blob: 27b09e7d241a31ea25736054ec21de7bdf15b588 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
# Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
# University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tarfile
import zipfile
from collections import namedtuple
from . import ports
from . import shared
from tools.shared import check_call
stdout = None
stderr = None
logger = logging.getLogger('system_libs')
def call_process(cmd):
shared.run_process(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def run_commands(commands):
cores = min(len(commands), shared.Building.get_num_cores())
if cores <= 1:
for command in commands:
pool = shared.Building.get_multiprocessing_pool()
# 999999 seconds (about 11 days) is reasonably huge to not trigger actual timeout
# and is smaller than the maximum timeout value 4294967.0 for Python 3 on Windows (threading.TIMEOUT_MAX)
pool.map_async(call_process, commands, chunksize=1).get(999999)
def files_in_path(path_components, filenames):
srcdir = shared.path_from_root(*path_components)
return [os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in filenames]
def get_cflags():
flags = []
if not shared.Settings.WASM_OBJECT_FILES:
flags += ['-s', 'WASM_OBJECT_FILES=0']
return flags
def create_lib(libname, inputs):
"""Create a library from a set of input objects."""
if libname.endswith('.bc'):
shared.Building.link_to_object(inputs, libname)
elif libname.endswith('.a'):
shared.Building.emar('cr', libname, inputs)
raise Exception('unknown suffix ' + libname)
def calculate(temp_files, in_temp, stdout_, stderr_, forced=[]):
global stdout, stderr
stdout = stdout_
stderr = stderr_
# Check if we need to include some libraries that we compile. (We implement libc ourselves in js, but
# compile a malloc implementation and stdlibc++.)
def read_symbols(path):
with open(path) as f:
content =
# Require that Windows newlines should not be present in a symbols file, if running on Linux or macOS
# This kind of mismatch can occur if one copies a zip file of Emscripten cloned on Windows over to
# a Linux or macOS system. It will result in Emscripten linker getting confused on stray \r characters,
# and be unable to link any library symbols properly. We could harden against this by .strip()ping the
# opened files, but it is possible that the mismatching line endings can cause random problems elsewhere
# in the toolchain, hence abort execution if so.
if != 'nt' and '\r\n' in content:
raise Exception('Windows newlines \\r\\n detected in symbols file "' + path + '"! This could happen for example when copying Emscripten checkout from Windows to Linux or macOS. Please use Unix line endings on checkouts of Emscripten on Linux and macOS!')
return shared.Building.parse_symbols(content).defs
default_opts = ['-Werror']
# XXX We also need to add libc symbols that use malloc, for example strdup. It's very rare to use just them and not
# a normal malloc symbol (like free, after calling strdup), so we haven't hit this yet, but it is possible.
libc_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc.symbols'))
libcxx_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libcxx', 'symbols'))
libcxxabi_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libcxxabi', 'symbols'))
gl_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'gl.symbols'))
al_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'al.symbols'))
compiler_rt_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'compiler-rt.symbols'))
libc_extras_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc_extras.symbols'))
pthreads_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'pthreads.symbols'))
asmjs_pthreads_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'asmjs_pthreads.symbols'))
stub_pthreads_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'stub_pthreads.symbols'))
wasm_libc_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'wasm-libc.symbols'))
html5_symbols = read_symbols(shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'html5.symbols'))
# XXX we should disable EMCC_DEBUG when building libs, just like in the relooper
def musl_internal_includes():
return [
'-I', shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'internal'),
'-I', shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'arch', 'js'),
def build_libc(lib_filename, files, lib_opts):
o_s = []
commands = []
# Hide several musl warnings that produce a lot of spam to unit test build server logs.
# TODO: When updating musl the next time, feel free to recheck which of their warnings might have been fixed, and which ones of these could be cleaned up.
c_opts = ['-Wno-return-type', '-Wno-parentheses', '-Wno-ignored-attributes',
'-Wno-shift-count-overflow', '-Wno-shift-negative-value',
'-Wno-dangling-else', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas',
'-Wno-shift-op-parentheses', '-Wno-string-plus-int',
'-Wno-logical-op-parentheses', '-Wno-bitwise-op-parentheses',
'-Wno-visibility', '-Wno-pointer-sign', '-Wno-absolute-value',
for src in files:
o = in_temp(os.path.basename(src) + '.o')
commands.append([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', src), '-o', o] + musl_internal_includes() + default_opts + c_opts + lib_opts + get_cflags())
create_lib(in_temp(lib_filename), o_s)
return in_temp(lib_filename)
def build_libcxx(src_dirname, lib_filename, files, lib_opts, has_noexcept_version=False):
o_s = []
commands = []
opts = default_opts + lib_opts
# Make sure we don't mark symbols as default visibility. This works around
# an issue with the wasm backend where all default visibility symbols are
# exported (and therefore can't be GC'd).
if has_noexcept_version and shared.Settings.DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING:
opts += ['-fno-exceptions']
for src in files:
o = in_temp(src + '.o')
srcfile = shared.path_from_root(src_dirname, src)
commands.append([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMXX, srcfile, '-o', o, '-std=c++11'] + opts + get_cflags())
create_lib(in_temp(lib_filename), o_s)
return in_temp(lib_filename)
# Returns linker flags specific to singlethreading or multithreading
def threading_flags(libname):
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
assert '-mt' in libname
return ['-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1']
assert '-mt' not in libname
return []
def legacy_gl_emulation_flags(libname):
if shared.Settings.LEGACY_GL_EMULATION:
assert '-emu' in libname
assert '-emu' not in libname
return []
def gl_version_flags(libname):
if shared.Settings.USE_WEBGL2:
assert '-webgl2' in libname
return ['-DUSE_WEBGL2=1']
assert '-webgl2' not in libname
return []
# libc
def create_libc(libname):
logger.debug(' building libc for cache')
libc_files = []
musl_srcdir = shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src')
# musl modules
blacklist = [
'ipc', 'passwd', 'thread', 'signal', 'sched', 'ipc', 'time', 'linux',
'aio', 'exit', 'legacy', 'mq', 'process', 'search', 'setjmp', 'env',
'ldso', 'conf'
# individual files
blacklist += [
'memcpy.c', 'memset.c', 'memmove.c', 'getaddrinfo.c', 'getnameinfo.c',
'inet_addr.c', 'res_query.c', 'res_querydomain.c', 'gai_strerror.c',
'proto.c', 'gethostbyaddr.c', 'gethostbyaddr_r.c', 'gethostbyname.c',
'gethostbyname2_r.c', 'gethostbyname_r.c', 'gethostbyname2.c',
'usleep.c', 'alarm.c', 'syscall.c', '_exit.c', 'popen.c',
'getgrouplist.c', 'initgroups.c', 'wordexp.c', 'timer_create.c',
# individual math files
blacklist += [
'abs.c', 'cos.c', 'cosf.c', 'cosl.c', 'sin.c', 'sinf.c', 'sinl.c',
'tan.c', 'tanf.c', 'tanl.c', 'acos.c', 'acosf.c', 'acosl.c', 'asin.c',
'asinf.c', 'asinl.c', 'atan.c', 'atanf.c', 'atanl.c', 'atan2.c',
'atan2f.c', 'atan2l.c', 'exp.c', 'expf.c', 'expl.c', 'log.c', 'logf.c',
'logl.c', 'sqrt.c', 'sqrtf.c', 'sqrtl.c', 'fabs.c', 'fabsf.c',
'fabsl.c', 'ceil.c', 'ceilf.c', 'ceill.c', 'floor.c', 'floorf.c',
'floorl.c', 'pow.c', 'powf.c', 'powl.c', 'round.c', 'roundf.c',
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
# With the wasm backend these are included in wasm_libc_rt instead
blacklist += [
'fmin.c', 'fminf.c', 'fminl.c', 'fmax.c', 'fmaxf.c', 'fmaxl.c',
'fmod.c', 'fmodf.c', 'fmodl.c', 'log2.c', 'log2f.c', 'log10.c',
'log10f.c', 'exp2.c', 'exp2f.c', 'exp10.c', 'exp10f.c', 'scalbn.c',
blacklist += ['memcpy.c', 'memset.c', 'memmove.c']
blacklist = set(blacklist)
# TODO: consider using more math code from musl, doing so makes box2d faster
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(musl_srcdir):
for f in filenames:
if f.endswith('.c'):
if f in blacklist:
dir_parts = os.path.split(dirpath)
cancel = False
for part in dir_parts:
if part in blacklist:
cancel = True
if not cancel:
libc_files.append(os.path.join(musl_srcdir, dirpath, f))
# Without -fno-builtin, LLVM can optimize away or convert calls to library
# functions to something else based on assumptions that they behave exactly
# like the standard library. This can cause unexpected bugs when we use our
# custom standard library. The same for other libc/libm builds.
args = ['-Os', '-fno-builtin']
args += threading_flags(libname)
return build_libc(libname, libc_files, args)
def create_pthreads(libname):
# Add pthread files.
pthreads_files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'thread'],
'pthread_attr_destroy.c', 'pthread_condattr_setpshared.c',
'pthread_mutex_lock.c', 'pthread_spin_destroy.c', 'pthread_attr_get.c',
'pthread_cond_broadcast.c', 'pthread_mutex_setprioceiling.c',
'pthread_spin_init.c', 'pthread_attr_init.c', 'pthread_cond_destroy.c',
'pthread_mutex_timedlock.c', 'pthread_spin_lock.c',
'pthread_attr_setdetachstate.c', 'pthread_cond_init.c',
'pthread_mutex_trylock.c', 'pthread_spin_trylock.c',
'pthread_attr_setguardsize.c', 'pthread_cond_signal.c',
'pthread_mutex_unlock.c', 'pthread_spin_unlock.c',
'pthread_attr_setinheritsched.c', 'pthread_cond_timedwait.c',
'pthread_once.c', 'sem_destroy.c', 'pthread_attr_setschedparam.c',
'pthread_cond_wait.c', 'pthread_rwlockattr_destroy.c', 'sem_getvalue.c',
'pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.c', 'pthread_equal.c', 'pthread_rwlockattr_init.c',
'sem_init.c', 'pthread_attr_setscope.c', 'pthread_getspecific.c',
'pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared.c', 'sem_open.c', 'pthread_attr_setstack.c',
'pthread_key_create.c', 'pthread_rwlock_destroy.c', 'sem_post.c',
'pthread_attr_setstacksize.c', 'pthread_mutexattr_destroy.c',
'pthread_rwlock_init.c', 'sem_timedwait.c', 'pthread_barrierattr_destroy.c',
'pthread_mutexattr_init.c', 'pthread_rwlock_rdlock.c', 'sem_trywait.c',
'pthread_barrierattr_init.c', 'pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol.c',
'pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.c', 'sem_unlink.c',
'pthread_barrierattr_setpshared.c', 'pthread_mutexattr_setpshared.c',
'pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock.c', 'sem_wait.c', 'pthread_barrier_destroy.c',
'pthread_mutexattr_setrobust.c', 'pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock.c',
'__timedwait.c', 'pthread_barrier_init.c', 'pthread_mutexattr_settype.c',
'pthread_rwlock_trywrlock.c', 'vmlock.c', 'pthread_barrier_wait.c',
'pthread_mutex_consistent.c', 'pthread_rwlock_unlock.c', '__wait.c',
'pthread_condattr_destroy.c', 'pthread_mutex_destroy.c',
'pthread_rwlock_wrlock.c', 'pthread_condattr_init.c',
'pthread_mutex_getprioceiling.c', 'pthread_setcanceltype.c',
'pthread_condattr_setclock.c', 'pthread_mutex_init.c',
'pthread_setspecific.c', 'pthread_setcancelstate.c'
pthreads_files += [os.path.join('pthread', 'library_pthread.c')]
return build_libc(libname, pthreads_files, ['-O2', '-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1'])
def create_pthreads_stub(libname):
pthreads_files = [os.path.join('pthread', 'library_pthread_stub.c')]
return build_libc(libname, pthreads_files, ['-O2'])
def create_pthreads_asmjs(libname):
pthreads_files = [os.path.join('pthread', 'library_pthread_asmjs.c')]
return build_libc(libname, pthreads_files, ['-O2', '-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1'])
def create_pthreads_wasm(libname):
pthreads_files = [os.path.join('pthread', 'library_pthread_wasm.c')]
return build_libc(libname, pthreads_files, ['-O2', '-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1'])
def create_wasm_libc(libname):
# in asm.js we just use Math.sin etc., which is good for code size. But
# wasm doesn't have such builtins, so we need to bundle in more code
files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'math'],
filenames=['cos.c', 'cosf.c', 'cosl.c', 'sin.c', 'sinf.c', 'sinl.c',
'tan.c', 'tanf.c', 'tanl.c', 'acos.c', 'acosf.c', 'acosl.c',
'asin.c', 'asinf.c', 'asinl.c', 'atan.c', 'atanf.c', 'atanl.c',
'atan2.c', 'atan2f.c', 'atan2l.c', 'exp.c', 'expf.c', 'expl.c',
'log.c', 'logf.c', 'logl.c', 'pow.c', 'powf.c', 'powl.c'])
return build_libc(libname, files, ['-O2', '-fno-builtin'])
# libc++
def create_libcxx(libname):
logger.debug('building libc++ for cache')
libcxx_files = [
os.path.join('experimental', 'memory_resource.cpp'),
os.path.join('experimental', 'filesystem', 'directory_iterator.cpp'),
os.path.join('experimental', 'filesystem', 'path.cpp'),
os.path.join('experimental', 'filesystem', 'operations.cpp')
libcxxabi_include = shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libcxxabi', 'include')
return build_libcxx(
os.path.join('system', 'lib', 'libcxx'), libname, libcxx_files,
['-DLIBCXX_BUILDING_LIBCXXABI=1', '-D_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY', '-Oz', '-I' + libcxxabi_include],
# libcxxabi - just for dynamic_cast for now
def create_libcxxabi(libname):
logger.debug('building libc++abi for cache')
libcxxabi_files = [
libcxxabi_include = shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libcxxabi', 'include')
return build_libcxx(
os.path.join('system', 'lib', 'libcxxabi', 'src'), libname, libcxxabi_files,
['-Oz', '-I' + libcxxabi_include])
# gl
def create_gl(libname):
src_dir = shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'gl')
files = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src_dir):
filenames = filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.c'), filenames)
files += map(lambda f: os.path.join(src_dir, f), filenames)
flags = ['-Oz', '-s', 'USE_WEBGL2=1']
flags += threading_flags(libname)
flags += legacy_gl_emulation_flags(libname)
flags += gl_version_flags(libname)
return build_libc(libname, files, flags)
# al
def create_al(libname): # libname is ignored, this is just one .o file
o = in_temp('al.o')
check_call([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'al.c'), '-o', o, '-Os'] + get_cflags())
return o
def create_html5(libname):
src_dir = shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'html5')
files = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src_dir):
files += [os.path.join(src_dir, f) for f in filenames]
return build_libc(libname, files, ['-Oz'])
def create_compiler_rt(libname):
files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'compiler-rt', 'lib', 'builtins'],
filenames=['divdc3.c', 'divsc3.c', 'muldc3.c', 'mulsc3.c'])
o_s = []
commands = []
for src in files:
o = in_temp(os.path.basename(src) + '.o')
commands.append([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', src), '-O2', '-o', o] + get_cflags())
shared.Building.emar('cr', in_temp(libname), o_s)
return in_temp(libname)
# libc_extras
def create_libc_extras(libname): # libname is ignored, this is just one .o file
o = in_temp('libc_extras.o')
check_call([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', 'libc', 'extras.c'), '-o', o] + get_cflags())
return o
# decides which malloc to use, and returns the source for malloc and the full library name
def malloc_decision():
if shared.Settings.MALLOC == 'dlmalloc':
base = 'dlmalloc'
elif shared.Settings.MALLOC == 'emmalloc':
base = 'emmalloc'
raise Exception('malloc must be one of "emmalloc", "dlmalloc", see settings.js')
# only dlmalloc supports most modes
def require_dlmalloc(what):
if base != 'dlmalloc':
shared.exit_with_error('only dlmalloc is possible when using %s' % what)
extra = ''
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
extra += '_debug'
if not shared.Settings.SUPPORT_ERRNO:
# emmalloc does not use errno anyhow
if base != 'emmalloc':
extra += '_noerrno'
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
extra += '_threadsafe'
if shared.Settings.EMSCRIPTEN_TRACING:
extra += '_tracing'
if base == 'dlmalloc':
source = 'dlmalloc.c'
elif base == 'emmalloc':
source = 'emmalloc.cpp'
return (source, 'lib' + base + extra)
def malloc_source():
return malloc_decision()[0]
def malloc_name():
return malloc_decision()[1]
def create_malloc(out_name):
o = in_temp(out_name)
cflags = ['-O2', '-fno-builtin']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
cflags += ['-s', 'USE_PTHREADS=1']
if shared.Settings.EMSCRIPTEN_TRACING:
cflags += ['--tracing']
if shared.Settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:
cflags += ['-UNDEBUG', '-DDLMALLOC_DEBUG']
# TODO: consider adding -DEMMALLOC_DEBUG, but that is quite slow
cflags += ['-DNDEBUG']
if not shared.Settings.SUPPORT_ERRNO:
check_call([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', malloc_source()), '-o', o] + cflags + get_cflags())
return o
def create_wasm_rt_lib(libname, files):
o_s = []
commands = []
for src in files:
o = in_temp(os.path.basename(src) + '.o')
# Use clang directly instead of emcc. Since emcc's intermediate format (produced by -S) is LLVM IR, there's no way to
# get emcc to output wasm .s files, which is what we archive in compiler_rt.
'-mthread-model', 'single', '-c',
shared.path_from_root('system', 'lib', src),
'-O2', '-fno-builtin', '-o', o] +
musl_internal_includes() +
lib = in_temp(libname)
run_commands([[shared.LLVM_AR, 'cr', '-format=gnu', lib] + o_s])
return lib
def create_wasm_compiler_rt(libname):
files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'compiler-rt', 'lib', 'builtins'],
filenames=['addtf3.c', 'ashlti3.c', 'ashrti3.c', 'atomic.c', 'comparetf2.c',
'divtf3.c', 'divti3.c', 'udivmodti4.c',
'extenddftf2.c', 'extendsftf2.c',
'fixdfti.c', 'fixsfti.c', 'fixtfdi.c', 'fixtfsi.c', 'fixtfti.c',
'fixunsdfti.c', 'fixunssfti.c', 'fixunstfdi.c', 'fixunstfsi.c', 'fixunstfti.c',
'floatditf.c', 'floatsitf.c', 'floattidf.c', 'floattisf.c',
'floatunditf.c', 'floatunsitf.c', 'floatuntidf.c', 'floatuntisf.c', 'lshrti3.c',
'modti3.c', 'multc3.c', 'multf3.c', 'multi3.c', 'subtf3.c', 'udivti3.c', 'umodti3.c', 'ashrdi3.c',
'ashldi3.c', 'fixdfdi.c', 'floatdidf.c', 'lshrdi3.c', 'moddi3.c',
'trunctfdf2.c', 'trunctfsf2.c', 'umoddi3.c', 'fixunsdfdi.c', 'muldi3.c',
'divdi3.c', 'divmoddi4.c', 'udivdi3.c', 'udivmoddi4.c'])
files += files_in_path(path_components=['system', 'lib', 'compiler-rt'],
return create_wasm_rt_lib(libname, files)
def create_wasm_libc_rt(libname):
# Static linking is tricky with LLVM, since e.g. memset might not be used from libc,
# but be used as an intrinsic, and codegen will generate a libc call from that intrinsic
# *after* static linking would have thought it is all in there. In asm.js this is not an
# issue as we do JS linking anyhow, and have asm.js-optimized versions of all the LLVM
# intrinsics. But for wasm, we need a better solution. For now, make another archive
# that gets included at the same time as compiler-rt.
# Note that this also includes things that may be depended on by those functions - fmin
# uses signbit, for example, so signbit must be here (so if fmin is added by codegen,
# it will have all it needs).
math_files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'math'],
'fmin.c', 'fminf.c', 'fminl.c',
'fmax.c', 'fmaxf.c', 'fmaxl.c',
'fmod.c', 'fmodf.c', 'fmodl.c',
'log2.c', 'log2f.c', 'log10.c', 'log10f.c',
'exp2.c', 'exp2f.c', 'exp10.c', 'exp10f.c',
'scalbn.c', '__fpclassifyl.c',
'__signbitl.c', '__signbitf.c', '__signbit.c'
string_files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'libc', 'musl', 'src', 'string'],
filenames=['memset.c', 'memmove.c'])
other_files = files_in_path(
path_components=['system', 'lib', 'libc'],
return create_wasm_rt_lib(libname, math_files + string_files + other_files)
# Set of libraries to include on the link line, as opposed to `force` which
# is the set of libraries to force include (with --whole-archive).
always_include = set()
# Setting this will only use the forced libs in EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS. This avoids spending time checking
# for unresolved symbols in your project files, which can speed up linking, but if you do not have
# the proper list of actually needed libraries, errors can occur. See below for how we must
# export all the symbols in deps_info when using this option.
only_forced = os.environ.get('EMCC_ONLY_FORCED_STDLIBS')
if only_forced:
temp_files = []
# Add in some hacks for js libraries. If a js lib depends on a symbol provided by a C library, it must be
# added to here, because our deps go only one way (each library here is checked, then we check the next
# in order - libc++, libcxextra, etc. - and then we run the JS compiler and provide extra symbols from
# library*.js files. But we cannot then go back to the C libraries if a new dep was added!
# TODO: Move all __deps from src/library*.js to deps_info.json, and use that single source of info
# both here and in the JS compiler.
deps_info = json.loads(open(shared.path_from_root('src', 'deps_info.json')).read())
added = set()
def add_back_deps(need):
more = False
for ident, deps in deps_info.items():
if ident in need.undefs and ident not in added:
more = True
for dep in deps:
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logger.debug('adding dependency on %s due to deps-info on %s' % (dep, ident))
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.append('_' + dep)
if more:
add_back_deps(need) # recurse to get deps of deps
# Scan symbols
symbolses = shared.Building.parallel_llvm_nm([os.path.abspath(t) for t in temp_files])
if len(symbolses) == 0:
class Dummy(object):
defs = set()
undefs = set()
# depend on exported functions
for export in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS:
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logger.debug('adding dependency on export %s' % export)
for symbols in symbolses:
# If we are only doing forced stdlibs, then we don't know the actual symbols we need,
# and must assume all of deps_info must be exported. Note that this might cause
# warnings on exports that do not exist.
if only_forced:
for key, value in deps_info.items():
for dep in value:
shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.append('_' + dep)
if shared.Settings.WASM_OBJECT_FILES:
ext = 'a'
ext = 'bc'
libc_name = 'libc'
libc_deps = ['libcompiler_rt']
if shared.Settings.WASM:
libc_deps += ['libc-wasm']
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
libc_name = 'libc-mt'
if not shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
Library = namedtuple('Library', ['shortname', 'suffix', 'create', 'symbols', 'deps', 'can_noexcept'])
system_libs = [Library('libc++', 'a', create_libcxx, libcxx_symbols, ['libc++abi'], True), # noqa
Library('libc++abi', ext, create_libcxxabi, libcxxabi_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('libal', ext, create_al, al_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library('libhtml5', ext, create_html5, html5_symbols, [], False), # noqa
Library('libcompiler_rt','a', create_compiler_rt, compiler_rt_symbols, [libc_name], False), # noqa
Library(malloc_name(), ext, create_malloc, [], [], False)] # noqa
gl_name = 'libgl'
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
gl_name += '-mt'
if shared.Settings.LEGACY_GL_EMULATION:
gl_name += '-emu'
if shared.Settings.USE_WEBGL2:
gl_name += '-webgl2'
system_libs += [Library(gl_name, ext, create_gl, gl_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa
if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
system_libs += [Library('libpthreads', ext, create_pthreads, pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa
if not shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
system_libs += [Library('libpthreads_asmjs', ext, create_pthreads_asmjs, asmjs_pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa
system_libs += [Library('libpthreads_wasm', ext, create_pthreads_wasm, [], [libc_name], False)] # noqa
system_libs += [Library('libpthreads_stub', ext, create_pthreads_stub, stub_pthreads_symbols, [libc_name], False)] # noqa
system_libs.append(Library(libc_name, ext, create_libc, libc_symbols, libc_deps, False))
# if building to wasm, we need more math code, since we have less builtins
if shared.Settings.WASM:
system_libs.append(Library('libc-wasm', ext, create_wasm_libc, wasm_libc_symbols, [], False))
# Add libc-extras at the end, as libc may end up requiring them, and they depend on nothing.
system_libs.append(Library('libc-extras', ext, create_libc_extras, libc_extras_symbols, [], False))
libs_to_link = []
already_included = set()
system_libs_map = {l.shortname: l for l in system_libs}
# Setting this in the environment will avoid checking dependencies and make building big projects a little faster
# 1 means include everything; otherwise it can be the name of a lib (libc++, etc.)
# You can provide 1 to include everything, or a comma-separated list with the ones you want
force = os.environ.get('EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS')
if force == '1':
force = ','.join(system_libs_map.keys())
force_include = set((force.split(',') if force else []) + forced)
if force_include:
logger.debug('forcing stdlibs: ' + str(force_include))
for lib in always_include:
assert lib in system_libs_map
for lib in force_include:
if lib not in system_libs_map:
shared.exit_with_error('invalid forced library: %s', lib)
def maybe_noexcept(name):
name += '_noexcept'
return name
def add_library(lib):
if lib.shortname in already_included:
shortname = lib.shortname
if lib.can_noexcept:
shortname = maybe_noexcept(shortname)
name = shortname + '.' + lib.suffix
logger.debug('including %s' % name)
def do_create():
return lib.create(name)
libfile = shared.Cache.get(name, do_create)
need_whole_archive = lib.shortname in force_include and lib.suffix != 'bc'
libs_to_link.append((libfile, need_whole_archive))
# Recursively add dependencies
for d in lib.deps:
# Go over libraries to figure out which we must include
for lib in system_libs:
assert lib.shortname.startswith('lib')
if lib.shortname in already_included:
force_this = lib.shortname in force_include
if not force_this and only_forced:
include_this = force_this or lib.shortname in always_include
if not include_this:
need_syms = set()
has_syms = set()
for symbols in symbolses:
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logger.debug('undefs: ' + str(symbols.undefs))
for library_symbol in lib.symbols:
if library_symbol in symbols.undefs:
if library_symbol in symbols.defs:
for haz in has_syms:
if haz in need_syms:
# remove symbols that are supplied by another of the inputs
if shared.Settings.VERBOSE:
logger.debug('considering %s: we need %s and have %s' % (lib.shortname, str(need_syms), str(has_syms)))
if not len(need_syms):
# We need to build and link the library in
if shared.Settings.WASM_BACKEND:
libs_to_link.append((shared.Cache.get('libcompiler_rt_wasm.a', lambda: create_wasm_compiler_rt('libcompiler_rt_wasm.a')), False))
libs_to_link.append((shared.Cache.get('libc_rt_wasm.a', lambda: create_wasm_libc_rt('libc_rt_wasm.a')), False))
libs_to_link.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].endswith('.a')) # make sure to put .a files at the end.
# libc++abi and libc++ *static* linking is tricky. e.g. cxa_demangle.cpp disables c++
# exceptions, but since the string methods in the headers are *weakly* linked, then
# we might have exception-supporting versions of them from elsewhere, and if libc++abi
# is first then it would "win", breaking exception throwing from those string
# header methods. To avoid that, we link libc++abi last.
libs_to_link.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].endswith('libc++abi.bc'))
# Wrap libraries in --whole-archive, as needed. We need to do this last
# since otherwise the abort sorting won't make sense.
ret = []
for name, need_whole_archive in libs_to_link:
if need_whole_archive:
ret += ['--whole-archive', name, '--no-whole-archive']
return ret
class Ports(object):
"""emscripten-ports library management (
def get_lib_name(name):
return shared.static_library_name(name)
def build_port(src_path, output_path, includes=[], flags=[], exclude_files=[], exclude_dirs=[]):
srcs = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_path, topdown=False):
if any((excluded in root) for excluded in exclude_dirs):
for f in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
if ext in ('.c', '.cpp') and not any((excluded in f) for excluded in exclude_files):
srcs.append(os.path.join(root, f))
include_commands = ['-I' + src_path]
for include in includes:
include_commands.append('-I' + include)
commands = []
objects = []
for src in srcs:
obj = src + '.o'
commands.append([shared.PYTHON, shared.EMCC, src, '-O2', '-o', obj, '-w'] + include_commands + flags + get_cflags())
print('create_lib', output_path)
create_lib(output_path, objects)
return output_path
def run_commands(commands): # make easily available for port objects
def create_lib(libname, inputs): # make easily available for port objects
create_lib(libname, inputs)
def get_dir():
dirname = os.environ.get('EM_PORTS') or os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.emscripten_ports'))
return dirname
def erase():
dirname = Ports.get_dir()
if os.path.exists(dirname):
logger.warning('could not delete ports dir %s - try to delete it manually' % dirname)
def get_build_dir():
return shared.Cache.get_path('ports-builds')
name_cache = set()
def fetch_project(name, url, subdir, is_tarbz2=False):
fullname = os.path.join(Ports.get_dir(), name)
# if EMCC_LOCAL_PORTS is set, we use a local directory as our ports. This is useful
# for testing. This env var should be in format
# name=dir,name=dir
# e.g.
# sdl2=/home/username/dev/ports/SDL2
# so you could run
# EMCC_LOCAL_PORTS="sdl2=/home/alon/Dev/ports/SDL2" ./tests/ browser.test_sdl2_mouse
# this will simply copy that directory into the ports directory for sdl2, and use that. It also
# clears the build, so that it is rebuilt from that source.
local_ports = os.environ.get('EMCC_LOCAL_PORTS')
if local_ports:
logger.warning('using local ports: %s' % local_ports)
local_ports = [pair.split('=', 1) for pair in local_ports.split(',')]
for local in local_ports:
if name == local[0]:
path = local[1]
if name not in ports.ports_by_name:
shared.exit_with_error('%s is not a known port' % name)
port = ports.ports_by_name[name]
if not hasattr(port, 'SUBDIR'):
logger.error('port %s lacks .SUBDIR attribute, which we need in order to override it locally, please update it' % name)
subdir = port.SUBDIR
logger.warning('grabbing local port: ' + name + ' from ' + path + ' to ' + fullname + ' (subdir: ' + subdir + ')')
shutil.copytree(path, os.path.join(fullname, subdir))
fullpath = fullname + ('.tar.bz2' if is_tarbz2 else '.zip')
if name not in Ports.name_cache: # only mention each port once in log
logger.debug('including port: ' + name)
logger.debug(' (at ' + fullname + ')')
class State(object):
retrieved = False
unpacked = False
def retrieve():
# retrieve from remote server
logger.warning('retrieving port: ' + name + ' from ' + url)
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
# Python 2 compatibility
from urllib2 import urlopen
f = urlopen(url)
data =
open(fullpath, 'wb').write(data)
State.retrieved = True
def check_tag():
if is_tarbz2:
names =, 'r:bz2').getnames()
names = zipfile.ZipFile(fullpath, 'r').namelist()
# check if first entry of the archive is prefixed with the same
# tag as we need so no longer download and recompile if so
return bool(re.match(subdir + r'(\\|/|$)', names[0]))
def unpack():
logger.warning('unpacking port: ' + name)
if is_tarbz2:
z =, 'r:bz2')
z = zipfile.ZipFile(fullpath, 'r')
cwd = os.getcwd()
State.unpacked = True
# main logic. do this under a cache lock, since we don't want multiple jobs to
# retrieve the same port at once
if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
if not os.path.exists(fullname):
if not check_tag():
logger.warning('local copy of port is not correct, retrieving from remote server')
if State.unpacked:
# we unpacked a new version, clear the build in the cache
def build_project(name, subdir, configure, generated_libs, post_create=None):
def create():'building port: ' + name + '...')
port_build_dir = Ports.get_build_dir()
libs = shared.Building.build_library(name, port_build_dir, None,
source_dir=os.path.join(Ports.get_dir(), name, subdir),
make=['make', '-j' + str(shared.Building.get_num_cores())])
assert len(libs) == 1
if post_create:
return libs[0]
return shared.Cache.get(name, create)
def clear_project_build(name):
port = ports.ports_by_name[name]
port.clear(Ports, shared)
shared.try_delete(os.path.join(Ports.get_build_dir(), name))
def build_native(subdir):
shared.Building.ensure_no_emmake('We cannot build the native system library in "%s" when under the influence of emmake/emconfigure. To avoid this, create system dirs beforehand, so they are not auto-built on demand. For example, for binaryen, do "python build binaryen"' % subdir)
old = os.getcwd()
cmake_build_type = 'Release'
# Configure
check_call(['cmake', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + cmake_build_type, '.'])
# Check which CMake generator CMake used so we know which form to pass parameters to make/msbuild/etc. build tool.
generator ='CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL=(.*)$', open('CMakeCache.txt', 'r').read(), re.MULTILINE).group(1)
# Make variants support '-jX' for number of cores to build, MSBuild does /maxcpucount:X
num_cores = str(shared.Building.get_num_cores())
make_args = []
if 'Makefiles' in generator and 'NMake' not in generator:
make_args = ['--', '-j', num_cores]
elif 'Visual Studio' in generator:
make_args = ['--config', cmake_build_type, '--', '/maxcpucount:' + num_cores]
# Kick off the build.
check_call(['cmake', '--build', '.'] + make_args)
# get all ports
def get_ports(settings):
ret = []
for port in ports.ports:
# ports return their output files, which will be linked, or a txt file
ret += [f for f in port.get(Ports, settings, shared) if not f.endswith('.txt')]
logger.error('a problem occurred when using an emscripten-ports library. try to run `emcc --clear-ports` and then run this command again')
return ret
def process_dependencies(settings):
for port in reversed(ports.ports):
if hasattr(port, "process_dependencies"):
def process_args(args, settings):
for port in ports.ports:
args = port.process_args(Ports, args, settings, shared)
return args
# get a single port
def get_port(name, settings):
port = ports.ports_by_name[name]
if hasattr(port, "process_dependencies"):
# ports return their output files, which will be linked, or a txt file
return [f for f in port.get(Ports, settings, shared) if not f.endswith('.txt')]
def show_ports():
print('Available ports:')
for port in ports.ports:
print(' ',