EarlGrey Example

An example that shows several features of EarlGrey.

EarlGreyExampleSwift is an app written in Swift that provides a showcase test ground.

EarlGreyExampleTests and EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests are test targets that exercise different functionalities provide by EarlGrey, written in Objective-C and Swift.

earlgrey_gem.yml allows configuring how the EarlGrey gem behaves when pod install is run.

 - add_swift: true
 - add_build_phase: true
 - add_framework: true

By default, all values are set to true. You don't need a yml config unless you want to disable certain options.

Getting Started


Execute gem install earlgrey then pod install from the directory where you have downloaded the source of the example, then open EarlGreyExample.xcworkspace to open the example in xcode. Ensure that your version of CocoaPods is upgraded to the latest 1.x version since this project uses the 1.0.0 syntax. You can get the latest CocoaPods release version by running gem install cocoapods.

Run the tests that you want to see in action.


From the directory containing the example source, run:

  • brew install carthage
  • xcode-select --install
  • gem install earlgrey
  • earlgrey install --carthage --swift-version=3.0 --target=EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests
  • carthage update EarlGrey --platform ios
  • open EarlGreyExample.xcodeproj

Xcode should now allow you to execute the EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests tests. If you get a compile error, try the following:

  • Delete derived data
    • rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData"
  • Delete untracked and modified data
    • git reset --hard; git clean -dfx