blob: 9a057c46ba9ae3bb1f41d657ae9ea734456f39ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests that we can use the dlmalloc mallinfo() function to obtain information about malloc()ed blocks and compute how much memory is used/freed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
struct s_mallinfo {
int arena; /* non-mmapped space allocated from system */
int ordblks; /* number of free chunks */
int smblks; /* always 0 */
int hblks; /* always 0 */
int hblkhd; /* space in mmapped regions */
int usmblks; /* maximum total allocated space */
int fsmblks; /* always 0 */
int uordblks; /* total allocated space */
int fordblks; /* total free space */
int keepcost; /* releasable (via malloc_trim) space */
extern "C" {
extern s_mallinfo mallinfo();
unsigned int getTotalMemory()
return EM_ASM_INT(return TOTAL_MEMORY);
unsigned int getFreeMemory()
s_mallinfo i = mallinfo();
unsigned int totalMemory = getTotalMemory();
unsigned int dynamicTop = EM_ASM_INT(return HEAPU32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]);
return totalMemory - dynamicTop + i.fordblks;
int main()
printf("Before allocation:\n");
printf("Total memory: %u bytes\n", getTotalMemory());
printf("Free memory: %u bytes\n", getFreeMemory());
printf("Used: %u bytes (%.2f%%)\n", getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory(), (getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory()) * 100.0 / getTotalMemory());
assert(getTotalMemory() == 16777216);
assert(getFreeMemory() >= 10000000); // 11529552 in test
void *ptr = malloc(1024*1024);
printf("\nAfter 1MB allocation:\n");
printf("Total memory: %u bytes\n", getTotalMemory());
printf("Free memory: %u bytes\n", getFreeMemory());
printf("Used: %u bytes (%.2f%%)\n", getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory(), (getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory()) * 100.0 / getTotalMemory());
assert(getTotalMemory() == 16777216);
assert(getFreeMemory() >= 9000000); // 10480968 in test
printf("\nAfter freeing:\n");
printf("Total memory: %u bytes\n", getTotalMemory());
printf("Free memory: %u bytes\n", getFreeMemory());
printf("Used: %u bytes (%.2f%%)\n", getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory(), (getTotalMemory() - getFreeMemory()) * 100.0 / getTotalMemory());
assert(getTotalMemory() == 16777216);
assert(getFreeMemory() >= 10000000); // 11529552 in test