blob: e7ecd4cc3308d8a0dafec5602d31a8731dd0ae2d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#requires -version 2
Script to perform several operations on the cocoon agent. It will be run
from a cron job at a 5 mins interval.
The script is intended for the following operations:
* Start agent if it is not running.
* Check if there is a new version of the agent then update and restart.
* Cleanup host state. Killing stuck processes or rebooting if required.
Only the first operation will be implemented at this time.
Log file stored in C:\Users\flutter\agent_manager.log
Log file stored in C:\Users\flutter\agent_stderr.log
Log file stored in C:\Users\flutter\agent_stdout.log
Version: 0.1
Creation Date: 11/05/2019
Purpose/Change: Initial agent manager development.
Schtasks /create /tn "Agent Manager" /sc MINUTE /mo 5 /tr "PowerShell c:\Users\flutter\cocoon\devicelab\agent_manager.ps1"
$AgentFolder = 'C:\Users\flutter\cocoon\agent'
$LogFile = 'C:\Users\flutter\agent_manager.log'
$StdErr = 'C:\Users\flutter\agent_stderr.log'
$StdOut = 'C:\Users\flutter\agent_stdout.log'
function Restart-Agent {
Starts Cocoon agent if it is not running yet.
$Process = Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -match '^dart*'
if (!$Process) {
Write-Host 'Restarting Agent'
Set-Location $AgentFolder
$DartBinaryPath = 'C:\tools\dart-sdk\bin\dart'
$Arguments = 'bin\agent.dart ci'
Start-Process $DartBinaryPath -ArgumentList $Arguments -RedirectStandardOutput $StdOut `
-RedirectStandardError $StdErr -Verbose
Start-Transcript -path $LogFile -append