blob: d94391bb02439ee9e60bd28f8d53b6f9fcf3e190 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import "GTXAccessibilityTree.h"
#import "GTXAnalytics.h"
#import "GTXCheckBlock.h"
#import "GTXChecksCollection.h"
#import "GTXCommon.h"
#import "GTXErrorReporter.h"
#import "GTXExcludeListing.h"
#import "GTXTestSuite.h"
#import "NSError+GTXAdditions.h"
* Name of the notification that must be fired when testcase begins - i.e. before test method is
* executed but after setup has been.
extern NSString *const gtxTestCaseDidBeginNotification;
* Name of the notification that must be fired when testcase ends - i.e. after test method is
* executed but before tearDown has been.
extern NSString *const gtxTestCaseDidEndNotification;
* Name of the notification that must be fired when a test interaction (tap/swipe etc) begins.
extern NSString *const gtxTestInteractionDidBeginNotification;
* Name of the notification that must be fired after a test interaction (tap/swipe etc) has ended.
extern NSString *const gtxTestInteractionDidEndNotification;
* Name of the user info key for the notifications that must be set to the name of the currently
* running test class.
extern NSString *const gtxTestClassUserInfoKey;
* Name of the user info key for the notifications that must be set to the current test invocation.
extern NSString *const gtxTestInvocationUserInfoKey;
* Block type for GTXiLib failure handlers, this is invoked with the error detected.
typedef void(^GTXiLibFailureHandler)(NSError *error);
* Primary class that allows for installing checks, creating checks and excludeLists etc.
@interface GTXiLib : NSObject
Install checks on all test cases of a given test suite.
@param suite Suite of all test cases where checks are to be installed.
@param checks Array of checks to be installed.
@param excludeLists Array of element excludeLists to be skipped from checks.
+ (void)installOnTestSuite:(GTXTestSuite *)suite
checks:(NSArray<id<GTXChecking>> *)checks
elementExcludeLists:(NSArray<id<GTXExcludeListing>> *)excludeLists;
Creates a check with the given name and block.
@param name Name of the check
@param block Block that performs the check, the block must return NO if the check failed, YES
@return The newly created check.
+ (id<GTXChecking>)checkWithName:(NSString *)name block:(GTXCheckHandlerBlock)block;
The failure handler to be invoked when checks fail, by default if checks fail an Assertion is
@property (class, nonatomic, strong) GTXiLibFailureHandler failureHandler;