blob: ff11b66e306dbdd36f4deb24c52bee2c0327a4ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
// This file defines all the protocol listeners and their parameter structures.
// Listeners are defined as collections of std::function<T> instances, which is
// more flexible than a virtual function:
// - a subset of listener callbacks may be overridden, while others may remain
// default-initialized.
// - callbacks may be initialized with lambdas; lambda definitions are concize.
#include "connections/connection_options.h"
#include "connections/payload.h"
#include "connections/status.h"
#include "internal/platform/byte_array.h"
#include "internal/platform/byte_utils.h"
#include "internal/platform/listeners.h"
#include "internal/platform/core_config.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
// Common callback for asynchronously invoked methods.
// Called after a job scheduled for execution is completed.
// This is not the same as completion of the associated process,
// which may have many states, and multiple async jobs, and be still ongoing.
// Progress on the overall process is reported by the associated listener.
struct DLL_API ResultCallback {
// Callback to access the status of the operation when available.
// status - result of job execution;
// Status::kSuccess, if successful; anything else indicates failure.
std::function<void(Status)> result_cb = DefaultCallback<Status>();
struct DLL_API ConnectionResponseInfo {
std::string GetAuthenticationDigits() {
return ByteUtils::ToFourDigitString(raw_authentication_token);
ByteArray remote_endpoint_info;
std::string authentication_token;
ByteArray raw_authentication_token;
bool is_incoming_connection = false;
bool is_connection_verified = false;
struct DLL_API PayloadProgressInfo {
std::int64_t payload_id = 0;
enum class Status {
} status = Status::kSuccess;
std::int64_t total_bytes = 0;
std::int64_t bytes_transferred = 0;
enum class DLL_API DistanceInfo {
kUnknown = 1,
kVeryClose = 2,
kClose = 3,
kFar = 4,
struct DLL_API ConnectionListener {
// A basic encrypted channel has been created between you and the endpoint.
// Both sides are now asked if they wish to accept or reject the connection
// before any data can be sent over this channel.
// This is your chance, before you accept the connection, to confirm that you
// connected to the correct device. Both devices are given an identical token;
// it's up to you to decide how to verify it before proceeding. Typically this
// involves showing the token on both devices and having the users manually
// compare and confirm; however, this is only required if you desire a secure
// connection between the devices.
// Whichever route you decide to take (including not authenticating the other
// device), call Core::AcceptConnection() when you're ready to talk, or
// Core::RejectConnection() to close the connection.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint.
// info - Other relevant information about the connection.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionResponseInfo& info)>
initiated_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&, const ConnectionResponseInfo&>();
// Called after both sides have accepted the connection.
// Both sides may now send Payloads to each other.
// Call Core::SendPayload() or wait for incoming PayloadListener::OnPayload().
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id)> accepted_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&>();
// Called when either side rejected the connection.
// Payloads can not be exchaged. Call Core::DisconnectFromEndpoint()
// to terminate connection.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id, Status status)>
rejected_cb = DefaultCallback<const std::string&, Status>();
// Called when a remote endpoint is disconnected or has become unreachable.
// At this point service (re-)discovery may start again.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id)> disconnected_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&>();
// Called when the connection's available bandwidth has changed.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint.
// medium - Medium we upgraded to.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id, Medium medium)>
bandwidth_changed_cb = DefaultCallback<const std::string&, Medium>();
struct DLL_API DiscoveryListener {
// Called when a remote endpoint is discovered.
// endpoint_id - The ID of the remote endpoint that was discovered.
// endpoint_info - The info of the remote endpoint representd by ByteArray.
// service_id - The ID of the service advertised by the remote endpoint.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ByteArray& endpoint_info,
const std::string& service_id)>
endpoint_found_cb = DefaultCallback<const std::string&, const ByteArray&,
const std::string&>();
// Called when a remote endpoint is no longer discoverable; only called for
// endpoints that previously had been passed to {@link
// #onEndpointFound(String, DiscoveredEndpointInfo)}.
// endpoint_id - The ID of the remote endpoint that was lost.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id)> endpoint_lost_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&>();
// Called when a remote endpoint is found with an updated distance.
// arguments:
// endpoint_id - The ID of the remote endpoint that was lost.
// info - The distance info, encoded as enum value.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id, DistanceInfo info)>
endpoint_distance_changed_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&, DistanceInfo>();
struct DLL_API PayloadListener {
// Called when a Payload is received from a remote endpoint. Depending
// on the type of the Payload, all of the data may or may not have been
// received at the time of this call. Use OnPayloadProgress() to
// get updates on the status of the data received.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint that sent the
// payload.
// payload - The Payload object received.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id, Payload payload)>
payload_cb = DefaultCallback<const std::string&, Payload>();
// Called with progress information about an active Payload transfer, either
// incoming or outgoing.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint that is sending or
// receiving this payload.
// info - The PayloadProgressInfo structure describing the status of
// the transfer.
std::function<void(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const PayloadProgressInfo& info)>
payload_progress_cb =
DefaultCallback<const std::string&, const PayloadProgressInfo&>();
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location