blob: 30ac410ddb5652a4a4d04e867d6da1afe6a0cd12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
struct Info {
int i;
float f;
char c;
double d;
int w1;
Info x[3] = { { 22, 3.159, 97, 2.1828 },
{ 55123, 987612.563, 190, 0.0009 },
{ -102, -12.532, -21, -51252 } };
int stage = -1;
int c3_7 = 0, c3_8 = 0;
void c3(char *data, int size, void *arg) { // tests calls different in different workers.
int calls = *((int*)data);
printf("%d: %d\n", (int)arg, calls);
if ((int)arg == 7) {
assert(c3_7 == 0);
assert(calls == 5);
} else {
assert((int)arg == 8);
assert(c3_8 == 0);
assert(calls == 1);
if (c3_7 && c3_7) { // note: racey, responses from 2 workers here
void c2(char *data, int size, void *arg) { // tests queuing up several messages, each with different data
assert((int)arg == stage);
Info *x2 = (Info*)data;
int i = stage - 3;
printf("c2-%d\n", i);
printf("%d, %.2f, %d, %.2f\n", x2[0].i, x2[0].f, x2[0].c, x2[0].d);
printf("%d, %.2f, %d, %.2f\n", x[i].i, x[i].f, x[i].c, x[i].d);
assert(x2[0].i == x[i].i+1);
assert(x2[0].f == x[i].f-1);
assert(x2[0].c == x[i].c+1);
assert(x2[0].d == x[i].d-1);
if (stage == 5) {
int w2 = emscripten_create_worker("worker.js");
emscripten_call_worker(w2, "three", NULL, 0, NULL, (void*)6); // bump calls in new worker, once
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "four", NULL, 0, c3, (void*)7);
emscripten_call_worker(w2, "four", NULL, 0, c3, (void*)8);
void c1(char *data, int size, void *arg) { // tests copying + buffer enlargement
assert((int)arg == stage);
if (stage == 1) {
printf("wait 0? %d\n", emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1));
assert(emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1) == 0);
Info *x2 = (Info*)data;
assert(x2 != x && x2 != x+1 && x2 != x+2);
for (int i = 0; i < size/sizeof(Info); i++) {
printf("c1-%d\n", i);
printf(" %d, %.2f, %d, %.2f\n", x2[i].i, x2[i].f, x2[i].c, x2[i].d);
printf(" %d, %.2f, %d, %.2f\n", x[i].i, x[i].f, x[i].c, x[i].d);
assert(x2[i].i == x[i].i);
assert(x2[i].f == x[i].f);
assert(x2[i].c == x[i].c);
assert(x2[i].d == x[i].d);
if (stage < 2) {
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "one", (char*)x, sizeof(Info)*3, c1, (void*)2);
} else {
printf("wait 1? %d\n", emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1));
assert(emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1) == 0);
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "two", (char*)&x[0], sizeof(Info), c2, (void*)3);
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "two", (char*)&x[1], sizeof(Info), c2, (void*)4);
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "two", (char*)&x[2], sizeof(Info), c2, (void*)5);
printf("wait 2? %d\n", emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1));
assert(emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1) == 3);
int main() {
w1 = emscripten_create_worker("worker.js");
printf("wait -1? %d\n", emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1));
assert(emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1) == 0);
emscripten_call_worker(w1, "one", (char*)x, sizeof(Info)*2, c1, (void*)1);
printf("wait -1? %d\n", emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1));
assert(emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(w1) == 1);
stage = 1; // make sure we get here
return 0;