blob: 4f23a6d098f8fb72c3f2b7924324cb749f039600 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Optional;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
/** Header compilation options. */
public abstract class TurbineOptions {
* This modes controls how a probablistic Java classpath reduction is used. For each mode except
* {@code NONE} a speculative compilation is performed against a subset of the original classpath.
* If it fails due to a missing symbol, it is retried with the original transitive classpath.
public enum ReducedClasspathMode {
* Bazel performs classpath reduction, and invokes turbine passing only the reduced classpath.
* If the compilation fails and requires fallback, turbine finishes with exit code 0 but records
* that the reduced classpath compilation failed in the jdeps proto.
* Indicates that the reduced classpath compilation failed when Bazel previously invoked
* turbine, and that we are retrying with a transitive classpath.
* Turbine implements reduced classpaths locally, with in-process fallback if the compilation
* fails.
/** Reduced classpaths are disabled, and a full transitive classpath is used. */
/** Paths to the Java source files to compile. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> sources();
/** Paths to classpath artifacts. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> classPath();
/** Paths to compilation bootclasspath artifacts. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<String> bootClassPath();
/** The target platform version. */
public abstract Optional<String> release();
/** The target platform's system modules. */
public abstract Optional<String> system();
/** The output jar. */
public abstract Optional<String> output();
* The output jar.
* @deprecated use {@link #output} instead.
public String outputFile() {
return output().orElse(null);
/** Paths to annotation processor artifacts. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> processorPath();
/** Annotation processor class names. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<String> processors();
/** Class names of annotation processor that are built in. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<String> builtinProcessors();
/** Source jars for compilation. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> sourceJars();
/** Output jdeps file. */
public abstract Optional<String> outputDeps();
/** Output manifest file. */
public abstract Optional<String> outputManifest();
/** The direct dependencies. */
public abstract ImmutableSet<String> directJars();
/** The label of the target being compiled. */
public abstract Optional<String> targetLabel();
* If present, the name of the rule that injected an aspect that compiles this target.
* <p>Note that this rule will have a completely different label to {@link #targetLabel} above.
public abstract Optional<String> injectingRuleKind();
/** The .jdeps artifacts for direct dependencies. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> depsArtifacts();
/** Print usage information. */
public abstract boolean help();
/** Additional Java compiler flags. */
public abstract ImmutableList<String> javacOpts();
/** The reduced classpath optimization mode. */
public abstract ReducedClasspathMode reducedClasspathMode();
/** An optional path for profiling output. */
public abstract Optional<String> profile();
/** An optional path for generated source output. */
public abstract Optional<String> gensrcOutput();
/** An optional path for generated resource output. */
public abstract Optional<String> resourceOutput();
public abstract int fullClasspathLength();
public abstract int reducedClasspathLength();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_TurbineOptions.Builder()
/** A {@link Builder} for {@link TurbineOptions}. */
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder setOutput(String output);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setClassPath(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addClassPathEntries(Iterable<String> sources) {
return setClassPath(ImmutableList.copyOf(sources));
public abstract Builder setClassPath(ImmutableList<String> classPath);
public abstract Builder setBootClassPath(ImmutableList<String> bootClassPath);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setBootClassPath(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addBootClassPathEntries(Iterable<String> sources) {
return setBootClassPath(ImmutableList.copyOf(sources));
public abstract Builder setRelease(String release);
public abstract Builder setSystem(String system);
public abstract Builder setSources(ImmutableList<String> sources);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setSources(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addSources(Iterable<String> sources) {
return setSources(ImmutableList.copyOf(sources));
/** @deprecated use {@link #setProcessorPath(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addProcessorPathEntries(Iterable<String> processorPath) {
return setProcessorPath(ImmutableList.copyOf(processorPath));
public abstract Builder setProcessorPath(ImmutableList<String> processorPath);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setProcessors(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addProcessors(Iterable<String> processors) {
return setProcessors(ImmutableList.copyOf(processors));
public abstract Builder setProcessors(ImmutableList<String> processors);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setBuiltinProcessors(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addBuiltinProcessors(Iterable<String> builtinProcessors) {
return setBuiltinProcessors(ImmutableList.copyOf(builtinProcessors));
public abstract Builder setBuiltinProcessors(ImmutableList<String> builtinProcessors);
public abstract Builder setSourceJars(ImmutableList<String> sourceJars);
public abstract Builder setOutputDeps(String outputDeps);
public abstract Builder setOutputManifest(String outputManifest);
public abstract Builder setTargetLabel(String targetLabel);
public abstract Builder setInjectingRuleKind(String injectingRuleKind);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setDepsArtifacts(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addAllDepsArtifacts(Iterable<String> depsArtifacts) {
return setDepsArtifacts(ImmutableList.copyOf(depsArtifacts));
public abstract Builder setDepsArtifacts(ImmutableList<String> depsArtifacts);
public abstract Builder setHelp(boolean help);
abstract ImmutableList.Builder<String> javacOptsBuilder();
public Builder addAllJavacOpts(Iterable<String> javacOpts) {
return this;
public abstract Builder setReducedClasspathMode(ReducedClasspathMode reducedClasspathMode);
/** @deprecated use {@link #setDirectJars(ImmutableList)} instead. */
public Builder addDirectJars(Iterable<String> directJars) {
return setDirectJars(ImmutableList.copyOf(directJars));
public abstract Builder setDirectJars(ImmutableList<String> jars);
public abstract Builder setProfile(String profile);
public abstract Builder setGensrcOutput(String gensrcOutput);
public abstract Builder setResourceOutput(String resourceOutput);
public abstract Builder setFullClasspathLength(int fullClasspathLength);
public abstract Builder setReducedClasspathLength(int reducedClasspathLength);
public abstract TurbineOptions build();