
enabledClientAttribIndices: [],
enableVertexAttribArray: function enableVertexAttribArray(index) {
if (!GL.enabledClientAttribIndices[index]) {
GL.enabledClientAttribIndices[index] = true;
disableVertexAttribArray: function disableVertexAttribArray(index) {
if (GL.enabledClientAttribIndices[index]) {
GL.enabledClientAttribIndices[index] = false;
#if FULL_ES2
calcBufLength: function calcBufLength(size, type, stride, count) {
if (stride > 0) {
return count * stride; // XXXvlad this is not exactly correct I don't think
var typeSize = GL.byteSizeByType[type - GL.byteSizeByTypeRoot];
return size * typeSize * count;
usedTempBuffers: [],
preDrawHandleClientVertexAttribBindings: function preDrawHandleClientVertexAttribBindings(count) {
GL.resetBufferBinding = false;
// TODO: initial pass to detect ranges we need to upload, might not need an upload per attrib
for (var i = 0; i < GL.currentContext.maxVertexAttribs; ++i) {
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[i];
if (!cb.clientside || !cb.enabled) continue;
GL.resetBufferBinding = true;
var size = GL.calcBufLength(cb.size, cb.type, cb.stride, count);
var buf = GL.getTempVertexBuffer(size);
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, buf);
HEAPU8.subarray(cb.ptr, cb.ptr + size));
GL.validateVertexAttribPointer(cb.size, cb.type, cb.stride, 0);
#endif, i, cb.size, cb.type, cb.normalized, cb.stride, 0);
postDrawHandleClientVertexAttribBindings: function postDrawHandleClientVertexAttribBindings() {
if (GL.resetBufferBinding) {
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, GL.buffers[GL.currArrayBuffer]);
validateGLObjectID: function(objectHandleArray, objectID, callerFunctionName, objectReadableType) {
if (objectID != 0) {
if (objectHandleArray[objectID] === null) {
console.error(callerFunctionName + ' called with an already deleted ' + objectReadableType + ' ID ' + objectID + '!');
} else if (!objectHandleArray[objectID]) {
console.error(callerFunctionName + ' called with an invalid ' + objectReadableType + ' ID ' + objectID + '!');
// Validates that user obeys GL spec #6.4:
validateVertexAttribPointer: function(dimension, dataType, stride, offset) {
var sizeBytes = 1;
switch(dataType) {
case 0x1400 /* GL_BYTE */:
case 0x1401 /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */:
sizeBytes = 1;
case 0x1402 /* GL_SHORT */:
case 0x1403 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */:
sizeBytes = 2;
case 0x1404 /* GL_INT */:
case 0x1405 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */:
case 0x1406 /* GL_FLOAT */:
sizeBytes = 4;
case 0x140A /* GL_DOUBLE */:
sizeBytes = 8;
if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2 && (dataType == 0x8368 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */ || dataType == 0x8D9F /* GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */)) {
sizeBytes = 4;
} else {
// else fall through
console.error('Invalid vertex attribute data type GLenum ' + dataType + ' passed to GL function!');
if (dimension == 0x80E1 /* GL_BGRA */) {
console.error('WebGL does not support size=GL_BGRA in a call to glVertexAttribPointer! Please use size=4 and type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE instead!');
} else if (dimension < 1 || dimension > 4) {
console.error('Invalid dimension='+dimension+' in call to glVertexAttribPointer, must be 1,2,3 or 4.');
if (stride < 0 || stride > 255) {
console.error('Invalid stride='+stride+' in call to glVertexAttribPointer. Note that maximum supported stride in WebGL is 255!');
if (offset % sizeBytes != 0) {
console.error('GL spec section 6.4 error: vertex attribute data offset of ' + offset + ' bytes should have been a multiple of the data type size that was used: GLenum ' + dataType + ' has size of ' + sizeBytes + ' bytes!');
if (stride % sizeBytes != 0) {
console.error('GL spec section 6.4 error: vertex attribute data stride of ' + stride + ' bytes should have been a multiple of the data type size that was used: GLenum ' + dataType + ' has size of ' + sizeBytes + ' bytes!');
webGLFunctionLengths: { 'getContextAttributes': 0, 'isContextLost': 0, 'getSupportedExtensions': 0, 'createBuffer': 0, 'createFramebuffer': 0, 'createProgram': 0, 'createRenderbuffer': 0, 'createTexture': 0, 'finish': 0, 'flush': 0, 'getError': 0, 'createVertexArray': 0, 'createQuery': 0, 'createSampler': 0, 'createTransformFeedback': 0, 'endTransformFeedback': 0, 'pauseTransformFeedback': 0, 'resumeTransformFeedback': 0, 'commit': 0,
'getExtension': 1, 'activeTexture': 1, 'blendEquation': 1, 'checkFramebufferStatus': 1, 'clear': 1, 'clearDepth': 1, 'clearStencil': 1, 'compileShader': 1, 'createShader': 1, 'cullFace': 1, 'deleteBuffer': 1, 'deleteFramebuffer': 1, 'deleteProgram': 1, 'deleteRenderbuffer': 1, 'deleteShader': 1, 'deleteTexture': 1, 'depthFunc': 1, 'depthMask': 1, 'disable': 1, 'disableVertexAttribArray': 1, 'enable': 1, 'enableVertexAttribArray': 1, 'frontFace': 1, 'generateMipmap': 1, 'getAttachedShaders': 1, 'getParameter': 1, 'getProgramInfoLog': 1, 'getShaderInfoLog': 1, 'getShaderSource': 1, 'isBuffer': 1, 'isEnabled': 1, 'isFramebuffer': 1, 'isProgram': 1, 'isRenderbuffer': 1, 'isShader': 1, 'isTexture': 1, 'lineWidth': 1, 'linkProgram': 1, 'stencilMask': 1, 'useProgram': 1, 'validateProgram': 1, 'deleteQuery': 1, 'isQuery': 1, 'deleteVertexArray': 1, 'bindVertexArray': 1, 'isVertexArray': 1, 'drawBuffers': 1, 'readBuffer': 1, 'endQuery': 1, 'deleteSampler': 1, 'isSampler': 1, 'isSync': 1, 'deleteSync': 1, 'deleteTransformFeedback': 1, 'isTransformFeedback': 1, 'beginTransformFeedback': 1,
'attachShader': 2, 'bindBuffer': 2, 'bindFramebuffer': 2, 'bindRenderbuffer': 2, 'bindTexture': 2, 'blendEquationSeparate': 2, 'blendFunc': 2, 'depthRange': 2, 'detachShader': 2, 'getActiveAttrib': 2, 'getActiveUniform': 2, 'getAttribLocation': 2, 'getBufferParameter': 2, 'getProgramParameter': 2, 'getRenderbufferParameter': 2, 'getShaderParameter': 2, 'getShaderPrecisionFormat': 2, 'getTexParameter': 2, 'getUniform': 2, 'getUniformLocation': 2, 'getVertexAttrib': 2, 'getVertexAttribOffset': 2, 'hint': 2, 'pixelStorei': 2, 'polygonOffset': 2, 'sampleCoverage': 2, 'shaderSource': 2, 'stencilMaskSeparate': 2, 'uniform1f': 2, 'uniform1fv': 2, 'uniform1i': 2, 'uniform1iv': 2, 'uniform2fv': 2, 'uniform2iv': 2, 'uniform3fv': 2, 'uniform3iv': 2, 'uniform4fv': 2, 'uniform4iv': 2, 'vertexAttrib1f': 2, 'vertexAttrib1fv': 2, 'vertexAttrib2fv': 2, 'vertexAttrib3fv': 2, 'vertexAttrib4fv': 2, 'vertexAttribDivisor': 2, 'beginQuery': 2, 'invalidateFramebuffer': 2, 'getFragDataLocation': 2, 'uniform1ui': 2, 'uniform1uiv': 2, 'uniform2uiv': 2, 'uniform3uiv': 2, 'uniform4uiv': 2, 'vertexAttribI4iv': 2, 'vertexAttribI4uiv': 2, 'getQuery': 2, 'getQueryParameter': 2, 'bindSampler': 2, 'getSamplerParameter': 2, 'fenceSync': 2, 'getSyncParameter': 2, 'bindTransformFeedback': 2, 'getTransformFeedbackVarying': 2, 'getIndexedParameter': 2, 'getUniformIndices': 2, 'getUniformBlockIndex': 2, 'getActiveUniformBlockName': 2,
'bindAttribLocation': 3, 'bufferData': 3, 'bufferSubData': 3, 'drawArrays': 3, 'getFramebufferAttachmentParameter': 3, 'stencilFunc': 3, 'stencilOp': 3, 'texParameterf': 3, 'texParameteri': 3, 'uniform2f': 3, 'uniform2i': 3, 'uniformMatrix2fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix3fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix4fv': 3, 'vertexAttrib2f': 3, 'getBufferSubData': 3, 'getInternalformatParameter': 3, 'uniform2ui': 3, 'uniformMatrix2x3fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix3x2fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix2x4fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix4x2fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix3x4fv': 3, 'uniformMatrix4x3fv': 3, 'clearBufferiv': 3, 'clearBufferuiv': 3, 'clearBufferfv': 3, 'samplerParameteri': 3, 'samplerParameterf': 3, 'clientWaitSync': 3, 'waitSync': 3, 'transformFeedbackVaryings': 3, 'bindBufferBase': 3, 'getActiveUniforms': 3, 'getActiveUniformBlockParameter': 3, 'uniformBlockBinding': 3,
'blendColor': 4, 'blendFuncSeparate': 4, 'clearColor': 4, 'colorMask': 4, 'drawElements': 4, 'framebufferRenderbuffer': 4, 'renderbufferStorage': 4, 'scissor': 4, 'stencilFuncSeparate': 4, 'stencilOpSeparate': 4, 'uniform3f': 4, 'uniform3i': 4, 'vertexAttrib3f': 4, 'viewport': 4, 'drawArraysInstanced': 4, 'uniform3ui': 4, 'clearBufferfi': 4,
'framebufferTexture2D': 5, 'uniform4f': 5, 'uniform4i': 5, 'vertexAttrib4f': 5, 'drawElementsInstanced': 5, 'copyBufferSubData': 5, 'framebufferTextureLayer': 5, 'renderbufferStorageMultisample': 5, 'texStorage2D': 5, 'uniform4ui': 5, 'vertexAttribI4i': 5, 'vertexAttribI4ui': 5, 'vertexAttribIPointer': 5, 'bindBufferRange': 5,
'texImage2D': 6, 'vertexAttribPointer': 6, 'invalidateSubFramebuffer': 6, 'texStorage3D': 6, 'drawRangeElements': 6,
'compressedTexImage2D': 7, 'readPixels': 7, 'texSubImage2D': 7,
'compressedTexSubImage2D': 8, 'copyTexImage2D': 8, 'copyTexSubImage2D': 8, 'compressedTexImage3D': 8,
'copyTexSubImage3D': 9,
'blitFramebuffer': 10, 'texImage3D': 10, 'compressedTexSubImage3D': 10,
'texSubImage3D': 11 },
hookWebGLFunction: function(f, glCtx) {
var realf = 'real_' + f;
glCtx[realf] = glCtx[f];
var numArgs = GL.webGLFunctionLengths[f]; // On Firefox & Chrome, could do "glCtx[realf].length", but that doesn't work on Edge, which always reports 0.
if (numArgs === undefined) throw 'Unexpected WebGL function ' + f;
var contextHandle = glCtx.canvas.GLctxObject.handle;
var threadId = (typeof _pthread_self !== 'undefined') ? _pthread_self : function() { return 1; };
// Accessing 'arguments' is super slow, so to avoid overhead, statically reason the number of arguments.
switch(numArgs) {
case 0: glCtx[f] = function webgl_0() { var ret = glCtx[realf](); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '() -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 1: glCtx[f] = function webgl_1(a1) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 2: glCtx[f] = function webgl_2(a1, a2) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 3: glCtx[f] = function webgl_3(a1, a2, a3) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 4: glCtx[f] = function webgl_4(a1, a2, a3, a4) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 5: glCtx[f] = function webgl_5(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 6: glCtx[f] = function webgl_6(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 7: glCtx[f] = function webgl_7(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +', ' + a7 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 8: glCtx[f] = function webgl_8(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +', ' + a7 +', ' + a8 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 9: glCtx[f] = function webgl_9(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +', ' + a7 +', ' + a8 +', ' + a9 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 10: glCtx[f] = function webgl_10(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +', ' + a7 +', ' + a8 +', ' + a9 +', ' + a10 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
case 11: glCtx[f] = function webgl_11(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) { var ret = glCtx[realf](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11); console.error('[Thread ' + threadId() + ', GL ctx: ' + contextHandle + ']: ' + f + '('+a1+', ' + a2 +', ' + a3 +', ' + a4 +', ' + a5 +', ' + a6 +', ' + a7 +', ' + a8 +', ' + a9 +', ' + a10 +', ' + a11 +') -> ' + ret); return ret; }; break;
default: throw 'hookWebGL failed! Unexpected length ' + glCtx[realf].length;
hookWebGL: function(glCtx) {
if (!glCtx) glCtx = this.detectWebGLContext();
if (!glCtx) return;
if (!((typeof WebGLRenderingContext !== 'undefined' && glCtx instanceof WebGLRenderingContext)
|| (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined' && glCtx instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext))) {
if (glCtx.webGlTracerAlreadyHooked) return;
glCtx.webGlTracerAlreadyHooked = true;
// Hot GL functions are ones that you'd expect to find during render loops (render calls, dynamic resource uploads), cold GL functions are load time functions (shader compilation, texture/mesh creation)
// Distinguishing between these two allows pinpointing locations of troublesome GL usage that might cause performance issues.
for(var f in glCtx) {
if (typeof glCtx[f] !== 'function' || f.indexOf('real_') == 0) continue;
this.hookWebGLFunction(f, glCtx);
// The above injection won't work for texImage2D and texSubImage2D, which have multiple overloads.
glCtx['texImage2D'] = function(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) {
var ret = (a7 !== undefined) ? glCtx['real_texImage2D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) : glCtx['real_texImage2D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
return ret;
glCtx['texSubImage2D'] = function(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) {
var ret = (a8 !== undefined) ? glCtx['real_texSubImage2D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) : glCtx['real_texSubImage2D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);
return ret;
glCtx['texSubImage3D'] = function(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) {
var ret = (a9 !== undefined) ? glCtx['real_texSubImage3D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) : glCtx['real_texSubImage2D'](a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);
return ret;
// Returns the context handle to the new context.
createContext: function(canvas, webGLContextAttributes) {
if (typeof webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] === 'undefined' && typeof webGLContextAttributes['minorVersion'] === 'undefined') {
// If caller did not specify a context, initialize the best one that is possibly available.
// To explicitly create a WebGL 1 or a WebGL 2 context, call this function with a specific
// majorVersion set.
if (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined') webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] = 2;
else webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] = 1;
webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] = 1;
webGLContextAttributes['minorVersion'] = 0;
// In proxied operation mode, rAF()/setTimeout() functions do not delimit frame boundaries, so can't have WebGL implementation
// try to detect when it's ok to discard contents of the rendered backbuffer.
if (webGLContextAttributes['renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer']) webGLContextAttributes['preserveDrawingBuffer'] = true;
webGLContextAttributes['preserveDrawingBuffer'] = true;
var ctx;
var errorInfo = '?';
function onContextCreationError(event) {
errorInfo = event.statusMessage || errorInfo;
try {
canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextcreationerror', onContextCreationError, false);
try {
// If WebGL context has already been preinitialized for the page on the JS side, reuse that context instead. This is useful for example when
// the main page precompiles shaders for the application, in which case the WebGL context is created already before any Emscripten compiled
// code has been downloaded.
if (Module['preinitializedWebGLContext']) {
ctx = Module['preinitializedWebGLContext'];
webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] = (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined' && ctx instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext) ? 2 : 1;
} else
if (webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] == 1 && webGLContextAttributes['minorVersion'] == 0) {
ctx = canvas.getContext("webgl", webGLContextAttributes) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", webGLContextAttributes);
} else if (webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'] == 2 && webGLContextAttributes['minorVersion'] == 0) {
ctx = canvas.getContext("webgl2", webGLContextAttributes);
} else {
throw 'Unsupported WebGL context version ' + majorVersion + '.' + minorVersion + '!'
} finally {
canvas.removeEventListener('webglcontextcreationerror', onContextCreationError, false);
if (!ctx) throw ':(';
} catch (e) {
out('Could not create canvas: ' + [errorInfo, e, JSON.stringify(webGLContextAttributes)]);
return 0;
if (!ctx) return 0;
var context = GL.registerContext(ctx, webGLContextAttributes);
return context;
enableOffscreenFramebufferAttributes: function(webGLContextAttributes) {
webGLContextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer = true;
webGLContextAttributes.preserveDrawingBuffer = true;
// If WebGL is being proxied from a pthread to the main thread, we can't directly render to the WebGL default back buffer
// because of WebGL's implicit swap behavior. Therefore in such modes, create an offscreen render target surface to
// which rendering is performed to, and finally flipped to the main screen.
createOffscreenFramebuffer: function(context) {
var gl = context.GLctx;
// Create FBO
var fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
context.defaultFbo = fbo;
// Create render targets to the FBO
context.defaultColorTarget = gl.createTexture();
context.defaultDepthTarget = gl.createRenderbuffer();
GL.resizeOffscreenFramebuffer(context); // Size them up correctly (use the same mechanism when resizing on demand)
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, context.defaultColorTarget);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, context.defaultColorTarget, 0);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
// Create depth render target to the FBO
var depthTarget = gl.createRenderbuffer();
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, context.defaultDepthTarget);
gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, context.defaultDepthTarget);
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null);
// Create blitter
var vertices = [
-1, -1,
-1, 1,
1, -1,
1, 1
var vb = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vb);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
context.blitVB = vb;
var vsCode =
'attribute vec2 pos;' +
'varying lowp vec2 tex;' +
'void main() { tex = pos * 0.5 + vec2(0.5,0.5); gl_Position = vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0); }';
var vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(vs, vsCode);
var fsCode =
'varying lowp vec2 tex;' +
'uniform sampler2D sampler;' +
'void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, tex); }';
var fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(fs, fsCode);
var blitProgram = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(blitProgram, vs);
gl.attachShader(blitProgram, fs);
context.blitProgram = blitProgram;
context.blitPosLoc = gl.getAttribLocation(blitProgram, "pos");
gl.uniform1i(gl.getUniformLocation(blitProgram, "sampler"), 0);
resizeOffscreenFramebuffer: function(context) {
var gl = context.GLctx;
// Resize color buffer
if (context.defaultColorTarget) {
var prevTextureBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, context.defaultColorTarget);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, prevTextureBinding);
// Resize depth buffer
if (context.defaultDepthTarget) {
var prevRenderBufferBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING);
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, context.defaultDepthTarget);
gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight); // TODO: Read context creation parameters for what type of depth and stencil to use
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, prevRenderBufferBinding);
// Renders the contents of the offscreen render target onto the visible screen.
blitOffscreenFramebuffer: function(context) {
var gl = context.GLctx;
var prevFbo = gl.getParameter(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
var prevProgram = gl.getParameter(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM);
var prevVB = gl.getParameter(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, context.blitVB);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(context.blitPosLoc, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
var prevActiveTexture = gl.getParameter(gl.ACTIVE_TEXTURE);
var prevTextureBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, context.defaultColorTarget);
var prevBlend = gl.getParameter(gl.BLEND);
if (prevBlend) gl.disable(gl.BLEND);
var prevCullFace = gl.getParameter(gl.CULL_FACE);
if (prevCullFace) gl.disable(gl.CULL_FACE);
var prevDepthTest = gl.getParameter(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
if (prevDepthTest) gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
if (prevDepthTest) gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
if (prevCullFace) gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE);
if (prevBlend) gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, prevTextureBinding);
// prevEnableVertexAttribArray?
// prevVertexAttribPointer?
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, prevVB);
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, prevFbo);
registerContext: function(ctx, webGLContextAttributes) {
var handle = _malloc(8); // Make space on the heap to store GL context attributes that need to be accessible as shared between threads.
{{{ makeSetValue('handle', 0, 'webGLContextAttributes["explicitSwapControl"]', 'i32')}}}; // explicitSwapControl
{{{ makeSetValue('handle', 4, '_pthread_self()', 'i32')}}}; // the thread pointer of the thread that owns the control of the context
var context = {
handle: handle,
attributes: webGLContextAttributes,
version: webGLContextAttributes['majorVersion'],
GLctx: ctx
// BUG: Workaround Chrome WebGL 2 issue: the first shipped versions of WebGL 2 in Chrome did not actually implement the new WebGL 2 functions.
// Those are supported only in Chrome 58 and newer.
function getChromeVersion() {
var raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
return raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : false;
context.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints = (context.version >= 2) && (getChromeVersion() === false || getChromeVersion() >= 58);
context.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews = (function(g) {
try {
var p = g.createProgram(); // Note: we do not delete this program so it stays part of the context we created, but that is ok - it does not do anything and we want to keep this detection size minimal.
function b(c, t) {
var s = g.createShader(t);
g.shaderSource(s, c);
return s;
g.attachShader(p, b("attribute vec4 p;void main(){gl_Position=p;}", g.VERTEX_SHADER));
g.attachShader(p, b("precision lowp float;uniform vec4 u;void main(){gl_FragColor=u;}", g.FRAGMENT_SHADER));
var h = new Float32Array(8);
h[4] = 1;
var l = g.getUniformLocation(p, "u");
g.uniform4fv(l, h.subarray(4, 8)); // Uploading a 4-vector GL uniform from last four elements of array [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], i.e. uploading vec4=(1,0,0,0) at offset=4.
return !g.getUniform(p, l)[0]; // in proper WebGL we expect to read back the vector we just uploaded: (1,0,0,0). On buggy browser would instead have uploaded offset=0 of above array, i.e. vec4=(0,0,0,0)
} catch(e) { return false; } // If we get an exception, we assume we got some other error, and do not trigger this workaround.
// Store the created context object so that we can access the context given a canvas without having to pass the parameters again.
if (ctx.canvas) ctx.canvas.GLctxObject = context;
GL.contexts[handle] = context;
if (typeof webGLContextAttributes['enableExtensionsByDefault'] === 'undefined' || webGLContextAttributes['enableExtensionsByDefault']) {
#if FULL_ES2
context.maxVertexAttribs = context.GLctx.getParameter(context.GLctx.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
context.clientBuffers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < context.maxVertexAttribs; i++) {
context.clientBuffers[i] = { enabled: false, clientside: false, size: 0, type: 0, normalized: 0, stride: 0, ptr: 0, vertexAttribPointerAdaptor: null };
GL.generateTempBuffers(false, context);
if (webGLContextAttributes['renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer']) GL.createOffscreenFramebuffer(context);
if (webGLContextAttributes['renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer']) err('renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer=true specified in WebGL context creation attributes, pass linker flag -s OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1 to enable support!');
return handle;
makeContextCurrent: function(contextHandle) {
// Deactivating current context?
if (!contextHandle) {
GLctx = Module.ctx = GL.currentContext = null;
return true;
var context = GL.contexts[contextHandle];
if (!context) {
console.error('GL.makeContextCurrent() failed! WebGL context ' + contextHandle + ' does not exist, or was created on another thread!');
console.error('GL.makeContextCurrent() failed! WebGL context ' + contextHandle + ' does not exist!');
return false;
GLctx = Module.ctx = context.GLctx; // Active WebGL context object.
GL.currentContext = context; // Active Emscripten GL layer context object.
return true;
getContext: function(contextHandle) {
return GL.contexts[contextHandle];
deleteContext: function(contextHandle) {
if (GL.currentContext === GL.contexts[contextHandle]) GL.currentContext = null;
if (typeof JSEvents === 'object') JSEvents.removeAllHandlersOnTarget(GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas); // Release all JS event handlers on the DOM element that the GL context is associated with since the context is now deleted.
if (GL.contexts[contextHandle] && GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas) GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas.GLctxObject = undefined; // Make sure the canvas object no longer refers to the context object so there are no GC surprises.
GL.contexts[contextHandle] = null;
// In WebGL, extensions must be explicitly enabled to be active, see
// In GLES2, all extensions are enabled by default without additional operations. Init all extensions we need to give to GLES2 user
// code here, so that GLES2 code can operate without changing behavior.
initExtensions: function(context) {
// If this function is called without a specific context object, init the extensions of the currently active context.
if (!context) context = GL.currentContext;
if (context.initExtensionsDone) return;
context.initExtensionsDone = true;
var GLctx = context.GLctx;
// Detect the presence of a few extensions manually, this GL interop layer itself will need to know if they exist.
context.compressionExt = GLctx.getExtension('WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc');
context.anisotropicExt = GLctx.getExtension('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic');
if (context.version < 2) {
// Extension available from Firefox 26 and Google Chrome 30
var instancedArraysExt = GLctx.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');
if (instancedArraysExt) {
GLctx['vertexAttribDivisor'] = function(index, divisor) { instancedArraysExt['vertexAttribDivisorANGLE'](index, divisor); };
GLctx['drawArraysInstanced'] = function(mode, first, count, primcount) { instancedArraysExt['drawArraysInstancedANGLE'](mode, first, count, primcount); };
GLctx['drawElementsInstanced'] = function(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) { instancedArraysExt['drawElementsInstancedANGLE'](mode, count, type, indices, primcount); };
// Extension available from Firefox 25 and WebKit
var vaoExt = GLctx.getExtension('OES_vertex_array_object');
if (vaoExt) {
GLctx['createVertexArray'] = function() { return vaoExt['createVertexArrayOES'](); };
GLctx['deleteVertexArray'] = function(vao) { vaoExt['deleteVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
GLctx['bindVertexArray'] = function(vao) { vaoExt['bindVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
GLctx['isVertexArray'] = function(vao) { return vaoExt['isVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
var drawBuffersExt = GLctx.getExtension('WEBGL_draw_buffers');
if (drawBuffersExt) {
GLctx['drawBuffers'] = function(n, bufs) { drawBuffersExt['drawBuffersWEBGL'](n, bufs); };
GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query");
// These are the 'safe' feature-enabling extensions that don't add any performance impact related to e.g. debugging, and
// should be enabled by default so that client GLES2/GL code will not need to go through extra hoops to get its stuff working.
// As new extensions are ratified at , feel free to add your new extensions
// here, as long as they don't produce a performance impact for users that might not be using those extensions.
// E.g. debugging-related extensions should probably be off by default.
var automaticallyEnabledExtensions = [ // Khronos ratified WebGL extensions ordered by number (no debug extensions):
"OES_texture_float", "OES_texture_half_float", "OES_standard_derivatives",
"OES_vertex_array_object", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc", "WEBGL_depth_texture",
"OES_element_index_uint", "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", "EXT_frag_depth",
"WEBGL_draw_buffers", "ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "OES_texture_float_linear",
"OES_texture_half_float_linear", "EXT_blend_minmax", "EXT_shader_texture_lod",
// Community approved WebGL extensions ordered by number:
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc", "EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float",
"EXT_sRGB", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query",
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc", "EXT_color_buffer_float",
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2"];
function shouldEnableAutomatically(extension) {
var ret = false;
automaticallyEnabledExtensions.forEach(function(include) {
if (extension.indexOf(include) != -1) {
ret = true;
return ret;
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions();
if (exts && exts.length > 0) {
GLctx.getSupportedExtensions().forEach(function(ext) {
if (automaticallyEnabledExtensions.indexOf(ext) != -1) {
GLctx.getExtension(ext); // Calling .getExtension enables that extension permanently, no need to store the return value to be enabled.
// In WebGL, uniforms in a shader program are accessed through an opaque object type 'WebGLUniformLocation'.
// In GLES2, uniforms are accessed via indices. Therefore we must generate a mapping of indices -> WebGLUniformLocations
// to provide the client code the API that uses indices.
// This function takes a linked GL program and generates a mapping table for the program.
// NOTE: Populating the uniform table is performed eagerly at glLinkProgram time, so glLinkProgram should be considered
// to be a slow/costly function call. Calling glGetUniformLocation is relatively fast, since it is always a read-only
// lookup to the table populated in this function call.
populateUniformTable: function(program) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'populateUniformTable', 'program');
var p = GL.programs[program];
GL.programInfos[program] = {
uniforms: {},
maxUniformLength: 0, // This is eagerly computed below, since we already enumerate all uniforms anyway.
maxAttributeLength: -1, // This is lazily computed and cached, computed when/if first asked, "-1" meaning not computed yet.
maxUniformBlockNameLength: -1 // Lazily computed as well
var ptable = GL.programInfos[program];
var utable = ptable.uniforms;
// A program's uniform table maps the string name of an uniform to an integer location of that uniform.
// The global GL.uniforms map maps integer locations to WebGLUniformLocations.
var numUniforms = GLctx.getProgramParameter(p, 0x8B86/*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS*/);
for (var i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) {
var u = GLctx.getActiveUniform(p, i);
var name =;
ptable.maxUniformLength = Math.max(ptable.maxUniformLength, name.length+1);
// Strip off any trailing array specifier we might have got, e.g. "[0]".
if (name.indexOf(']', name.length-1) !== -1) {
var ls = name.lastIndexOf('[');
name = name.slice(0, ls);
// Optimize memory usage slightly: If we have an array of uniforms, e.g. 'vec3 colors[3];', then
// only store the string 'colors' in utable, and 'colors[0]', 'colors[1]' and 'colors[2]' will be parsed as 'colors'+i.
// Note that for the GL.uniforms table, we still need to fetch the all WebGLUniformLocations for all the indices.
var loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, name);
if (loc != null)
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
utable[name] = [u.size, id];
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
for (var j = 1; j < u.size; ++j) {
var n = name + '['+j+']';
loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, n);
id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
glPixelStorei__sig: 'vii',
glPixelStorei: function(pname, param) {
if (pname == 0x0cf5 /* GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */) {
GL.unpackAlignment = param;
GLctx.pixelStorei(pname, param);
glGetString__sig: 'ii',
glGetString: function(name_) {
if (GL.stringCache[name_]) return GL.stringCache[name_];
var ret;
switch(name_) {
case 0x1F03 /* GL_EXTENSIONS */:
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions();
var gl_exts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; ++i) {
gl_exts.push("GL_" + exts[i]);
ret = allocate(intArrayFromString(gl_exts.join(' ')), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
case 0x1F00 /* GL_VENDOR */:
case 0x1F01 /* GL_RENDERER */:
case 0x9245 /* UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL */:
case 0x9246 /* UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL */:
case 0x1F02 /* GL_VERSION */:
var s = GLctx.getParameter(name_);
if (!s) {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetString: Received empty parameter for query name ' + name_ + '!'); // This occurs e.g. if one attempts GL_UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL when it is not supported.
ret = allocate(intArrayFromString(s), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
case 0x1F02 /* GL_VERSION */:
var glVersion = GLctx.getParameter(GLctx.VERSION);
// return GLES version string corresponding to the version of the WebGL context
if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) glVersion = 'OpenGL ES 3.0 (' + glVersion + ')';
glVersion = 'OpenGL ES 2.0 (' + glVersion + ')';
ret = allocate(intArrayFromString(glVersion), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
var glslVersion = GLctx.getParameter(GLctx.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);
// extract the version number 'N.M' from the string 'WebGL GLSL ES N.M ...'
var ver_re = /^WebGL GLSL ES ([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]?)(?:$| .*)/;
var ver_num = glslVersion.match(ver_re);
if (ver_num !== null) {
if (ver_num[1].length == 3) ver_num[1] = ver_num[1] + '0'; // ensure minor version has 2 digits
glslVersion = 'OpenGL ES GLSL ES ' + ver_num[1] + ' (' + glslVersion + ')';
ret = allocate(intArrayFromString(glslVersion), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetString: Unknown parameter ' + name_ + '!');
return 0;
GL.stringCache[name_] = ret;
return ret;
$emscriptenWebGLGet: function(name_, p, type) {
// Guard against user passing a null pointer.
// Note that GLES2 spec does not say anything about how passing a null pointer should be treated.
// Testing on desktop core GL 3, the application crashes on glGetIntegerv to a null pointer, but
// better to report an error instead of doing anything random.
if (!p) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGet' + type + 'v(name=' + name_ + ': Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ret = undefined;
switch(name_) { // Handle a few trivial GLES values
ret = 1;
if (type !== 'Integer' && type !== 'Integer64') {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet' + type + 'v(GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS): Invalid parameter type!');
return; // Do not write anything to the out pointer, since no binary formats are supported.
ret = 0;
// WebGL doesn't have GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS (it's obsolete since GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS returns a JS array that can be queried for length),
// so implement it ourselves to allow C++ GLES2 code get the length.
var formats = GLctx.getParameter(0x86A3 /*GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS*/);
ret = formats ? formats.length : 0;
case 0x821D: // GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS
if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */); // Calling GLES3/WebGL2 function with a GLES2/WebGL1 context
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions();
ret = 2 * exts.length; // each extension is duplicated, first in unprefixed WebGL form, and then a second time with "GL_" prefix.
ret = exts.length;
case 0x821B: // GL_MAJOR_VERSION
case 0x821C: // GL_MINOR_VERSION
if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
ret = name_ == 0x821B ? 3 : 0; // return version 3.0
if (ret === undefined) {
var result = GLctx.getParameter(name_);
switch (typeof(result)) {
case "number":
ret = result;
case "boolean":
ret = result ? 1 : 0;
case "string":
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet' + type + 'v(' + name_ + ') on a name which returns a string!');
case "object":
if (result === null) {
// null is a valid result for some (e.g., which buffer is bound - perhaps nothing is bound), but otherwise
// can mean an invalid name_, which we need to report as an error
switch(name_) {
case 0x8894: // ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING
case 0x8069: // TEXTURE_BINDING_2D
case 0x85B5: // WebGL 2 GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, or WebGL 1 extension OES_vertex_array_object GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES
case 0x8919: // GL_SAMPLER_BINDING
case 0x8514: { // TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP
ret = 0;
default: {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet' + type + 'v(' + name_ + ') and it returns null!');
} else if (result instanceof Float32Array ||
result instanceof Uint32Array ||
result instanceof Int32Array ||
result instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
switch (type) {
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('p', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('p', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'float') }}}; break;
case 'Boolean': {{{ makeSetValue('p', 'i', 'result[i] ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal glGet error, bad type: ' + type;
} else {
try {
ret = | 0;
} catch(e) {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet' + type + 'v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getParameter(' + name_ + ')! (error: ' + e + ')');
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet' + type + 'v: Native code calling glGet' + type + 'v(' + name_ + ') and it returns ' + result + ' of type ' + typeof(result) + '!');
switch (type) {
case 'Integer64': {{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ret', 'i64') }}}; break;
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ret', 'float') }}}; break;
case 'Boolean': {{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ret ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal glGet error, bad type: ' + type;
glGetStringi__sig: 'iii',
glGetStringi: function(name, index) {
if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */); // Calling GLES3/WebGL2 function with a GLES2/WebGL1 context
return 0;
var stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name];
if (stringiCache) {
if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetStringi: index out of range (' + index + ')!');
return 0;
return stringiCache[index];
switch(name) {
case 0x1F03 /* GL_EXTENSIONS */:
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions();
var gl_exts = [];
// each extension is duplicated, first in unprefixed WebGL form, and then a second time with "GL_" prefix.
for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; ++i) {
gl_exts.push(allocate(intArrayFromString(exts[i]), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL));
gl_exts.push(allocate(intArrayFromString("GL_" + exts[i]), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL));
stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name] = gl_exts;
if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetStringi: index out of range (' + index + ') in a call to GL_EXTENSIONS!');
return 0;
return stringiCache[index];
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetStringi: Unknown parameter ' + name + '!');
return 0;
glGetInteger64v__sig: 'vii',
glGetInteger64v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGet'],
glGetInteger64v: function(name_, p) {
emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 'Integer64');
glGetIntegerv__sig: 'vii',
glGetIntegerv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGet'],
glGetIntegerv: function(name_, p) {
emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 'Integer');
glGetFloatv__sig: 'vii',
glGetFloatv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGet'],
glGetFloatv: function(name_, p) {
emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 'Float');
glGetBooleanv__sig: 'vii',
glGetBooleanv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGet'],
glGetBooleanv: function(name_, p) {
emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 'Boolean');
glGetInternalformativ__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetInternalformativ: function(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInternalformativ: bufSize=' + bufSize + ' < 0');
var samples = GLctx['getInternalformatParameter'](target, internalformat, 0x80A9 /*GL_SAMPLES*/);
if (!samples) {
// probably target != GL_RENDERBUFFER or bad internalformat
GL.recordError(0x0500 /* GL_INVALID_ENUM */);
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInternalformativ');
switch(pname) {
case 0x80A9 /*GL_SAMPLES*/:
var n = Math.min(bufSize, samples.length);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var v = samples[i];
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'v', 'i32') }}};
case 0x9380 /*GL_NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS*/:
if (bufSize > 1) {
var v = samples.length;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'v', 'i32') }}};
GL.recordError(0x0500 /* GL_INVALID_ENUM */);
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM due to unknown pname in glGetInternalformativ: ' + pname);
glDeleteTextures__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteTextures: function(n, textures) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('textures', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var texture = GL.textures[id];
if (!texture) continue; // GL spec: "glDeleteTextures silently ignores 0s and names that do not correspond to existing textures".
GLctx.deleteTexture(texture); = 0;
GL.textures[id] = null;
glCompressedTexImage2D__sig: 'viiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexImage2D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, imageSize, data) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexImage2D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexImage2D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
GLctx['compressedTexImage2D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, data ? {{{ makeHEAPView('U8', 'data', 'data+imageSize') }}} : null);
glCompressedTexImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexImage3D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, data ? {{{ makeHEAPView('U8', 'data', 'data+imageSize') }}} : null);
glCompressedTexSubImage2D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexSubImage2D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage2D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage2D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage2D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, data ? {{{ makeHEAPView('U8', 'data', 'data+imageSize') }}} : null);
glCompressedTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexSubImage3D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, data ? {{{ makeHEAPView('U8', 'data', 'data+imageSize') }}} : null);
_computeUnpackAlignedImageSize: function(width, height, sizePerPixel, alignment) {
function roundedToNextMultipleOf(x, y) {
return Math.ceil(x/y)*y;
var plainRowSize = width * sizePerPixel;
var alignedRowSize = roundedToNextMultipleOf(plainRowSize, alignment);
return height * alignedRowSize;
_colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat: {
0x1906 /* GL_ALPHA */: 1,
0x1909 /* GL_LUMINANCE */: 1,
0x1902 /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT */: 1,
0x190A /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA */: 2,
0x1907 /* GL_RGB */: 3,
0x8C40 /* GL_SRGB_EXT */: 3,
0x1908 /* GL_RGBA */: 4,
0x8C42 /* GL_SRGB_ALPHA_EXT */: 4,
0x1903 /* GL_RED */: 1,
0x8D94 /* GL_RED_INTEGER */: 1,
0x8227 /* GL_RG */: 2,
0x8228 /* GL_RG_INTEGER*/: 2,
0x8D98 /* GL_RGB_INTEGER */: 3,
0x8D99 /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER */: 4
_sizeOfGlTextureElementType: {
0x1401 /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */: 1,
0x1403 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */: 2,
0x8D61 /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */: 2,
0x1405 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */: 4,
0x1406 /* GL_FLOAT */: 4,
0x8363 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */: 2,
0x8033 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */: 2,
0x8034 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */: 2,
0x1400 /* GL_BYTE */: 1,
0x140B /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */: 2,
0x1402 /* GL_SHORT */: 2,
0x1404 /* GL_INT */: 4,
0x8C3E /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */: 4,
0x8368 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */: 4,
0x8C3B /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */: 4,
0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */: 4,
$emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData__deps: ['_computeUnpackAlignedImageSize', '_colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat', '_sizeOfGlTextureElementType'],
$emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData: function(type, format, width, height, pixels, internalFormat) {
var sizePerPixel = __colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat[format] * __sizeOfGlTextureElementType[type];
if (!sizePerPixel) {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
if (!__colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat[format]) err('GL_INVALID_ENUM due to unknown format in glTex[Sub]Image/glReadPixels, format: ' + format);
else err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glTex[Sub]Image/glReadPixels, type: ' + type + ', format: ' + format);
var bytes = __computeUnpackAlignedImageSize(width, height, sizePerPixel, GL.unpackAlignment);
var end = pixels + bytes;
switch(type) {
case 0x1400 /* GL_BYTE */:
return HEAP8.subarray(pixels, end);
case 0x1401 /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */:
return HEAPU8.subarray(pixels, end);
case 0x1402 /* GL_SHORT */:
assert((pixels & 1) == 0, 'Pointer to int16 data passed to texture get function must be aligned to two bytes!');
return HEAP16.subarray(pixels>>1, end>>1);
case 0x1404 /* GL_INT */:
assert((pixels & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to texture get function must be aligned to four bytes!');
return HEAP32.subarray(pixels>>2, end>>2);
case 0x1406 /* GL_FLOAT */:
assert((pixels & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to texture get function must be aligned to four bytes!');
return HEAPF32.subarray(pixels>>2, end>>2);
case 0x1405 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */:
case 0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL/GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */:
case 0x8C3E /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */:
case 0x8368 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */:
case 0x8C3B /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */:
case 0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */:
assert((pixels & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to texture get function must be aligned to four bytes!');
return HEAPU32.subarray(pixels>>2, end>>2);
case 0x1403 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */:
case 0x8363 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */:
case 0x8033 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */:
case 0x8034 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */:
case 0x8D61 /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */:
case 0x140B /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */:
assert((pixels & 1) == 0, 'Pointer to int16 data passed to texture get function must be aligned to two bytes!');
return HEAPU16.subarray(pixels>>1, end>>1);
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glTex[Sub]Image/glReadPixels, type: ' + type);
_heapObjectForWebGLType: function(type) {
switch(type) {
case 0x1400 /* GL_BYTE */:
return HEAP8;
case 0x1401 /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */:
return HEAPU8;
case 0x1402 /* GL_SHORT */:
return HEAP16;
case 0x1403 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */:
case 0x8363 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */:
case 0x8033 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */:
case 0x8034 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */:
case 0x8D61 /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */:
case 0x140B /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */:
return HEAPU16;
case 0x1404 /* GL_INT */:
return HEAP32;
case 0x1405 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */:
case 0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL/GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */:
case 0x8C3E /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */:
case 0x8368 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */:
case 0x8C3B /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */:
case 0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */:
return HEAPU32;
case 0x1406 /* GL_FLOAT */:
return HEAPF32;
_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType: {
0x1402 /* GL_SHORT */: 1,
0x1403 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */: 1,
0x8363 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */: 1,
0x8033 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */: 1,
0x8034 /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */: 1,
0x8D61 /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */: 1,
0x140B /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */: 1,
0x1404 /* GL_INT */: 2,
0x1406 /* GL_FLOAT */: 2,
0x1405 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */: 2,
0x8C3E /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */: 2,
0x8368 /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */: 2,
0x8C3B /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */: 2,
0x84FA /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */: 2
glTexImage2D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glTexImage2D__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData'
, '_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType'
glTexImage2D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels) {
if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) {
// WebGL 1 unsized texture internalFormats are no longer supported in WebGL 2, so patch those format
// enums to the ones that are present in WebGL 2.
if (format == 0x1902/*GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT*/ && internalFormat == 0x1902/*GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT*/ && type == 0x1405/*GL_UNSIGNED_INT*/) {
internalFormat = 0x81A6 /*GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24*/;
if (type == 0x8d61/*GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES*/) {
type = 0x140B /*GL_HALF_FLOAT*/;
if (format == 0x1908/*GL_RGBA*/ && internalFormat == 0x1908/*GL_RGBA*/) {
internalFormat = 0x881A/*GL_RGBA16F*/;
if (internalFormat == 0x84f9 /*GL_DEPTH_STENCIL*/) {
internalFormat = 0x88F0 /*GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8*/;
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) {
// WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels != 0) {
GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, __heapObjectForWebGLType(type), pixels >> (__heapAccessShiftForWebGLType[type]|0));
} else {
GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, null);
var pixelData = null;
if (pixels) pixelData = emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type, format, width, height, pixels, internalFormat);
GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixelData);
glTexSubImage2D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glTexSubImage2D__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData'
, '_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType'
glTexSubImage2D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels) {
if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) {
// In WebGL 1 to do half float textures, one uses the type enum GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES, but in
// WebGL 2 when half float textures were adopted to the core spec, the enum changed value
// which breaks backwards compatibility. Route old enum number to the new one.
if (type == 0x8d61/*GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES*/) type = 0x140B /*GL_HALF_FLOAT*/;
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) {
// WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels != 0) {
GLctx.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, __heapObjectForWebGLType(type), pixels >> (__heapAccessShiftForWebGLType[type]|0));
} else {
GLctx.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, null);
var pixelData = null;
if (pixels) pixelData = emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type, format, width, height, pixels, 0);
GLctx.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixelData);
glReadPixels__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glReadPixels__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData'
, '_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType'
glReadPixels: function(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
if (GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding) {
GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
} else {
GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, __heapObjectForWebGLType(type), pixels >> (__heapAccessShiftForWebGLType[type]|0));
var pixelData = emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type, format, width, height, pixels, format);
if (!pixelData) {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glReadPixels: Unrecognized combination of type=' + type + ' and format=' + format + '!');
GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixelData);
glBindTexture__sig: 'vii',
glBindTexture: function(target, texture) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, texture, 'glBindTexture', 'texture');
GLctx.bindTexture(target, texture ? GL.textures[texture] : null);
glGetTexParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glGetTexParameterfv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetTexParameterfv(target=' + target +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx.getTexParameter(target, pname)', 'float') }}};
glGetTexParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glGetTexParameteriv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetTexParameteriv(target=' + target +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx.getTexParameter(target, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glTexParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glTexParameterfv: function(target, pname, params) {
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'float') }}};
GLctx.texParameterf(target, pname, param);
glTexParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glTexParameteriv: function(target, pname, params) {
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'i32') }}};
GLctx.texParameteri(target, pname, param);
glIsTexture__sig: 'ii',
glIsTexture: function(texture) {
var texture = GL.textures[texture];
if (!texture) return 0;
return GLctx.isTexture(texture);
// The code path for creating textures, buffers, framebuffers and other objects is so identical to each other (and not in fast path), that
// merge the functions together to only have one generated copy of this. 'createFunction' refers to the WebGL context function name to do
// the actual creation, 'objectTable' points to the GL object table where to populate the created objects, and 'functionName' carries
// the name of the caller for debug information.
_glGenObject__sig: 'vii',
_glGenObject: function(n, buffers, createFunction, objectTable
, functionName
) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var buffer = GLctx[createFunction]();
if (!buffer) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
err('GL_INVALID_OPERATION in ' + functionName + ': GLctx.' + createFunction + ' returned null - most likely GL context is lost!');
while(i < n) {{{ makeSetValue('buffers', 'i++*4', 0, 'i32') }}};
var id = GL.getNewId(objectTable); = id;
objectTable[id] = buffer;
{{{ makeSetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'id', 'i32') }}};
glGenBuffers__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenBuffers__sig: 'vii',
glGenBuffers: function(n, buffers) {
__glGenObject(n, buffers, 'createBuffer', GL.buffers
, 'glGenBuffers'
glGenTextures__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenTextures__sig: 'vii',
glGenTextures: function(n, textures) {
__glGenObject(n, textures, 'createTexture', GL.textures
, 'glGenTextures'
glDeleteBuffers__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteBuffers: function(n, buffers) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('buffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var buffer = GL.buffers[id];
// From spec: "glDeleteBuffers silently ignores 0's and names that do not
// correspond to existing buffer objects."
if (!buffer) continue;
GLctx.deleteBuffer(buffer); = 0;
GL.buffers[id] = null;
if (id == GL.currArrayBuffer) GL.currArrayBuffer = 0;
if (id == GL.currElementArrayBuffer) GL.currElementArrayBuffer = 0;
if (id == GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding) GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding = 0;
if (id == GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding = 0;
glGetBufferParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glGetBufferParameteriv: function(target, value, data) {
if (!data) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if data is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if data == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetBufferParameteriv(target=' + target + ', value=' + value + ', data=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'GLctx.getBufferParameter(target, value)', 'i32') }}};
glGetBufferParameteri64v__sig: 'viii',
glGetBufferParameteri64v: function(target, value, data) {
if (!data) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if data is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if data == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetBufferParameteri64v(target=' + target + ', value=' + value + ', data=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'GLctx.getBufferParameter(target, value)', 'i64') }}};
glBufferData__sig: 'viiii',
glBufferData: function(target, size, data, usage) {
switch (usage) { // fix usages, WebGL 1 only has *_DRAW
case 0x88E1: // GL_STREAM_READ
case 0x88E2: // GL_STREAM_COPY
usage = 0x88E0; // GL_STREAM_DRAW
case 0x88E5: // GL_STATIC_READ
case 0x88E6: // GL_STATIC_COPY
usage = 0x88E4; // GL_STATIC_DRAW
case 0x88E9: // GL_DYNAMIC_READ
case 0x88EA: // GL_DYNAMIC_COPY
usage = 0x88E8; // GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
if (!data) {
GLctx.bufferData(target, size, usage);
} else {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.bufferData(target, HEAPU8, usage, data, size);
GLctx.bufferData(target, HEAPU8.subarray(data, data+size), usage);
glBufferSubData__sig: 'viiii',
glBufferSubData: function(target, offset, size, data) {
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.bufferSubData(target, offset, HEAPU8, data, size);
GLctx.bufferSubData(target, offset, HEAPU8.subarray(data, data+size));
// Queries EXT
glGenQueriesEXT__sig: 'vii',
glGenQueriesEXT: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var query = GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['createQueryEXT']();
if (!query) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
err('GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGenQueriesEXT: GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt.createQueryEXT returned null - most likely GL context is lost!');
while(i < n) {{{ makeSetValue('ids', 'i++*4', 0, 'i32') }}};
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.timerQueriesEXT); = id;
GL.timerQueriesEXT[id] = query;
{{{ makeSetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'id', 'i32') }}};
glDeleteQueriesEXT__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteQueriesEXT: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var query = GL.timerQueriesEXT[id];
if (!query) continue; // GL spec: "unused names in ids are ignored, as is the name zero."
GL.timerQueriesEXT[id] = null;
glIsQueryEXT__sig: 'ii',
glIsQueryEXT: function(id) {
var query = GL.timerQueriesEXT[query];
if (!query) return 0;
return GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['isQueryEXT'](query);
glBeginQueryEXT__sig: 'vii',
glBeginQueryEXT: function(target, id) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.timerQueriesEXT, id, 'glBeginQueryEXT', 'id');
GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['beginQueryEXT'](target, id ? GL.timerQueriesEXT[id] : null);
glEndQueryEXT__sig: 'vi',
glEndQueryEXT: function(target) {
glQueryCounterEXT__sig: 'vii',
glQueryCounterEXT: function(id, target) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.timerQueriesEXT, id, 'glQueryCounterEXT', 'id');
GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['queryCounterEXT'](id ? GL.timerQueriesEXT[id] : null, target);
glGetQueryivEXT__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryivEXT: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryivEXT(target=' + target +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt[\'getQueryEXT\'](target, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glGetQueryObjectivEXT__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryObjectivEXT: function(id, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryObject(u)ivEXT(id=' + id +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.timerQueriesEXT, id, 'glGetQueryObjectivEXT', 'id');
var query = GL.timerQueriesEXT[id];
var param = GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['getQueryObjectEXT'](query, pname);
var ret;
if (typeof param == 'boolean') {
ret = param ? 1 : 0;
} else {
ret = param;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}};
glGetQueryObjectuivEXT: 'glGetQueryObjectivEXT',
glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT: function(id, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryObject(u)i64vEXT(id=' + id +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.timerQueriesEXT, id, 'glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT', 'id');
var query = GL.timerQueriesEXT[id];
var param = GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt['getQueryObjectEXT'](query, pname);
var ret;
if (typeof param == 'boolean') {
ret = param ? 1 : 0;
} else {
ret = param;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'ret', 'i64') }}};
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT: 'glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT',
#if FULL_ES3
$emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding: function(target) {
switch(target) {
case 0x8892 /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/: target = 0x8894 /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x8893 /*GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER*/: target = 0x8895 /*GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x88EB /*GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER*/: target = 0x88ED /*GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x88EC /*GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER*/: target = 0x88EF /*GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x8F36 /*GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER*/: target = 0x8F36 /*GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x8F37 /*GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER*/: target = 0x8F37 /*GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
case 0x8A11 /*GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER*/: target = 0x8A28 /*GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING*/; break;
// In default case, fall through and assume passed one of the _BINDING enums directly.
var buffer = GLctx.getParameter(target);
if (buffer) return|0;
else return 0;
$emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget: function(target) {
switch (target) {
case 0x8892: // GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
case 0x8F36: // GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER
case 0x8F37: // GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER
case 0x8A11: // GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER
return true;
return false;
glMapBufferRange__sig: 'iiiii',
glMapBufferRange__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding', '$emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget'],
glMapBufferRange: function(target, offset, length, access) {
if (access != 0x1A && access != 0xA) {
err("glMapBufferRange is only supported when access is MAP_WRITE|INVALIDATE_BUFFER");
return 0;
if (!emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget(target)) {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glMapBufferRange');
return 0;
var mem = _malloc(length);
if (!mem) return 0;
GL.mappedBuffers[emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding(target)] = {
offset: offset,
length: length,
mem: mem,
access: access,
return mem;
glGetBufferPointerv__sig: 'viii',
glGetBufferPointerv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding'],
glGetBufferPointerv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (pname == 0x88BD/*GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER*/) {
var ptr = 0;
var mappedBuffer = GL.mappedBuffers[emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding(target)];
if (mappedBuffer) {
ptr = mappedBuffer.mem;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'ptr', 'i32') }}};
} else {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetBufferPointerv');
glFlushMappedBufferRange__sig: 'viii',
glFlushMappedBufferRange__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding', '$emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget'],
glFlushMappedBufferRange: function(target, offset, length) {
if (!emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget(target)) {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glFlushMappedBufferRange');
var mapping = GL.mappedBuffers[emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding(target)];
if (!mapping) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
Module.printError('buffer was never mapped in glFlushMappedBufferRange');
if (!(mapping.access & 0x10)) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
Module.printError('buffer was not mapped with GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT in glFlushMappedBufferRange');
if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > mapping.length) {
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
Module.printError('invalid range in glFlushMappedBufferRange');
HEAPU8.subarray(mapping.mem + offset, mapping.mem + offset + length));
glUnmapBuffer__sig: 'ii',
glUnmapBuffer__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding', '$emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget'],
glUnmapBuffer: function(target) {
if (!emscriptenWebGLValidateMapBufferTarget(target)) {
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glUnmapBuffer');
return 0;
var buffer = emscriptenWebGLGetBufferBinding(target);
var mapping = GL.mappedBuffers[buffer];
if (!mapping) {
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
Module.printError('buffer was never mapped in glUnmapBuffer');
return 0;
GL.mappedBuffers[buffer] = null;
if (!(mapping.access & 0x10)) /* GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT */
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.bufferSubData(target, mapping.offset, HEAPU8, mapping.mem, mapping.length);
} else {
GLctx.bufferSubData(target, mapping.offset, HEAPU8.subarray(mapping.mem, mapping.mem+mapping.length));
return 1;
glInvalidateFramebuffer__deps: ['_tempFixedLengthArray'],
glInvalidateFramebuffer__sig: 'viii',
glInvalidateFramebuffer: function(target, numAttachments, attachments) {
assert(numAttachments < __tempFixedLengthArray.length, 'Invalid count of numAttachments=' + numAttachments + ' passed to glInvalidateFramebuffer (that many attachment points do not exist in GL)');
var list = __tempFixedLengthArray[numAttachments];
for (var i = 0; i < numAttachments; i++) {
list[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('attachments', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['invalidateFramebuffer'](target, list);
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer__deps: ['_tempFixedLengthArray'],
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer: function(target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height) {
assert(numAttachments < __tempFixedLengthArray.length, 'Invalid count of numAttachments=' + numAttachments + ' passed to glInvalidateSubFramebuffer (that many attachment points do not exist in GL)');
var list = __tempFixedLengthArray[numAttachments];
for (var i = 0; i < numAttachments; i++) {
list[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('attachments', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['invalidateSubFramebuffer'](target, list, x, y, width, height);
glTexImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiii',
glTexImage3D__deps: ['_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType'],
glTexImage3D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels != 0) {
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, __heapObjectForWebGLType(type), pixels >> (__heapAccessShiftForWebGLType[type]|0));
} else {
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, null);
glTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiiii',
glTexSubImage3D__deps: ['_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLType'],
glTexSubImage3D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels != 0) {
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, __heapObjectForWebGLType(type), pixels >> (__heapAccessShiftForWebGLType[type]|0));
} else {
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, null);
// Queries
glGenQueries__sig: 'vii',
glGenQueries__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenQueries: function(n, ids) {
__glGenObject(n, ids, 'createQuery', GL.queries
, 'glGenQueries'
glDeleteQueries__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteQueries: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var query = GL.queries[id];
if (!query) continue; // GL spec: "unused names in ids are ignored, as is the name zero."
GL.queries[id] = null;
glIsQuery__sig: 'ii',
glIsQuery: function(id) {
var query = GL.queries[query];
if (!query) return 0;
return GLctx['isQuery'](query);
glBeginQuery__sig: 'vii',
glBeginQuery: function(target, id) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.queries, id, 'glBeginQuery', 'id');
GLctx['beginQuery'](target, id ? GL.queries[id] : null);
glGetQueryiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryiv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryiv(target=' + target +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getQuery\'](target, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glGetQueryObjectuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryObjectuiv: function(id, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryObjectuiv(id=' + id +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.queries, id, 'glGetQueryObjectuiv', 'id');
var query = GL.queries[id];
var param = GLctx['getQueryParameter'](query, pname);
var ret;
if (typeof param == 'boolean') {
ret = param ? 1 : 0;
} else {
ret = param;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}};
// Sampler objects
glGenSamplers__sig: 'vii',
glGenSamplers__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenSamplers: function(n, samplers) {
__glGenObject(n, samplers, 'createSampler', GL.samplers
, 'glGenSamplers'
glDeleteSamplers__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteSamplers: function(n, samplers) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('samplers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var sampler = GL.samplers[id];
if (!sampler) continue;
GLctx['deleteSampler'](sampler); = 0;
GL.samplers[id] = null;
glIsSampler__sig: 'ii',
glIsSampler: function(id) {
var sampler = GL.samplers[id];
if (!sampler) return 0;
return GLctx['isSampler'](sampler);
glBindSampler__sig: 'vii',
glBindSampler: function(unit, sampler) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['bindSampler'](unit, sampler ? GL.samplers[sampler] : null);
glSamplerParameterf__sig: 'viif',
glSamplerParameterf: function(sampler, pname, param) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['samplerParameterf'](sampler ? GL.samplers[sampler] : null, pname, param);
glSamplerParameteri__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameteri: function(sampler, pname, param) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['samplerParameteri'](sampler ? GL.samplers[sampler] : null, pname, param);
glSamplerParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameterfv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'float') }}};
GLctx['samplerParameterf'](sampler ? GL.samplers[sampler] : null, pname, param);
glSamplerParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameteriv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['samplerParameteri'](sampler ? GL.samplers[sampler] : null, pname, param);
glGetSamplerParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glGetSamplerParameterfv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSamplerParameterfv(sampler=' + sampler +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
sampler = GL.samplers[sampler];
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getSamplerParameter\'](sampler, pname)', 'float') }}};
glGetSamplerParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glGetSamplerParameteriv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSamplerParameteriv(sampler=' + sampler +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
sampler = GL.samplers[sampler];
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getSamplerParameter\'](sampler, pname)', 'i32') }}};
// Transform Feedback
glGenTransformFeedbacks__sig: 'vii',
glGenTransformFeedbacks__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenTransformFeedbacks: function(n, ids) {
__glGenObject(n, ids, 'createTransformFeedback', GL.transformFeedbacks
, 'glGenTransformFeedbacks'
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var transformFeedback = GL.transformFeedbacks[id];
if (!transformFeedback) continue; // GL spec: "unused names in ids are ignored, as is the name zero."
GLctx['deleteTransformFeedback'](transformFeedback); = 0;
GL.transformFeedbacks[id] = null;
glIsTransformFeedback__sig: 'ii',
glIsTransformFeedback: function(transformFeedback) {
var transformFeedback = GL.transformFeedbacks[transformFeedback];
if (!transformFeedback) return 0;
return GLctx['isTransformFeedback'](transformFeedback);
glBindTransformFeedback__sig: 'vii',
glBindTransformFeedback: function(target, id) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.transformFeedbacks, id, 'glBindTransformFeedback', 'id');
var transformFeedback = id ? GL.transformFeedbacks[id] : null;
if (id && !transformFeedback) { // Passing an nonexisting or an already deleted id is an error.
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
GLctx['bindTransformFeedback'](target, transformFeedback);
glTransformFeedbackVaryings__sig: 'viiii',
glTransformFeedbackVaryings: function(program, count, varyings, bufferMode) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glTransformFeedbackVaryings', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var vars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
vars.push(Pointer_stringify({{{ makeGetValue('varyings', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}));
GLctx['transformFeedbackVaryings'](program, vars, bufferMode);
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: function(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetTransformFeedbackVarying', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var info = GLctx['getTransformFeedbackVarying'](program, index);
if (!info) return; // If an error occurred, the return parameters length, size, type and name will be unmodified.
if (name && bufSize > 0) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(, name, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (size) {{{ makeSetValue('size', '0', 'info.size', 'i32') }}};
if (type) {{{ makeSetValue('type', '0', 'info.type', 'i32') }}};
$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed: function(target, index, data, type) {
if (!data) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if data is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if data == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInteger(64)i_v(target=' + target + ', index=' + index + ', data=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var result = GLctx['getIndexedParameter'](target, index);
var ret;
switch (typeof result) {
case 'boolean':
ret = result ? 1 : 0;
case 'number':
ret = result;
case 'object':
if (result === null) {
switch (target) {
ret = 0;
default: {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v(' + target + ') and it returns null!');
} else if (result instanceof WebGLBuffer) {
ret = | 0;
} else {
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getIndexedParameter(' + target + ')!');
GL.recordError(0x0500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v: Native code calling glGetInteger(64)i_v(' + target + ') and it returns ' + result + ' of type ' + typeof(result) + '!');
switch (type) {
case 'Integer64': {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'i64') }}}; break;
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'float') }}}; break;
case 'Boolean': {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed() error, bad type: ' + type;
glGetIntegeri_v__sig: 'viii',
glGetIntegeri_v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed'],
glGetIntegeri_v: function(target, index, data) {
emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed(target, index, data, 'Integer');
glGetInteger64i_v__sig: 'viii',
glGetInteger64i_v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed'],
glGetInteger64i_v: function(target, index, data) {
emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed(target, index, data, 'Integer64');
// Uniform Buffer objects
glBindBufferBase__sig: 'viii',
glBindBufferBase: function(target, index, buffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, buffer, 'glBindBufferBase', 'buffer');
var bufferObj = buffer ? GL.buffers[buffer] : null;
GLctx['bindBufferBase'](target, index, bufferObj);
glBindBufferRange__sig: 'viiiii',
glBindBufferRange: function(target, index, buffer, offset, ptrsize) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, buffer, 'glBindBufferRange', 'buffer');
var bufferObj = buffer ? GL.buffers[buffer] : null;
GLctx['bindBufferRange'](target, index, bufferObj, offset, ptrsize);
glGetUniformIndices__sig: 'viiii',
glGetUniformIndices: function(program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniformIndices', 'program');
if (!uniformIndices) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if uniformIndices is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if uniformIndices == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetUniformIndices(program=' + program + ', uniformCount=' + uniformCount + ', uniformNames=' + uniformNames + ', uniformIndices=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (uniformCount > 0 && (uniformNames == 0 || uniformIndices == 0)) {
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
program = GL.programs[program];
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++)
names.push(Pointer_stringify({{{ makeGetValue('uniformNames', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}));
var result = GLctx['getUniformIndices'](program, names);
if (!result) return; // GL spec: If an error is generated, nothing is written out to uniformIndices.
var len = result.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('uniformIndices', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetActiveUniformsiv__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetActiveUniformsiv: function(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformsiv', 'program');
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetActiveUniformsiv(program=' + program + ', uniformCount=' + uniformCount + ', uniformIndices=' + uniformIndices + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (uniformCount > 0 && uniformIndices == 0) {
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
program = GL.programs[program];
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) {
ids.push({{{ makeGetValue('uniformIndices', 'i*4', 'i32') }}});
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniforms'](program, ids, pname);
if (!result) return; // GL spec: If an error is generated, nothing is written out to params.
var len = result.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetUniformBlockIndex__sig: 'iii',
glGetUniformBlockIndex: function(program, uniformBlockName) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniformBlockIndex', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
uniformBlockName = Pointer_stringify(uniformBlockName);
return GLctx['getUniformBlockIndex'](program, uniformBlockName);
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv__sig: 'viiii',
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(program=' + program + ', uniformBlockIndex=' + uniformBlockIndex + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformBlockiv', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
switch(pname) {
var name = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockName'](program, uniformBlockIndex);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 0, 'name.length+1', 'i32') }}};
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockParameter'](program, uniformBlockIndex, pname);
if (!result) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to params.
if (typeof result == 'number') {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'result', 'i32') }}};
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetActiveUniformBlockName__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetActiveUniformBlockName: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformBlockName', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockName'](program, uniformBlockIndex);
if (!result) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to uniformBlockName or length.
if (uniformBlockName && bufSize > 0) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(result, uniformBlockName, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
glUniformBlockBinding__sig: 'viii',
glUniformBlockBinding: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glUniformBlockBinding', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
GLctx['uniformBlockBinding'](program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding);
glClearBufferiv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferiv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glClearBufferiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferiv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAP32, value>>2);
glClearBufferuiv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferuiv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glClearBufferuiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferuiv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAPU32, value>>2);
glClearBufferfv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferfv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glClearBufferfv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferfv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAPF32, value>>2);
glFenceSync__sig: 'iii',
glFenceSync: function(condition, flags) {
var sync = GLctx.fenceSync(condition, flags);
if (sync) {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.syncs); = id;
GL.syncs[id] = sync;
return id;
} else {
return 0; // Failed to create a sync object
glDeleteSync__sig: 'vi',
glDeleteSync: function(id) {
if (!id) return;
var sync = GL.syncs[id];
if (!sync) { // glDeleteSync signals an error when deleting a nonexisting object, unlike some other GL delete functions.
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GLctx.deleteSync(sync); = 0;
GL.syncs[id] = null;
glClientWaitSync__sig: 'iiii',
glClientWaitSync: function(sync, flags, timeoutLo, timeoutHi) {
// WebGL2 vs GLES3 differences: in GLES3, the timeout parameter is a uint64, where 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL means GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED.
// In JS, there's no 64-bit value types, so instead timeout is taken to be signed, and GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED is given value -1.
// Inherently the value accepted in the timeout is lossy, and can't take in arbitrary u64 bit pattern (but most likely doesn't matter)
// See
timeoutLo = timeoutLo >>> 0;
timeoutHi = timeoutHi >>> 0;
var timeout = (timeoutLo == 0xFFFFFFFF && timeoutHi == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? -1 : makeBigInt(timeoutLo, timeoutHi, true);
return GLctx.clientWaitSync(GL.syncs[sync], flags, timeout);
glWaitSync__sig: 'viii',
glWaitSync: function(sync, flags, timeoutLo, timeoutHi) {
// See WebGL2 vs GLES3 difference on GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED above (
timeoutLo = timeoutLo >>> 0;
timeoutHi = timeoutHi >>> 0;
var timeout = (timeoutLo == 0xFFFFFFFF && timeoutHi == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? -1 : makeBigInt(timeoutLo, timeoutHi, true);
GLctx.waitSync(GL.syncs[sync], flags, timeout);
glGetSynciv__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetSynciv: function(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if bufSize < 0, however in the spec wording for glGetInternalFormativ, it does say that GL_INVALID_VALUE should be raised,
// so raise GL_INVALID_VALUE here as well.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSynciv(sync=' + sync + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', length=' + length + ', values='+values+'): Function called with bufSize < 0!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (!values) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if values is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if values == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSynciv(sync=' + sync + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', length=' + length + ', values=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ret = GLctx.getSyncParameter(GL.syncs[sync], pname);
{{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}};
if (ret !== null && length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', '1', 'i32') }}}; // Report a single value outputted.
glIsSync__sig: 'ii',
glIsSync: function(sync) {
var sync = GL.syncs[sync];
if (!sync) return 0;
return GLctx.isSync(sync);
glGetInternalFormativ__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetInternalFormativ: function(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInternalFormativ(target=' + target + ', internalformat=' + internalformat + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', params=' + params + '): Function called with bufSize < 0!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if values is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if values == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInternalFormativ(target=' + target + ', internalformat=' + internalformat + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ret = GLctx.getInternalFormatParameter(target, internalformat, pname);
if (ret === null) return;
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length && i < bufSize; ++i) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i', 'ret[i]', 'i32') }}};
glIsBuffer__sig: 'ii',
glIsBuffer: function(buffer) {
var b = GL.buffers[buffer];
if (!b) return 0;
return GLctx.isBuffer(b);
glGenRenderbuffers__sig: 'vii',
glGenRenderbuffers__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenRenderbuffers: function(n, renderbuffers) {
__glGenObject(n, renderbuffers, 'createRenderbuffer', GL.renderbuffers
, 'glGenRenderbuffers'
glDeleteRenderbuffers__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteRenderbuffers: function(n, renderbuffers) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('renderbuffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var renderbuffer = GL.renderbuffers[id];
if (!renderbuffer) continue; // GL spec: "glDeleteRenderbuffers silently ignores 0s and names that do not correspond to existing renderbuffer objects".
GLctx.deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); = 0;
GL.renderbuffers[id] = null;
glBindRenderbuffer__sig: 'vii',
glBindRenderbuffer: function(target, renderbuffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.renderbuffers, renderbuffer, 'glBindRenderbuffer', 'renderbuffer');
GLctx.bindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer ? GL.renderbuffers[renderbuffer] : null);
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(target=' + target + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx.getRenderbufferParameter(target, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glIsRenderbuffer__sig: 'ii',
glIsRenderbuffer: function(renderbuffer) {
var rb = GL.renderbuffers[renderbuffer];
if (!rb) return 0;
return GLctx.isRenderbuffer(rb);
$emscriptenWebGLGetUniform: function(program, location, params, type) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetUniform*v(program=' + program + ', location=' + location + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniform*v', 'program');
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glGetUniform*v', 'location');
var data = GLctx.getUniform(GL.programs[program], GL.uniforms[location]);
if (typeof data == 'number' || typeof data == 'boolean') {
switch (type) {
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'data', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'data', 'float') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetUniform() error, bad type: ' + type;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
switch (type) {
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'data[i]', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'data[i]', 'float') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetUniform() error, bad type: ' + type;
glGetUniformfv__sig: 'viii',
glGetUniformfv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetUniform'],
glGetUniformfv: function(program, location, params) {
emscriptenWebGLGetUniform(program, location, params, 'Float');
glGetUniformiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetUniformiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetUniform'],
glGetUniformiv: function(program, location, params) {
emscriptenWebGLGetUniform(program, location, params, 'Integer');
glGetUniformuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetUniformuiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetUniform'],
glGetUniformuiv: 'glGetUniformiv',
glGetUniformLocation__sig: 'iii',
glGetUniformLocation: function(program, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniformLocation', 'program');
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
var arrayOffset = 0;
// If user passed an array accessor "[index]", parse the array index off the accessor.
if (name.indexOf(']', name.length-1) !== -1) {
var ls = name.lastIndexOf('[');
var arrayIndex = name.slice(ls+1, -1);
if (arrayIndex.length > 0) {
arrayOffset = parseInt(arrayIndex);
if (arrayOffset < 0) {
return -1;
name = name.slice(0, ls);
var ptable = GL.programInfos[program];
if (!ptable) {
return -1;
var utable = ptable.uniforms;
var uniformInfo = utable[name]; // returns pair [ dimension_of_uniform_array, uniform_location ]
if (uniformInfo && arrayOffset < uniformInfo[0]) { // Check if user asked for an out-of-bounds element, i.e. for 'vec4 colors[3];' user could ask for 'colors[10]' which should return -1.
return uniformInfo[1]+arrayOffset;
} else {
return -1;
glGetFragDataLocation__sig: 'iii',
glGetFragDataLocation: function(program, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetFragDataLocation', 'program');
return GLctx['getFragDataLocation'](GL.programs[program], Pointer_stringify(name));
$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib: function(index, pname, params, type) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetVertexAttrib*v(index=' + index + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
#if FULL_ES2
if (GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index].enabled) {
err("glGetVertexAttrib*v on client-side array: not supported, bad data returned");
var data = GLctx.getVertexAttrib(index, pname);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'data["name"]', 'i32') }}};
} else if (typeof data == 'number' || typeof data == 'boolean') {
switch (type) {
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'data', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'data', 'float') }}}; break;
case 'FloatToInteger': {{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'Math.fround(data)', 'i32') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib() error, bad type: ' + type;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
switch (type) {
case 'Integer': {{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'data[i]', 'i32') }}}; break;
case 'Float': {{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'data[i]', 'float') }}}; break;
case 'FloatToInteger': {{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'Math.fround(data[i])', 'i32') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib() error, bad type: ' + type;
glGetVertexAttribfv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribfv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribfv: function(index, pname, params) {
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttrib*f(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib(index, pname, params, 'Float');
glGetVertexAttribiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribiv: function(index, pname, params) {
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttrib*f(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib(index, pname, params, 'FloatToInteger');
glGetVertexAttribIiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribIiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribIiv: function(index, pname, params) {
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttribI4iv(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib(index, pname, params, 'Integer');
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttribI4uiv(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
glGetVertexAttribIuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribIuiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribIuiv: 'glGetVertexAttribIiv',
glGetVertexAttribPointerv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribPointerv: function(index, pname, pointer) {
if (!pointer) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if pointer is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if pointer == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetVertexAttribPointerv(index=' + index + ', pname=' + pname + ', pointer=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
#if FULL_ES2
if (GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index].enabled) {
err("glGetVertexAttribPointer on client-side array: not supported, bad data returned");
{{{ makeSetValue('pointer', '0', 'GLctx.getVertexAttribOffset(index, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glGetActiveUniform__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glGetActiveUniform: function(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniform', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var info = GLctx.getActiveUniform(program, index);
if (!info) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to length, size, type and name.
if (bufSize > 0 && name) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(, name, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (size) {{{ makeSetValue('size', '0', 'info.size', 'i32') }}};
if (type) {{{ makeSetValue('type', '0', 'info.type', 'i32') }}};
glUniform1f__sig: 'vif',
glUniform1f: function(location, v0) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1f', 'location');
GLctx.uniform1f(GL.uniforms[location], v0);
glUniform2f__sig: 'viff',
glUniform2f: function(location, v0, v1) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2f', 'location');
GLctx.uniform2f(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1);
glUniform3f__sig: 'vifff',
glUniform3f: function(location, v0, v1, v2) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3f', 'location');
GLctx.uniform3f(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2);
glUniform4f__sig: 'viffff',
glUniform4f: function(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4f', 'location');
GLctx.uniform4f(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2, v3);
glUniform1i__sig: 'vii',
glUniform1i: function(location, v0) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1i', 'location');
GLctx.uniform1i(GL.uniforms[location], v0);
glUniform2i__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2i: function(location, v0, v1) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2i', 'location');
GLctx.uniform2i(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1);
glUniform3i__sig: 'viiii',
glUniform3i: function(location, v0, v1, v2) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3i', 'location');
GLctx.uniform3i(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2);
glUniform4i__sig: 'viiiii',
glUniform4i: function(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4i', 'location');
GLctx.uniform4i(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2, v3);
glUniform1iv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform1iv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1iv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform1iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform1iv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAP32, value>>2, count);
GLctx.uniform1iv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('32', 'value', 'value+count*4') }}});
glUniform2iv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2iv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2iv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform2iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform2iv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAP32, value>>2, count*2);
GLctx.uniform2iv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('32', 'value', 'value+count*8') }}});
glUniform3iv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform3iv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3iv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform3iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform3iv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAP32, value>>2, count*3);
GLctx.uniform3iv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('32', 'value', 'value+count*12') }}});
glUniform4iv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform4iv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4iv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform4iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform4iv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAP32, value>>2, count*4);
GLctx.uniform4iv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('32', 'value', 'value+count*16') }}});
glUniform1fv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform1fv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniform1fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform1fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count);
if (count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*4') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniform1fv(GL.uniforms[location], view);
glUniform2fv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2fv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniform2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform2fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count*2);
if (2*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[2*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 2*count; i += 2) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*8') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniform2fv(GL.uniforms[location], view);
glUniform3fv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform3fv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniform3fv must be aligned to four bytes!' + value);
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform3fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count*3);
if (3*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[3*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 3*count; i += 3) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
view[i+2] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+8', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*12') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniform3fv(GL.uniforms[location], view);
glUniform4fv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform4fv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniform4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count*4);
if (4*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[4*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 4*count; i += 4) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
view[i+2] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+8', 'float') }}};
view[i+3] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+12', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*16') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[location], view);
glUniform1ui__sig: 'vii',
glUniform1ui: function(location, v0) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform1ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0);
glUniform2ui__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2ui: function(location, v0, v1) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform2ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1);
glUniform3ui__sig: 'viiii',
glUniform3ui: function(location, v0, v1, v2) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform3ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2);
glUniform4ui__sig: 'viiiii',
glUniform4ui: function(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform4ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2, v3);
glUniform1uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform1uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform1uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform1uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count);
} else {
GLctx.uniform1uiv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('U32', 'value', 'value+count*4') }}});
glUniform2uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform2uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform2uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*2);
} else {
GLctx.uniform2uiv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('U32', 'value', 'value+count*8') }}});
glUniform3uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform3uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform3uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform3uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*3);
} else {
GLctx.uniform3uiv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('U32', 'value', 'value+count*12') }}});
glUniform4uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform4uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform4uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniform4uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*4);
} else {
GLctx.uniform4uiv(GL.uniforms[location], {{{ makeHEAPView('U32', 'value', 'value+count*16') }}});
glUniformMatrix2fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix2fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*4);
if (4*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[4*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 4*count; i += 4) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
view[i+2] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+8', 'float') }}};
view[i+3] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+12', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*16') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniformMatrix2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, view);
glUniformMatrix3fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix3fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*9);
if (9*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[9*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 9*count; i += 9) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
view[i+2] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+8', 'float') }}};
view[i+3] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+12', 'float') }}};
view[i+4] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+16', 'float') }}};
view[i+5] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+20', 'float') }}};
view[i+6] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+24', 'float') }}};
view[i+7] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+28', 'float') }}};
view[i+8] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+32', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*36') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniformMatrix3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, view);
glUniformMatrix4fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix4fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*16);
if (16*count <= GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE) {
// avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
var view = GL.miniTempBufferViews[16*count-1];
for (var i = 0; i < 16*count; i += 16) {
view[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i', 'float') }}};
view[i+1] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+4', 'float') }}};
view[i+2] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+8', 'float') }}};
view[i+3] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+12', 'float') }}};
view[i+4] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+16', 'float') }}};
view[i+5] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+20', 'float') }}};
view[i+6] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+24', 'float') }}};
view[i+7] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+28', 'float') }}};
view[i+8] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+32', 'float') }}};
view[i+9] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+36', 'float') }}};
view[i+10] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+40', 'float') }}};
view[i+11] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+44', 'float') }}};
view[i+12] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+48', 'float') }}};
view[i+13] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+52', 'float') }}};
view[i+14] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+56', 'float') }}};
view[i+15] = {{{ makeGetValue('value', '4*i+60', 'float') }}};
} else
var view = {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*64') }}};
if (GL.currentContext.cannotHandleOffsetsInUniformArrayViews) view = new Float32Array(view);
GLctx.uniformMatrix4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, view);
glUniformMatrix2x3fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix2x3fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix2x3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix2x3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*6);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*24') }}});
glUniformMatrix3x2fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix3x2fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix3x2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix3x2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*6);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*24') }}});
glUniformMatrix2x4fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix2x4fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix2x4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix2x4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*8);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*32') }}});
glUniformMatrix4x2fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix4x2fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix4x2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4x2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*8);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*32') }}});
glUniformMatrix3x4fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix3x4fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix3x4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix3x4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*12);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*48') }}});
glUniformMatrix4x3fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix4x3fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix4x3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4x3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
if (GL.currentContext.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*12);
} else {
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, {{{ makeHEAPView('F32', 'value', 'value+count*48') }}});
glBindBuffer__sig: 'vii',
glBindBuffer: function(target, buffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, buffer, 'glBindBuffer', 'buffer');
var bufferObj = buffer ? GL.buffers[buffer] : null;
if (target == GLctx.ARRAY_BUFFER) {
GL.currArrayBuffer = buffer;
GLImmediate.lastArrayBuffer = buffer;
} else if (target == GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) {
GL.currElementArrayBuffer = buffer;
if (target == 0x88EB /*GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER*/) {
// In WebGL 2 glReadPixels entry point, we need to use a different WebGL 2 API function call when a buffer is bound to
// GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING point, so must keep track whether that binding point is non-null to know what is
// the proper API function to call.
GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding = buffer;
} else if (target == 0x88EC /*GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER*/) {
// In WebGL 2 gl(Compressed)Tex(Sub)Image[23]D entry points, we need to
// use a different WebGL 2 API function call when a buffer is bound to
// GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING point, so must keep track whether that
// binding point is non-null to know what is the proper API function to
// call.
GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding = buffer;
GLctx.bindBuffer(target, bufferObj);
glVertexAttrib1fv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib1fv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glVertexAttrib1fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttrib1fv!');
GLctx.vertexAttrib1f(index, HEAPF32[v>>2]);
glVertexAttrib2fv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib2fv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glVertexAttrib2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttrib2fv!');
GLctx.vertexAttrib2f(index, HEAPF32[v>>2], HEAPF32[v+4>>2]);
glVertexAttrib3fv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib3fv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glVertexAttrib3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttrib3fv!');
GLctx.vertexAttrib3f(index, HEAPF32[v>>2], HEAPF32[v+4>>2], HEAPF32[v+8>>2]);
glVertexAttrib4fv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib4fv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glVertexAttrib4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttrib4fv!');
GLctx.vertexAttrib4f(index, HEAPF32[v>>2], HEAPF32[v+4>>2], HEAPF32[v+8>>2], HEAPF32[v+12>>2]);
glVertexAttribI4iv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttribI4iv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glVertexAttribI4iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttribI4iv!');
GLctx.vertexAttribI4i(index, HEAP32[v>>2], HEAP32[v+4>>2], HEAP32[v+8>>2], HEAP32[v+12>>2]);
glVertexAttribI4uiv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttribI4uiv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glVertexAttribI4uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttribI4uiv!');
GLctx.vertexAttribI4ui(index, HEAPU32[v>>2], HEAPU32[v+4>>2], HEAPU32[v+8>>2], HEAPU32[v+12>>2]);
glGetAttribLocation__sig: 'iii',
glGetAttribLocation: function(program, name) {
return GLctx.getAttribLocation(GL.programs[program], Pointer_stringify(name));
glGetActiveAttrib__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glGetActiveAttrib: function(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveAttrib', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var info = GLctx.getActiveAttrib(program, index);
if (!info) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to length, size and type and name.
if (bufSize > 0 && name) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(, name, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (size) {{{ makeSetValue('size', '0', 'info.size', 'i32') }}};
if (type) {{{ makeSetValue('type', '0', 'info.type', 'i32') }}};
glCreateShader__sig: 'ii',
glCreateShader: function(shaderType) {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.shaders);
GL.shaders[id] = GLctx.createShader(shaderType);
return id;
glDeleteShader__sig: 'vi',
glDeleteShader: function(id) {
if (!id) return;
var shader = GL.shaders[id];
if (!shader) { // glDeleteShader actually signals an error when deleting a nonexisting object, unlike some other GL delete functions.
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.shaders[id] = null;
glGetAttachedShaders__sig: 'viiii',
glGetAttachedShaders: function(program, maxCount, count, shaders) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetAttachedShaders', 'program');
var result = GLctx.getAttachedShaders(GL.programs[program]);
var len = result.length;
if (len > maxCount) {
len = maxCount;
{{{ makeSetValue('count', '0', 'len', 'i32') }}};
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var id = GL.shaders.indexOf(result[i]);
assert(id !== -1, 'shader not bound to local id');
{{{ makeSetValue('shaders', 'i*4', 'id', 'i32') }}};
glShaderSource__sig: 'viiii',
glShaderSource: function(shader, count, string, length) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glShaderSource', 'shader');
var source = GL.getSource(shader, count, string, length);
if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) {
// If a WebGL 1 shader happens to use GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod extension,
// it will not compile on WebGL 2, because WebGL 2 no longer supports that
// extension for WebGL 1 shaders. Therefore upgrade shaders to WebGL 2
// by doing a bunch of dirty hacks. Not guaranteed to work on all shaders.
// One might consider doing this for only the shaders that actually use
// the GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod extension, but the problem is that
// vertex and fragment shader versions need to match, and when compiling
// the corresponding vertex shader, we would not know if that needed to
// be compiled with or without the patch, so we must patch all shaders.
if (source.indexOf('#version 100') != -1) {
source = source.replace(/#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable/g, "");
source = source.replace(/#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable/g, '');
var prelude = '';
if (source.indexOf('gl_FragColor') != -1) {
prelude += 'out mediump vec4 GL_FragColor;\n';
source = source.replace(/gl_FragColor/g, 'GL_FragColor');
if (source.indexOf('attribute') != -1) {
source = source.replace(/attribute/g, 'in');
source = source.replace(/varying/g, 'out');
} else {
source = source.replace(/varying/g, 'in');
source = source.replace(/textureCubeLodEXT/g, 'textureCubeLod');
source = source.replace(/texture2DLodEXT/g, 'texture2DLod');
source = source.replace(/texture2DProjLodEXT/g, 'texture2DProjLod');
source = source.replace(/texture2DGradEXT/g, 'texture2DGrad');
source = source.replace(/texture2DProjGradEXT/g, 'texture2DProjGrad');
source = source.replace(/textureCubeGradEXT/g, 'textureCubeGrad');
source = source.replace(/textureCube/g, 'texture');
source = source.replace(/texture1D/g, 'texture');
source = source.replace(/texture2D/g, 'texture');
source = source.replace(/texture3D/g, 'texture');
source = source.replace(/#version 100/g, '#version 300 es\n' + prelude);
GLctx.shaderSource(GL.shaders[shader], source);
glGetShaderSource__sig: 'viiii',
glGetShaderSource: function(shader, bufSize, length, source) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glGetShaderSource', 'shader');
var result = GLctx.getShaderSource(GL.shaders[shader]);
if (!result) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to length or source.
if (bufSize > 0 && source) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(result, source, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
glCompileShader__sig: 'vi',
glCompileShader: function(shader) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glCompileShader', 'shader');
var log = (GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]) || '').trim();
if (log) console.error('glCompileShader: ' + log);
glGetShaderInfoLog__sig: 'viiii',
glGetShaderInfoLog: function(shader, maxLength, length, infoLog) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glGetShaderInfoLog', 'shader');
var log = GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]);
if (log === null) log = '(unknown error)';
if (maxLength > 0 && infoLog) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(log, infoLog, maxLength);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
glGetShaderiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetShaderiv : function(shader, pname, p) {
if (!p) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if p is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetShaderiv(shader=' + shader + ', pname=' + pname + ', p=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glGetShaderiv', 'shader');
if (pname == 0x8B84) { // GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
var log = GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]);
if (log === null) log = '(unknown error)';
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'log.length + 1', 'i32') }}};
} else if (pname == 0x8B88) { // GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH
var source = GLctx.getShaderSource(GL.shaders[shader]);
var sourceLength = (source === null || source.length == 0) ? 0 : source.length + 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'sourceLength', 'i32') }}};
} else {
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'GLctx.getShaderParameter(GL.shaders[shader], pname)', 'i32') }}};
glGetProgramiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetProgramiv : function(program, pname, p) {
if (!p) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if p is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetProgramiv(program=' + program + ', pname=' + pname + ', p=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetProgramiv', 'program');
if (program >= GL.counter) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetProgramiv(program=' + program + ', pname=' + pname + ', p=0x' + p.toString(16) + '): The specified program object name was not generated by GL!');
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ptable = GL.programInfos[program];
if (!ptable) {
err('GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGetProgramiv(program=' + program + ', pname=' + pname + ', p=0x' + p.toString(16) + '): The specified GL object name does not refer to a program object!');
GL.recordError(0x0502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */);
if (pname == 0x8B84) { // GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
var log = GLctx.getProgramInfoLog(GL.programs[program]);
if (log === null) log = '(unknown error)';
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'log.length + 1', 'i32') }}};
} else if (pname == 0x8B87 /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH */) {
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ptable.maxUniformLength', 'i32') }}};
} else if (pname == 0x8B8A /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH */) {
if (ptable.maxAttributeLength == -1) {
program = GL.programs[program];
var numAttribs = GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 0x8B89/*GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES*/);
ptable.maxAttributeLength = 0; // Spec says if there are no active attribs, 0 must be returned.
for (var i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) {
var activeAttrib = GLctx.getActiveAttrib(program, i);
ptable.maxAttributeLength = Math.max(ptable.maxAttributeLength,;
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ptable.maxAttributeLength', 'i32') }}};
} else if (pname == 0x8A35 /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH */) {
if (ptable.maxUniformBlockNameLength == -1) {
program = GL.programs[program];
var numBlocks = GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 0x8A36/*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS*/);
ptable.maxUniformBlockNameLength = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i) {
var activeBlockName = GLctx.getActiveUniformBlockName(program, i);
ptable.maxUniformBlockNameLength = Math.max(ptable.maxUniformBlockNameLength, activeBlockName.length+1);
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'ptable.maxUniformBlockNameLength', 'i32') }}};
} else {
{{{ makeSetValue('p', '0', 'GLctx.getProgramParameter(GL.programs[program], pname)', 'i32') }}};
glIsShader__sig: 'ii',
glIsShader: function(shader) {
var s = GL.shaders[shader];
if (!s) return 0;
return GLctx.isShader(s);
glCreateProgram__sig: 'i',
glCreateProgram: function() {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.programs);
var program = GLctx.createProgram(); = id;
GL.programs[id] = program;
return id;
glDeleteProgram__sig: 'vi',
glDeleteProgram: function(id) {
if (!id) return;
var program = GL.programs[id];
if (!program) { // glDeleteProgram actually signals an error when deleting a nonexisting object, unlike some other GL delete functions.
GL.recordError(0x0501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GLctx.deleteProgram(program); = 0;
GL.programs[id] = null;
GL.programInfos[id] = null;
glAttachShader__sig: 'vii',
glAttachShader: function(program, shader) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glAttachShader', 'program');
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glAttachShader', 'shader');
glDetachShader__sig: 'vii',
glDetachShader: function(program, shader) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glDetachShader', 'program');
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, shader, 'glDetachShader', 'shader');
glGetShaderPrecisionFormat__sig: 'viiii',
glGetShaderPrecisionFormat: function(shaderType, precisionType, range, precision) {
var result = GLctx.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType);
{{{ makeSetValue('range', '0', 'result.rangeMin', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('range', '4', 'result.rangeMax', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('precision', '0', 'result.precision', 'i32') }}};
glLinkProgram__sig: 'vi',
glLinkProgram: function(program) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glLinkProgram', 'program');
var log = (GLctx.getProgramInfoLog(GL.programs[program]) || '').trim();
if (log) console.error('glLinkProgram: ' + log);
GL.programInfos[program] = null; // uniforms no longer keep the same names after linking
glGetProgramInfoLog__sig: 'viiii',
glGetProgramInfoLog: function(program, maxLength, length, infoLog) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetProgramInfoLog', 'program');
var log = GLctx.getProgramInfoLog(GL.programs[program]);
if (log === null) log = '(unknown error)';
if (maxLength > 0 && infoLog) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(log, infoLog, maxLength);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
glUseProgram__sig: 'vi',
glUseProgram: function(program) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glUseProgram', 'program');
GLctx.useProgram(program ? GL.programs[program] : null);
glValidateProgram__sig: 'vi',
glValidateProgram: function(program) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glValidateProgram', 'program');
glIsProgram__sig: 'ii',
glIsProgram: function(program) {
program = GL.programs[program];
if (!program) return 0;
return GLctx.isProgram(program);
glProgramParameteri__sig: 'viii',
glProgramParameteri: function(program, pname, value) {
err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glProgramParameteri: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glProgramParameteri always fail. See");
glGetProgramBinary__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetProgramBinary: function(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary) {
err("GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGetProgramBinary: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glGetProgramBinary always fail. See");
glProgramBinary__sig: 'viiii',
glProgramBinary: function(program, binaryFormat, binary, length) {
err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glProgramBinary: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glProgramBinary always fail. See");
glBindAttribLocation__sig: 'viii',
glBindAttribLocation: function(program, index, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glBindAttribLocation', 'program');
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
GLctx.bindAttribLocation(GL.programs[program], index, name);
glBindFramebuffer__sig: 'vii',
glBindFramebuffer: function(target, framebuffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.framebuffers, framebuffer, 'glBindFramebuffer', 'framebuffer');
// defaultFbo may not be present if 'renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer' was not enabled during context creation time,
// i.e. setting -s OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1 at compilation time does not yet mandate that offscreen back buffer
// is being used, but that is ultimately decided at context creation time.
GLctx.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer ? GL.framebuffers[framebuffer] : GL.currentContext.defaultFbo);
GLctx.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer ? GL.framebuffers[framebuffer] : null);
glGenFramebuffers__sig: 'vii',
glGenFramebuffers__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenFramebuffers: function(n, ids) {
__glGenObject(n, ids, 'createFramebuffer', GL.framebuffers
, 'glGenFramebuffers'
glDeleteFramebuffers__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteFramebuffers: function(n, framebuffers) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('framebuffers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var framebuffer = GL.framebuffers[id];
if (!framebuffer) continue; // GL spec: "glDeleteFramebuffers silently ignores 0s and names that do not correspond to existing framebuffer objects".
GLctx.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer); = 0;
GL.framebuffers[id] = null;
glFramebufferRenderbuffer__sig: 'viiii',
glFramebufferRenderbuffer: function(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.renderbuffers, renderbuffer, 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer', 'renderbuffer');
GLctx.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget,
glFramebufferTexture2D__sig: 'viiiii',
glFramebufferTexture2D: function(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, texture, 'glFramebufferTexture2D', 'texture');
GLctx.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget,
GL.textures[texture], level);
glFramebufferTextureLayer__sig: 'viiiii',
glFramebufferTextureLayer: function(target, attachment, texture, level, layer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, texture, 'glFramebufferTextureLayer', 'texture');
GLctx.framebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, GL.textures[texture], level, layer);
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv__sig: 'viiii',
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv: function(target, attachment, pname, params) {
var result = GLctx.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target, attachment, pname);
if (result instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer ||
result instanceof WebGLTexture) {
result = | 0;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'result', 'i32') }}};
glIsFramebuffer__sig: 'ii',
glIsFramebuffer: function(framebuffer) {
var fb = GL.framebuffers[framebuffer];
if (!fb) return 0;
return GLctx.isFramebuffer(fb);
glGenVertexArrays__deps: ['_glGenObject'
, 'emulGlGenVertexArrays'
glGenVertexArrays__sig: 'vii',
glGenVertexArrays: function (n, arrays) {
_emulGlGenVertexArrays(n, arrays);
assert(GLctx['createVertexArray'], 'Must have WebGL2 or OES_vertex_array_object to use vao');
__glGenObject(n, arrays, 'createVertexArray', GL.vaos
, 'glGenVertexArrays'
glDeleteVertexArrays__deps: ['emulGlDeleteVertexArrays'],
glDeleteVertexArrays__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteVertexArrays: function(n, vaos) {
_emulGlDeleteVertexArrays(n, vaos);
assert(GLctx['deleteVertexArray'], 'Must have WebGL2 or OES_vertex_array_object to use vao');
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('vaos', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
GL.vaos[id] = null;
glBindVertexArray__deps: ['emulGlBindVertexArray'],
glBindVertexArray__sig: 'vi',
glBindVertexArray: function(vao) {
assert(GLctx['bindVertexArray'], 'Must have WebGL2 or OES_vertex_array_object to use vao');
var ibo = GLctx.getParameter(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
GL.currElementArrayBuffer = ibo ? ( | 0) : 0;
glIsVertexArray__deps: ['emulGlIsVertexArray'],
glIsVertexArray__sig: 'ii',
glIsVertexArray: function(array) {
return _emulGlIsVertexArray(array);
assert(GLctx['isVertexArray'], 'Must have WebGL2 or OES_vertex_array_object to use vao');
var vao = GL.vaos[array];
if (!vao) return 0;
return GLctx['isVertexArray'](vao);
glVertexPointer: function(){ throw 'Legacy GL function (glVertexPointer) called. If you want legacy GL emulation, you need to compile with -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 to enable legacy GL emulation.'; },
glMatrixMode: function(){ throw 'Legacy GL function (glMatrixMode) called. If you want legacy GL emulation, you need to compile with -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 to enable legacy GL emulation.'; },
glBegin: function(){ throw 'Legacy GL function (glBegin) called. If you want legacy GL emulation, you need to compile with -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 to enable legacy GL emulation.'; },
glLoadIdentity: function(){ throw 'Legacy GL function (glLoadIdentity) called. If you want legacy GL emulation, you need to compile with -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 to enable legacy GL emulation.'; },
// Open GLES1.1 vao compatibility (Could work w/o -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1)
glGenVertexArraysOES: 'glGenVertexArrays',
glDeleteVertexArraysOES: 'glDeleteVertexArrays',
glBindVertexArrayOES: 'glBindVertexArray',
glIsVertexArrayOES: 'glIsVertexArray',
// GLU
gluPerspective: function(fov, aspect, near, far) {
GLImmediate.matricesModified = true;
GLImmediate.matrixVersion[GLImmediate.currentMatrix] = (GLImmediate.matrixVersion[GLImmediate.currentMatrix] + 1)|0;
GLImmediate.matrix[GLImmediate.currentMatrix] =
GLImmediate.matrixLib.mat4.perspective(fov, aspect, near, far,
gluLookAt: function(ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz, ux, uy, uz) {
GLImmediate.matricesModified = true;
GLImmediate.matrixVersion[GLImmediate.currentMatrix] = (GLImmediate.matrixVersion[GLImmediate.currentMatrix] + 1)|0;
GLImmediate.matrixLib.mat4.lookAt(GLImmediate.matrix[GLImmediate.currentMatrix], [ex, ey, ez],
[cx, cy, cz], [ux, uy, uz]);
gluProject: function(objX, objY, objZ, model, proj, view, winX, winY, winZ) {
// The algorithm for this functions comes from Mesa
var inVec = new Float32Array(4);
var outVec = new Float32Array(4);
GLImmediate.matrixLib.mat4.multiplyVec4({{{ makeHEAPView('F64', 'model', 'model+' + (16*8)) }}},
[objX, objY, objZ, 1.0], outVec);
GLImmediate.matrixLib.mat4.multiplyVec4({{{ makeHEAPView('F64', 'proj', 'proj+' + (16*8)) }}},
outVec, inVec);
if (inVec[3] == 0.0) {
return 0 /* GL_FALSE */;
inVec[0] /= inVec[3];
inVec[1] /= inVec[3];
inVec[2] /= inVec[3];
// Map x, y and z to range 0-1 */
inVec[0] = inVec[0] * 0.5 + 0.5;
inVec[1] = inVec[1] * 0.5 + 0.5;
inVec[2] = inVec[2] * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Map x, y to viewport
inVec[0] = inVec[0] * {{{ makeGetValue('view', 2*4, 'i32') }}} + {{{ makeGetValue('view', 0*4, 'i32') }}};
inVec[1] = inVec[1] * {{{ makeGetValue('view', 3*4, 'i32') }}} + {{{ makeGetValue('view', 1*4, 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('winX', '0', 'inVec[0]', 'double') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('winY', '0', 'inVec[1]', 'double') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('winZ', '0', 'inVec[2]', 'double') }}};
return 1 /* GL_TRUE */;
gluUnProject: function(winX, winY, winZ, model, proj, view, objX, objY, objZ) {
var result = GLImmediate.matrixLib.mat4.unproject([winX, winY, winZ],
{{{ makeHEAPView('F64', 'model', 'model+' + (16*8)) }}},
{{{ makeHEAPView('F64', 'proj', 'proj+' + (16*8)) }}},
{{{ makeHEAPView('32', 'view', 'view+' + (4*4)) }}});
if (result === null) {
return 0 /* GL_FALSE */;
{{{ makeSetValue('objX', '0', 'result[0]', 'double') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('objY', '0', 'result[1]', 'double') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('objZ', '0', 'result[2]', 'double') }}};
return 1 /* GL_TRUE */;
gluOrtho2D__deps: ['glOrtho'],
gluOrtho2D: function(left, right, bottom, top) {
_glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, -1, 1);
// GLES2 emulation
glVertexAttribPointer__sig: 'viiiiii',
glVertexAttribPointer: function(index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr) {
#if FULL_ES2
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index];
assert(cb, index);
if (!GL.currArrayBuffer) {
cb.size = size;
cb.type = type;
cb.normalized = normalized;
cb.stride = stride;
cb.ptr = ptr;
cb.clientside = true;
cb.vertexAttribPointerAdaptor = function(index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr) {
this.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr);
cb.clientside = false;
GL.validateVertexAttribPointer(size, type, stride, ptr);
GLctx.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, !!normalized, stride, ptr);
glVertexAttribIPointer__sig: 'viiiii',
glVertexAttribIPointer: function(index, size, type, stride, ptr) {
#if FULL_ES3
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index];
assert(cb, index);
if (!GL.currArrayBuffer) {
cb.size = size;
cb.type = type;
cb.normalized = false;
cb.stride = stride;
cb.ptr = ptr;
cb.clientside = true;
cb.vertexAttribPointerAdaptor = function(index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr) {
this.vertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type, stride, ptr);
cb.clientside = false;
GL.validateVertexAttribPointer(size, type, stride, ptr);
GLctx['vertexAttribIPointer'](index, size, type, stride, ptr);
glEnableVertexAttribArray__sig: 'vi',
glEnableVertexAttribArray: function(index) {
#if FULL_ES2
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index];
assert(cb, index);
cb.enabled = true;
glDisableVertexAttribArray__sig: 'vi',
glDisableVertexAttribArray: function(index) {
#if FULL_ES2
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index];
assert(cb, index);
cb.enabled = false;
glDrawArrays__sig: 'viii',
glDrawArrays: function(mode, first, count) {
#if FULL_ES2
// bind any client-side buffers
GL.preDrawHandleClientVertexAttribBindings(first + count);
GLctx.drawArrays(mode, first, count);
#if FULL_ES2
glDrawElements__sig: 'viiii',
glDrawElements: function(mode, count, type, indices) {
#if FULL_ES2
var buf;
if (!GL.currElementArrayBuffer) {
var size = GL.calcBufLength(1, type, 0, count);
buf = GL.getTempIndexBuffer(size);
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf);
HEAPU8.subarray(indices, indices + size));
// the index is now 0
indices = 0;
// bind any client-side buffers
GLctx.drawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
#if FULL_ES2
if (!GL.currElementArrayBuffer) {
GLctx.bindBuffer(GLctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
#endif // ~#if !LEGACY_GL_EMULATION
glDrawRangeElements__sig: 'viiiiii',
glDrawRangeElements__deps: ['glDrawElements'],
glDrawRangeElements: function(mode, start, end, count, type, indices) {
// TODO: This should be a trivial pass-though function, but due to,
// we work around by ignoring the range.
_glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
glShaderBinary__sig: 'v',
glShaderBinary: function() {
err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glShaderBinary: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glShaderBinary always fail.");
glReleaseShaderCompiler__sig: 'v',
glReleaseShaderCompiler: function() {
// NOP (as allowed by GLES 2.0 spec)
glGetError__sig: 'i',
glGetError: function() {
// First return any GL error generated by the emscripten library_gl.js interop layer.
if (GL.lastError) {
var error = GL.lastError;
GL.lastError = 0/*GL_NO_ERROR*/;
return error;
} else
{ // If there were none, return the GL error from the browser GL context.
return GLctx.getError();
// ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension related functions (in core in WebGL 2)
glVertexAttribDivisor__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttribDivisor: function(index, divisor) {
assert(GLctx['vertexAttribDivisor'], 'Must have ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension or WebGL 2 to use WebGL instancing');
GLctx['vertexAttribDivisor'](index, divisor);
glDrawArraysInstanced__sig: 'viiii',
glDrawArraysInstanced: function(mode, first, count, primcount) {
assert(GLctx['drawArraysInstanced'], 'Must have ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension or WebGL 2 to use WebGL instancing');
GLctx['drawArraysInstanced'](mode, first, count, primcount);
glDrawElementsInstanced__sig: 'viiiii',
glDrawElementsInstanced: function(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) {
assert(GLctx['drawElementsInstanced'], 'Must have ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension or WebGL 2 to use WebGL instancing');
GLctx['drawElementsInstanced'](mode, count, type, indices, primcount);
// OpenGL Desktop/ES 2.0 instancing extensions compatibility
glVertexAttribDivisorNV: 'glVertexAttribDivisor',
glDrawArraysInstancedNV: 'glDrawArraysInstanced',
glDrawElementsInstancedNV: 'glDrawElementsInstanced',
glVertexAttribDivisorEXT: 'glVertexAttribDivisor',
glDrawArraysInstancedEXT: 'glDrawArraysInstanced',
glDrawElementsInstancedEXT: 'glDrawElementsInstanced',
glVertexAttribDivisorARB: 'glVertexAttribDivisor',
glDrawArraysInstancedARB: 'glDrawArraysInstanced',
glDrawElementsInstancedARB: 'glDrawElementsInstanced',
glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE: 'glVertexAttribDivisor',
glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE: 'glDrawArraysInstanced',
glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE: 'glDrawElementsInstanced',
glDrawBuffers__deps: ['_tempFixedLengthArray'],
glDrawBuffers__sig: 'vii',
glDrawBuffers: function(n, bufs) {
assert(GLctx['drawBuffers'], 'Must have WebGL2 or WEBGL_draw_buffers extension to use drawBuffers');
assert(n < __tempFixedLengthArray.length, 'Invalid count of numBuffers=' + n + ' passed to glDrawBuffers (that many draw buffer points do not exist in GL)');
var bufArray = __tempFixedLengthArray[n];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bufArray[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('bufs', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
// OpenGL ES 2.0 draw buffer extensions compatibility
glDrawBuffersEXT: 'glDrawBuffers',
glDrawBuffersWEBGL: 'glDrawBuffers',
// passthrough functions with GLboolean parameters
glColorMask__sig: 'viiii',
glColorMask: function(red, green, blue, alpha) {
GLctx.colorMask(!!red, !!green, !!blue, !!alpha);
glDepthMask__sig: 'vi',
glDepthMask: function(flag) {
glSampleCoverage__sig: 'vii',
glSampleCoverage: function(value, invert) {
GLctx.sampleCoverage(value, !!invert);
// signatures of simple pass-through functions, see later
glActiveTexture__sig: 'vi',
glCheckFramebufferStatus__sig: 'ii',
glRenderbufferStorage__sig: 'viiii',
glClearStencil__sig: 'vi',
glStencilFunc__sig: 'viii',
glLineWidth__sig: 'vi',
glBlendEquation__sig: 'vi',
glBlendEquationSeparate__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib1f__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttrib2f__sig: 'viii',
glVertexAttrib3f__sig: 'viiii',
glVertexAttrib4f__sig: 'viiiii',
glCullFace__sig: 'vi',
glBlendFunc__sig: 'vii',
glBlendFuncSeparate__sig: 'viiii',
glBlendColor__sig: 'vffff',
glPolygonOffset__sig: 'vii',
glStencilOp__sig: 'viii',
glStencilOpSeparate__sig: 'viiii',
glGenerateMipmap__sig: 'vi',
glHint__sig: 'vii',
glViewport__sig: 'viiii',
glDepthFunc__sig: 'vi',
glStencilMask__sig: 'vi',
glStencilMaskSeparate__sig: 'vii',
glClearDepthf__sig: 'vi',
glFinish__sig: 'v',
glFlush__sig: 'v',
glClearColor__sig: 'viiii',
glIsEnabled__sig: 'ii',
glFrontFace__sig: 'vi',
glVertexAttribI4i__sig: 'viiiii',
glVertexAttribI4ui__sig: 'viiiii',
glCopyBufferSubData__sig: 'viiiii',
glTexStorage2D__sig: 'viiiii',
glTexStorage3D__sig: 'viiiiii',
glBeginTransformFeedback__sig: 'vi',
glEndTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glPauseTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glResumeTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glBlitFramebuffer__sig: 'viiiiiiiiii',
glReadBuffer__sig: 'vi',
glEndQuery__sig: 'vi',
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample__sig: 'viiiii',
glCopyTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glClearBufferfi__sig: 'viifi',
// Simple pass-through functions. Starred ones have return values. [X] ones have X in the C name but not in the JS name
var glFuncs = [[0, 'finish flush'],
[1, 'clearDepth clearDepth[f] depthFunc enable disable frontFace cullFace clear lineWidth clearStencil stencilMask checkFramebufferStatus* generateMipmap activeTexture blendEquation isEnabled*'],
[2, 'blendFunc blendEquationSeparate depthRange depthRange[f] stencilMaskSeparate hint polygonOffset vertexAttrib1f'],
[3, 'texParameteri texParameterf vertexAttrib2f stencilFunc stencilOp'],
[4, 'viewport clearColor scissor vertexAttrib3f renderbufferStorage blendFuncSeparate blendColor stencilFuncSeparate stencilOpSeparate'],
[5, 'vertexAttrib4f'],
[6, ''],
[7, ''],
[8, 'copyTexImage2D copyTexSubImage2D'],
[9, ''],
[10, '']];
glFuncs[0][1] += ' endTransformFeedback pauseTransformFeedback resumeTransformFeedback';
glFuncs[1][1] += ' beginTransformFeedback readBuffer endQuery';
glFuncs[4][1] += ' clearBufferfi';
glFuncs[5][1] += ' vertexAttribI4i vertexAttribI4ui copyBufferSubData texStorage2D renderbufferStorageMultisample';
// TODO: Removed as a workaround, see
//glFuncs[6][1] += ' drawRangeElements';
glFuncs[6][1] += ' texStorage3D';
glFuncs[9][1] += ' copyTexSubImage3D';
glFuncs[10][1] += ' blitFramebuffer';
glFuncs.forEach(function(data) {
var num = data[0];
var names = data[1];
var args = range(num).map(function(i) { return 'x' + i }).join(', ');
var plainStub = '(function(' + args + ') { GLctx[\'NAME\'](' + args + ') })';
var returnStub = '(function(' + args + ') { return GLctx[\'NAME\'](' + args + ') })';
var sigEnd = range(num).map(function() { return 'i' }).join('');
names.split(' ').forEach(function(name) {
if (name.length == 0) return;
var stub = plainStub;
var sig;
if (name[name.length-1] == '*') {
name = name.substr(0, name.length-1);
stub = returnStub;
sig = 'i' + sigEnd;
} else {
sig = 'v' + sigEnd;
var cName = name;
if (name.indexOf('[') >= 0) {
cName = name.replace('[', '').replace(']', '');
name = cName.substr(0, cName.length-1);
var cName = 'gl' + cName[0].toUpperCase() + cName.substr(1);
assert(!(cName in LibraryGL), "Cannot reimplement the existing function " + cName);
LibraryGL[cName] = eval(stub.replace('NAME', name));
if (!LibraryGL[cName + '__sig']) LibraryGL[cName + '__sig'] = sig;
autoAddDeps(LibraryGL, '$GL');
function copyLibEntry(lib, a, b) {
lib[a] = lib[b];
lib[a + '__postset'] = lib[b + '__postset'];
lib[a + '__proxy'] = lib[b + '__proxy'];
lib[a + '__sig'] = lib[b + '__sig'];
lib[a + '__asm'] = lib[b + '__asm'];
lib[a + '__deps'] = (lib[b + '__deps'] || []).slice(0);
function recordGLProcAddressGet(lib) {
// GL proc address retrieval - allow access through glX and emscripten_glX, to allow name collisions with user-implemented things having the same name (see gl.c)
keys(lib).forEach(function(x) {
if (x.substr(-7) == '__proxy' || x.substr(-6) == '__deps' || x.substr(-9) == '__postset' || x.substr(-5) == '__sig' || x.substr(-5) == '__asm' || x.substr(0, 2) != 'gl') return;
while (typeof lib[x] === 'string') {
// resolve aliases right here, simpler for fastcomp
copyLibEntry(lib, x, lib[x]);
var y = 'emscripten_' + x;
lib[x + '__deps'] = (lib[x + '__deps'] || []).map(function(dep) {
// prefix dependencies as well
if (typeof dep === 'string' && dep[0] == 'g' && dep[1] == 'l' && lib[dep]) {
var orig = dep;
dep = 'emscripten_' + dep;
var fixed = lib[x].toString().replace(new RegExp('_' + orig + '\\(', 'g'), '_' + dep + '(');
// `function` is 8 characters, add space and an explicit name after if there isn't one already
if (fixed.startsWith('function(') || fixed.startsWith('function (')) {
fixed = fixed.substr(0, 8) + ' _' + y + fixed.substr(8);
lib[x] = eval('(function() { return ' + fixed + ' })()');
return dep;
// copy it
copyLibEntry(lib, y, x);
// Final merge
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryGL);