blob: 7b4dfea30d98510d995c01441a61fa89fa37547a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//"use strict";
// Various namespace-like modules
var STACK_ALIGN = 16;
var Variables = {
globals: {},
indexedGlobals: {}, // for indexed globals, ident ==> index
// Used in calculation of indexed globals
nextIndexedOffset: 0,
resolveAliasToIdent: function(ident) {
while (1) {
var varData = Variables.globals[ident];
if (!(varData && varData.targetIdent)) break;
ident = varData.targetIdent; // might need to eval to turn (6) into 6
return ident;
var Types = {
types: {},
var firstTableIndex = RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS + 1;
// Constructs an array ['a0', 'a1', 'a2', ..., 'a(n-1)']
function genArgSequence(n) {
var args = [];
for(var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
return args;
var Functions = {
// All functions that will be implemented in this file. Maps id to signature
implementedFunctions: {},
libraryFunctions: {}, // functions added from the library. value 2 means asmLibraryFunction
unimplementedFunctions: {}, // library etc. functions that we need to index, maps id to signature
nextIndex: firstTableIndex, // Start at a non-0 (even, see below) value
neededTables: set('v', 'vi', 'ii', 'iii'), // signatures that appeared (initialized with library stuff
// we always use), and we will need a function table for
blockAddresses: {}, // maps functions to a map of block labels to label ids
aliases: {}, // in shared modules (MAIN_MODULE or SHARED_MODULE), a list of aliases for functions that have them
getSignatureLetter: function(type) {
switch(type) {
case 'float': return 'f';
case 'double': return 'd';
case 'void': return 'v';
default: return 'i';
getSignatureType: function(letter) {
switch(letter) {
case 'v': return 'void';
case 'i': return 'i32';
case 'f': return 'float';
case 'd': return 'double';
default: throw 'what is this sig? ' + sig;
getSignature: function(returnType, argTypes, hasVarArgs) {
var sig = Functions.getSignatureLetter(returnType);
for (var i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
var type = argTypes[i];
if (!type) break; // varargs
if (type in Compiletime.FLOAT_TYPES) {
sig += Functions.getSignatureLetter(type);
} else {
var chunks = getNumIntChunks(type);
if (chunks > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < chunks; j++) sig += 'i';
} else if (type !== '...') {
// some special type like a SIMD vector (anything but varargs, which we handle below)
sig += Functions.getSignatureLetter(type);
if (hasVarArgs) sig += 'i';
return sig;
getTable: function(sig) {
return 'FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig
var LibraryManager = {
library: null,
structs: {},
loaded: false,
libraries: [],
has: function(name) {
return this.libraries.indexOf(name) >= 0;
load: function() {
if (this.library) return;
// Core system libraries (always linked against)
var libraries = [
// Core filesystem libraries (always linked against, unless -s FILESYSTEM=0 is specified)
libraries = libraries.concat([
// Additional filesystem libraries (in strict mode, link to these explicitly via -lxxx.js)
if (!STRICT) {
libraries = libraries.concat([
libraries = libraries.concat([
libraries = libraries.concat([
// Additional JS libraries (in strict mode, link to these explicitly via -lxxx.js)
if (!STRICT) {
libraries = libraries.concat([
libraries = libraries.concat([
// If there are any explicitly specified system JS libraries to link to, add those to link.
libraries = libraries.concat(SYSTEM_JS_LIBRARIES.split(','));
if (USE_WEBGL2) {
libraries = libraries.concat(additionalLibraries);
if (BOOTSTRAPPING_STRUCT_INFO) libraries = ['library_bootstrap_structInfo.js', 'library_formatString.js'];
libraries.length = 0;
LibraryManager.library = {};
// Save the list for has() queries later.
this.libraries = libraries;
for (var i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
var filename = libraries[i];
var src = read(filename);
var processed = undefined;
try {
processed = processMacros(preprocess(src, filename));
} catch(e) {
var details = [e, e.lineNumber ? 'line number: ' + e.lineNumber : '', (e.stack || "").toString().replace('Object.<anonymous>', filename)];
if (processed) {
error('failure to execute js library "' + filename + '": ' + details + '\npreprocessed source (you can run a js engine on this to get a clearer error message sometimes):\n=============\n' + processed + '\n=============\n');
} else {
error('failure to process js library "' + filename + '": ' + details + '\noriginal source:\n=============\n' + src + '\n=============\n');
throw e;
// apply synonyms. these are typically not speed-sensitive, and doing it this way makes it possible to not include hacks in the compiler
// (and makes it simpler to switch between SDL versions, fastcomp and non-fastcomp, etc.).
var lib = LibraryManager.library;
libloop: for (var x in lib) {
if (x.lastIndexOf('__') > 0) continue; // ignore __deps, __*
if (lib[x + '__asm']) continue; // ignore asm library functions, those need to be fully optimized
if (typeof lib[x] === 'string') {
var target = x;
while (typeof lib[target] === 'string') {
// ignore code, aliases are just simple names
if (lib[target].search(/[({; ]/) >= 0) continue libloop;
// ignore trivial pass-throughs to Math.*
if (lib[target].indexOf('Math_') == 0) continue libloop;
target = lib[target];
if (lib[target + '__asm']) continue; // This is an alias of an asm library function. Also needs to be fully optimized.
if (!isNaN(target)) continue; // This is a number, and so cannot be an alias target.
if (typeof lib[target] === 'undefined' || typeof lib[target] === 'function') {
// If the alias provides a signature, then construct a specific 'function foo(a0, a1, a2) { [return] _target(a0, a1, a2); }' form of forwarding.
// Otherwise construct a generic 'function foo() { return _target.apply(null, arguments); }' forwarding.
// The benefit of the first form is that Closure is able to fully inline and reason about the function.
// Note that the signature is checked on the alias function, not on the target function. That allows aliases to choose individually which form
// to use.
if (lib[x + '__sig']) {
var argCount = lib[x + '__sig'].length - 1;
var ret = lib[x + '__sig'] == 'v' ? '' : 'return ';
var args = genArgSequence(argCount).join(',');
lib[x] = new Function(args, ret + '_' + target + '(' + args + ');');
} else {
lib[x] = new Function('return _' + target + '.apply(null, arguments)');
if (!lib[x + '__deps']) lib[x + '__deps'] = [];
lib[x + '__deps'].push(target);
// all asm.js methods should just be run in JS. We should optimize them eventually into wasm. TODO
for (var x in lib) {
if (lib[x + '__asm']) {
lib[x + '__asm'] = undefined;
// export code for CallHandlers.h
for (var x in this.library) {
var y = this.library[x];
if (typeof y === 'string' && x.indexOf('__sig') < 0 && x.indexOf('__postset') < 0 && y.indexOf(' ') < 0) {
printErr('DEF_REDIRECT_HANDLER(' + x + ', ' + y + ');');
for (var x in this.library) {
var y = this.library[x];
if (typeof y === 'string' && x.indexOf('__sig') < 0 && x.indexOf('__postset') < 0 && y.indexOf(' ') < 0) {
printErr(' SETUP_CALL_HANDLER(' + x + ');');
// end export code for CallHandlers.h
this.loaded = true;
// Given an ident, see if it is an alias for something, and so forth, returning
// the earliest ancestor (the root)
getRootIdent: function(ident) {
if (!this.library) return null;
var ret = LibraryManager.library[ident];
if (!ret) return null;
var last = ident;
while (typeof ret === 'string') {
last = ret;
ret = LibraryManager.library[ret];
return last;
isStubFunction: function(ident) {
if (SIDE_MODULE == 1) return false; // cannot eliminate these, as may be implement in the main module and imported by us
var libCall = LibraryManager.library[ident.substr(1)];
return typeof libCall === 'function' && libCall.toString().replace(/\s/g, '') === 'function(){}'
&& !(ident in Functions.implementedFunctions);
// Load struct and define information.
var temp = JSON.parse(read(STRUCT_INFO));
C_STRUCTS = temp.structs;
C_DEFINES = temp.defines;
} else {
// Safe way to access a C define. We check that we don't add library functions with missing defines.
function cDefine(key) {
if (key in C_DEFINES) return C_DEFINES[key];
throw 'Missing C define ' + key + '! If you just added it to struct_info.json, you need to ./emcc --clear-cache';
function isFSPrefixed(name) {
return name.length > 3 && name[0] === 'F' && name[1] === 'S' && name[2] === '_';
// forcing the filesystem exports a few things by default
function isExportedByForceFilesystem(name) {
return name === 'FS_createFolder' ||
name === 'FS_createPath' ||
name === 'FS_createDataFile' ||
name === 'FS_createPreloadedFile' ||
name === 'FS_createLazyFile' ||
name === 'FS_createLink' ||
name === 'FS_createDevice' ||
name === 'FS_unlink' ||
name === 'getMemory' ||
name === 'addRunDependency' ||
name === 'removeRunDependency';
// export parts of the JS runtime that the user asked for
function exportRuntime() {
// optionally export something.
// in ASSERTIONS mode we show a useful error if it is used without
// being exported. how we show the message depends on whether it's
// a function (almost all of them) or a number.
function maybeExport(name, isNumber) {
// if requested to be exported, export it
var exported = name;
// the exported name may differ from the internal name
if (isFSPrefixed(exported)) {
// this is a filesystem value, FS.x exported as FS_x
exported = 'FS.' + exported.substr(3);
} else if (exported === 'print') {
exported = 'out';
} else if (exported === 'printErr') {
exported = 'err';
return 'Module["' + name + '"] = ' + exported + ';';
// do not export it. but if ASSERTIONS, emit a
// stub with an error, so the user gets a message
// if it is used, that they should export it
// check if it already exists, to support EXPORT_ALL and other cases
// (we could optimize this, but in ASSERTIONS mode code size doesn't
// matter anyhow)
var extra = '';
if (isExportedByForceFilesystem(name)) {
extra = '. Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you';
if (!isNumber) {
return 'if (!Module["' + name + '"]) Module["' + name + '"] = function() { abort("\'' + name + '\' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)' + extra + '") };';
} else {
return 'if (!Module["' + name + '"]) Object.defineProperty(Module, "' + name + '", { get: function() { abort("\'' + name + '\' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)' + extra + '") } });';
return '';
function maybeExportNumber(name) {
return maybeExport(name, true);
// All possible runtime elements to export
var runtimeElements = [
// In MODULARIZE=1 mode, the following functions need to be exported out to Module for worker.js to access.
// dynCall_* methods are not hardcoded here, as they
// depend on the file being compiled. check for them
// and add them.
if (/^dynCall_/.test(name)) {
// a specific dynCall; add to the list
var runtimeNumbers = [
// check all exported things exist, warn about typos
if (runtimeElements.indexOf(name) < 0 &&
runtimeNumbers.indexOf(name) < 0) {
printErr('warning: invalid item (maybe a typo?) in EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS: ' + name);
return {
return maybeExport(name);
}).join('\n') + {
return maybeExportNumber(name);
var PassManager = {
serialize: function() {
print('\n//FORWARDED_DATA:' + JSON.stringify({
Functions: Functions,
STATIC_BUMP: STATIC_BUMP, // updated with info from JS
ATINITS: ATINITS.join('\n'),
ATMAINS: ATMAINS.join('\n'),
ATEXITS: ATEXITS.join('\n'),
load: function(json) {
var data = JSON.parse(json);
for (var i in data.Types) {
Types[i] = data.Types[i];
for (var i in data.Variables) {
Variables[i] = data.Variables[i];
for (var i in data.Functions) {
Functions[i] = data.Functions[i];
print('\n//LOADED_DATA:' + JSON.stringify({
Types: Types,
Variables: Variables,
Functions: Functions