blob: b7f3eeb9806cff8c08add641ef7ce49c9f30e6c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import * as PrimitiveSet from './primitive_set';
import {Constructor} from './util';
* Basic interface for wrapping a primitive.
* A PrimitiveSet can be wrapped by a single primitive in order to fulfil a
* cryptographic task. This is done by the PrimitiveWrapper. Whenever a new
* primitive type is added to Tink, the user should define a new
* PrimitiveWrapper and register it with the Registry.
export interface PrimitiveWrapper<P> {
* Wraps a PrimitiveSet and returns a single instance.
wrap(primitiveSet: PrimitiveSet.PrimitiveSet<P>): P;
* Returns the type of the managed primitive. Used for internal management.
getPrimitiveType(): Constructor<P>;