blob: cb8c203bc1012c33664283cef85ddbe56964e12a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "absl/numeric/int128.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "dcf/distributed_comparison_function.h"
#include "dcf/fss_gates/multiple_interval_containment.pb.h"
#include "dpf/status_macros.h"
namespace distributed_point_functions {
namespace fss_gates {
// Implements the Multiple Interval Containment gate as specified in
// (Fig. 14). Such a gate is specified by
// input and output group Z_{2 ^ n} where n is the bit length and a sequence
// of `m` public intervals {p_i, q_i}_{i \in [m]}. The Key generation procedure
// produces two keys, k_0 and k_1, corresponding to Party 0 and Party 1
// respectively. Evaluating each key on any point `x` in the input group results
// in an additive secret share of m values {y_i}_{i \in [m]} where y_i = `1`, if
// `p_i <= x <= q_i`, and 0 otherwise.
class MultipleIntervalContainmentGate {
// Factory method : creates and returns a MultipleIntervalContainmentGate
// initialized with appropriate parameters.
static absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<MultipleIntervalContainmentGate>>
Create(const MicParameters& mic_parameters);
// MultipleIntervalContainmentGate is neither copyable nor movable.
MultipleIntervalContainmentGate(const MultipleIntervalContainmentGate&) =
MultipleIntervalContainmentGate& operator=(
const MultipleIntervalContainmentGate&) = delete;
// This method generates Multiple Interval Containment Gate a pair of keys
// using `r_in` and `r_out` as the input mask and output masks respectively.
// The implementation of this method is identical to Gen procedure specified
// in (Fig. 14). Note that although the
// datatype of r_in and r_out is absl::uint128, but they will be interpreted
// as an element in the input and output group Z_{2 ^ n} respectively. This
// reinterpretion in the group is achieved simply by taking mod of r_in and
// r_out with the size of group i.e. 2^{log_group_size}.
// This method expects that the size of r_out vector be exactly same as the
// number of public intervals in the MicParameters. This is because for
// each interval in MIC, we will need an independent output mask to hide
// the actual cleartext output of the MIC on that interval. This method
// will return InvalidArgumentError.
// Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of r_out vector does not match the
// number of intervals specified during construction.
absl::StatusOr<std::pair<MicKey, MicKey>> Gen(
absl::uint128 r_in, std::vector<absl::uint128> r_out);
// This method evaluates the Multiple Interval Containment Gate key k
// on input domain point `x`. The output is returned as a 128 bit string
// and needs to be interpreted as an element in the output group Z_{2 ^ n}.
absl::StatusOr<std::vector<absl::uint128>> Eval(MicKey k, absl::uint128 x);
// Parameters needed for specifying a Multiple Interval Containment Gate.
const MicParameters mic_parameters_;
// Private constructor, called by `Create`
MicParameters mic_parameters,
std::unique_ptr<DistributedComparisonFunction> dcf);
// Pointer to a Distributed Comparison Function which will be internally
// invoked by Gen and Eval.
std::unique_ptr<DistributedComparisonFunction> dcf_;
} // namespace fss_gates
} // namespace distributed_point_functions