remove explicit max_batch_size: 1 to packaging builders, default to 1000
2 files changed
tree: f24acbb05ce529eac1a2c4a4012882a50d6177f7
  1. .vscode/
  2. config/
  3. .cirrus.yml
  4. .gitignore

Flutter LUCI Service Configurations

Contains configuration and tools related to Flutter's build infrastructure.

Configuration is generated by lucicfg, which is part of depot_tools. Rather than updating the individual .cfg files, updates should be made to config/ That file can then be run to regenerate the configuration.

Forcing the propagation of these configurations

Configuration changes are read by the LUCI Configuration Service from a git-on-borg mirror of this repo. Both the github -> googlesource mirroring and luci-config reading updated changes happen as scheduled tasks.

Once a change has reached the mirror, one may speed up the propagation of the new configuration files by visiting the luci-config web ui, logging in, and searching for projects/flutter. from there, one may click on the projects/flutter search result and click the download icon to force an update.