blob: f6efbb8f36bf05a6c2d1ad37cfac4b014c9bcadc [file] [log] [blame]
// result.proto
// Protos outputted by checks performed on accessibility hierarchies.
syntax = "proto3";
package gtxilib.oopclasses.protos;
import "enums.proto";
import "gtx.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option objc_class_prefix = "GTX";
// Proto describing a list of strings.
// Next index: 2
message StringListProto {
repeated string values = 1;
// Proto describing a list of ints.
// Next index: 2
message IntListProto {
repeated int32 values = 1;
// Proto describing raw metadata information and its associated type.
// Next index: 13
message TypedValueProto {
// Once a TypeProto is defined here, it must not be removed and its value
// must not be changed. Additions are permitted at the end of enum. Data may
// be persisted using these values, so incompatible changes may result in
// corruption during deserialization.
// Next index: 12
enum TypeProto {
BYTE = 2;
SHORT = 3;
CHAR = 4;
INT = 5;
FLOAT = 6;
LONG = 7;
INT_LIST = 11;
optional TypeProto type = 1;
oneof value {
bool boolean_value = 2;
bytes byte_value = 3;
bytes short_value = 4;
bytes char_value = 5;
int32 int_value = 6;
float float_value = 7;
int64 long_value = 8;
double double_value = 9;
string string_value = 10;
StringListProto string_list_value = 11;
IntListProto int_list_value = 12;
// Proto describing a Metadata, used by CheckResult to store parameters used to
// generate result messages.
// Next index: 2
message MetadataProto {
map<string, TypedValueProto> metadata_map = 1;
// The result of checking an accessibility element for issues.
// Next index: 6.
message CheckResultProto {
string source_check_class = 1;
// result_id is an arbitrary value differentiating different outcomes of the
// same check. For example, a touch target size check might have one result_id
// for too small width and another for too small height. Result ids are only
// meaningful to the original check they were defined in. Result ids cannot
// be used across different checks.
int32 result_id = 2;
optional int64 hierarchy_source_id = 3;
ResultType result_type = 4;
MetadataProto metadata = 5;
// All results of checking elements in an accessibility hierarchy for issues.
// Next index: 3.
message AccessibilityEvaluation {
AccessibilityHierarchy hierarchy = 1;
repeated CheckResultProto results = 2;