Fri, 10 Oct 2008 11:16:23 -0700  Google Inc. <>

  * Issue #15: open-vcdiff fails to compile on Fedora 9
    * Add header <string.h> to source files that use memcmp, memset, memcpy,
      and/or strlen.
    * Change C++-style includes like <cstdlib> to C-style includes like
      <stdlib.h> so that function names are guaranteed to be defined
      in the global namespace.
  * Issue #8: Decoder should not crash if it runs out of memory
    * Add a new interface that places a limit on the maximum bytes allowed in
      a single target window or a target file.
  * Issue #13: Add unit test for vcdiff command-line executable
    * Unit test added for Linux and Mac builds.
    * Still need to add a Windows version of this test.
47 files changed