blob: 815cf72dd0fac8a57e998d88c1034a1747aefb7a [file] [log] [blame]
# Used by Google Cloud Build to run cel-go conformance tests and generate necesary file structure for TestGrid dashboard in Google Cloud Storage
- name: 'ubuntu'
# writes start time and #PR to started.json
args: ['bash', 'conformance/', '$COMMIT_SHA']
# Because testgrid uses monotonically increasing, numerical ids as folder names and GCB generates random ids, the timestamp
# at start is recorded and written to a file, then read at the end to ensure monotonically increasing numbers.
- name: 'ubuntu'
# stores timestamp in _DATE to use as build id
args: ['bash', '-c', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S > _DATE' ] # Will create folder of format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- name: ''
# writes _DATE to GCS bucket so it can be used as GCS folder name
args: ['cp', '-r', '_DATE', 'gs://cel-conformance']
- name: ''
# run conformance tests with bazel
args: ['test', '--test_output=all', 'conformance/ct_dashboard']
- name: 'ubuntu'
# creates necessary format and folder structure for TestGrid to parse
args: ['bash', 'conformance/']
- name: ''
entrypoint: sh
# deploys folder of test results (with build id as folder name) to GCS
args: ['-c', 'gsutil cp -r $(cat _DATE) gs://cel-conformance/test-logs/']