blob: f72f8ae152ffc37c1ee9c2210d0b3409ae831e2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package skylark
import (
const debug = false
// A Thread contains the state of a Skylark thread,
// such as its call stack and thread-local storage.
// The Thread is threaded throughout the evaluator.
type Thread struct {
// frame is the current Skylark execution frame.
frame *Frame
// Print is the client-supplied implementation of the Skylark
// 'print' function. If nil, fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, msg) is
// used instead.
Print func(thread *Thread, msg string)
// Load is the client-supplied implementation of module loading.
// Repeated calls with the same module name must return the same
// module environment or error.
// The error message need not include the module name.
// See example_test.go for some example implementations of Load.
Load func(thread *Thread, module string) (StringDict, error)
// locals holds arbitrary "thread-local" Go values belonging to the client.
// They are accessible to the client but not to any Skylark program.
locals map[string]interface{}
// SetLocal sets the thread-local value associated with the specified key.
// It must not be called after execution begins.
func (thread *Thread) SetLocal(key string, value interface{}) {
if thread.locals == nil {
thread.locals = make(map[string]interface{})
thread.locals[key] = value
// Local returns the thread-local value associated with the specified key.
func (thread *Thread) Local(key string) interface{} {
return thread.locals[key]
// Caller returns the frame of the caller of the current function.
// It should only be used in built-ins called from Skylark code.
func (thread *Thread) Caller() *Frame { return thread.frame.parent }
// TopFrame returns the topmost stack frame.
func (thread *Thread) TopFrame() *Frame { return thread.frame }
// A StringDict is a mapping from names to values, and represents
// an environment such as the global variables of a module.
// It is not a true skylark.Value.
type StringDict map[string]Value
func (d StringDict) String() string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(d))
for name := range d {
names = append(names, name)
var buf bytes.Buffer
path := make([]Value, 0, 4)
sep := ""
for _, name := range names {
buf.WriteString(": ")
writeValue(&buf, d[name], path)
sep = ", "
return buf.String()
func (d StringDict) Freeze() {
for _, v := range d {
// Has reports whether the dictionary contains the specified key.
func (d StringDict) Has(key string) bool { _, ok := d[key]; return ok }
// A Frame records a call to a Skylark function (including module toplevel)
// or a built-in function or method.
type Frame struct {
parent *Frame // caller's frame (or nil)
callable Callable // current function (or toplevel) or built-in
posn syntax.Position // source position of PC, set during error
callpc uint32 // PC of position of active call, set during call
// The Frames of a thread are structured as a spaghetti stack, not a
// slice, so that an EvalError can copy a stack efficiently and immutably.
// In hindsight using a slice would have led to a more convenient API.
func (fr *Frame) errorf(posn syntax.Position, format string, args ...interface{}) *EvalError {
fr.posn = posn
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
return &EvalError{Msg: msg, Frame: fr}
// Position returns the source position of the current point of execution in this frame.
func (fr *Frame) Position() syntax.Position {
if fr.posn.IsValid() {
return fr.posn // leaf frame only (the error)
if fn, ok := fr.callable.(*Function); ok {
return fn.funcode.Position(fr.callpc) // position of active call
return syntax.MakePosition(&builtinFilename, 1, 0)
var builtinFilename = "<builtin>"
// Function returns the frame's function or built-in.
func (fr *Frame) Callable() Callable { return fr.callable }
// Parent returns the frame of the enclosing function call, if any.
func (fr *Frame) Parent() *Frame { return fr.parent }
// An EvalError is a Skylark evaluation error and its associated call stack.
type EvalError struct {
Msg string
Frame *Frame
func (e *EvalError) Error() string { return e.Msg }
// Backtrace returns a user-friendly error message describing the stack
// of calls that led to this error.
func (e *EvalError) Backtrace() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Error: %s", e.Msg)
return buf.String()
// WriteBacktrace writes a user-friendly description of the stack to buf.
func (fr *Frame) WriteBacktrace(out *bytes.Buffer) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Traceback (most recent call last):\n")
var print func(fr *Frame)
print = func(fr *Frame) {
if fr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s: in %s\n", fr.Position(), fr.Callable().Name())
// Stack returns the stack of frames, innermost first.
func (e *EvalError) Stack() []*Frame {
var stack []*Frame
for fr := e.Frame; fr != nil; fr = fr.parent {
stack = append(stack, fr)
return stack
// A Program is a compiled Skylark program.
// Programs are immutable, and contain no Values.
// A Program may be created by parsing a source file (see SourceProgram)
// or by loading a previously saved compiled program (see CompiledProgram).
type Program struct {
compiled *compile.Program
// CompilerVersion is the version number of the protocol for compiled
// files. Applications must not run programs compiled by one version
// with an interpreter at another version, and should thus incorporate
// the compiler version into the cache key when reusing compiled code.
const CompilerVersion = compile.Version
// NumLoads returns the number of load statements in the compiled program.
func (prog *Program) NumLoads() int { return len(prog.compiled.Loads) }
// Load(i) returns the name and position of the i'th module directly
// loaded by this one, where 0 <= i < NumLoads().
// The name is unresolved---exactly as it appears in the source.
func (prog *Program) Load(i int) (string, syntax.Position) {
id := prog.compiled.Loads[i]
return id.Name, id.Pos
// WriteTo writes the compiled module to the specified output stream.
func (prog *Program) Write(out io.Writer) error { return prog.compiled.Write(out) }
// ExecFile parses, resolves, and executes a Skylark file in the
// specified global environment, which may be modified during execution.
// Thread is the state associated with the Skylark thread.
// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse:
// filename is the name of the file to execute,
// and the name that appears in error messages;
// src is an optional source of bytes to use
// instead of filename.
// predeclared defines the predeclared names specific to this module.
// Execution does not modify this dictionary, though it may mutate
// its values.
// If ExecFile fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError
// containing a backtrace.
func ExecFile(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) {
// Parse, resolve, and compile a Skylark source file.
_, mod, err := SourceProgram(filename, src, predeclared.Has)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
g, err := mod.Init(thread, predeclared)
return g, err
// SourceProgram produces a new program by parsing, resolving,
// and compiling a Skylark source file.
// On success, it returns the parsed file and the compiled program.
// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse.
// The isPredeclared predicate reports whether a name is
// a pre-declared identifier of the current module.
// Its typical value is predeclared.Has,
// where predeclared is a StringDict of pre-declared values.
func SourceProgram(filename string, src interface{}, isPredeclared func(string) bool) (*syntax.File, *Program, error) {
f, err := syntax.Parse(filename, src, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := resolve.File(f, isPredeclared, Universe.Has); err != nil {
return f, nil, err
compiled := compile.File(f.Stmts, f.Locals, f.Globals)
return f, &Program{compiled}, nil
// CompiledProgram produces a new program from the representation
// of a compiled program previously saved by Program.Write.
func CompiledProgram(in io.Reader) (*Program, error) {
prog, err := compile.ReadProgram(in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Program{prog}, nil
// Init creates a set of global variables for the program,
// executes the toplevel code of the specified program,
// and returns a new, unfrozen dictionary of the globals.
func (prog *Program) Init(thread *Thread, predeclared StringDict) (StringDict, error) {
toplevel := makeToplevelFunction(prog.compiled.Toplevel, predeclared)
_, err := toplevel.Call(thread, nil, nil)
// Convert the global environment to a map and freeze it.
// We return a (partial) map even in case of error.
return toplevel.Globals(), err
func makeToplevelFunction(funcode *compile.Funcode, predeclared StringDict) *Function {
// Create the Skylark value denoted by each program constant c.
constants := make([]Value, len(funcode.Prog.Constants))
for i, c := range funcode.Prog.Constants {
var v Value
switch c := c.(type) {
case int64:
v = MakeInt64(c)
case *big.Int:
v = Int{c}
case string:
v = String(c)
case float64:
v = Float(c)
log.Fatalf("unexpected constant %T: %v", c, c)
constants[i] = v
return &Function{
funcode: funcode,
predeclared: predeclared,
globals: make([]Value, len(funcode.Prog.Globals)),
constants: constants,
// Eval parses, resolves, and evaluates an expression within the
// specified (predeclared) environment.
// Evaluation cannot mutate the environment dictionary itself,
// though it may modify variables reachable from the dictionary.
// The filename and src parameters are as for syntax.Parse.
// If Eval fails during evaluation, it returns an *EvalError
// containing a backtrace.
func Eval(thread *Thread, filename string, src interface{}, env StringDict) (Value, error) {
expr, err := syntax.ParseExpr(filename, src, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
locals, err := resolve.Expr(expr, env.Has, Universe.Has)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fn := makeToplevelFunction(compile.Expr(expr, locals), env)
return fn.Call(thread, nil, nil)
// The following functions are primitive operations of the byte code interpreter.
// list += iterable
func listExtend(x *List, y Iterable) {
if ylist, ok := y.(*List); ok {
// fast path: list += list
x.elems = append(x.elems, ylist.elems...)
} else {
iter := y.Iterate()
defer iter.Done()
var z Value
for iter.Next(&z) {
x.elems = append(x.elems, z)
// getAttr implements
func getAttr(fr *Frame, x Value, name string) (Value, error) {
// field or method?
if x, ok := x.(HasAttrs); ok {
if v, err := x.Attr(name); v != nil || err != nil {
return v, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no .%s field or method", x.Type(), name)
// setField implements = y.
func setField(fr *Frame, x Value, name string, y Value) error {
if x, ok := x.(HasSetField); ok {
err := x.SetField(name, y)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("can't assign to .%s field of %s", name, x.Type())
// getIndex implements x[y].
func getIndex(fr *Frame, x, y Value) (Value, error) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case Mapping: // dict
z, found, err := x.Get(y)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %v not in %s", y, x.Type())
return z, nil
case Indexable: // string, list, tuple
n := x.Len()
i, err := AsInt32(y)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s index: %s", x.Type(), err)
if i < 0 {
i += n
if i < 0 || i >= n {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s index %d out of range [0:%d]",
x.Type(), i, n)
return x.Index(i), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled index operation %s[%s]", x.Type(), y.Type())
// setIndex implements x[y] = z.
func setIndex(fr *Frame, x, y, z Value) error {
switch x := x.(type) {
case *Dict:
if err := x.Set(y, z); err != nil {
return err
case HasSetIndex:
i, err := AsInt32(y)
if err != nil {
return err
if i < 0 {
i += x.Len()
if i < 0 || i >= x.Len() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s index %d out of range [0:%d]", x.Type(), i, x.Len())
return x.SetIndex(i, z)
return fmt.Errorf("%s value does not support item assignment", x.Type())
return nil
// Unary applies a unary operator (+, -, ~, not) to its operand.
func Unary(op syntax.Token, x Value) (Value, error) {
switch op {
case syntax.MINUS:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
return zero.Sub(x), nil
case Float:
return -x, nil
case syntax.PLUS:
switch x.(type) {
case Int, Float:
return x, nil
case syntax.TILDE:
if xint, ok := x.(Int); ok {
return xint.Not(), nil
case syntax.NOT:
return !x.Truth(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown unary op: %s %s", op, x.Type())
// Binary applies a strict binary operator (not AND or OR) to its operands.
// For equality tests or ordered comparisons, use Compare instead.
func Binary(op syntax.Token, x, y Value) (Value, error) {
switch op {
case syntax.PLUS:
switch x := x.(type) {
case String:
if y, ok := y.(String); ok {
return x + y, nil
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
return x.Add(y), nil
case Float:
return x.Float() + y, nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
return x + y, nil
case Int:
return x + y.Float(), nil
case *List:
if y, ok := y.(*List); ok {
z := make([]Value, 0, x.Len()+y.Len())
z = append(z, x.elems...)
z = append(z, y.elems...)
return NewList(z), nil
case Tuple:
if y, ok := y.(Tuple); ok {
z := make(Tuple, 0, len(x)+len(y))
z = append(z, x...)
z = append(z, y...)
return z, nil
case *Dict:
// Python doesn't have dict+dict, and I can't find
// it documented for Skylark. But it is used; see:
// tools/build_defs/haskell/def.bzl:448
// TODO(adonovan): clarify spec; see b/36360157.
if y, ok := y.(*Dict); ok {
z := new(Dict)
for _, item := range x.Items() {
z.Set(item[0], item[1])
for _, item := range y.Items() {
z.Set(item[0], item[1])
return z, nil
case syntax.MINUS:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
return x.Sub(y), nil
case Float:
return x.Float() - y, nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
return x - y, nil
case Int:
return x - y.Float(), nil
case syntax.STAR:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
return x.Mul(y), nil
case Float:
return x.Float() * y, nil
case String:
if i, err := AsInt32(x); err == nil {
if i < 1 {
return String(""), nil
return String(strings.Repeat(string(y), i)), nil
case *List:
if i, err := AsInt32(x); err == nil {
return NewList(repeat(y.elems, i)), nil
case Tuple:
if i, err := AsInt32(x); err == nil {
return Tuple(repeat([]Value(y), i)), nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
return x * y, nil
case Int:
return x * y.Float(), nil
case String:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
if i, err := AsInt32(y); err == nil {
if i < 1 {
return String(""), nil
return String(strings.Repeat(string(x), i)), nil
case *List:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
if i, err := AsInt32(y); err == nil {
return NewList(repeat(x.elems, i)), nil
case Tuple:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
if i, err := AsInt32(y); err == nil {
return Tuple(repeat([]Value(x), i)), nil
case syntax.SLASH:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
yf := y.Float()
if yf == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("real division by zero")
return x.Float() / yf, nil
case Float:
if y == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("real division by zero")
return x.Float() / y, nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
if y == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("real division by zero")
return x / y, nil
case Int:
yf := y.Float()
if yf == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("real division by zero")
return x / yf, nil
case syntax.SLASHSLASH:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
if y.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero")
return x.Div(y), nil
case Float:
if y == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero")
return floor((x.Float() / y)), nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
if y == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero")
return floor(x / y), nil
case Int:
yf := y.Float()
if yf == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("floored division by zero")
return floor(x / yf), nil
case syntax.PERCENT:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Int:
if y.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("integer modulo by zero")
return x.Mod(y), nil
case Float:
if y == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("float modulo by zero")
return x.Float().Mod(y), nil
case Float:
switch y := y.(type) {
case Float:
if y == 0.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("float modulo by zero")
return Float(math.Mod(float64(x), float64(y))), nil
case Int:
if y.Sign() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("float modulo by zero")
return x.Mod(y.Float()), nil
case String:
return interpolate(string(x), y)
case syntax.NOT_IN:
z, err := Binary(syntax.IN, x, y)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return !z.Truth(), nil
case syntax.IN:
switch y := y.(type) {
case *List:
for _, elem := range y.elems {
if eq, err := Equal(elem, x); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if eq {
return True, nil
return False, nil
case Tuple:
for _, elem := range y {
if eq, err := Equal(elem, x); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if eq {
return True, nil
return False, nil
case Mapping: // e.g. dict
// Ignore error from Get as we cannot distinguish true
// errors (value cycle, type error) from "key not found".
_, found, _ := y.Get(x)
return Bool(found), nil
case *Set:
ok, err := y.Has(x)
return Bool(ok), err
case String:
needle, ok := x.(String)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not %s", x.Type())
return Bool(strings.Contains(string(y), string(needle))), nil
case rangeValue:
i, err := NumberToInt(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'in <range>' requires integer as left operand, not %s", x.Type())
return Bool(y.contains(i)), nil
case syntax.PIPE:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
return x.Or(y), nil
case *Set: // union
if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok {
iter := Iterate(y)
defer iter.Done()
return x.Union(iter)
case syntax.AMP:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
return x.And(y), nil
case *Set: // intersection
if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok {
set := new(Set)
if x.Len() > y.Len() {
x, y = y, x // opt: range over smaller set
for _, xelem := range x.elems() {
// Has, Insert cannot fail here.
if found, _ := y.Has(xelem); found {
return set, nil
case syntax.CIRCUMFLEX:
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
return x.Xor(y), nil
case *Set: // symmetric difference
if y, ok := y.(*Set); ok {
set := new(Set)
for _, xelem := range x.elems() {
if found, _ := y.Has(xelem); !found {
for _, yelem := range y.elems() {
if found, _ := x.Has(yelem); !found {
return set, nil
case syntax.LTLT, syntax.GTGT:
if x, ok := x.(Int); ok {
y, err := AsInt32(y)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if y < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("negative shift count: %v", y)
if op == syntax.LTLT {
if y >= 512 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("shift count too large: %v", y)
return x.Lsh(uint(y)), nil
} else {
return x.Rsh(uint(y)), nil
// unknown operator
goto unknown
// user-defined types
if x, ok := x.(HasBinary); ok {
z, err := x.Binary(op, y, Left)
if z != nil || err != nil {
return z, err
if y, ok := y.(HasBinary); ok {
z, err := y.Binary(op, x, Right)
if z != nil || err != nil {
return z, err
// unsupported operand types
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown binary op: %s %s %s", x.Type(), op, y.Type())
func repeat(elems []Value, n int) (res []Value) {
if n > 0 {
res = make([]Value, 0, len(elems)*n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
res = append(res, elems...)
return res
// Call calls the function fn with the specified positional and keyword arguments.
func Call(thread *Thread, fn Value, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
c, ok := fn.(Callable)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid call of non-function (%s)", fn.Type())
res, err := c.Call(thread, args, kwargs)
// Sanity check: nil is not a valid Skylark value.
if err == nil && res == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: nil (not None) returned from %s", fn)
return res, err
func slice(x, lo, hi, step_ Value) (Value, error) {
sliceable, ok := x.(Sliceable)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid slice operand %s", x.Type())
n := sliceable.Len()
step := 1
if step_ != None {
var err error
step, err = AsInt32(step_)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %s for slice step, want int", step_.Type())
if step == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("zero is not a valid slice step")
// TODO(adonovan): opt: preallocate result array.
var start, end int
if step > 0 {
// positive stride
// default indices are [0:n].
var err error
start, end, err = indices(lo, hi, n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if end < start {
end = start // => empty result
} else {
// negative stride
// default indices are effectively [n-1:-1], though to
// get this effect using explicit indices requires
// [n-1:-1-n:-1] because of the treatment of -ve values.
start = n - 1
if err := asIndex(lo, n, &start); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid start index: %s", err)
if start >= n {
start = n - 1
end = -1
if err := asIndex(hi, n, &end); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid end index: %s", err)
if end < -1 {
end = -1
if start < end {
start = end // => empty result
return sliceable.Slice(start, end, step), nil
// From Hacker's Delight, section 2.8.
func signum(x int) int { return int(uint64(int64(x)>>63) | (uint64(-x) >> 63)) }
// indices converts start_ and end_ to indices in the range [0:len].
// The start index defaults to 0 and the end index defaults to len.
// An index -len < i < 0 is treated like i+len.
// All other indices outside the range are clamped to the nearest value in the range.
// Beware: start may be greater than end.
// This function is suitable only for slices with positive strides.
func indices(start_, end_ Value, len int) (start, end int, err error) {
start = 0
if err := asIndex(start_, len, &start); err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid start index: %s", err)
// Clamp to [0:len].
if start < 0 {
start = 0
} else if start > len {
start = len
end = len
if err := asIndex(end_, len, &end); err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid end index: %s", err)
// Clamp to [0:len].
if end < 0 {
end = 0
} else if end > len {
end = len
return start, end, nil
// asIndex sets *result to the integer value of v, adding len to it
// if it is negative. If v is nil or None, *result is unchanged.
func asIndex(v Value, len int, result *int) error {
if v != nil && v != None {
var err error
*result, err = AsInt32(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("got %s, want int", v.Type())
if *result < 0 {
*result += len
return nil
// setArgs sets the values of the formal parameters of function fn in
// based on the actual parameter values in args and kwargs.
func setArgs(locals []Value, fn *Function, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) error {
cond := func(x bool, y, z interface{}) interface{} {
if x {
return y
return z
// nparams is the number of ordinary parameters (sans * or **).
nparams := fn.NumParams()
if fn.HasVarargs() {
if fn.HasKwargs() {
// This is the algorithm from PyEval_EvalCodeEx.
var kwdict *Dict
n := len(args)
if nparams > 0 || fn.HasVarargs() || fn.HasKwargs() {
if fn.HasKwargs() {
kwdict = new(Dict)
locals[fn.NumParams()-1] = kwdict
// too many args?
if len(args) > nparams {
if !fn.HasVarargs() {
return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
cond(len(fn.defaults) > 0, "at most", "exactly"),
cond(nparams == 1, "", "s"),
n = nparams
// set of defined (regular) parameters
var defined intset
// ordinary parameters
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
locals[i] = args[i]
// variadic arguments
if fn.HasVarargs() {
tuple := make(Tuple, len(args)-n)
for i := n; i < len(args); i++ {
tuple[i-n] = args[i]
locals[nparams] = tuple
// keyword arguments
paramIdents := fn.funcode.Locals[:nparams]
for _, pair := range kwargs {
k, v := pair[0].(String), pair[1]
if i := findParam(paramIdents, string(k)); i >= 0 {
if defined.set(i) {
return fmt.Errorf("function %s got multiple values for keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
locals[i] = v
if kwdict == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("function %s got an unexpected keyword argument %s", fn.Name(), k)
kwdict.Set(k, v)
// default values
if len(args) < nparams {
m := nparams - len(fn.defaults) // first default
// report errors for missing non-optional arguments
i := len(args)
for ; i < m; i++ {
if !defined.get(i) {
return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
cond(fn.HasVarargs() || len(fn.defaults) > 0, "at least", "exactly"),
cond(m == 1, "", "s"),
// set default values
for ; i < nparams; i++ {
if !defined.get(i) {
locals[i] = fn.defaults[i-m]
} else if nactual := len(args) + len(kwargs); nactual > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("function %s takes no arguments (%d given)", fn.Name(), nactual)
return nil
func findParam(params []compile.Ident, name string) int {
for i, param := range params {
if param.Name == name {
return i
return -1
type intset struct {
small uint64 // bitset, used if n < 64
large map[int]bool // set, used if n >= 64
func (is *intset) init(n int) {
if n >= 64 {
is.large = make(map[int]bool)
func (is *intset) set(i int) (prev bool) {
if is.large == nil {
prev = is.small&(1<<uint(i)) != 0
is.small |= 1 << uint(i)
} else {
prev = is.large[i]
is.large[i] = true
func (is *intset) get(i int) bool {
if is.large == nil {
return is.small&(1<<uint(i)) != 0
return is.large[i]
func (is *intset) len() int {
if is.large == nil {
// Suboptimal, but used only for error reporting.
len := 0
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if is.small&(1<<uint(i)) != 0 {
return len
return len(is.large)
func interpolate(format string, x Value) (Value, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
path := make([]Value, 0, 4)
index := 0
for {
i := strings.IndexByte(format, '%')
if i < 0 {
format = format[i+1:]
if format != "" && format[0] == '%' {
format = format[1:]
var arg Value
if format != "" && format[0] == '(' {
// keyword argument: %(name)s.
format = format[1:]
j := strings.IndexByte(format, ')')
if j < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incomplete format key")
key := format[:j]
if dict, ok := x.(Mapping); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("format requires a mapping")
} else if v, found, _ := dict.Get(String(key)); found {
arg = v
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key not found: %s", key)
format = format[j+1:]
} else {
// positional argument: %s.
if tuple, ok := x.(Tuple); ok {
if index >= len(tuple) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough arguments for format string")
arg = tuple[index]
} else if index > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough arguments for format string")
} else {
arg = x
// NOTE: Skylark does not support any of these optional Python features:
// - optional conversion flags: [#0- +], etc.
// - optional minimum field width (number or *).
// - optional precision (.123 or *)
// - optional length modifier
// conversion type
if format == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incomplete format")
switch c := format[0]; c {
case 's', 'r':
if str, ok := AsString(arg); ok && c == 's' {
} else {
writeValue(&buf, arg, path)
case 'd', 'i', 'o', 'x', 'X':
i, err := NumberToInt(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%%c format requires integer: %v", c, err)
switch c {
case 'd', 'i':
case 'o':
case 'x':
case 'X':
case 'e', 'f', 'g', 'E', 'F', 'G':
f, ok := AsFloat(arg)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%%c format requires float, not %s", c, arg.Type())
switch c {
case 'e':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%e", f)
case 'f':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%f", f)
case 'g':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%g", f)
case 'E':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%E", f)
case 'F':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%F", f)
case 'G':
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%G", f)
case 'c':
switch arg := arg.(type) {
case Int:
// chr(int)
r, err := AsInt32(arg)
if err != nil || r < 0 || r > unicode.MaxRune {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires a valid Unicode code point, got %s", arg)
case String:
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(arg))
if size != len(arg) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires a single-character string")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%%c format requires int or single-character string, not %s", arg.Type())
case '%':
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown conversion %%%c", c)
format = format[1:]
if tuple, ok := x.(Tuple); ok && index < len(tuple) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for format string")
return String(buf.String()), nil