blob: 8db5588c8f218c49174ca770b964fc8f3a6b33b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
* Name of the action that adds an element that has no accessibilityLabel.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddNoLabelElementActionName;
* Name of the action that adds an element whose accessibility label has been punctuated.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddPunctuatedLabelElementActionName;
* Name of the action that adds an element whose accessibility label has been concatenated (with
* commas).
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddConcatenatedLabelElementActionName;
* Name of the action that adds a text field and focuses it to show a keyboard.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kShowKeyboardActionName;
* Name of the action that hides the shown keyboard.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kHideKeyboardActionName;
* Name of the action that adds a button marked as not accessible.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddInaccessibleButton;
* Name of the action that adds a button marked as not accessible inside a container.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddAccessibleButtonInContainer;
* Name of the action that adds an element with tiny tap area.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddTinyTappableElement;
* Name of the action that adds an element with very high contrast.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddVeryHighContrastLabel;
* Name of the action that adds an element with very low contrast.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddVeryLowContrastLabel;
* Name of the action that adds an element with barely high contrast.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddBarelyHighContrastLabel;
* Name of the action that adds an element with barely low contrast.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddBarelyLowContrastLabel;
* Name of the action that adds a low contrast background.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddLowContrastBackground;
* Name of the action that adds a high contrast background.
FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kAddHighContrastBackground;
// The view controller for testing GTXiLib's Accessibility Checker.
@interface GTXTestViewController : UIViewController
Adds the given element to the Test App's test area.
@param element Element to be added.
+ (void)addElementToTestArea:(UIView *)element;
Clears the test area
+ (void)clearTestArea;
Performs the named action.
@param actionName The name of the action to be invoked.
+ (void)performTestActionNamed:(NSString *)actionName;