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// Copyright 2007 The open-vcdiff Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Classes to implement the Address Cache and Address Encoding
// algorithms described in sections 5.1 - 5.4 of RFC 3284 -
// The VCDIFF Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format.
// The RFC text can be found at
#include <config.h>
#include <vector>
#include "vcdiff_defs.h" // VCDAddress
namespace open_vcdiff {
// Implements the "same" and "near" caches
// as described in RFC 3284, section 5. The "near" cache allows
// efficient reuse of one of the last four referenced addresses
// plus a small offset, and the "same" cache allows efficient reuse
// of an exact recent address distinguished by its lowest-order bits.
// NOT threadsafe.
class VCDiffAddressCache {
// The default cache sizes specified in the RFC
static const unsigned char kDefaultNearCacheSize = 4;
static const unsigned char kDefaultSameCacheSize = 3;
VCDiffAddressCache(unsigned char near_cache_size,
unsigned char same_cache_size);
// This version of the constructor uses the default values
// kDefaultNearCacheSize and kDefaultSameCacheSize.
// Initializes the object before use. This method must be called after
// constructing a VCDiffAddressCache/ object, before any other method may be
// called. This is because Init() validates near_cache_size_ and
// same_cache_size_ before initializing the same and near caches. After the
// object has been initialized and used, Init() can be called again to reset
// it to its initial state.
bool Init();
unsigned char near_cache_size() const { return near_cache_size_; }
unsigned char same_cache_size() const { return same_cache_size_; }
// Returns the first mode number that represents one of the NEAR modes.
// The number of NEAR modes is near_cache_size. Each NEAR mode refers to
// an element of the near_addresses_ array, where a recently-referenced
// address is stored.
static unsigned char FirstNearMode() {
// Returns the first mode number that represents one of the SAME modes.
// The number of SAME modes is same_cache_size. Each SAME mode refers to
// a block of 256 elements of the same_addresses_ array; the lowest-order
// 8 bits of the address are used to find the element of this block that
// may match the desired address value.
unsigned char FirstSameMode() const {
return VCD_FIRST_NEAR_MODE + near_cache_size();
// Returns the maximum valid mode number, which happens to be
// the last SAME mode.
unsigned char LastMode() const {
return FirstSameMode() + same_cache_size() - 1;
static unsigned char DefaultLastMode() {
+ kDefaultNearCacheSize + kDefaultSameCacheSize - 1;
// See the definition of enum VCDiffModes in vcdiff_defs.h,
// as well as section 5.3 of the RFC, for a description of
// each address mode type (SELF, HERE, NEAR, and SAME).
static bool IsSelfMode(unsigned char mode) {
return mode == VCD_SELF_MODE;
static bool IsHereMode(unsigned char mode) {
return mode == VCD_HERE_MODE;
bool IsNearMode(unsigned char mode) const {
return (mode >= FirstNearMode()) && (mode < FirstSameMode());
bool IsSameMode(unsigned char mode) const {
return (mode >= FirstSameMode()) && (mode <= LastMode());
static VCDAddress DecodeSelfAddress(int32_t encoded_address) {
return encoded_address;
static VCDAddress DecodeHereAddress(int32_t encoded_address,
VCDAddress here_address) {
return here_address - encoded_address;
VCDAddress DecodeNearAddress(unsigned char mode,
int32_t encoded_address) const {
return NearAddress(mode - FirstNearMode()) + encoded_address;
VCDAddress DecodeSameAddress(unsigned char mode,
unsigned char encoded_address) const {
return SameAddress(((mode - FirstSameMode()) * 256) + encoded_address);
// Returns true if, when using the given mode, an encoded address
// should be written to the delta file as a variable-length integer;
// returns false if the encoded address should be written
// as a byte value (unsigned char).
bool WriteAddressAsVarintForMode(unsigned char mode) const {
return !IsSameMode(mode);
// An accessor for an element of the near_addresses_ array.
// No bounds checking is performed; the caller must ensure that
// Init() has already been called, and that
// 0 <= pos < near_cache_size_
VCDAddress NearAddress(int pos) const {
return near_addresses_[pos];
// An accessor for an element of the same_addresses_ array.
// No bounds checking is performed; the caller must ensure that
// Init() has already been called, and that
// 0 <= pos < (same_cache_size_ * 256)
VCDAddress SameAddress(int pos) const {
return same_addresses_[pos];
// This method will be called whenever an address is calculated for an
// encoded or decoded COPY instruction, and will update the contents
// of the SAME and NEAR caches.
void UpdateCache(VCDAddress address);
// Determines the address mode that yields the most compact encoding
// of the given address value. The most compact encoding
// is found by looking for the numerically lowest encoded address.
// Sets *encoded_addr to the encoded representation of the address
// and returns the mode used.
// The caller should pass the return value to the method
// WriteAddressAsVarintForMode() to determine whether encoded_addr
// should be written to the delta file as a variable-length integer
// or as a byte (unsigned char).
unsigned char EncodeAddress(VCDAddress address,
VCDAddress here_address,
VCDAddress* encoded_addr);
// Interprets the next value in the address_stream using the provided mode,
// which may need to access the SAME or NEAR address cache. Returns the
// decoded address, or one of the following values:
// RESULT_ERROR: An invalid address value was found in address_stream.
// RESULT_END_OF_DATA: The limit address_stream_end was reached before
// the address could be decoded. If more streamed data is expected,
// this means that the consumer should block and wait for more data
// before continuing to decode. If no more data is expected, this
// return value signals an error condition.
// If successful, *address_stream will be incremented past the decoded address
// position. If RESULT_ERROR or RESULT_END_OF_DATA is returned,
// then the value of *address_stream will not have changed.
VCDAddress DecodeAddress(VCDAddress here_address,
unsigned char mode,
const char** address_stream,
const char* address_stream_end);
// The number of addresses to be kept in the NEAR cache.
const unsigned char near_cache_size_;
// The number of 256-byte blocks to store in the SAME cache.
const unsigned char same_cache_size_;
// The next position in the NEAR cache to which an address will be written.
int next_slot_;
// NEAR cache contents
std::vector<VCDAddress> near_addresses_;
// SAME cache contents
std::vector<VCDAddress> same_addresses_;
// Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor & assignment operator
VCDiffAddressCache(const VCDiffAddressCache&); // NOLINT
void operator=(const VCDiffAddressCache&);
} // namespace open_vcdiff