blob: 3cf834b585bc69af60fe7b082d30e05d73024f2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "core/internal/bwu_manager.h"
#include "core/internal/client_proxy.h"
#include "core/internal/encryption_runner.h"
#include "core/internal/endpoint_channel_manager.h"
#include "core/internal/endpoint_manager.h"
#include "core/internal/mediums/mediums.h"
#include "core/internal/mediums/webrtc.h"
#include "core/internal/pcp.h"
#include "core/internal/pcp_handler.h"
#include "core/listeners.h"
#include "core/options.h"
#include "core/status.h"
#include "proto/connections/offline_wire_formats.pb.h"
#include "platform/base/byte_array.h"
#include "platform/base/prng.h"
#include "platform/public/atomic_boolean.h"
#include "platform/public/atomic_reference.h"
#include "platform/public/cancelable_alarm.h"
#include "platform/public/count_down_latch.h"
#include "platform/public/future.h"
#include "platform/public/scheduled_executor.h"
#include "platform/public/single_thread_executor.h"
#include "platform/public/system_clock.h"
#include "proto/connections_enums.pb.h"
#include "securegcm/d2d_connection_context_v1.h"
#include "securegcm/ukey2_handshake.h"
#include "absl/container/btree_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
// Represents the WebRtc state that mediums are connectable or not.
enum class WebRtcState {
kUndefined = 0,
kConnectable = 1,
kUnconnectable = 2,
// Annotations for methods that need to run on PCP handler thread.
// Use only in BasePcpHandler and derived classes.
// A base implementation of the PcpHandler interface that takes care of all
// bookkeeping and handshake protocols that are common across all PcpHandler
// implementations -- thus, every concrete PcpHandler implementation must extend
// this class, so that they can focus exclusively on the medium-specific
// operations.
class BasePcpHandler : public PcpHandler,
public EndpointManager::FrameProcessor {
using FrameProcessor = EndpointManager::FrameProcessor;
// TODO(apolyudov): Add SecureRandom.
BasePcpHandler(Mediums* mediums, EndpointManager* endpoint_manager,
EndpointChannelManager* channel_manager,
BwuManager* bwu_manager, Pcp pcp);
~BasePcpHandler() override;
BasePcpHandler(BasePcpHandler&&) = delete;
BasePcpHandler& operator=(BasePcpHandler&&) = delete;
// Starts advertising. Once successfully started, changes ClientProxy's state.
// Notifies ConnectionListener (info.listener) in case of any event.
// See
// cpp/core/listeners.h
Status StartAdvertising(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const ConnectionOptions& options,
const ConnectionRequestInfo& info) override;
// Stops Advertising is active, and changes CLientProxy state,
// otherwise does nothing.
void StopAdvertising(ClientProxy* client) override;
// Starts discovery of endpoints that may be advertising.
// Updates ClientProxy state once discovery started.
// DiscoveryListener will get called in case of any event.
Status StartDiscovery(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const ConnectionOptions& options,
const DiscoveryListener& listener) override;
// Stops Discovery if it is active, and changes CLientProxy state,
// otherwise does nothing.
void StopDiscovery(ClientProxy* client) override;
void InjectEndpoint(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const OutOfBandConnectionMetadata& metadata) override;
// Requests a newly discovered remote endpoint it to form a connection.
// Updates state on ClientProxy.
Status RequestConnection(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionRequestInfo& info,
const ConnectionOptions& options) override;
// Called by either party to accept connection on their part.
// Until both parties call it, connection will not reach a data phase.
// Updates state in ClientProxy.
Status AcceptConnection(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
const PayloadListener& payload_listener) override;
// Called by either party to reject connection on their part.
// If either party does call it, connection will terminate.
// Updates state in ClientProxy.
Status RejectConnection(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id) override;
// @EndpointManagerReaderThread
void OnIncomingFrame(OfflineFrame& frame, const std::string& endpoint_id,
ClientProxy* client,
proto::connections::Medium medium) override;
// Called when an endpoint disconnects while we're waiting for both sides to
// approve/reject the connection.
// @EndpointManagerThread
void OnEndpointDisconnect(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
CountDownLatch barrier) override;
Pcp GetPcp() const override { return pcp_; }
Strategy GetStrategy() const override { return strategy_; }
void DisconnectFromEndpointManager();
// The result of a call to startAdvertisingImpl() or startDiscoveryImpl().
struct StartOperationResult {
Status status;
// If success, the mediums on which we are now advertising/discovering, for
// analytics.
std::vector<proto::connections::Medium> mediums;
// Represents an endpoint that we've discovered. Typically, the implementation
// will know how to connect to this endpoint if asked. (eg. It holds on to a
// BluetoothDevice)
// NOTE(DiscoveredEndpoint):
// Specific protocol is expected to derive from it, as follows:
// struct ProtocolEndpoint : public DiscoveredEndpoint {
// ProtocolContext context;
// };
// Protocol then allocates instance with std::make_shared<ProtocolEndpoint>(),
// and passes this instance to OnEndpointFound() method.
// When calling OnEndpointLost(), protocol does not need to pass the same
// instance (but it can if implementation desires to do so).
// BasePcpHandler will hold on to the shared_ptr<DiscoveredEndpoint>.
struct DiscoveredEndpoint {
DiscoveredEndpoint(std::string endpoint_id, ByteArray endpoint_info,
std::string service_id,
proto::connections::Medium medium,
WebRtcState web_rtc_state)
: endpoint_id(std::move(endpoint_id)),
web_rtc_state(web_rtc_state) {}
virtual ~DiscoveredEndpoint() = default;
std::string endpoint_id;
ByteArray endpoint_info;
std::string service_id;
proto::connections::Medium medium;
WebRtcState web_rtc_state;
struct BluetoothEndpoint : public DiscoveredEndpoint {
BluetoothEndpoint(DiscoveredEndpoint endpoint, BluetoothDevice device)
: DiscoveredEndpoint(std::move(endpoint)),
bluetooth_device(std::move(device)) {}
BluetoothDevice bluetooth_device;
struct BleEndpoint : public BasePcpHandler::DiscoveredEndpoint {
BleEndpoint(DiscoveredEndpoint endpoint, BlePeripheral peripheral)
: DiscoveredEndpoint(std::move(endpoint)),
ble_peripheral(std::move(peripheral)) {}
BlePeripheral ble_peripheral;
struct WifiLanEndpoint : public DiscoveredEndpoint {
WifiLanEndpoint(DiscoveredEndpoint endpoint, WifiLanService service)
: DiscoveredEndpoint(std::move(endpoint)),
wifi_lan_service(std::move(service)) {}
WifiLanService wifi_lan_service;
struct WebRtcEndpoint : public DiscoveredEndpoint {
WebRtcEndpoint(DiscoveredEndpoint endpoint, mediums::PeerId peer_id)
: DiscoveredEndpoint(std::move(endpoint)),
peer_id(std::move(peer_id)) {}
mediums::PeerId peer_id;
struct ConnectImplResult {
proto::connections::Medium medium =
Status status = {Status::kError};
std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel> endpoint_channel;
void RunOnPcpHandlerThread(const std::string& name, Runnable runnable);
BluetoothDevice GetRemoteBluetoothDevice(
const std::string& remote_bluetooth_mac_address);
ConnectionOptions GetConnectionOptions() const;
ConnectionOptions GetDiscoveryOptions() const;
void OnEndpointFound(ClientProxy* client,
std::shared_ptr<DiscoveredEndpoint> endpoint)
void OnEndpointLost(ClientProxy* client, const DiscoveredEndpoint& endpoint)
Exception OnIncomingConnection(
ClientProxy* client, const ByteArray& remote_endpoint_info,
std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel> endpoint_channel,
proto::connections::Medium medium); // throws Exception::IO
virtual bool HasOutgoingConnections(ClientProxy* client) const;
virtual bool HasIncomingConnections(ClientProxy* client) const;
virtual bool CanSendOutgoingConnection(ClientProxy* client) const;
virtual bool CanReceiveIncomingConnection(ClientProxy* client) const;
virtual StartOperationResult StartAdvertisingImpl(
ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const std::string& local_endpoint_id,
const ByteArray& local_endpoint_info, const ConnectionOptions& options)
virtual Status StopAdvertisingImpl(ClientProxy* client)
virtual StartOperationResult StartDiscoveryImpl(
ClientProxy* client, const std::string& service_id,
const ConnectionOptions& options) RUN_ON_PCP_HANDLER_THREAD() = 0;
virtual Status StopDiscoveryImpl(ClientProxy* client)
virtual Status InjectEndpointImpl(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& service_id,
const OutOfBandConnectionMetadata& metadata)
virtual ConnectImplResult ConnectImpl(ClientProxy* client,
DiscoveredEndpoint* endpoint)
virtual std::vector<proto::connections::Medium>
GetConnectionMediumsByPriority() = 0;
virtual proto::connections::Medium GetDefaultUpgradeMedium() = 0;
// Returns the first discovered endpoint for the given endpoint_id.
DiscoveredEndpoint* GetDiscoveredEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns a vector of discovered endpoints, sorted in order of decreasing
// preference.
std::vector<BasePcpHandler::DiscoveredEndpoint*> GetDiscoveredEndpoints(
const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Returns a vector of discovered endpoints that share a given Medium.
std::vector<BasePcpHandler::DiscoveredEndpoint*> GetDiscoveredEndpoints(
const proto::connections::Medium medium);
mediums::PeerId CreatePeerIdFromAdvertisement(const string& service_id,
const string& endpoint_id,
const ByteArray& endpoint_info);
SingleThreadExecutor* GetPcpHandlerThread()
ABSL_LOCK_RETURNED(serial_executor_) {
return &serial_executor_;
Mediums* mediums_;
EndpointManager* endpoint_manager_;
EndpointChannelManager* channel_manager_;
struct PendingConnectionInfo {
PendingConnectionInfo() = default;
PendingConnectionInfo(PendingConnectionInfo&& other) = default;
PendingConnectionInfo& operator=(PendingConnectionInfo&&) = default;
// Passes crypto context that we acquired in DH session for temporary
// ownership here.
void SetCryptoContext(std::unique_ptr<securegcm::UKey2Handshake> ukey2);
// Pass Accept notification to client.
void LocalEndpointAcceptedConnection(
const std::string& endpoint_id,
const PayloadListener& payload_listener);
// Pass Reject notification to client.
void LocalEndpointRejectedConnection(const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Client state tracker to report events to. Never changes. Always valid.
ClientProxy* client = nullptr;
// Peer endpoint info, or empty, if not discovered yet. May change.
ByteArray remote_endpoint_info;
std::int32_t nonce = 0;
bool is_incoming = false;
absl::Time start_time{absl::InfinitePast()};
// Client callbacks. Always valid.
ConnectionListener listener;
ConnectionOptions options;
// Only set for outgoing connections. If set, we must call
// result->Set() when connection is established, or rejected.
std::weak_ptr<Future<Status>> result;
// Only (possibly) vector for incoming connections.
std::vector<proto::connections::Medium> supported_mediums;
// Keep track of a channel before we pass it to EndpointChannelManager.
std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel;
// Crypto context; initially empty; established first thing after channel
// creation by running UKey2 session. While it is in progress, we keep track
// of channel ourselves. Once it is done, we pass channel over to
// EndpointChannelManager. We keep crypto context until connection is
// accepted. Crypto context is passed over to channel_manager_ before
// switching to connected state, where Payload may be exchanged.
std::unique_ptr<securegcm::UKey2Handshake> ukey2;
// @EncryptionRunnerThread
// Called internally when DH session has negotiated a key successfully.
void OnEncryptionSuccessImpl(const std::string& endpoint_id,
std::unique_ptr<securegcm::UKey2Handshake> ukey2,
const std::string& auth_token,
const ByteArray& raw_auth_token);
// @EncryptionRunnerThread
// Called internally when DH session was not able to negotiate a key.
void OnEncryptionFailureImpl(const std::string& endpoint_id,
EndpointChannel* channel);
EncryptionRunner::ResultListener GetResultListener();
void OnEncryptionSuccessRunnable(
const std::string& endpoint_id,
std::unique_ptr<securegcm::UKey2Handshake> ukey2,
const std::string& auth_token, const ByteArray& raw_auth_token);
void OnEncryptionFailureRunnable(const std::string& endpoint_id,
EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel);
static Exception WriteConnectionRequestFrame(
EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel, const std::string& local_endpoint_id,
const ByteArray& local_endpoint_info, std::int32_t nonce,
const std::vector<proto::connections::Medium>& supported_mediums);
static constexpr absl::Duration kConnectionRequestReadTimeout =
static constexpr absl::Duration kRejectedConnectionCloseDelay =
void OnConnectionResponse(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
const OfflineFrame& frame);
// Returns true if the new endpoint is preferred over the old endpoint.
bool IsPreferred(const BasePcpHandler::DiscoveredEndpoint& new_endpoint,
const BasePcpHandler::DiscoveredEndpoint& old_endpoint);
// Returns true, if connection party should respect the specified topology.
bool ShouldEnforceTopologyConstraints(
const ConnectionOptions& local_advertising_options) const;
// Returns true, if connection party should attempt to upgrade itself to
// use a higher bandwidth medium, if it is available.
bool AutoUpgradeBandwidth(
const ConnectionOptions& local_advertising_options) const;
// Returns true if the incoming connection should be killed. This only
// happens when an incoming connection arrives while we have an outgoing
// connection to the same endpoint and we need to stop one connection.
bool BreakTie(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
std::int32_t incoming_nonce, EndpointChannel* channel);
// We're not sure how far our outgoing connection has gotten. We may (or may
// not) have called ClientProxy::OnConnectionInitiated. Therefore, we'll
// call both preInit and preResult failures.
void ProcessTieBreakLoss(ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id,
PendingConnectionInfo* info);
// Returns true if the bluetooth endpoint based on remote bluetooth mac
// address is created and appended into discovered_endpoints_ with key
// endpoint_id.
bool AppendRemoteBluetoothMacAddressEndpoint(
const std::string& endpoint_id,
const std::string& remote_bluetooth_mac_address,
const ConnectionOptions& local_discovery_options);
// Returns true if the webrtc endpoint is created and appended into
// discovered_endpoints_ with key endpoint_id.
bool AppendWebRTCEndpoint(const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionOptions& local_discovery_options);
void ProcessPreConnectionInitiationFailure(const std::string& endpoint_id,
EndpointChannel* channel,
Status status,
Future<Status>* result);
void ProcessPreConnectionResultFailure(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id);
// Called when either side accepts/rejects the connection, but only takes
// effect after both have accepted or one side has rejected.
// NOTE: We also take in a 'can_close_immediately' variable. This is because
// any writes in transit are dropped when we close. To avoid having a reject
// write being dropped (which causes the other side to report
// onResult(DISCONNECTED) instead of onResult(REJECTED)), we delay our
// close. If the other side behaves properly, we shouldn't even see the
// delay (because they will also close the connection).
void EvaluateConnectionResult(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
bool can_close_immediately);
ExceptionOr<OfflineFrame> ReadConnectionRequestFrame(
EndpointChannel* channel);
void WaitForLatch(const std::string& method_name, CountDownLatch* latch);
Status WaitForResult(const std::string& method_name, std::int64_t client_id,
Future<Status>* future);
bool MediumSupportedByClientOptions(
const proto::connections::Medium& medium,
const ConnectionOptions& client_options) const;
const ConnectionOptions& local_option);
std::string GetStringValueOfSupportedMediums(
const ConnectionOptions& options) const;
// The endpoint id in high visibility mode is stable for 30 seconds, while in
// low visibility mode it always rotates. We assume a client is trying to
// rotate endpoint id when the options is "low power" (3P) or "disable
// Bluetooth classic" (1P).
bool ShouldEnterHighVisibilityMode(const ConnectionOptions& options);
// Returns the intersection of supported mediums based on the mediums reported
// by the remote client and the local client's advertising options.
BooleanMediumSelector ComputeIntersectionOfSupportedMediums(
const PendingConnectionInfo& connection_info);
ScheduledExecutor alarm_executor_;
SingleThreadExecutor serial_executor_;
// A map of endpoint id -> PendingConnectionInfo. Entries in this map imply
// that there is an active connection to the endpoint and we're waiting for
// both sides to accept before allowing payloads through. Once the fate of
// the connection is decided (either accepted or rejected), it should be
// removed from this map.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, PendingConnectionInfo> pending_connections_;
// A map of endpoint id -> DiscoveredEndpoint.
absl::btree_multimap<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DiscoveredEndpoint>>
// A map of endpoint id -> alarm. These alarms delay closing the
// EndpointChannel to give the other side enough time to read the rejection
// message. It's expected that the other side will close the connection
// after reading the message (in which case, this alarm should be cancelled
// as it's no longer needed), but this alarm is the fallback in case that
// doesn't happen.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, CancelableAlarm> pending_alarms_;
// The active ClientProxy's connection lifecycle listener. Non-null while
// advertising.
ConnectionListener advertising_listener_;
AtomicBoolean stop_{false};
Pcp pcp_;
Strategy strategy_{PcpToStrategy(pcp_)};
Prng prng_;
EncryptionRunner encryption_runner_;
BwuManager* bwu_manager_;
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location