blob: d82bf6722252f58810cf6bc2f6aa9c5f9b664624 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef CORE_CORE_H_
#define CORE_CORE_H_
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "connections/event_logger.h"
#include "connections/implementation/client_proxy.h"
#include "connections/implementation/service_controller.h"
#include "connections/implementation/service_controller_router.h"
#include "connections/listeners.h"
#include "connections/params.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
// This class defines the API of the Nearby Connections Core library.
class Core {
explicit Core(ServiceControllerRouter* router);
// Client needs to call this constructor if analytics logger is needed.
Core(analytics::EventLogger* event_logger, ServiceControllerRouter* router)
: client_(event_logger), router_(router) {}
Core& operator=(Core&&);
// Starts advertising an endpoint for a local app.
// service_id - An identifier to advertise your app to other endpoints.
// This can be an arbitrary string, so long as it uniquely
// identifies your service. A good default is to use your
// app's package name.
// advertising_options - The options for advertising.
// info - Connection parameters:
// > name - A human readable name for this endpoint, to appear on
// other devices.
// > listener - A callback notified when remote endpoints request a
// connection to this endpoint.
// callback - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if advertising started successfully.
// Status::STATUS_ALREADY_ADVERTISING if the app is already advertising.
// Status::STATUS_OUT_OF_ORDER_API_CALL if the app is currently
// connected to remote endpoints; call StopAllEndpoints first.
void StartAdvertising(absl::string_view service_id,
AdvertisingOptions advertising_options,
ConnectionRequestInfo info, ResultCallback callback);
// Stops advertising a local endpoint. Should be called after calling
// StartAdvertising, as soon as the application no longer needs to advertise
// itself or goes inactive. Payloads can still be sent to connected
// endpoints after advertising ends.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if none of the above errors occurred.
void StopAdvertising(ResultCallback callback);
// Starts discovery for remote endpoints with the specified service ID.
// service_id - The ID for the service to be discovered, as specified in
// the corresponding call to StartAdvertising.
// listener - A callback notified when a remote endpoint is discovered.
// discovery_options - The options for discovery.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if discovery started successfully.
// Status::STATUS_ALREADY_DISCOVERING if the app is already
// discovering the specified service.
// Status::STATUS_OUT_OF_ORDER_API_CALL if the app is currently
// connected to remote endpoints; call StopAllEndpoints first.
void StartDiscovery(absl::string_view service_id,
DiscoveryOptions discovery_options,
DiscoveryListener listener, ResultCallback callback);
// Stops discovery for remote endpoints, after a previous call to
// StartDiscovery, when the client no longer needs to discover endpoints or
// goes inactive. Payloads can still be sent to connected endpoints after
// discovery ends.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if none of the above errors occurred.
void StopDiscovery(ResultCallback callback);
// Invokes the discovery callback from a previous call to StartDiscovery()
// with the given endpoint info. The previous call to StartDiscovery() must
// have been passed ConnectionOptions with is_out_of_band_connection == true.
// service_id - The ID for the service to be discovered, as
// specified in the corresponding call to
// StartDiscovery().
// metadata - Metadata used in order to inject the endpoint.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when
// available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::kSuccess if endpoint injection was attempted.
// Status::kError if endpoint_id, endpoint_info, or
// remote_bluetooth_mac_address are malformed.
// Status::kOutOfOrderApiCall if the app is not discovering.
void InjectEndpoint(absl::string_view service_id,
OutOfBandConnectionMetadata metadata,
ResultCallback callback);
// Sends a request to connect to a remote endpoint.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint to which a
// connection request will be sent. Should match the value
// provided in a call to
// DiscoveryListener::endpoint_found_cb()
// info - Connection parameters:
// > name - A human readable name for the local endpoint, to appear on
// the remote endpoint.
// > listener - A callback notified when the remote endpoint sends a
// response to the connection request.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if the connection request was sent.
// Status::STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_ENDPOINT if the app already
// has a connection to the specified endpoint.
// Status::STATUS_RADIO_ERROR if we failed to connect because of an
// issue with Bluetooth/WiFi.
// Status::STATUS_ERROR if we failed to connect for any other reason.
void RequestConnection(absl::string_view endpoint_id,
ConnectionRequestInfo info,
ConnectionOptions connection_options,
ResultCallback callback);
// Accepts a connection to a remote endpoint. This method must be called
// before Payloads can be exchanged with the remote endpoint.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint. Should match the
// value provided in a call to
// ConnectionListener::onConnectionInitiated.
// listener - A callback for payloads exchanged with the remote endpoint.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if the connection request was accepted.
// Status::STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_ENDPOINT if the app already.
// has a connection to the specified endpoint.
void AcceptConnection(absl::string_view endpoint_id, PayloadListener listener,
ResultCallback callback);
// Rejects a connection to a remote endpoint.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint. Should match the
// value provided in a call to
// ConnectionListener::onConnectionInitiated().
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK} if the connection request was rejected.
// Status::STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_ENDPOINT} if the app already
// has a connection to the specified endpoint.
void RejectConnection(absl::string_view endpoint_id, ResultCallback callback);
// Sends a Payload to a remote endpoint. Payloads can only be sent to remote
// endpoints once a notice of connection acceptance has been delivered via
// ConnectionListener::onConnectionResult().
// endpoint_ids - Array of remote endpoint identifiers for the to which the
// payload should be sent.
// payload - The Payload to be sent.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OUT_OF_ORDER_API_CALL if the device has not first
// performed advertisement or discovery (to set the Strategy.
// Status::STATUS_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN if there's no active (or pending)
// connection to the remote endpoint.
// Status::STATUS_OK if none of the above errors occurred. Note that this
// indicates that Nearby Connections will attempt to send the Payload,
// but not that the send has successfully completed yet. Errors might
// still occur during transmission (and at different times for
// different endpoints), and will be delivered via
// PayloadCallback#onPayloadTransferUpdate.
void SendPayload(absl::Span<const std::string> endpoint_ids, Payload payload,
ResultCallback callback);
// Cancels a Payload currently in-flight to or from remote endpoint(s).
// payload_id - The identifier for the Payload to be canceled.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK if none of the above errors occurred.
void CancelPayload(std::int64_t payload_id, ResultCallback callback);
// Disconnects from a remote endpoint. {@link Payload}s can no longer be sent
// to or received from the endpoint after this method is called.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint to disconnect from.
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK - finished successfully.
void DisconnectFromEndpoint(absl::string_view endpoint_id,
ResultCallback callback);
// Disconnects from, and removes all traces of, all connected and/or
// discovered endpoints. This call is expected to be preceded by a call to
// StopAdvertising or StartDiscovery as needed. After calling
// StopAllEndpoints, no further operations with remote endpoints will be
// possible until a new call to one of StartAdvertising() or StartDiscovery().
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK - finished successfully.
void StopAllEndpoints(ResultCallback callback);
// Sends a request to initiate connection bandwidth upgrade.
// endpoint_id - The identifier for the remote endpoint which will be
// switching to a higher connection data rate and possibly
// different wireless protocol. On success, calls
// ConnectionListener::bandwidth_changed_cb().
// result_cb - to access the status of the operation when available.
// Possible status codes include:
// Status::STATUS_OK - finished successfully.
void InitiateBandwidthUpgrade(absl::string_view endpoint_id,
ResultCallback callback);
// Gets the local endpoint generated by Nearby Connections.
std::string GetLocalEndpointId() { return client_.GetLocalEndpointId(); }
ClientProxy client_;
ServiceControllerRouter* router_ = nullptr;
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location
#endif // CORE_CORE_H_