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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
extern const CGFloat kGTXContrastRatioAccuracy;
* Collection of accessibility related utils that use colors and/or images.
@interface GTXImageAndColorUtils : NSObject
* Computes luminance for the color composed of the given RGB values.
* @param red Red component value.
* @param blue Blue component value.
* @param green Green component value.
* @return luminance value for the color consisting of the given RGB values.
+ (CGFloat)luminanceWithRed:(CGFloat)red blue:(CGFloat)blue green:(CGFloat)green;
* @return luminance value for the given color.
+ (CGFloat)luminanceWithColor:(UIColor *)color;
* Computes the contrast ratio from the given luminance values.
* @param color1Luminance Luminance value for the first color.
* @param color2Luminance Luminance value for the second color.
* @return Contrast ratio for the given two luminance values.
+ (CGFloat)contrastRatioWithLuminaceOfFirstColor:(CGFloat)color1Luminance
* Computes contrast ratio of the given label to its background. This method analyses the label's
* text color in the context of its view hierarchy in order to compute the contrast ratio, because
* of which the label must already be in a window before this method can be used.
* @param label The label whose contrast ratio is to be computed.
* @param outAvgTextColor An optional pointer to be set to the computed text color.
* @param outAvgBackgroundColor An optional pointer to be set to the computed background color.
* @return The contrast ratio (proportional to 1.0) of the label.
+ (CGFloat)contrastRatioOfUILabel:(UILabel *)label
outAvgTextColor:(UIColor **)outAvgTextColor
outAvgBackgroundColor:(UIColor **)outAvgBackgroundColor;
* Computes contrast ratio of the given text view to its background.
* This method analyses the text view's text color in the context of its view
hierarchy in order to compute the contrast ratio, because
* of which the text view must already be in a window before this method can be used.
* @param view The text view whose contrast ratio is to be computed.
* @param outAvgTextColor An optional pointer to be set to the computed text color.
* @param outAvgBackgroundColor An optional pointer to be set to the computed background color.
* @return The contrast ratio (proportional to 1.0) of the text view.
+ (CGFloat)contrastRatioOfUITextView:(UITextView *)view
outAvgTextColor:(UIColor **)outAvgTextColor
outAvgBackgroundColor:(UIColor **)outAvgBackgroundColor;
* Renders the view hierarchy of @c view to @c context, appropriately translating subviews to
* render in the correct position. The view hierarchy must be rendered manually because
* @c drawViewHierarchy:afterScreenUpdates: with @c YES for @c afterScreenUpdates causes VoiceOver
* to reset focus to the first element of the view hierarchy. However, passing @c NO causes the
* screenshot to not use any recent changes, such as changing the text color to identify foreground
* color. Manually rendering the view hierarchy avoids both of these problems.
* @param view The root of the view hierarchy to render.
* @param context The graphics context to which to render.
+ (void)renderViewHierarchy:(UIView *)view inContext:(CGContextRef)context;
* Renders the views in @c views to a single image, with the first element in back and the last
* element in front. The size of the image is equal to the greatest width and greatest height of the
* bounds in @c views. May not be the bounds of the largest view. For example, one view may have a
* larger width and another has a larger height.
* @param views The views to render. Fails with an assertion if @c views is empty.
* @return An image of all the views in @c views.
+ (UIImage *)imageByCompositingViews:(NSArray<UIView *> *)views;