blob: eb9c193c6d8fb1f2c510ea683e7e09cb3297b076 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ext
import (
// TODO: move these tests to a conformance test.
var stringTests = []struct {
expr string
err string
parseOnly bool
// CharAt test.
{expr: `'tacocat'.charAt(3) == 'o'`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.charAt(7) == ''`},
{expr: `'©αT'.charAt(0) == '©' && '©αT'.charAt(1) == 'α' && '©αT'.charAt(2) == 'T'`},
// Index of search string tests.
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('') == 0`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('ac') == 1`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('none') == -1`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('', 3) == 3`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('a', 3) == 5`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('at', 3) == 5`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.indexOf('©') == 2`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.indexOf('©', 3) == 4`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.indexOf('©αT', 3) == 4`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.indexOf('©α', 5) == -1`},
{expr: `'ijk'.indexOf('k') == 2`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.indexOf('hello wello') == 0`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.indexOf('ello', 6) == 7`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.indexOf('elbo room!!') == -1`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.indexOf('elbo room!!!') == -1`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('') == 7`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('at') == 5`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('none') == -1`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('', 3) == 3`},
{expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('a', 3) == 1`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.lastIndexOf('©') == 4`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.lastIndexOf('©', 3) == 2`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.lastIndexOf('©α', 4) == 4`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.lastIndexOf('ello', 6) == 1`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.lastIndexOf('low') == -1`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.lastIndexOf('elbo room!!') == -1`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.lastIndexOf('elbo room!!!') == -1`},
{expr: `'hello wello'.lastIndexOf('hello wello') == 0`},
{expr: `'bananananana'.lastIndexOf('nana', 7) == 6`},
// Lower ASCII tests.
{expr: `'TacoCat'.lowerAscii() == 'tacocat'`},
{expr: `'TacoCÆt'.lowerAscii() == 'tacocÆt'`},
{expr: `'TacoCÆt Xii'.lowerAscii() == 'tacocÆt xii'`},
// Replace tests
{expr: `"12 days 12 hours".replace("{0}", "2") == "12 days 12 hours"`},
{expr: `"{0} days {0} hours".replace("{0}", "2") == "2 days 2 hours"`},
{expr: `"{0} days {0} hours".replace("{0}", "2", 1).replace("{0}", "23") == "2 days 23 hours"`},
{expr: `"1 ©αT taco".replace("αT", "o©α") == "1 ©o©α taco"`},
// Split tests.
{expr: `"hello world".split(" ") == ["hello", "world"]`},
{expr: `"hello world events!".split(" ", 0) == []`},
{expr: `"hello world events!".split(" ", 1) == ["hello world events!"]`},
{expr: `"o©o©o©o".split("©", -1) == ["o", "o", "o", "o"]`},
// Substring tests.
{expr: `"tacocat".substring(4) == "cat"`},
{expr: `"tacocat".substring(7) == ""`},
{expr: `"tacocat".substring(0, 4) == "taco"`},
{expr: `"tacocat".substring(4, 4) == ""`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.substring(2, 6) == "©o©α"`},
{expr: `'ta©o©αT'.substring(7, 7) == ""`},
// Trim tests using the unicode standard for whitespace.
{expr: `" \f\n\r\t\vtext ".trim() == "text"`},
{expr: `"\u0085\u00a0\u1680text".trim() == "text"`},
{expr: `"text\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2004\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009".trim() == "text"`},
{expr: `"\u200atext\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000".trim() == "text"`},
// Trim test with whitespace-like characters not included.
{expr: `"\u180etext\u200b\u200c\u200d\u2060\ufeff".trim()
== "\u180etext\u200b\u200c\u200d\u2060\ufeff"`},
// Upper ASCII tests.
{expr: `'tacoCat'.upperAscii() == 'TACOCAT'`},
{expr: `'tacoCαt'.upperAscii() == 'TACOCαT'`},
// Error test cases based on checked expression usage.
expr: `'tacocat'.charAt(30) == ''`,
err: "index out of range: 30",
expr: `'tacocat'.indexOf('a', 30) == -1`,
err: "index out of range: 30",
expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('a', -1) == -1`,
err: "index out of range: -1",
expr: `'tacocat'.lastIndexOf('a', 30) == -1`,
err: "index out of range: 30",
expr: `"tacocat".substring(40) == "cat"`,
err: "index out of range: 40",
expr: `"tacocat".substring(-1) == "cat"`,
err: "index out of range: -1",
expr: `"tacocat".substring(1, 50) == "cat"`,
err: "index out of range: 50",
expr: `"tacocat".substring(49, 50) == "cat"`,
err: "index out of range: 49",
expr: `"tacocat".substring(4, 3) == ""`,
err: "invalid substring range. start: 4, end: 3",
// Valid parse-only expressions which should generate runtime errors.
expr: `42.charAt(2) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'hello'.charAt(true) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `24.indexOf('2') == 0`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'hello'.indexOf(true) == 1`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.indexOf('4', 0) == 0`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'42'.indexOf(4, 0) == 0`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'42'.indexOf('4', '0') == 0`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'42'.indexOf('4', 0, 1) == 0`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.split("2") == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.replace(2, 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace(2, 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace("2", 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.replace("2", "1", 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace(2, "1", 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace("2", 1, 1) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace("2", "1", "1") == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".replace("2", "1", 1, false) == "41"`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.split("") == ["4", "2"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".split(2) == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `42.split("2", "1") == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".split(2, 1) == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".split("2", "1") == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"42".split("2", 1, 1) == ["4"]`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `'hello'.substring(1, 2, 3) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `30.substring(true, 3) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"tacocat".substring(true, 3) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
expr: `"tacocat".substring(0, false) == ""`,
err: "no such overload",
parseOnly: true,
func TestStrings(t *testing.T) {
env, err := cel.NewEnv(Strings())
if err != nil {
for i, tst := range stringTests {
tc := tst
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", i), func(tt *testing.T) {
var asts []*cel.Ast
pAst, iss := env.Parse(tc.expr)
if iss.Err() != nil {
asts = append(asts, pAst)
if !tc.parseOnly {
cAst, iss := env.Check(pAst)
if iss.Err() != nil {
asts = append(asts, cAst)
for _, ast := range asts {
prg, err := env.Program(ast)
if err != nil {
out, _, err := prg.Eval(cel.NoVars())
if tc.err != "" {
if err == nil {
tt.Fatalf("got value %v, wanted error %s for expr: %s",
out.Value(), tc.err, tc.expr)
if tc.err != err.Error() {
tt.Errorf("got error %v, wanted error %s for expr: %s", err, tc.err, tc.expr)
} else if err != nil {
} else if out.Value() != true {
tt.Errorf("got %v, wanted true for expr: %s", out.Value(), tc.expr)