blob: a3413b8e118d76e5e8c1c29e268994aeab34b912 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "platform/base/byte_array.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
namespace mediums {
// Represents the format of the Mediums BLE Advertisement Header used in
// Advertising + Discovery.
// See go/nearby-ble-design for more information.
// Note. The object constructed by default constructor or the parameterized
// constructor with invalid value(s) is treated as invalid instance. Caller
// should be responsible to call IsValid() to check the instance is invalid in
// advance before continue on.
class BleAdvertisementHeader {
// Versions of the BleAdvertisementHeader.
enum class Version {
kUndefined = 0,
kV1 = 1,
kV2 = 2,
// Version is only allocated 3 bits in the BleAdvertisementHeader, so this
// can never go beyond V7.
// V1 is not present because it's an old format used in Nearby Connections
// before this logic was pushed down into Nearby Mediums. V1 put
// everything in the service data, while V2 puts the data inside a GATT
// characteristic so the two are not compatible.
BleAdvertisementHeader() = default;
BleAdvertisementHeader(Version version, int num_slots,
const ByteArray &service_id_bloom_filter,
const ByteArray &advertisement_hash);
explicit BleAdvertisementHeader(
const std::string &ble_advertisement_header_string);
BleAdvertisementHeader(const BleAdvertisementHeader &) = default;
BleAdvertisementHeader &operator=(const BleAdvertisementHeader &) = default;
BleAdvertisementHeader(BleAdvertisementHeader &&) = default;
BleAdvertisementHeader &operator=(BleAdvertisementHeader &&) = default;
~BleAdvertisementHeader() = default;
// Produces an encoded binary string which can be decoded by the explicit
// constructor. The returned string is empty if BleAdvertisementHeader is not
// valid - false on IsValid().
explicit operator std::string() const;
bool operator<(const BleAdvertisementHeader &rhs) const;
bool IsValid() const { return version_ == Version::kV2; }
Version GetVersion() const { return version_; }
int GetNumSlots() const { return num_slots_; }
ByteArray GetServiceIdBloomFilter() const { return service_id_bloom_filter_; }
ByteArray GetAdvertisementHash() const { return advertisement_hash_; }
static constexpr int kServiceIdBloomFilterLength = 10;
static constexpr int kAdvertisementHashLength = 4;
static constexpr int kMinAdvertisementHeaderLength =
1 + kServiceIdBloomFilterLength + kAdvertisementHashLength;
static constexpr int kVersionBitmask = 0x0E0;
static constexpr int kNumSlotsBitmask = 0x01F;
Version version_ = Version::kUndefined;
int num_slots_;
ByteArray service_id_bloom_filter_;
ByteArray advertisement_hash_;
} // namespace mediums
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location